Chances are....

By CandidKeeks

231K 7.2K 991

In this story we'll be following the lives of Justine Halloway and Bradley Jameston. Justine, a suburban brow... More

1. Meet Justine
2. Meet Bradley
3. Saying Hello
4. Bad News
5. He's hot
6. As Always
7. Nothing new to me
8. Not so bad
9. Go hard or go home
10. What are the odds?
11. If you don't mind...
13. I'm an idiot
14. Trust me will ya?
15. Firsts for everything
16. Bittersweet Farewell
17. Home Sweet Home
18. Emotional Meadows
19. But wait there's more
20. Well that was....eventful.
21. Can I kidnap your stuffed monkey?
22. Moving In
23. Mini Golfing?
24. What do YOU want?
25. Mind Games
26. Talk to him.
27. Fuck you
28. Too fancy
29. Resolved Issues?
30. Something Changed
31. Monster

12. Pool party...??

7.9K 241 21
By CandidKeeks


When we got back to the hotel last night we kind of awkwardly parted ways. when I say awkwardly, I mean AWKWARDLY! It was like;

"Thanks for the ice cream."

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"We're hanging out tomorrow."

"We are?"



"Goodnight Justine."

"uuuuuuh morn...night!"

Then I speed walked to my room, bumping into the house keeper and her little carty wheely thing. Way to go Justine. Right? If there was one thing I'd change about yesterday it'd have been everything. I guess I should drag myself out of bed, where the heck is Kara?

I counted to 3 and rolled onto the floor. "Am I really this lazy? Is this what my life has come to?" I mentally reprimanded myself.

"Room service!"

"The hell dude!?" Reasons I hate hotels; people knock on your door at 7 AM screaming room service.

"Room service!" the woman said again.

"Yeah uh, come back later will ya? Maybe when I'm a little less 'here'? That'd be great."

I crawled towards the bathroom, "It's too early for this." I stood up and glanced at the mirror, "Oh dear Jesus in heaven!" My hair had turned into a matted frizzy mess, I should have twisted it last night.I turned the shower jets on full blast and hopped in, I'd marry this shower, I really would.

I got out of the shower and reached directly into my carry-on and pulled out my straightener. An hour of torture and I'll be good as new.

I pulled out my laptop and watched a Shane Dawson playlist. Bring on the tears.....of laughter I mean.

I had half of my head done when in bursts Kara.

"Room service BITCH!"

"How.....explain to me how you got a key card to this room."

"Well I know a friend who reeeally knows the guy at the front desk."

"Do I even want a drawn out expossé?"

"I'm gonna tell you anyway!" she yelled, grabbing the straightener and brush from my hands.

"Giiiiiiiiirl let me tell you....." she began "Remember how I told you I was hanging with Ryan last night?"


"Well he's practically the best person ever, boy knows how to gossip and he's GAY!" That can't be true. Can it? Then again Ryan never did talk about girls.....

"Whoa whoa whoa wait, Ryan Sanders? Gay?"

"Straight up!"

"As in the twin brother of Rick Sanders?"

"Uh huh! Isn't it great!? He's gorge AND he's gay!"

"He doesn't seem gay though....."

"A guy can be masculine and gay Jay!"

"Oh right....whoa. Mind equals blown right now."

"Wait, why am I straightening your hair? The pool party is today."

"A pool party? How do you know the whole schedule and I'm just here being derpette??"

"That's life boo! Well it's already straight. Get dressed and let's bounce like my checks do!"

"Ugh!" I got up and crawled over to my suitcase. I don't even swim.

"Hurry uuuuup" Kara whined. I grabbed my tankini and a pair of shorts, I can't even remember the last time I wore shorts.

I brushed my hair up into a high pony, grabbed my phone, keys and Kara and I were pool bound with a loud "hashtag pool partaaay!!"

We got to the pool in less than 10 minutes, with Kara blabbering about how she can't wait to hang out with her new gbf!

"I'll catch you later babes, I'm gonna go say hi to Ryan!"

"Alright but, I don't know what you expect me to do I'm just-----" it's like she wasn't even listening, I watched her back retreat into the crowd of shirtless men and easy women.

"Well I guess it's just me and you phone." I said to myself, turning to find an isolated seat. I spotted one between an oddly place elderly man and a girl with way too much makeup on before I notice that I'd received a text from Brad. I start towards the seat and what feels like a brick wall hits me, sending my phone swan diving into the pool. Oh greeeat.

I felt myself falling and basically waited for the pain of hitting the ground. "See Justine, this is what you get for stepping too far out of your comfort zone" I cursed myself before realizing I wasn't falling anymore. I opened my eyes to a concerned looking, well tanned man.

"Are you alright?! I'm so sorry, I'll get your phone back." He said steadying me and jumping into the pool.

Ok, my phone is a goner, I think I'm going to cry. How does "it" get rescued by a hot guy while I'm just a bystander?

"I'm so so sorry" he apologized again, hoping out of the pool and handing my my phone. "I'll get you a new if you want! I'm sorry, I should've been watching."

"No no it's fine I needed a new one anyway..... Thanks again."

"I'm Weston by the way, I will seriously get you a new one."

"It's really alright, I'm Justine. See you around."I replied and bid him a farewell.

"Yeah, I'll see you around. Sorry again." He said before disappearing. I really despise people who repeatedly apologize. I can get a new phone.... In a few weeks when I get back home.

I stared down at my lifeless phone and sighed. "I'll miss you old friend."

"What was that?!" A startling voice rang from behind me before I was led away from the rustle and bustle of the party.

This better be a joke. "What is going on?!" I questioned, turning and becoming face to face with Bradley Jameston. Well, this should be interesting.

*** I'm sorry for how short this is!! Omg don't shoot. But really the next chapter will make up for my absence. I've caught the "lazy". So apparently Justine didn't punch that Weston guy in the face for flinging her phone into the pool.... I would have.

hope you guys enjoyed this tid bit, be sure to comment I need feedback and shtuff!!***

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