Connor/Murphy x Reader One Sh...

By LurchingLlama

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This is a book filled with Connor and Murphy MacManus x reader one shots, requests are currently closed. Some... More

Saint patricks day MurphyxReader
Tears. ConnorxReader
Date night. MurphyxReader
The sleeping problem. ConnorxReader
The drinking Incident. MurphyxReader
The snake. Murphy/connorxreader
Concussion ConnorxReader
Depression. MurphyxReader (For the most part)
First time. ConnorxReader
Haunted Amusement Park. MurphyxReader
The assignment ConnorxReader
The cold. Connor/MurphyxReader
The spider. MurphyxReader
Winter. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. Connor x reader part 1
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 2
Voices, figures and death. connorxreader part 3
Flirting. MurphyxReader
Trying something new. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 4
McGuinty's. MurphyxReader
the mix up
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader)part 1
Adopted siblings (boys x reader) part 2
Adopted Siblings (Boys x Reader) Part 3
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader) part 4
Shots For Shots (MurphyxReader)
For Better Or For Worse MurphyxReader

Shit Happens (best friends. boysxreader)

725 17 2
By LurchingLlama

okay i just wanna say that when i started writing this it was like three seconds before i went to bed so i didn't have a story line in place, it took me three days to finish and yeah, so, i hope its good though. :)

You sat on the couch of the MacManus twins and huff at the silence that over came the dimly lit apartment. "Im booorrreedddd" you complain as you lay spread across their couch. "Then do somethin' " Murphy said with a childish smirk, knowing that you hated whenever he would say that. "Come" you say, you arms are you and facing him lazily for him to come over to you. You hear a small sigh almost and a newspaper and a beer being put down on the table. Next, the wood chair scratching across the wood flooring of the old apartment. Murphy was soon in your embrace. You had a thing for cuddling and usually got the boys to cuddle back depending on the day and how busy they were or important that they were doing. Murphy laid on his side, your legs intertwined, his hand resting loosely on your hip while your hand rests on his neck as you close your eyes and sigh in content. "Better?" he asks you. "Thank you" you say happily and he kisses the top of your head. You didn't mean to or even really notice that you had accidentally fallen asleep in his embrace for god knows how long. You woke up to a slight ruckus that seemed to be coming from the radio that Connor had playing quietly in the kitchen as he finished off another beer, "Sorry." you say tiredly, feeling bad that you had probably made Murphy stay holding you for at least two hours, "Its fine, did ya get some sleep?" he asked in a sensor voice 'Yes. thank you" you reply and kiss his cheek, earning a smile from him. "You could've gotten up though, I know that you where probably bored or uncomfortable." you say a little self-consus that you had just had him stay there while you had your rest. "What? thats a fuckin' joke right?" he asked in an almost 'why the hell would I do that??' kind of manner. "My sweetheart gets the rest she needs, I don't got nothin' better to do then make sure of that,: he said in a stern tone, a small smile danced across his face at the end and you smiled, kissed his cheek once more. 'Sweetheart' is what the boys had been calling you for almost the entire time they had known you, You guys laid there for another few minutes before Connor had called his brother and you over to the table one they heard the door knock. "What you order?" you question as you take your seat at the table that was in-between Connor and Murphy. "Pizza." Connor replied as he opened the door and grabbed the box, paid, and came back over to the table, setting it down in the middle. You all ate and joked and talked, the sun quickly setting more then it already was. "No no no no no common" Connor said to you. "No! Will not! And have not!"" you laugh; now sipping on your beer. "Finnneee" Murphy said, pretending to pout. After about another hour, it was now about ten thirty finishing off your fifth beer, the boys had had god knows how many more then you though so was quite a bit drunker then you. "Okay boys, I'm turning in" you say with a slight slur. Usually when you guys would have a couple drinks they would insist you stay there for the night, not trusting the people in the outdoors world with a, and I quote, 'beautiful young woman such as yer self.' You headed over to where you would usually sleep on nights like this. They insisted you took one of their beds but you always told them that the couch was just fine. You threw yourself against the couch, closing your eyes as the boys continued to drink for a bit. You aren't sure if the boys had noticed your absence for about a good five minutes before you hear the chattering and laughing stop and you could hear one of them sigh slightly. Next, you heard beer bottles getting set on the table and chairs scratching on the floors. Footsteps where next. You heard heavy boots walking across the floor to you. You where half asleep when you heard all this, just awake enough to hear and remember but not awake enough to pull out of it. You felt arms under you after one of the pairs of footsteps stopped and, within seconds, you where lifted up and they once again started to walk. You subconsciously moved your hand up to their face to see who it was and instantly recognized it as Connor. You felt him almost trying not to laugh when he felt your finger lightly drift all over his face. He layed you down softly on one of their beds and kissed the top of your forehead before walking away. You felt blankets being put over you by who you assumed was Murphy but couldn't be sure until he talked, by then you couldn't be more certain. " 'night y/n." he whispered before walking over to what you assumed was the bed. You would've gotten up but unfortunately you fell asleep almost instantly. When you woke, the sun was shining brightly in the small apartment and you woke up to people walking around the room and speeking in whispers. You opened your eyes after a moment with a yawn. "Hey we're goin' ta work but feel free to stay if you'd like, we'll be back at about four" you heard Connor speak. "Okay. thank you" was you mumbled half asleep still reply. It took you about an hour to fully wake up so you where gonna be there for a while. "Coffee's in the pot if ya want some, foods in tha fridge if yer hungry." Murphy said, putting his boots on. "Thank you" you replied, your eyes closed again. You felt you needed more rest before starting the day off. though , you knew they were leaving so you forced yourself to get up. You knew that if you forced yourself up and got some coffee you could be awake sooner. You walked to the kitchen where you poured yourself some coffee, taking a couple sips now and then. It definitely wasn't the best coffee ever but you couldn't complain. Before the boys left they walked over, giving you a hug goodbye and a kiss each on your forehead. "Bye" you say with a smile and the boys where off. You wandered around the house until you where fully awake. You figured you would just stay until the boys got home and turned on the small TV before figuring out what you where gonna do. After a while, your mind soon took over and you passed out once again on the couch. You woke up to the door opening. "Fuck" you murmured groggily. "Aye, sleep well?" you heard Murphy speak in a worn out voice. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall back asleep," you say with a yawn. "It's alright, ya need it." Murphy said as his brother stumbled through the door. "You alright?" you asked as you saw Connor limping and his brother smirking slightly. "I dont wanna talk 'bout It." Connor muttered, going to the fridge for a beer. "Rough day?" you asked. "He's fine" Murphy said, walking over to the couch and sitting down at your feet. "Was work fun?" you asked. "Same as always" he smiled and helped you sit up, pulling you into a warm soft hug. You kissed his chest, seeing it was the only thing that you could reach. Murphy and Connor hugs where so nice, they where warm and calming. Brotherly, would be a good word. "Now." you start "bring me food" you say in a joking manner and Murphy laughed. Connor said nothing this whole time. He looked unhappy as he sipped almost miserably on his beer. "Connor what happened?" you laugh. "Dont, wanna talk about it" he muttered. Murphy whispered what had happened in your ear and you couldn't help but snort slightly. You and Murphy laid down for a moment before getting up to get a beer and food. It was about nine now and you all where at least lightly drunk, your where more heavily buzzed. You once again slept over, though, this time you slept on the floor with the twins. When you woke up you all had breakfast before you left to do errands and such. After having a fairly bad day, such as an infant puking on your shoe, the streets crowded so you had trouble getting to your destinations., it only got worse. When you finally got to your block and into your house, you didn't even have your groceries down before you heard your door knock. After an hour talk with your landlord, you where being kicked out of your own apartment. You where close to a breakdown when they left. As you thought about it more, you only riled yourself up and you felt a huge pit in your stomach. "What the fuck am I gonna do?" you muttered in a slightly choked voice You had two weeks' notice to be moved out of the house. You where gonna have to sell most your things and probably live in your old car that was currently in the shop. You had been fired from your job almost a week ago and have been trying to find a new one but have had no luck. You didn't know how you where gonna pay the bills for your car. You felt like you needed a drink but new that you shouldn't go wasting your money on it. You sat slumped on the floor, tears fell off your face, though no words or noises came from your mouth. You where currently trying to figure out a plan to get you on your feet and a new apartment within two weeks. You decided that having a breakdown on your floor wasn't gonna help anything so you got up and went to your laptop, attempting to look for any job you could find that had okay pay. Nothing. It was as if everything had evaporated off the face of the earth. This made a hopeless pit in your stomach well up again. You had never had this kind of feeling before, but you new that you hated it. You heard your phone ring and you picked it up. "Hm?" you say in an attempt to still get your shit together. Aye, do ya wanna get a drink with me and Murph tonight?" you heard Connors voice. "I -can't" you say, having to take another deep breath and keep your shit together Though, apparently your efforts where useless cause Connor knew something was up. "Everythin' alright?" he asked in a slightly worried tone. "No" you say your voice cracking as a couple tears start rolling down your cheek. "y/n what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "Everything Connor. Everything is wrong. Nothing is going right," you say, sobs now breaking through as you talked "What? Okay hold on sweetheart where comin' "he said in a soft voice and hung up. You felt hopeless, like nothing was gonna change and you where just gonna go downhill. In about twenty minutes, you heard your door open and the boys came into the kitchen where you sat on the tile floor in a corner sobbing. They didn't say anything, they just threw their arms around you for a moment. They weren't even gonna try and get you to talk right then, you where way too worked up. After a few moments you had stain their shirts with tears. They hugged you tightly and just let you cry, knowing that if it was bad enough to have you like this you where just gonna need to get it out, obviously you where way to stressed and needed to release some of it. After another ten minutes, you had calmed down a little. Connor had been stroking your hair calmly and Murphy was showing you pictures of dogs and cats on your laptop. Murphy wasn't as good at the whole calming thing like Connor was and attempted to cheer whoever was crying up with photo of whatever animals they liked. Connor kissed your head as Murphy commented on the different photos, making smart ass comments about them or just plan trying to be funny, yet failing horribly which made you smile slightly at his efforts. After another five minutes, you where able to talk again, and Connor attempted to have you talk about what had happened. "So what happened n/n?" Connor asked softly as Murphy turned your laptop off. "I can't f-find a job and I'm getting k-kicked out of here in t-two weeks" you sniff, the pit of stress still settled in your stomach.

"It'll be alright n/n, promise" Murphy said, patting your shoulder comfortingly. "Let's pack ya a couple bags and you can stay at our apartment until ya can get back on yer feet okay?" Connor said. "No I don't wanna be intruding" you say as Murphy ran his thumb over your cheeks to wipe the tears from your face. "Ya won't be, common Connor said, helping you up with his brother. They helped you pack a bag. You didn't put up to much of a fight sine you had the street or their apartment and didn't feel you had the strength at the moment to fight about it. They got some bags packed and you all headed out the door. The sun was setting as you guys started your walk to their apartment. By the time you guys got there and got your things in order, it was almost fully dark. They insisted you had a beer before you headed off to bed, knowing it would help you calm down a bit. You had cuddled up with Murphy. He knew that you needed to cuddle someone that night, knowing it helped you calm down and sleep better. You fell asleep cuddled up protectively in his arms, Connor in the bed next to you guys. When you woke up at about seven, you felt Murphy's arm wrapped around your stomach, your legs intertwined and his head was pressed against the back of your head. You could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck as he calmly breathed. He was obviously still asleep. You decided to go back asleep when you saw both of them where still asleep. You woke up about what you assumed was eight thirty to a door opening and closing. You knew that Murphy was still there, but was definitely awake. "Aye, sleep well?" he asked as you rolled over in his embrace to face him. "Mhm. thank you murph" you say, putting your arm around him for a hug. He smiled and hugged you back, kissed the top of your head seeing that the rest was buried in his chest at the moment. "Where is Connor going?' you questioned, remembering that he had left. "He's just gettin some more coffee, he'll be back in a few" he responded, "Do i have to get up?' you asked. Your voice was muffled since you had buried it in his chest but thankfully he could still hear you. "Well, ya don't have to do anythin' but its advised." he said with a small laugh. You sighed, knowing he probably wanted to get up. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here, it means a lot to me" you said after a second. "Yer welcome sweetheart." he replied and ran a hand over the back of your hair softly. "Okay. I'll get up when your ready" you add "Alright, im ready now but if ya wanna stay in bed i will or you can just stay." he told you. "No no no cause if I don't get up now I won't be getting up at all" you laugh. "Alright lets go, Connor will be back with the coffee in a few minutes so you'll have something to wake you up with." Murphy said, shifting both your bodies as he started moving. You both got up and Connor was back in about four minutes and started to coffee. Connor hugged you good morning as you sat down on the couch, still tired. You where almost back asleep when you heard Connor. "Y/n, stay up coffee is gonna be ready in just a sec." which snapped you back up and you nodded. After you had gotten your coffee, you felt better about life for the most part. You guys where deciding on what to do and figured the rest thing to do was to try and find you a job. Nothing. It was as if everyone didn't need help with anything anymore. The boys were in no rush to get rid of you though it seemed. "Alright well then yer gonna have ta go out of the street and sell yer shit" Connor joked, earning a jab in the shoulder from his brother. "Aye okay okay I was just jokin' "he said, rubbing his shoulder. The whole day they decided that the best way to keep anyone happy was to feed them beers and joke. That day was unproductive but they felt you needed just a resting day. You had been working with only one day off every week for the best five years and you where always stressed just so you where hanging off the cliff. That day went by quickly and you where passed out at the table with the boys by nine. This went on for days, you would attempt to find work but the boys would insist that you, 'chill tha fuck out fer a few days' You had took it upon yourself to clean up their apartment and such as repayment for them letting you stay and they couldn't say no cause you did it when they were at work. They always told you didn't need to do it though. You had worked on your art a lot and such so you did stuff that was slightly productive in your free time. You where a naturally good artist the boys would always tell you whenever they would convince you to show them you new projects. You loved them so much, they were always there for you when you needed, if they were on work and something was wrong with you they would come over anyways, they always encouraged you to do your art and such, they reassured you when you needed it and cuddled you when you where flipping shit and they listened and did whatever you said when you where pissed at them, though, that part was mostly cause they wanted to keep their life's. If they made you mad that means they did something BAD cause you never got mad at them. You where currently out on a walk when it was getting darker, heading back to their apartment when you just stopped, noticing you where completely lost. You had accidentally taken a wrong turn when you where thinking about other stuff. You where a little worried to be out at night on a Friday night in this town, mostly everyone went to bars and such and came out drunk, some people got fairly aggressive. You turned around to head back and try to retract your steps when you noticed that you didn't even remember really walking. You didn't even really know how long you had been walking. You figured that you should head back through the streets you do remember. You didn't recognize any of the streets so it was a hit and miss type thing. You had told the boys you where gonna be out for the day and didn't know when you where gonna be back so you knew that you didn't have the chance of them being worried that you weren't back and go looking for you. You wandered around, hoping maybe you could find a taxi or something. You didn't find any though. You just got worried more when it was getting darker, harder to see, and you weren't sure if you where getting closer or not. Everything was closed pretty much except for bars as far as you could see. You felt uncomfortable going in any and ask for directions, not sure what could happen. You had only been to one bar in your life and you ended up breaking a man's nose because he was getting handsy and violent. You took a breath and decided to go in and just ask, knowing that you where gonna be out all night if you didn't and that would probably be more dangerous. When you walked in, a gush of heat came over you as you walked into the lit up wood building. You looked around the place in hopes that just maybe the boys would be there. You knew the odds where one to three thousand though. When you took a look around the room you didn't see them after a very quick scan and sighed and decided to just walk up to the front. As soon as you stopped at the front, two men had asked to buy you a drink which you politely declined. The bartender was busy as hell though and didn't seem to even really know that you had walked in. You where about to head out the door when you heard someone call your name and you turned around immediately to see if they where talking to you or someone else with the same name. And that's when you saw him walking right towards you. "Rocco!!" you said with a sigh of relieve and happiness. "What tha fuck are you doing here?" he asked, obviously pretty drunk. "I am so fucking lost Rocco I came in here looking for directions back to Connor and Murphy's apartment but he didn't even seem to know that i was there." you tell him after giving him a hug. "I can show ya if you want," he said and you nodded. "Yes please" you, say in a almost helpless voice. "Alright hold on I'll meet y outside in just a sec.," he says, you nod, and head out the door as he heads back to the people you assume he had been hanging out with. After a moment, Rocco came out the door, asking you questions that you answered with fairly blunt answers as you guys walked to the boys apartment. Damn where you far off. You guys walked for an hour before getting to their apartment building. "Thank you so much Rocco," you say, hugging him and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Yer welcome, say hi to them for me," he says before departing as you open the building door. You headed up the elevator and opened the door, the boys where already asleep in their beds, shirts and boots where off, their hair messy. Murphy was on his side facing the door, his hand under his head and one leg straight while the other one was bent. Connor was lying on his back, his body was straight but her head was facing away from you. You carefully tiptoed to the couch and fell onto it, passing out before you could even take you shoes off. You hadn't found a job for almost a whole month, the boys insisted that you just stayed with them for as long as you pleased, also insisting that you didn't sleep on the couch. You insisted that they didn't leave and sleep on the couch, resulting in you sleeping with either one of them for the night, if you all weren't passed out on the floor or table. When you did finally get a job which was about three months later, they insisted that you stay for as long as you wanted, telling you that they really did enjoy your company. So that's how you lived, cleaning was how you payed rent and you did food shopping, though they insisted that you didn't need to, though, you thought it was best to have food, not just old pizza and beer. Live was good at the moment, you lived with your two best friends, your job wasn't nearly as stressful and you actually enjoyed it quite a bit, you had three days a week off, you made decent pay, you guys saw Rocco almost every two weeks. You truly believed after this that where darkness started there was always light at the end.

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