A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2...

By MystoganSeven

41.1K 1K 162

(Sequel to A Certain Powerful Omnitrix) It's been 2 months since Misaka Mikoto and Ben Tennyson stopped Albed... More

Vacation from Fame
An Old Enemy Returns
Ultimate Echo Echo meets the level 6
Accelerator and Impulser
Ultimate Intervention
The Many Sisters of Misaka Mikoto
The Daihaseisai.
ChromaStone Gets Halved
Vilgax v.s The Railgun
Accelerator's Proposition
Kaori Kanzaki v.s Atomix
The Gravity of the Situation
The Ultimate Rush
Touma get's Knighted
Diagon The Destroyer
Goop, Goop, Everywhere
To Start A War
Radio Noise
Space! Space! Space!
Pain of The Heart
GhostFreak Rising
Hero Time
Epilogue: War is Coming......And Love is In the Air!?

Spidermonkey goes Ape

1.4K 36 2
By MystoganSeven

The warehouse district was always nearly completely deserted. Because of the fact that gangs such as Skillout tended to hang out around here. Accelerator didn't mind, that made it useful to have secret meetings with anyone. Skillout was no match for him, and he was pretty sure that even with his injuries was more then powerful enough to stand against a group of level 0s. He was also pretty sure from what he heard that Tennyson's associate was none other then the Railgun herself. Accelerator had met Misaka before, but none of those occasions had been particularly pleasent. In fact the first two meetings had been as enemies. But Accelerator felt that with the kind of enemies they were dealing with, it was best to make sure of every asset.

Accelerator touched the electrode on his neck. Because of a handicap he had recieved during a crazy incident, Accelerator could no longer access his esper powers at will, his brain had been damaged so he couldn't make the calculations associated with esper powers, not without the electrode that was wired to his brain. However, the electrode had a limit in esper mode. He could only use his powers for a maximum of 30 minutes. Then he would have to replace the battery. Of course he could turn his battery off and on to conserve his power usage, but it was still an annoyance not to have the protection of his vector deflection 24/7.

Accelerator heard the sound of movement. Was it Skillout? No, this sounded like limping. Accelerator turned around to see Misaka Mikoto and Ben Tennyson in hospital clothes supporting each other and limping over to Accelerator's meeting spot.

"You fools are a wreck." Accelerator spat.

Mikoto glared at Accelerator. "You're the one who wanted Ben's help. He's injured, deal with it."

"I thought the Omnitrix sped up the healing process."

"It does." Ben said grimaceing with pain. "But that doesn't mean instant regeneration."

Accelerator rolled his eyes. "So tell me, who is it we're fighting? Whose the guy pulling the strings with my old aquaintices?"

"He's an intergalactic warlord named Vilgax." said Ben. "Right now he's trying to take over Academy City from the inside."

"So how is he going to do that?"

"We suspect that he's using espers ranging around level 4 to take out Antiskill and any other potential threats." said Mikoto. "Antiskill and Judgement officers have been hospitalized all over. The city is trying to keep it quiet right now, but reports have alot of descriptions matching some of the espers we've seen. With the exception of Sky Scorcher of course."

Accelerator blinked in confusion. "Sky Scorcher?"

Ben waved his hand. "Totally unrelated incident. The point is that Vilgax is gradually taking out the security of this entire city until he can make his final play."

"And his final play would be?"

Mikoto looked at Ben. "I think Touma is looking into that right now."

Accelerator chuckled. "Heh, that kid getting himself into trouble as usual. So I guess while he does his investigating we're going to take down Vilgax's esper friends."

"Yeah." said Ben. "And I think I know a place they would go." Ben took out a map of Academy City. And pointed at a spot that both Mikoto and Ben knew well.

"There have been of activity from the Plumbers and Antiskill here lately."

"Heh," said Accelerator. "Isn't that-?"

"The Radiowave company building?" Finished Mikoto. "Yes.....yes it is."

"Looks like I need to pay Albedo a visit." said Ben.

An hour later, a blue furred 4 armed monkey with four green eyes was across the vertical walls on the inside of the second to top floor of Radiowave. Spidermonkey crawled up to the ceiling and crawled along it upside down until he reached the elevator. Carefull to make sure no one noticed him, Spidermonkey crawled into the elevator and primed it for the top floor. Once the elevator started moving, Spidermonkey touched the Omnitrix badge on his chest and the sound of a communication device being activated was heard.

"Mikoto, I'm in." Spidermonkey said.

"Alright," Mikoto's voice was heard coming from the Omnitrix badge. "According to Kuroko it seems like all of Albedo's alien tech was confiscated after that incident 2 months ago. But he'll still have some tricks just in case, so be carefull."

"No worries Mikoto." said Spidermonkey. "His knock off Omnitrix is busted remember? I'll be fine."

"You better be." said Accelerator's voice. "Or I'll be coming in after you."

The elevator doors opened to review a magnificent room that over looked the Academy City skyline. At a fancy desk sat a boy who looked exactly like Ben only his hair was pure white and his eyes were red, plus he wore a red tuxedo.

"Hello Tennyson." Albedo said with a sarcastic smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Spidermonkey leaped out of the elevator and did a tremendous leap right onto Albedo's desk causing papers to fly everywhere.

"Please do be careful." said Albedo lazily. "I have a lot of stocks to look over and it would not do to have my paperwork scattered about."

"I need to talk to you Albedo." said Spidermonkey. "What do you know about Vilgax and espers?"

Albedo raised an eyebrow. "So you found out. I told HeartBreaker and StoneHalf that disobeying Vilgax's orders was not a good idea."

"So you do know!"

"Of course I know you twit." said Albedo. "I used to be part of Vilgax's great master plan two months back. But thanks to you, he threw me aside and instead made me a stupid babysitter for Impulser and his idiotic meatbags."

"Where are the espers Albedo?" Spidermonkey demanded. "What is Vilgax's end game?"

"Regarding your esper hunt, I'm afraid they haven't been back here in 2 days, I don't know where they are currently. As for Vilgax's end game, it involves something to do with tapping into some sort of network, though he didn't say what."

Spidermonkey felt his body go cold. "Like a network of clones?"

"What kind of strange theory is that?"

"Never mind."

Albedo looked at something behind Spidermonkey. "Oh dear, it appears that Vilgax knows you're here."

Spidermonkey looked behind him to find that multilegged metalic drones were dropping down from the roof, not good.

Mikoto looked up at the top of the Radiowave building from the outside, she wasn't able to hear the entire conversation between Ben and Albedo, but one thing she did hear, was the sound of a lot of smashing and roaring.

"Ben!" Mikoto said into the Plumbers badge in her hand. "What's going on? Are you alright!?"

Suddenly the top window of the Radiowave building exploded, and out leapt a giant black and purple furred gorilla with six eyes and 4 giant spider legs that came out of his back. Ultimate Spidermonkey used his spider legs to scale down the side of the building all the while smashing giant multilegged robots that were attempting leap on to him. When Ultimate Spidermonkey reached the ground three ginormous techadon robots landed on the ground next to him.

"I'm fine!!" Ultimate Spidermonkey yelled across the street. "Nothing short of the usual!!"

Mikoto blasted some drones apart with her lightning. "I thought you said you had this!"

"I do have this!" shouted Ultimate Spidermonkey as he grabbed  a Techadon's head with his large three fingered hand and ripped it off. "See? Those stupid robots have nothing on me!"

"You're still injured!"

"Its not my fault those psycho robots want to kill me!"

"Oh will you two please shut up!" Accelerator said as he kicked a Techadon and used vector control to send it flying at the speed of a bullet into a mass of other drones.

The last Techadon attempted to to blast Accelerator with a plasma blast. However, Accelerator's vector deflection caused the blast to merely bounce off and blast the Techadon's head off.

"Keh!" spat Accelerator. "This town has gotten crazy all over again."

Ultimate Spidermonkey ripped apart several more drones, but they were spilling out of the building like a bee hive. Ultimate Spidermonkey opened his mouth and sprayed a giant goo like webbing over the entrance of the Radiowave radiowave building as well as the opening on the top floor.

"That should buy us some time. Lets get out of here before they decide to send in enough to swarm the whole district!" Ultimate Spidermonkey grabbed Mikoto as Accelerator followed using vectors to increase his speed.

Together the threesome left the scene before the drones could cut through the webbing. Thankfully, due to the lost of their targets, the drones scuttled back inside the building leaving a bunch of wreckage galore. Behind a car watching the entire scene was none other then Gwen Tennyson.

"Ben, don't tell me you've got yourself into more trouble........"

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