little nothings || a.b.

By jules_styles18

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"Your lips tasted like nicotine, and I got addicted." More



850 46 12
By jules_styles18

"You don't know what you're saying so stop thinking that you do. You always think you know everything, but you don't, Scarlet. "  He practically growls. My pulse quickens, but it feels good to get under his skin like that.

"Oh, but I do." I say smugly. 

"No you don't!" He screams. "You think you know me, but you don't! I don't want you to!"

"You're right, I don't because I don't want to either! All I know is this asshole who takes the opportunity to hurt me every chance he gets. Is that all you want from me? To hurt me? You're such an awful person, Andy! " Tears stream down my cheeks in steady streams. 

"You're not innocent here. You're just so provoking - actually, you provoke me on purpose! What did I tell you before you left? I told you not to touch my things, and what do you do? You touch my things!" He yells, louder than I did.

"Provoke? I provoke you?" I laugh at the irony. "Please, elaborate your statement."

"Damn it! You're constantly arguing with me about every little thing! You're so stubborn, and you never listen to anything- Fuck! See! If you would have listened to me we wouldn't be arguing in the first place. You think I like acting this way? You think I like that you're able to control so many of my emotions? I despise the way I cannot get you off of my mind! I hate you, Scarlet. I really do. And if you think that we are dating or something just because we mess around, we aren't. I don't date - especially you. You're nowhere near my type. Everybody messes around, it doesn't mean anything to me. At all. I can't believe you would have the nerve to think that. Don't even say you didn't because I know you did." He looks at me, and I use all of my power to glare at him right in his eyes. I pretend he didn't just tear me apart with every word, every breath.

"This!" He says while gesturing to me. "This is what I'm saying! You make me go fucking insane! You like that, don't you?  That's why you stick around."

I want to get out of this house and never come back. I want to run until I can't feel my legs, forget everything, every single mistake. This whole relationship was a mistake. Is this even healthy enough to consider a relationship? I need to leave.

I try to control myself, but I explode, "No! I stick around because I lo-" 

As soon as the words start to escape my mouth, I cut them off.

Andy's face softens and he leans forward a bit almost as if he didn't catch on, "You what?"

"Nothing. It's pointless. You'd probably laugh in my face anyways." I look down at my toes and a tear falls on to my shoe. I watch as it spreads slowly across the fabric, leaving a dark mark. "I need to go." I sniffle and turn away. "Scarlet, don't leave." I hear the emotion thick in his voice, but I turn around. I know if I do that he will have me completely wrapped around his finger. There's no way he can hurt me further than he has right now. He knows exactly what my weaknesses are and aims for them, knowing it will hurt me and tear me apart.

"I'm not going to stand here and let you tell me how much you hate me. I'm tired of you hurting me, and I honestly can't bare anymore." I practically whine.

"I'm... I'm sorry." The words came out strained. I knew they were without even looking at his face, I heard it in his voice so strongly. 

I feel myself beginning to break and take more steps forward, directly away from my cause of pain. 

"Damn it, don't go. Please."

"Why shouldn't I?" I ask, turning to look at him. Pain twists his face as soon as my eyes meet his.

"You love me?" He asks me. He says it as if the action is unbelievable, impossible even. 

I stay silent and break my eyes away from his. "Scarlet, answer my question." 

"How could you not know that I do?" I whisper. 

"You were about to leave me." He says.

"I know. You've done a lot of damage." I say quietly. He sighs while taking long strides to get to me. He puts his fingers under my chin and lifts my eyes up to his, "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you? I want to be more. More than.. friends. I know I need to work on how I treated you - treat you, actually. This is all just new for me, so give me some slack-"

"I have, Andy." I snap.

"Just give me another chance. Please, Scarlet, I'm begging you." His eyes are glassy as he looks down at me. 

"You just told me that you don't date and that I'm not you're type. You just said that all of this doesn't mean anything to you." I shake my head in confusion. I've never met someone who can drive me as crazy as Andy.

"I... I know." He says quietly.

"You said that all just to hurt me?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He confesses.

I nod in disappointment, and he grabs my hands, "Please, just let me try to be the man you deserve. Let me try to treat you the way you should be treated. I'm not saying this will be all sunshine and rainbows, but I'm saying I will try."

I look up at his hopeful eyes, "You're just saying that."

"Scarlet, I'm done just saying things." He assures me. 

"I thought you don't date?" I ask him with a laugh. He smiles, "Well, you've changed that. That's a first for me for sure." My heart lightens a bit as he mentions me being a first for him because there are a lot of areas where I cannot, but the weight on my heart is still very heavy.

"I love you, Scarlet. You are my world." He tells me.

"I love you, too." I tell him, but he shakes his head.

Running him thumb over my bottom lip, he says,"Say my name when you say it." 


"So I know you're talking to me when you say it. Not anyone else." I giggle, "No one else is here." He doesn't laugh or smile or anything of the sort, his face stays serious so I know the matter is really important to him.

"I love you, Andy." Faster than I can process, he pulls me in for a long, tight hug. I was expecting a kiss, but in a way, I find this better. 

"So, where did you go?" I ask with a giggle.

"I'll only tell you under one certain condition." he says while pulling away from me. "What's that?" I ask. "Please, stay for tonight. I don't want you to leave, I'm scared you won't come back." I frown, "Andy, I'm here for as long as you want me to be. However long that may be." He smiles his broad, white Andy smile and his lips connect with mine, making me completely forget my question.


double update since i haven't updated in a while! let me know your thoughts so far!! i love you all and thank you for the amazing reads, comments, and votes! it all means soooo much to me. more than you all realize. i really hope you guys have enjoyed the book so far and my writing. let me know if you have any questions or concerns! thank you again!

15 votes and 15 comments for the next chapter!


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