Breaking Free

By OrWhateverrr

15.3K 904 223

Taking care of her 4 year old nephew and all by herself, Kaia takes a task. Soon she reunites with her deceas... More



609 32 6
By OrWhateverrr


I walked into my mom's house with the boys in front of me. They ran into the living room while I looked for mom.

"Mama?" I called for her as I looked into the kitchen and spotted her drinking some tea with a magazine in her another hand. "Oh hey." I kissed her forehead then looked in the refrigerator.

"Hi Makaia." She used my full name so I already knew I was about to get a lecture. "What're ya doin' here? Shouldn't ya be wit' ya little boyfriend at his house?" I rolled my eyes and took out some strawberries.

I forgot that I didn't tell my mom about moving in with August. I haven't talked to her since Kayla's funeral I think which was a month ago.

"One, August isn't my boyfriend. Two, how'd you find out?"

"Sheila told me." She said as she shook her head. "Can't tell ya own mama about you moving in with a man I see."

"I'm sorry, ma. It happened pretty fast. Plus I've been busy but I can make it up to you." I told her.

She waved me off,"I'm just messin' wit ya, child. August a good one so I already know you in good hands."

"You're making it sound like we're dating or something." I laughed.

"I can tell ya like him though." She told me so I looked up at her.

"What? No I don't."

"When I called him ya little boyfriend, you blushed so I already know what that means." She smiled,"So are ya gonna tell me the truth or ya gonna lie ta me?"

Since me and August kissed, I've been trying to avoid the thought of liking him. I feel like if I tell him then it's going to ruin our friendship.

"She does!" Mal popped out of nowhere with Jayson right behind him. "You can tell by the way she looks at him." He added with a smirk.

"Where'd y'all even come from?" I asked as Jayson took one of my strawberries and ate it.

Mal tapped his chin while looking at the ceiling,"My mom said that superman came down to the earth and gave me to her. So I came from Krypton."

I laughed because I know that he doesn't know where babies really come from so he thinks that he's from a whole other planet.

"Hey! You didn't answer grandma's question yet." Jayson said with a strawberry in his mouth.

"Fine but this has to stay between us four." The three of them leaned in closer to hear my answer. "I might have a little bit of feelings for August."

"I knew it!" Mal and Jayson both cheered then ran back to the living room.

"So, do ya think he likes ya back?" Mom asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, ma. I think I just wanna lay low 'bout it." I told her honestly so she nodded and agreed with me.

August is trying to work on becoming famous so I don't want to just come out of nowhere and tell him I like him. That would just break his train of thought about it all.

I don't mind just sitting back and keeping quiet about it. Being August's friend is better than nothing.


Dear August Alsina,

I heard your sound on your account. It's really something else, in a good way of course. You got some real talent that you need to share. I want to have an interview with you up in New York City.

Sincerely The One and Only,
Russell Simmons

I had to re-read the message I got like 50 times. This is so unbelievable. I just put up this video of me singing a snippet of my song almost four days ago and I already have a lot of positive feedback.

But to see that Russell Simmons dm'd me about how he wants an interview with me is a dream. I just need someone to pinch me.

For sure man. Thank ya so much.

After I sent that, I lost my cool and started to dance. Then I realized I looked crazy dancing to no music. So I turned on 'Black Beatles' by Rae Sremmurd.

The door opened while I was dabbing and Kaia came inside the house. She nodded her head to the best so I spun her around since she wasn't looking at me.

We started to dance together then Kaia did the dougie. I laughed so she looked at me as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's funny? I wanna laugh." She said with her straight face.

"Whatcha doin', ma?" I asked her referring to her dance moves.

"Oh so ya hatin' on my dougie?" She smirked while doing dougie once again.

"If that's what ya want ta call it." I chuckled then turned off the music.

"Why were we dancing anyways?" She asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Russell Simmons seen my video and wants to have an interview with ya boy." I smiled as Kaia attacked me with a hug.

I heard sniffling so I looked down at her,"Why ya cryin', Kai?" I asked her as tears rolled down her face.

"I'm just really proud of ya, Aug." She said then wiped her tears. "Just don't let any hoes get ta ya though. Can't be catching anything."

"I gotchu ma." I chuckled, starting to remember a time when I was being a player. Or tried at least.

Me and Cameron were outside playing basketball with a couple of our other friends in Cameron's backyard.

When I got the ball, a boy pushed me to the ground and I scraped my knee. "Owww!" My 8 year old self yelled.

Cameron helped me up as I glared at the boy who pushed me. He gave me a small smile then grab the basketball that was on the ground.

"I can go get the ice myself." I told Cameron who was walking me inside his house.

He raised an eyebrow,"Ya sure? I can tell my mom to get it fa ya."

"Nah. Ima be the man that I am and get it myself." I smiled as Cameron nodded and went back to play basketball.

When I walked in the kitchen, I seen Cameron's 7 year old sister, Makaia. She was sitting on the island while doing homework.

I raised my hand to my mouth and checked to see if my breath smelled. It kinda had a smell to it but I know I can still get her though.

I sat next to her with a smile on my face as she didn't acknowledge me or even look at me! I faked a cough so she'll notice me but she still didn't.

"Hey Kaia." I finally said which made her look at me then back at her homework.

"Whatcha want August Alsina?" She asked me with an attitude.

"Dang, I can't say hi ta ya?"

"No. You always call me cute and my brother said that's flirting. I don't want you ta flirt wit' me." She told me so I put my hand on my chest.

"Who me? Never!" I lied straight through my teeth. Kaia had me sprung. I thought she was cute and I loved how smart she was.

Even though she's younger than me and my friend's sister, that didn't matter to me. I did have a few lil girlies in my class that liked me and I liked them back though. I was a lil playa.

She gave me a straight face then scrunched up her nose. "Ewwww! Ya breath stink boy!" She covered her nose.

I knew I should've got a mint! "Umm..I-uh." I couldn't think of anything to say. She made me nervous at times.

"It's fine. I like ya stinky breath." She giggled so I laughed with her.

I didn't even realize I forgot to get ice for my knee.

"August!" Kaia snapped me out of my thoughts so I looked at her.

"I said when are ya goin' to the interview?"

"Oh, Ion know all dat yet. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be soon though." I told her so she nodded.

Then I realized that Malachi and Jayson weren't here to talk my ear off.

"Aye, whea' da little animals at?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"They wanted to spend the night over my mom's." She said and sat down next to me.

Even though they've only been living with me for a month now, it's feels weird to not hear Malachi screaming and Jayson repeating what Malachi was saying.

It honestly feels decent to have people who I love and care about live with me. It makes me feel like we're a real family.


^ Young Aug 😻^

Hola👋🏽! I'm starting to make these a little longer, I'm kinda proud😊. Oh and I published my new story, You're Mine. Excuse any mistakes though🤕.

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