A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2...

By MystoganSeven

41.1K 1K 162

(Sequel to A Certain Powerful Omnitrix) It's been 2 months since Misaka Mikoto and Ben Tennyson stopped Albed... More

Vacation from Fame
An Old Enemy Returns
Ultimate Echo Echo meets the level 6
Accelerator and Impulser
Ultimate Intervention
The Many Sisters of Misaka Mikoto
The Daihaseisai.
Vilgax v.s The Railgun
Accelerator's Proposition
Kaori Kanzaki v.s Atomix
Spidermonkey goes Ape
The Gravity of the Situation
The Ultimate Rush
Touma get's Knighted
Diagon The Destroyer
Goop, Goop, Everywhere
To Start A War
Radio Noise
Space! Space! Space!
Pain of The Heart
GhostFreak Rising
Hero Time
Epilogue: War is Coming......And Love is In the Air!?

ChromaStone Gets Halved

1.4K 39 14
By MystoganSeven

Accelerator was walking through the crowded stands looking for a seat in the crowded stands, he never really liked going to sporting events, but this wasnt for him. In the hand that wasnt leaning on his futuristic walking stick he held the hand of a small girl. This strange little girl was another one of Misaka Mikoto's 'sisters'. She was also known a Last Order. As it turned out, all of Misaka's sisters were indeed as Ben suspected during his previous encounter with Touma. They were all clones. They had been created as part of a secret project known as Radio Noise (at first without Mikoto's knowledge). Before the project shut down, Last Order had supposedly been the final clone to be created. As of now, Last Order and another clone named Misaka Worst, were currently residing under the care of Accelerator. Last Order had wanted to see the Daihaseisai for her self. So of course she didnt stop badgering Accelerator until he gave in to coming. And now here they were looking for good seats to watch the famous Tokwadai Middle School slaughter their first challengers.

"Tsk," said Acclerator. "I dont get why we have to watch this event. Everyone knows that Tokwadai is going to win anyways, those level 0s in Newton High School are just going to eat dirt as always."

Last Order looked up at Accelerator. "Misaka wanted to watch big sister compete. Says Misaka as Misaka looks away and continues to look for her original down in field below." (for those of you who didnt read the previous chapters, no its not a typo, the clones really do speak in the third person.)

Thats right, thought Accelerator, the Railgun is down there. I guess any event she competes in will be watched by anybody who has an eye.

Accelerator scanned the crowd of girls down on the Tokwadai side of the field until he saw the girl he was looking for. Sure enough, the brown haired Misaka Mikoto was down there drinking from a sports drink bottle.

"Heh, she's going to slaughter them." said Accelerator with an amused grin.

"Actually, Misaka wouldnt be too sure about that, says Misaka as Misaka remembers that the other school now has their own powerhouse weapon."

"Really?" Said Accelerator only pretending to be interested. "Who did they get?"

"Ben Tennyson, says Misaka excitedly as Misaka scans the other side for the boy."

Ben Tennyson huh? Accelerator looked around the crowd of the other school. He had heard about the boy who had the ability to turn into aliens. Besides that bit of information, Accelerator knew that Ben was a level 1 esper who was fairly close to level 2. After that, he was pretty much in the dark, Accelerator didnt pay much attention to these kinds of things, he was more interested in the promise of good hand to hand esper combat. Accelerator suddenly flashed a look behind him. That was strange.........He almost felt as if someone had been watching him. Not far away, standing in the shadows next to some unconscious security from Antiskill, StoneHalf watched, blowing another peice of the gum that she always carried.

Ben Tennyson looked at all his classmates. Every one of them were either looking down at the ground dejectedly or lying on the ground napping. The only one who was actually showing any enthusiasm was a black haired light tan skinned girl named Julie Yamamoto.

"Come on guys!" Julie said in an attempt to be upbeat. "Just because they have a bunch of level 4s on their end, doesnt mean they can break our competetive spirit!"

But of course, the competetive spirit at the moment was at an all time, not particularly unusual, low.

Julie, however, was not the type to give up easily. "I know you guys think its hopeless, but maybe if we actually tried once in a while we would actually win."

Ben barely heard what Julie was saying. At the moment he was too busy looking at her beautifull eyes and how her short black hair seemed to ripple like the ocean, and how his body temperature right now was probably comparable to that of HeatBlast.

Suddenly the arrival of a panicked student drove him out of his stupor. "Bad news everyone! The event schedule changed at the last moment, we arent doing the pole assualt event, they switched it to a calvary battle instead!!"

Everyone groaned. Even Julie looked taken aback.

"But why would they do that!?" Julie said increduosly. "Its not like them to suddenly change the event schedule like that!"

"I dont know." said the other student. "But it kind of explains the empty field and lack of poles, dont you think?"

The Calvary Battle was a event in the Daihaseisai where the both sides engaged in an all out knock out battle. Considering that one side was made up of mainly level 0s 1s and 2s, and the other side was made up completely of level 4s and one extremely amped up level 5, it was easy to see why everyone was looking even more dejected now.

"Everyone please......" Said Julie desperately. "Now isnt the time to be feeling down...."

But nobody seemed to be listening anymore. Nobody but the love struck Ben that is.

"Hey!!" Ben shouted suddenly. "Julie is right, as long as we all have the right motivation...WE CAN WIN THIS!!!! Which is why I have come up with the perfect solution. You see my cousin Gwen is here today. If we make 1st place, I'll get her to make another one of her white chocolatte rasberry cheesecakes for everyone!!"

Everyone's attitude suddenly changed. They all gathered around Ben going "R-really?" and "No way, I havnt eaten one her cakes in ages!" It was as if someone had injected them with some kind of vigor serum.

Julie looked at Ben with surprised joy. "Thanks!"

Ben gave Julie the thumbs up sign. "When in doubt, trust in cheesecake!!"

Meanwhile on the other side, Mikoto was busy stretching and warming up. Next to her, a level 4 named Kongou Mitsuko was bragging around as usual.

"My, why couldnt they give us a challenge for the first event?" Mitsuko said arrogantly. "I mean surely they dont expect us to actually break a sweat against the school that is constantly in last place do they?" Mitsuko laughed and closed the japanese oriental fan that she always carried with her.

"Well Im not underestimating any of them." said Mikoto. "And you shouldnt either."

Mitsuko looked at Mikoto with surprise. "My, my. You're actually taking this seriously. I thought you would have been bored to go up against a school like that."

Mikoto gave a determined smile. "There is actually in that school, that I hope to give my all against."

An announcement sounded, signalling for the students to take their places.

"All right!" Mikoto shouted. "Lets do-.........eh?'

Mikoto had just noticed the other team. Everyone there including Ben had an extremely serious expression on their faces. That look wasnt just competetive.....It was as if Tokwadai had kidnapped a baby or something and they were coming to take it back. Mitsuko noticed as well.

"They seem rather determined.......dont they?" Mitsuko said nervously 

The whistle sounded......and the chaos began.

Ben ran forward with the rest of his school as they charged Tokwadai. Giant dust clouds filled the area as espers began activating their abilities and level 0s just launched themselves onto others attempting to tackle everyone to the ground. One of the Tokwadai girls spotted Ben and immediately began fireing laser beams from her hands. Ben dodged the move and activated the Omnitrix. It was time for this girl to get a nasty surprise. A green light surrounded Ben and his body was suddenly made of hard indestructable stone. His now tall and durable body consisted of six magenta crystal shards on his back, two shards on his chest, and one long crystal that resided on the top of his head like a horn. His face was also a magental crystal with one green eye that glowed with light. His hands had also become four fingered Magenta crystals as well. ChromaStone ran at the girl who had fired the laser, who despite her initial surprise, began firing another laser at ChromaStone. The moment the laser hit ChromaStone, the energy suddenly turned multicolored and absorbed itself into ChromaStone like a light sponge.

"Try not to act so surprised!" ChromaStone shouted as his body emitted a multicolored laser blast that knocked the girl off her feet.

ChromaStone concentrated and began to glow with more multicolored light. Immediately, laser blasts fired from multiple points on his body and took down many of the opposing team without missing a single mark. Many of the remaining Tokwadai students began taking notice and started ganging up on ChromaStone. Some of them, who figured out ChromaStone's ability to absorb and redirect light rays, had gotten their kinetic espers to manipulate rocks and throw them at high speeds into ChromaStone's body. But the tough silicon and crystal skin would not even get a scratch. 

"That tickles." Said ChromaStone as he took down the kinetic espers with two more beams.

Suddenly Mitsuko charged at ChromaStone and put a hand against his hard chest. A sharp wind was felt and ChromaStone was thrown back about 30 meters.

"Sorry, but your little charade ends here." Said Mitsuko in her prideful voice. " For now you will come up agianst Tokwadai's Kongou Mitsuko-." Before she could finish her sentence, a multicolored laser knocked her off her feet.

"No......fair..." Mitsuko said as she faded out of conciousness.

All that was left on the Tokwadai side now, including Mikoto, were around 5 students. On the Newton side, all that was left was ChromaStone, Julie, and boy who was known throughout the school for being obsessed with cheesecake named Riku.

Riku ran at the opposing team shouting "CHEESECAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!"

Mikoto suddenly sparked and a lightning spear shot out and took Riku full in the chest leaving him smoking on the ground. Okay.....so now it was just ChromaStone and Julie.

"Well....." said ChromaStone. "We had a good run."

"Yeah." Said Julie. "Isnt that Railgun girl a friend of yours though?"

"Yeah, but right now she's in 'you better not go easy on me mode' so I dont think we can reason with her."

Julie smiled. "That's not what I meant. That hunk of rock seems pretty strong....think you can take on your friend while I wrap up the other four?"

ChromaStone looked at Julie for a moment. Julie was a level 3, the highest level in Ben's class. But those other four espers were obviously level 4s. Julie was really pushing it.........but how could he say no to those beautifull beautifull eyes!? (It was strange that Ben was totally attracted to a human even when he was currently a completely different species.)

ChromaStone rose up into the air 20 meters. "Alright then, I guess that leaves me to deal with Sparky then!"

Julie raised an eyebrow. "Really? That hunk of rock can actually fly?!"

"This hunk of rock can do a lot of things when he puts his mind to it!"

Mikoto looked at ChromaStone with grinning.

"What's with the smile?" ChromaStone asked. "You know electric attacks don't work on my light energy absorption."

"Yeah you're right." Said Mikoto as her bangs began to spark again. "But you dont seem to realize that I have other tricks up my sleeve as well."

Suddenly, as if on a sudden whirlwind, black sand began rising out of the ground and surrounding ChromaStone. Iron, Mikoto was using electromagnetism to control all the Iron particles in the ground. The mass of black iron sand began to pull ChromaStone down from the air by his arms and legs, like some sort of large black tendrils. ChromaStone tried to use his powerful rock like strength to break out, but to no avail. Finally ChromaStone was face planting in the ground, the iron sand pressing him to the ground like a sandwich.

"Come on Ben." Mikoto said with a smirk. "I thought this was going be more of a challenge."

"Yeah? well your darn training excersises made me tired okay?"

Mikoto snorted. "It's your own fault for not thinking before you just charged head on."

"Oh yeah? well guess what Mikoto."


"Its not over until you knock me out right? So how are you going to do that?"

Mikoto paused then suddenly looked bewildered. "Darn it!! How am I supposed to knock out an indestructible alien that absorbs light radiation!!?!?"

But Mikoto didnt have time to ponder that question. Because she was suddenly knocked out from behind by Julie Yamamoto, whom through miraculous circumstances, had managed to knock out the 4 other remaining espers.

The sand fell off of ChromaStone like it was nothing and he stood up looking at Julie with his mouth wide open.Julie just smiled and shrugged. Mikoto groggily got up and looked at Julie as well with her mouth wide open. The elite Tokwadai Middle School had just been beaten by Academy City's biggest losers Newton High School.

The silence was suddenly broken as ChromaStone began to laugh. "Well that certainly was something!"

ChromaStone moved his hand over to the Omnitrix badge on his chest so as to change back into Ben, but before he could, a girl came up in front of him as from nowhere. She wore a goth outfit and her blonde hair was in two twin pony tails. StoneHalf touched ChromaStone's chest remorselessly with one finger.

"Yes." said StoneHalf in a bored voice. "That certainly was something."

A loud cracking sound was heard, and ChromaStone was thrown back into the dirt unconscious. And on his chest was a deep 3 foot long fissure. 

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