Is this love?

By GailynAScott

4.5K 126 43

"You!" I was barely aware of the words leaving my mouth as his lips swoop down on mines kissing me deeply an... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chspter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The Wedding

chapter 6

168 4 0
By GailynAScott

Looking at the time I knew it was 3:00pm because the same feeling came over me again. I have notice for a week now at around this time I starting feeling ill, my stomach start cramping and I starting feeling nauseous as well as weak.

Rushing to the bathroom and emptying my lunch into the toilet bowl. I vomit until my stomach was empty and there was nothing more to bring up. I stand and  hold on to the sink for support my kneels felt weak, and my abdomen hurt from the reverser peristaltic. I wanted to cry but I told myself not to be weak. After washing my mouth and fixing my makeup I returned to my office and call Joan in asking her to make an appointment for me with my doctor.

I could not denied it anymore I was sick, something was wrong with me. I can’t keep telling myself its just food poising and not do anything about it. My heart drum in my chest as I finally admit to myself that something was wrong. I needed to see a Doctor, but before I face my fear of what could be wrong with me I needed to  think, to just stop and think. Packing up my stuff for the day I felt an overwhelming sadness over my predicament. I needed some time to myself. To be me and not the Nessa that I show everyone and not  the Nessa that Raven and K.P see me as, I don't know why put it's like I play a role for all the person's in my life. 

The world saw me as a spoil rich girl who date famous actors, a different one every month, little did they know that they were friends that I just accompanied on the red carpet because my publicist thought it would be good for the company.  Most of my employees saw a cold hard ruthless business woman to be respected and to fear. Few see the real me and as much as I may look like I have everything going for me I was lonely. I had my happy ending and throw it all away.

Smiling sadly, I ask Joan to call Kelly in, needing to go over my schedule with her. It was time for me to take a vocation.

“Ms. James! Joan said you wanted to see me” hearing Kelly voice I look up from my iPhone where I was messaging Raven and K.P telling them that I would be going to Montana for two weeks on vocation. In that short time I knew I wanted to go somewhere people don't know who I am and where I could be myself.

“Yes, come in and have a seat” As I talk to Kelly I was packing up my desk and concentrating on what I was doing, now that my mind was make up, I wasn't to leave as soon as I could. Feeling excited about going away.  

“ I’m taking two weeks vocation from tomorrow and I need you to handle all my meeting and carry my work load whiles I’m away. You’ll let your intern take your workload off you so you wouldn’t have too much to do, Can you handle it?” I look up at her, as she answered me.

“Yes Nessa, I could handle everything” she said smiling         

“You know you’ll be using my office for the next two weeks right” I asked her.

“Yes” “okay then that’s all for now. Send Luke in on your way out” I said to her as I stand open the safe on the back wall taking out all my personal effects that I wanted to move before she occupies my office. Putting everything in my briefcase and some into a box I hear Luke entered.

“Going somewhere Nessa”

“Yes Montana, its time for me to take a break and relax”

“Are you going to find a cowboy and shake up with him for the two weeks?” he asks. And I can’t help but laugh. “Still thinks sex could fix everything Luke?”  Turning to face him seeing that silly grin that he always has on his face, his face then turn serious.

"Is there something to fix Nessa, I though everything was okay"

Smiling brightly at him "everything is okay, I just need a break that's all" hoping I convince him that everything was okay. I don't know why but I didn't want Luke to know or anyone else to know that I wasn't well.  

“Make yourself useful and carry down this box and briefcase to the car for me please and whiles you are walking out tell Joan I want to see her please.”   with his eyes still on me he brought his wrist up to his mouth and spoke to someone  thought it.

"Why don't I believe you Nessa"

"I don't know Luke, Who knows what goes on in that head of your "

 As we talk one of the security officers from the office nearby walks in and picks up my box and briefcase. I guess he called someone to carry down my things to the car.

Shaking my head at him to let him know that the conversation was over. I pick up phone and call Joan into my office giving her a list of things I needed her to do before she leaves for the day. Letting her know that Kelly will be taking over for me whiles I’m away. After packing up Luke and I left for home.

Arriving home K.P rush out the house to greet me as I leave the car.

“Oh Nessa!”

She said in one of her totally dramatic way. “Of all the places in the world you can visit you decide on  Montana.


It’s so boring there! Couldn’t you have picked an exciting place Atlanta or Las Vegas or even Paris, where there’s at least some good nightclubs.”  Laughing at K.P I continue walking into the house carrying my briefcase as Luke bring in the box.

“Is that why you rush out here to tell me, choose a city that has a good night club” I stop just as I entered house and looked at her. What didn’t surprise me was she looked complete sincere about wanting me to choose a more exciting place.  “I google it whiles you were on your way home it looks totally boring”

“Don’t listen to her Nessa, I google it too, there's  lots of thing to do there. Like horse riding, fishing and golfing.” I smile as Raven list two of my favorite sports. Raven is always encouraging me to do what I wants.

“ Girls can we finish this talk whiles, I supervise Sasha packing my clothes. “

"Okay but you have to listen Nessa, I'm being serious Montana is one of the most boring places to visit. I'm telling you this from experience. I spent a day there a few months ago and I almost kill myself with my gun because it was so boring"   I laugh at K.P all the way to my room.

We enter my room and sit on my bed as usual. The  three of us lightly chat about my vocation as Sasha packed my clothes, in the end I convince them both that I just wanted to sleep all day and rest. I Hug both of them and let them know I’ll miss them both. A few minutes later Luke drove me to the airport where my private jet was waiting for me.

“Pick a cowboy with big foot they say the size of his foot means that he’s big” Luke said to me as I exit the car. Frowning at him I kiss his cheeks. “I’ll miss you too Luke” I said as I follow my two security officers to the Jet. Walking up the steps I can’t help but feel happy. Letting all my worries and trouble leave me as I enter the jet and have a seat. My normal air hostess Karen was there, she hands me a glass of white wine and I buckle in as we take off for Montana.

Joan has booked me into Turner Mountain Resort for the next two weeks and I was looking forward to it. Although it was miles away from where my life change when I was sixteen. I knew I would have a relaxing time at the resort.  

When the pilot said I could unbuckle my belt, I did and walk up into front of the Jet to talk to them after saying hi and asking about their family I leave and went into my private suite taking off my clothes and getting in bed falling into a light sleep, I had been feeling tired lately. 

Waking, I look around trying to remember where I was then I  remembered my rush decision to take a vocation, Hearing a soft knock on the door I call out

 “Come in”

And  Karen enter bringing a trey with sandwiches with her. “The pilot said we are going to land in 30 minutes”

“Okay thank you Karen”

“Do you need anything else Ms. James “Karen asked. “No Thank you”

After she leave I got up and dress and  eat the sandwiches she had brought me, just as I was putting down the tray, the Pilot voice came the over speakers saying we were about to land. Buckling myself in as the Jet descents, I already feel lighter as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

The two security Luke insisted that I should have with me was John and Jasper. They have work with me before and knew how I like things, they disappear and I pretend that they don’t exist unless I needed them. When we exit the Jet they were carrying my luggage and we all took the same car up to the Resort.

We parted ways in the lobby whiles I check in and get settle in my room, I order room service, feeling hungry even thought I had eaten the sandwiches not too long ago. Taking a shower whiles I wait for my food to arrive, I quickly change into a pink short dress, that was a little tight. I leave my hair wet and down on my shoulders to dry. There was a knock on the door and a male voice call out saying he was room service, I took out $20.00 for tip I open the door and collect my dinner tipping the guy thanking him. I carry my dinner out to the balcony where I had set the table earlier. 

Sitting on balcony overlooking the pool and eating, I Remember that I promise to call home as soon as I was settle, to let Raven and K.P know I had  arrive safely.  After I was finish eating I call home and inform them that I was okay. Hanging up I couldn't help but chuckle,  whiles on the phone K.P had tried again to change my mind, telling me it wasn’t too late to get back on the Jet and go somewhere else.  I told her I was sure I was stay here.

After the phone call I was feeling restless and I  didn't want to sleep just yet. So I decided to go for walk around the hotel grounds. After sending a quick text to Jasper I left my room. taking the service elevator door to the back of the resort I enter the garden.  It was peaceful and beautiful as I walk further into the garden I become aware of the moonlight and look up. Gasping at the stars they were brighter and plentiful here I had forgotten how beautiful the sky at night was here. Walking slowly and looking up at the stars I felt content and at peace.

Looking around me I notice a bench in the far corner, making my way along the part to it where I could sit and I couldn't help myself and I start  looking up at the stars again, I wasn't watching where I was going and the part was clear so when I walked into something I frown and look down into familiar brown eye and my heart start racing. For a second I was speechless unable to say anything.


 Before I could finish what I was about to say his lips swoop down on mines, taking my lips in a deep passionate kiss, my body instantly remember his and I molded myself into him without knowing how I moved. With one kiss he was igniting  my body I was on fire for him.    

Chapter 7 and 8 are both private chapters. I'm sorry I try rewording it but Wattpad still has them private. I think you have to be following me, to be able to read the chapters.

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