chapter 5

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 picture of Lindon on the side

“You son of a bitch and you  K.P whore!  How could you do this to me? I loved you!”

I arrived home from work to hear shouting rushing up the stairs to where I hear the shouts, I enter K.P room to hear Lindon shouting at K.P. Looking around I saw Luke in a corner holding his stomach laughing.  K.P and Jake was standing by her bed, they were both undressed, Jake was wearing a towel around his waist and K.P had the sheets around her. 

I could tell Lindon was really angry. He and Jake were in a shouting match. Walking over to Luke I ask him what happen he explained that K.P and Jake were in her room having sex when Lindon show up with flowers, he was going to propose. Cole answered the door and sends him up to K.P’s room. Cole didn’t know Jake was in her room. Lindon walk in on K.P and Jake have sex.

“K.P darling how you could do this to me” Lindon said with tears in his eyes. His voice had a pleading tone to it like he couldn't believe what was happen and he was pleading to K.P for him to be wrong. 

My heart went out for him, I knew this would happen I Knew K.P would break his heart. Lindon is a good man and K.P shouldn’t have dated him if she wasn’t serious about him. I walk up to him and took his hand. “Come Lindon lets go downstairs” we left K.P room and walk downstairs I led him to my office.

When we entered he sits on the chair and started to cry. I felt so sorry for him and anger at K.P for causing this man so much pain. I handed him the box of tissue from my desk and poured two glass of whiskey, handing him one and sit next to him. Rubbing his back gently and talking to him in a soothing tone of voice I told him there was someone out there for him and he needed time to forget K.P and move on.

My mind was racing as I talk to him thinking he and Amy would make a good couple, but I knew Lindon needed time to get over K.P first. Making a mental note in my mind that I have to pair them together and see if the sparks fly. Comforting Lindon I smile to myself.

Lindon and I stayed in my office talking and drinking whiskey for hours. I didn’t notice how long we were there talking till Luke came in and told me dinner was ready. Looking back now I should have realize how long we were talking when I had open a new bottle of whiskey. I walk Lindon to the door and I wish him luck as he wish me good bye, knowing fully that I’ll be seeing him in couples of weeks.  After Lindon leave I went in search of K.P. I had know idea why I was so angry at her maybe it was the amount of alcohol I had drink but I was pretty pissed at her. 

I found her in Raven room laughing about Lindon expression when he came into the bedroom and saw them. “Kimberly Parker” I snapped at her, she spin around on the bed and looked at me standing in the doorway.

“Oh no, Nessa please tell me you’re not feeling sorry for that loser” she said laughing. I saw Raven shaking her head and mouthing to me over K.P's head  that I shouldn't say anything. I knew she was just trying to stop us from fighting because there's nothing I could say to K.P to make her change her ways or to make her feel regret. It was like nothing bother her and life was one big party.

“Really Kim you couldn’t have break up with him before he falls in love with you” I walk into the room and sit on the bed next to K.P. She throw herself on me kiss my cheeks and wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Nessa you worry too much forget about that loser” she said waving her hand in the air like she was batting a fly away. “Did you hear what he said? He said I was a whore, he deserve to get his heart broken. What about my heart?” she said sounding like a little child. I stare at her stunned. How did I not notice how cold and unfeeling she could be. I knew she had been through a lot when her mom died but that wasn't an excuse to be heartless.

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