Chapter 26

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When we returned home Raven broke the news to K.P about Jake cheating. We went to her room and the three of us lay on K.P's bed as usual and Raven told her what I had seen. Raven then told her she had called Ayakeba and she confirmed it, she was pregnant with a little boy.

And to everyone surprise, including me she reacted differently to what any of us would have guess. She didn't scream and yelled as we all expected and she didn't turn to alcohol or Gabe, instead she went silent. In all the years I have known K.P she has never gone silent.

“K.P are you okay?" I was lying next to her in her bed it was the next morning, Raven was on the next side.

“Yeah I'm good" she said quietly. “I guess this is pay back for that other guy I was dating. And he caught me cheating on him."

“What guy?" Raven asked.

“You know, what's his name. Nessa and I had fight about him."

“Oh him, yeah I remember him" Raven said.

“This is not payback K.P, I think we can all agree that Jake's an ass. Of all the beautiful woman in the work he pick that backstabbing bitch Ayakeba."

“You always hated her Nessa" Raven accuse me.

“Damn right I did and see I was right, she's no good. Look what she did to K.P"

“You know the bitch will get what's coming to her, just you wait and see"

“Raven don't do anything to her, just leave her alone" K.P said.

“But K.P she hurt you and no one hurts you and get away with it"

“Don't you two understand, I deserve this for all the guys I've hurt, starting with Gabe"

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on the cheek. “Don't say that. You deserve better. I love you so much K.P and I hate that you're hurting."

“I love you too Nessa, but can you let me go. You know I'm not into hugging."

“Shut up, and take my hug. I'm hugging you until I'm ready to let you go. And I'm not ready."

I felt Raven hands joining mines in hugging K.P. I'm not sure how long we remain hugging but we just lay there in silence hugging K.P.

“Nessa can we talk" I was curl up on the sofa in the back room staring at the garden. I was trying to think up a way to draw K.P out of her silent.

“Since when have you start asking to speak to me"

“Since I have been a bitch to you, for what's it worth I'm sorry"

I turn to look at her, “When have you ever apologize to me Raven"

“When I'm wrong." She came and sit on the chair next to me and wrap her arms around me.

“I love you Nessa and I'm sorry. But when I found what Justin was doing to me I blame the messenger and I'm sorry."

I turn around and hug her. I knew this was the best apology I was going to get from her.  We sat there for hours talking and laughing.

“Do you remember the time K.P was in the hospital to do surgery on her neck tumor"


“Was she silent then?"

“No, she was joking about her death and she was glad that she was missing school"

“Have you ever known her to be silent"

“No" I answers her truthfully.

“K.P was never one to be silent. How do we help her Nessa."

“I don't know Raven"

We were sitting in silent contemplating things when we heard a shout. It was Gail she screamed “NO!" Right before we heard what sounded like furniture breaking.

Raven and I rush to the front of the house where we say Luke lying on the ground unconscious and Justin holding a gun to Gail's head.

“Oh my God" I grasped and stood frozen in the doorway. My heart was pounding so fast I though it was going to burst out of my chest. Raven push pass me to see what was going on. When Justin saw her he snared at her.

“I'm going to get back at you bitches, especially you Nessa" he said pointing the gun at me.

“You most of all ruin my life, why did you have to tell Raven about me. WHY!" he screamed.

You know they say your life flashes before you eyes before you died, well that didn't happened to me. I was so afraid that I couldn't move or think.

“JUSTIN NO!" I heard Nash shout from at the top of the stairs “Come on man don't do this, that's the woman I love there and if you hurt her I'll kill you. For God's sakes man she's pregnant."

“Well I'll just have to kill you before I kill her" he said before swing the gun away from me and shooting Nash.

I screamed out his name and try to rush to him but Raven held me back. I couldn't see him, he fell from my sight after Justin shot him.

“Shut the fuck up" Justin yelled at me and that's when I realized that I was still screaming and crying.

Justin started laughing, “I like seeing you suffer like this Nessa, I'll leave you for last. Who should I kill next" he started moving the gun between Raven and Gabe. I didn't even know that Gabe was in the room. He then shoot Gabe and push Gail away from him grabbing Raven in front of him as a shield. It happened so fast I barely register what had happen when he shoot Gail as well.

Tears was streaming down my face and I was thanking God that Antonia and Antonio was not at home.

“I think I've killed everyone here you care about Nessa. It's time for you to die."

“Wait!" Raven shouted.

“You're going to shoot a pregnant woman."

“Yes right in her belly and when I'm done with her I'm going to use you as a shield to get out of here. Don't think I don't know she has all kind of security officers out there waiting on me."

He held up the gun to me and I could see he's about to pull the trigger. I closed my eyes and hear two loud gunshots and something heavy hitting me. I fell to the floor hitting my head and blackness consumed me.

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