Chapter 15

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Nash POV

I watch Nessa and her friend go up the stairs. I still couldn't believe she was pregnant with twins. I was so happy. She was perfect for me and I was in love with her. She's so beautiful inside and out. I like how she's always helping the less fortunate and she treats her staffs like friends instead of just workers.

I was still staring after her when I heard someone clearing their throat. I turn and saw the three guys she had introduced me to earlier. Gabe and Luke was a little familiar with but the other guy today was the first time I'm seeing him.

"Nash its good to see you again" Luke said resting his hands on my shoulder. "Lets go into the den and get something to drink"

Walking to the den Gabe stop me and ask for us to speak. While the others walk ahead the both of us remain by the doorway.

"Nash I have known you for a few years now and I'm very happy that you and Nessa are together but if you hurt her, my brother and I will be coming for you. Nessa is our little sister" I smile at him. "Gabe I'm deeply in love with that woman upstairs and I will never willing hurt her." I wasn't afraid of the Le'Monde brothers I know they had some sort of military background and I have heard a lot about them over the years. Gabe warning has piped my interest. I need to have someone look into his and Luke background. I know I should leave it alone but an irresistible tug of curiosity nag at me and I wanted to know.

He clap me on the back "well now that we had our little talk lets join the rest of the guys. I need a drink because I'm sure Nessa is going to call K.P and I need all the liquid courage I could get to deal with her" I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I heard you this morning before I meet Nessa I had a glass of Whiskey" I said to him walking into the den.

Luke was pouring drinks by the bar and Cole was sitting. There was a woman in the room and Gabe introduced her as Sasha, I think Gabe mention that she was a maid but I was a bit distracted by K.P breezing in into the room.

"I need a drink before I go upstairs and if Nessa she me drinking, she's going to give me a long lecture I can't deal with right now." She took the drink Luke had in his hand and drink it down in one go. I didn't think she notice the rest of us in the room because when she turn and saw Gabe the glass she was holding drop from her hands and she when complete white.

"G-Gabe" she whisper "What are you doing here? Never mind don't answer. I need to be with Raven now."

I turn to Gabe when she left the room. "I see why you need a drink now" What I was thinking must have been on my face because both Cole and Luke both chuckled at me.

"Don't worry Nash you'll get use to all the drama that happens here."

"So Gabe how long have you known Nessa" I ask him because I was a bit eager to know how Gabe and Nessa met. They don't exactly move in the same circle.

"They meet in collage" Luke answered.

"No actually I first meet Nessa when she was sixteen. We had lost touch and met again in college" Gabe said. I could see the surprise look on Luke face. I could help but smirk. I know Luke had a thing for Nessa even if she couldn't see it I could. So he doesn't know everything about Nessa.

"Nessa doesn't like to talk about the year she live with us in Montana and I hope she never find out I told you guys" he said staring at each of us until we agreed not to tell her.

"Nessa never spent a year in Montana, when she was sixteen her Grandfather sent her to a boarding school in England and she got kick out a year later for sneaking out after curfew" Luke said watch Gabe like a he was a liar.

"That's what her Grandfather paid everyone to say but that's not what happen. Lets forget about it"

I was getting much more curious now. "Why did James not want anyone to know Nessa was in Montana for a year?" I asked Gabe. He looked at me like he wanted to say something but instead he shook his head and said. "When Nessa is ready she'll tell you about Montana it was really a very bad time for her"

"I still don't believe Nessa spent a year in Montana, I think you're lying" Luke accused him.

"He's not lying Luke" Nessa said from the doorway. I spin around and I she standing in the door way. She was still wearing the dress from earlier but her face was devoid of make up and her hair was loose falling around her shoulders. She look like an Angel. We were deeply engrossed in the conversation that neither of us hear her till she spoke.

"Nessa" I'm so sorry Gabe said.

"Its okay Gabe, Nash had to find out about my past anyway"

"I didn't tell them much only that you spent a year living with us"

She walk into the room and sit on my lap. This action surprise me. I wrap my arms around her holding her close to me. Loving the way she smells of apples.

"Raven is sleeping now and I guess now is as good as any other time to talk about my past"

"Gabe you didn't tell them you were my brother by marriage." She said.

I could see the shocked look on Luke's face. He didn't know that Nessa was married before. I remember she telling me that she was married before and her husband died. I had to try and hid my smile.

"You were married to Jeremy" I asked her and she nodded. I had hear the rumors that Jeremy had killed himself after he found his wife in bed with his two brothers.

I was about to say that I didn't need to hear more about Nessa past because whatever Nessa did in the past was in the past and I love the beautiful woman she is now. "Ness.."

"The rumors are not true, my brother killed himself because he was a selfish bastard who wanted his young wife to suffer" Gabe practically snarled.

It was clear for all to see that he hated what his brother did to Nessa. The guilty she must be feel. I hug her closer to me wanted to protect her from the world. I knew it was an impossible task but I vow to protect the woman I love and our children.

"We should go up to bed, you look tired babe" she smile up at me,her smile was beautiful and I couldn't help but fall in love with her a little more.

Standing with Nessa in my arms, "Gentleman its time Nessa and I get to bed, good night."

Nessa bury her face in my chest and I walk out the den with her going up the stairs.

"The last room on the left is mines" she said.

Entering her room i gentle lay her on the bed, she sit up and started taking off her clothes. Desire slam into me at the sight of her in her bra and panty. Pull off my shirt and jeans I join her in bed. She pull the blanket over us and curl into me falling asleep

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