chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Every cell in my body was crying out for his touch, I could feel how wet I was  because of one kiss. Why did I feel this way?

Pulling away for him I turn my back to him trying to control my breathing and the passion I feel but my body had a mind of its own, the cold night air didn’t help as much as I thought it would. Standing with my back to him I was at loss of what to do, I could feel my vagina pulsing with need.  I came here to get away of the memories of him, to forget the fantasies that I have about him. And now here he was.

“Nessa, would you turn around and face me, I guess if I was married and slept with a total stranger I would be ashamed to face him the next time I saw him too.” Nash accused me in and angry tone of voice.

Swinging around to face him I frowned, “What? What are you talking about?”

“You! Don’t you have any shame?” his eye blazed with accusations as he step forward and grasp my arms. “I saw you with him that night, don’t bother to deny it” he said angrily.

“Deny what?” looking up at him confused and pulling my arms out of his gasp, stumbling as he let go of me.

“Ms. James are you okay?” I heard a deep voice ask turning I saw John standing a little way off behind me, with his legs apart like he was ready to draw out his gun.

“I’m fine John” I answered.

“Who is he one of you husband’s men?” Nash asked in an angry voice “if you were my wife I would have you locked in our bedroom tied to the bed, not have you out here with one man watching you. Poor guy your husband I feel sorry for him he must obviously love you”

Whiles he was talking I couldn’t help but stare at him, wondering where he got the idea that I’m married.

“I’m not married Nash” I shout at him. “I don’t have a husband, what the hell are you talking about?”

He stares down at me silently, and I couldn’t read the expression on his face.  Then he took my hands hand and gently tugs me in the direction of the hotel.

“Where are we going?” I asked. I was a little stunned that I wasn’t angry at him and his accusations of me. After all to him I was the woman he met on the beach and had sex with him after knowing him two seconds.

“To my room” he said looking back at me. “We need to talk”

“Actually we don’t, I have a better idea we return to our separate rooms and we both pretend we never met one another here.” I gently pull my hands away from him and quickly dash to the service elevator pressing the button hoping that the door could close before he catch it. Unfortunately the door didn’t close quickly enough and he entered the elevator.

“Running away Nessa, I didn’t take your for being a coward” he said mockingly

“You don’t know me” I snapped at him.

“I know the songs your make just before you come, the way your pussy loves my cock” he growled at me wrapping his arms around me and kissing the sensitive part of my neck.

Oh good lord how did he know, how could he have make me feel this way I could feeling myself creaming at his word. A burst of heat started in my groin area and started spreading through my body. I wanted to wrap my arms and legs around him, I wanted him inside of me, his cock deep inside of me I ache for him to be bury deep inside, but instead of showing him my passion I pulled away out of his grasp.

“Just because we fuck doesn’t mean you know me” the elevator door open to my floor and I rush out of the elevator walking at top speed to my suite, before I could get the door open Nash swept me off my feet lifting me over his shoulders and carrying me into the suite next to mines closing the door.

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