Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The pilot voice jutted me back to reality. I keep imaging all the worst case scenarios. What if when I arrive home K.P and Raven would tell me to leave? I would be really hurt but I'll be okay. Even though I know I wouldn't fall to pieces if they throw me out, I didn't want it to happen. Just because you know you can survive an earthquake doesn't mean you want one to occur.  

“Yayyyy" Antonia said cheering as we land. “We're home finally"

I looked at her crossly

“I'm never carrying you two ungrateful brats on anymore vocation again." They both looked at me with shocked faces.

“What did we do?" Antonia asked.

Turning to Nash I said “Babe don't you think Paris would be just perfect for our next vocation."

Nash was trying to hide his smile as Antonia face showed her horror.

“Mom" she moans “You can't do that, it's not fair you know I want to go Paris like forever."

I was trying not to show the huge smile on my face as I get up to exit the jet.

“Well honey it would teach you not to be so ungrateful in the future."

“But mom what did I do?"

We were in the limo heading home; Nash had taken my hand in his squeezing it. I shot him a grateful smile and turn back to continue torment Antonia.

“It’s not what you did it's what you say"

“What did I say" she asked throwing her hands in the air like whatever and then putting her palms together like she was praying.

“Please mom, tell me how to fix it" Antonio pick that said moment to snap at her.

“You're giving me a headache with all this whinnying Tonia shut up for God sakes"

“You shut up and concentrate on your stupid game," she snapped right back at him. “Can't you see my life is about to be over if I can't go to Paris."

“Stop being such a drama Queen. Mom will never go to Paris without you."

“Enough! Both of you." Nash said sternly, cutting off whatever Antonia was about to say. I guess tormenting Antonia had work as a distraction because the next thing I know the limo had stop in front of the house. The kids rush out both racing to the front door. Nash gets out of the limo and then offers me his hand helping me out of the limo.

“Welcome back home Nessa" he whispers as he hug me. I guess he could see how nervous I was. My heart was pounding and my knees were weak. I started walking to the door then stop when it opened and Gail came one, two of the maids follows her and she instructed them to get our luggage.

“Nessa, Mr. Nash welcome home" she said with a smile. “Did you guys have a nice vocation?"

“Thank you Gail and We did have a wonderful vocation." Nash answered her as he took my hand and continued walking. I had no choice but to walk toward the door or be drag by Nash. Just as Nash was about to turn the door handle to open it the door burst open and K.P throw herself at me.

“NESSA! YOU'RE BACK" she yelled in my ears. I was so glad she wasn't angry at me I didn't mind the fact that I wouldn't be able to hear for a few days. I wrap my arms around her and hug her back.

“Well isn't that nice" Raven said in a cold dead voice. And for once the tone didn't affect me. I didn't feel unwanted or sad. I let go of K.P and smile sweetly at Raven.

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