Chapter 14

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So I was nervous, okay so maybe I was very nervous but its because I keep thinking that Nash would reject me. And I still had no idea what to say to him or what I'm going to say to him. Should I tell him about the babies or should I wait until he accepted my apology. I was a bit scared that he would think that the only reason that I want to get back with him is because of the babies. Why was this so hard.

Thankfully Gabe, Luke and Cole were coming to the inn with me. At first I didn't want them to see me grovel but hell. When three handsome guys offer to be there for you, you don't question it. So I did what any sane person would do I said thank you and inform them that one of them was driving. Besides I was a nervous wreck, I couldn't even drive myself if I wanted to. Of course I was not going to admit weakness in front of Luke.

When we arrive at the inn Nash was already there sitting at our table. I really didn't want him to see me with Luke since they didn't have such a good history together. Plus if I was a man and my girlfriend walk in the restaurant with three handsome men I would be as green as the wicked witch from the wizard of Oz. Part of the agreement for them,accompanying me was when we arrive at the restaurant they would disappear or stay away from Nash and I. Anyway when I got closer to the table Nash stood up to greet me and I rushed into his arms hugging him.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me" I mumbled against his chest. My face was buried in his chest, his scent was doing something to me. I want to purr. God why does he have to smell so good! I wanted to stand here all day hugging him like this. He gentle untangle my arms from around him and pull out my chair and guide me to it. I was heartbroken, and tears started to run down my cheek. He had just rejected me, this was my worse nightmare.

"Nessa" he said gently, he reach out and take my hand in his. "Please don't cry"

"Why not, you just rejected me" I said crying more. I didn't even care that my makeup was running and I must look horrible. I knew that if all the pregnancy hormones were not running amok in my body, I wouldn't be crying now. 

"I didn't reject you Nessa, people were starting to stare and we can't spent the whole night hugging."

I look up at him hopefully. "You didn't reject me?"

"No!" he said frowning, " I miss you Nessa and I wanted to apologize again to you. When you called I assume you wanted talk and end this relationship on good terms"

"No" I blurted out. "I miss you too Nash and I wanted us to work things out and get back together." He stared at me incredibly.

"You still want to be with me? After everything I had done to you. God Nessa I'm so sorry. I can't..."

"No Nash please don't apologize to me" I cut him off. "I was the one at fault. I hadn't been feeling well and then I almost got myself killed. You did nothing wrong. It was all my fault." I said trailing off. I couldn't look at him.

The waiter arrived and take our order before leaving again. As soon as he left, Nash place his hand under my chin and raise my head so I was looking him in the eyes.

"I'm starting to fall in love with you Nessa. And when I thought I had lose you because I wanted to punish you for almost hurting yourself." I open my mouth to protest but he put his finger on my lips and stop me.

"Let me finish, I'm so sorry and I promise if you give me a second chance it would never happen again." My eyes widen and I screech out   

"Never happen again, why not?"

He lean forward in his chair and stare at me, "Because you end up in the hospital" he answered like it was obvious and I should have known that.

"But I liked it" I wailed "Besides I'm pregnant that's why I end up in the hospital not because of what we did." Realizing what I said I slap my hand over my mouth.

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