Chapter 19

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To say I was angry was an understatement, I was angry, angry. I was beyond pissed off, the bad thing about it was, I wasn't angry at anyone in particular. So there was no one I could shout and lash out at, that means I have to be angry at myself and that was no fun.  I was angry and I had a headache to top it off.

I drove straight to the airport, because I really needed to talk with Antonia alone. I needed to know how she was handling things, I notice she had been a bit quieter than usual and I was worried that deep down she wasn't okay with Nash or my pregnancy.

Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the airport and saw that Antonia's plane was delayed by three hours. As I was standing there looking at the screen telling me the flight was delayed I did what any rational person would do. I leave to go get K.P. I couldn't very well sit and wait for three hours, when I had something else to do. By that time I was a little annoyed.

Arriving at Jake's club I couldn't fine a park. So I decide to make a spin around the block maybe someone would be leaving and I'll get the park. As I approach the parking lot I saw an empty space, I smiled happily and put on my indicated to turn into the space. Before I could blink someone else zoomed into the spot and parked. At this point I was pissed off. The person that stole my parking spot was no other that Ayakeba Thomson. Now I was angry, I couldn't stand the bitch.

Back when we were in collage she tried to steal my best friend from me. Okay maybe I was exaggerating a bit, Ayakeba and Raven were both studying law. I'm not to sure on how they meet but all of a sudden they were good friends. They were calling each other and talking on the phone all the time, she was always in our dorm room hanging out with Raven. At first I welcome her and try to be friends with her but there was just something about her that rub me the wrong way. She came across as fake to me and when I tried telling Raven about it she got angry at me, she accused me of being jealous because she had a friend besides K.P and I. The thing was I was jealous but not because of Ayakeba, I was jealous of their closeness with each other. I felt like I was loosing my friend. I didn't tell her how I felt because I didn't want her to perceived me as being insecure.

Ayakeba and Raven are still good friends but they're not as close as they once were in collage.

I press on my car horn and Ayakeba looked over at me before, turning and walking into Jake's night club. At this point I was angry. She just looked through me like I didn't exist and walk away after stealing my parking space. Not caring what will happen to my car, I parked right in the middle of the driveway and marched up to the club. By-passing the long line of people trying to get into the club.

I had no idea what I was going to do but I was determine to find Ayakeba. The bouncer at the door didn't even stop me as I speeded in the club intending to find her. Upon entering the club I realized how futile my search was, besides the heavy pounding music and dim lights the place was packed with people dancing.

Giving up on my search for her, I walk upstairs to the VVIP area going in search of the person I originally came to find. When I reach up the stairs I stood to one side looking around for K.P, I knew she had to be here somewhere.

I was busy looking for K.P so I didn't notice a guy had walk up to me until he spoke.

“Hello“ he said “can I help you with something"

“No!" I said giving him attitude. I turn slightly away from him and started looking around for K.P. I was pretending I was ignoring him. But boy I couldn't ignore him. He was handsome, he was full of muscles and I hate to say this but he had more muscles than Nash. Nash was better looking then him but he wasn't bad. I was looking at him at the corner of my eyes, to tell you the truth if I wasn't with Nash I would have been flirting with him. Whiles I was busy checking him out K.P had seen me and rush over throwing her arms around me.

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