Chapter 18

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Two weeks has pass since Antonia and Antonio had shown up at my door. Nash and I had work things out. To be honest I have been ridiculously happy. My kids are home and Nash is here. Although we haven't talk about the future, I know things would be alright.

Of course Rafael didn't want the kids to stay with me, I expected that, he was basically their father for ten year. But Gabe and I convince him that this was the best move for them. They were enrolled in one of the best private schools in San Francisco and they were adjusting well. But best of all Nash and the kids get along great. The kids are over the moon about their new brothers or sisters.

In Antonio words it was awesome to have two new brother or sister. He then when on to say that he was getting bored with just Antonia.

Luke was still my head of security but I had to ask him to move out, Nash still thinks he's in love with me and for the sake of our relationship I had to ask him to move.

He didn't move far, luckily for me, my neighbor who lived to the left of us was moving to Florida and had put up his house for sale. I bought it and had the fence between us removed. So Luke was a short walk away. Of course I told Nash the house was for male staffs to stay. Plus I needed somewhere for the new bodyguards Luke hired for Antonio and Antonia to stay. I wanted them to be with the kids whenever the had to leave the house.

Raven was back to work as normal, sometime she's sad but she's already over Justin. Tomorrow was the big surprise/revenge birthday party for him. Most of us was heading out to California finalized our individual parts. My part was pretty easy, to use my connections in the business world to blacklist Justin.

K.P part of the revenge plan I wasn't so clear about and Raven's part was getting him to the party plus somehow she convince the bank to transfer the deed for both his Fitness center and house in her name. She now own them both.

I knew that she was planning on donating the house to make a wish  foundation. I think she was going to give the fitness center back to him.

Both Raven and K.P came to me to talk at different times. They were afraid that I would leave, that Nash would ask me to marry him and I would move to Montana with him. I had a plan but I haven't told them besides I was working up the courage to pitch it to Nash first. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a coward but to ask the guy you're in love with to give up his life and move in with you wasn't easy especially when I couldn't do it myself.

He hadn't move in technically but my home office had somehow become his and his assistant send most his clothes here. I came home from work one day and the his part of my his and her closet was suddenly fill with his clothes.

I when to Raven room and we did the happy dance together. Then later when K.P came home we did the happy dance again.


“Where's K.P has anyone seen K.P" Raven asked frantically. I just stare at her. Where the hell did she come from all of a sudden. She had just burst in the kitchen where I was making dinner and asked for K.P. “Raven take a deep breath and then tell me what's wrong."

“I think K.P forget about our revenge plans. She and Gabe had this big fight and she has been by Jake ever since." I frowned at her. How did I not notice that since Gabe and K.P fight she haven't been home.

“Nessa are you hearing me" she said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“She's not answering her phone"

“Don't worry I'll pass by Jake and collect her later tonight before I pick up Antonia from the airport." Antonia had flew back to Montana for one of her friends birthday.

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