chapter 11

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please remember editing is being done. 

When I arrived at the office it was after lunch and remembering Dr. Lincoln lecture I asked Joan to order a chicken breast salad and fries for me. when she left to order my lunch I sit in my office going over all important paperwork, trying to keep my mind occupied so I wouldn’t have to think about my pregnancy and Nash.

When Joan arrives with lunch, I asked her to call Kelly into my office. Whiles I was eating Kelly knocked and I asked her in.

“You’re the first person I’m telling this and I would appreciate if it remains between the two of us. I’m eight weeks pregnant”

She smiled at me and asked “How are you feeling about this”

I smile at her and said “good” and she got up and hug me. That’s why Kelly was my assistant. She never assume things, when she asked how I was feeling about my pregnancy what she really mean was should I secretly scheduled an abortion or should I hug you because you’re happy it.

We discuss what my pregnancy would mean for the company. I told her she would have to work more hours, when I cut back on my hours. I also told her that Sasha would be acting as my personal assistant at home because there’s a lot I wouldn’t be able to do until after the babies.

Whiles we were talking Luke walked into my office like an own it.

“Can’t you knock Luke; this is not your office.”

Kelly excuse herself and left I barely notice her leaving because I was glaring at Luke. He just stood beside the door with smug smile on his face.

“Why would I knock when I know you’re always happy and welcoming when I just show up?”   

Listening to Luke on any other day I would have laugh and give him back a smart remark but today I was highly irritated by what.

“What do you want Luke” I snapped at him.

“Nice to see you too Nessa, I’m okay thanks for asking”

After that remake I feel like rushing out my chair and slapping him. I was beyond irritated now I was just getting pissed off.

“What the fuck you want Luke” I screamed at him. “If you don’t want something then get out of my office NOW.”

I saw his expression change from playfully to serious and he told me in a dull tone that Cole reported that K.P was angry and she was destroying her room. I didn’t even thank him as I hurriedly pack up and left my office and driving home.

When I reach home I parked quickly and rush up to K.P room it looked a tornado has pass through it, there were broken bits and pieces of furniture, clothes, books and DVD’s all over the room. Looking around I didn’t see K.P anywhere in her bed room. I checked the rest of her suite and she wasn’t in any of her rooms. As I was leaving her home office I met Gail by the door and she told me K.P was in the basement gym.

As I enter the gym I saw K.P kicking and throwing punches at her punching-bag. The way she was beating that thing up I knew someone has seriously pissed her off.

Thinking to myself how I’m going to maneuver to get her ear phones out her ears with her beating the crap out of me. I knew one I get her talking then she’ll calm down. Instead I just turn off the light in the room and she stopped.

“What the fuck? Who turn off the lights?”

I put the light back on and she saw me standing at the door. She then took off her headphones and sit down.

“They really fuck me up Nessa” she screams out.

“Why the fuck, shit like this always happens to me?”

“I’m there best damn agent they have, I always do what they ask never broke a rule”

I walk closer to her and sit on the floor next to her. I didn’t know what to do to comfort her; I didn’t even know what was wrong. I knew it had something to do with her job.

“K.P honey talk to me, tell me who mess with you and I’ll deal with them.”

“My boss that’s who mess with me”

“What did he do, talk to me K.P”

“He’s fucking dirty and when I call him out on his shit they transfer me out of the best fuck department to behavior analysis, fucking behavior analysis. Nessa do I look like I could spend the rest of my life studying criminal’s behaviour, I could barely control my behaviour on a good day. This is shit man. Fuck all of them fuck them all the motherfuckers.”

“K.P come on it’s not the end of the world”

“I’m done Nessa, I’m done they could take their behaviour analysis and shove it up their ass.” She said to me in a tired voice as she stands up. I stretch out my hand to her and she pulls me up. When we were both standing she kisses me on the cheeks and walk away. I called after her asking her where she was going.

“I’m going to get drunk for a few days” she shouts out.

Turning off the lights I walk out of the basement and when upstairs, on my way up I met Amy and she said Raven called and said she wouldn’t be home tonight. I reach my room shower and crawl into me bed. Before I fall asleep I called Jake and told him to take care of my best friend or else.

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