Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I quickly dress and rush downstairs and out the door behind Antonia. When I reach the barn Antonio was lying on the ground unconscious, K.P was sitting by him his wrist in her hands and she was on the phone calling out his vitals to the paramedics.

“They are five minutes away Nessa"

“Why can't we carry him" I shouted at her “Why are you'll standing here?"

“Nessa, honey calm down. We can't move him in case his spine is damage"

I turn away and put my face into Nash chest crying. I felt small arms wrap around me from behind. Before I could do anything Nash lift her into his arms and hug me with his other arm.

The paramedics arrived and load Antonio unto their trolley.

“We need someone to go in the ambulance with him" one of the paramedics shouted. I slip out of Nash arms and rush into the back of the ambulance. He was so still, I could see his small chest rising and falling as he breathe and I focus on that. I took his small hands into mines and hold on to it until we reach the hospital. They rush him into a room and the door closed. I try to follow but a nurse stopped me.

“Ma'am the doctors are working on your son and you'll just disturb them if you go into the room. We need to get some information from you."


“Follow me please" she said walking away from the room. I didn't want to follow her. What if something happens and I don't get to tell him how much I love him. I fell strong arms wrap around me.

“Go with her Nessa and Antonia and I would stay here with him until you come back" Nash whispers to me before he kiss me on the cheek.

I nod my head and started following the nurse, she let me to the nurses station and handed me a stack of paperwork to fill out. I stare at tgem blankly. I took a seat in the waiting area and stare at thr paperwork not sure how to fill them out. I don't know how long sat there staring at the paper but Raven sit nect to me and took the pen and paper from my hands.

“I'll full these out for you Nessa and what I don't know you'll tell me and I'll write it okay"


“And you could lean on me" K.P said in the seat on the other side of me. She took my hands in hers and link our fingers as I rest my head on her shoulder.

“The doctor is here with an update" Nash said. I hadn't even notice he was in the waiting room with us. Antonia was sitting on his lap her hands around his neck and her head in his shoulders.

We all stood up to as the doctor came towards me.

“Ma'am we had to rush your son into emergency surgery. He had has head wheh he fell and his brain started to swell. He's still in surgery but he's going to be fine. We had to cut out a piece of his brain to reduce the swelling."

“He's going to be fine right" I asked the doctor. The cutting out  part of his brain frightened me but I knew it was routine for trauma like this but it stilled frightened me.

“We can't be totally sure until he wakes from surgery" 

“I know that, I want to med school for God sake, what I'm asking is what is the complications"

“Ma'am we wouldn't know until after the surgery" he said before he turn and leave.

I couldn't sit still any longer. I keep pacing the length of the waiting room. During that time Gabe had arrived and so had most of the staff from our home.

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