The Truth (ON HOLD)

By Trvp_Qveenx03

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There's some things that you just don't know.... More

Not An Update
Chapter 13


1K 31 9
By Trvp_Qveenx03


I was having a blast at this club but I wasn't gonna get drunk in here, I got kids to go home to and someone needs to be able to drive August's ass home tonight cause knowing him he's gonna get drunk off his arsenal (ass) tonight and not be able to drive us home, when we got to Underground 41 I was surprised to see some of the crew here and almost everyone had a girl on their arm, but however for some reason every girl in there was death glaring my ass when August and I walked in.

"Aye look at this, the Alsina's came out tonight!!!" Chris said moving away from the chick he was with.

"Wassup Chris?" August said hugging him.

"Nothing chilling, best friend!" He said hugging me.

"Hey Breezy" I said hugging him.

"You killing this dress boo full spin for me" he said holding my hand up in the air, I laughed and did a full spin. "Yes yes yeeesss, slaying all the way!!" He said making me laugh.

"Chris you sure you not gay bro?" August said chuckling.

"No I'm not gay bro, I just like your wife's fashion sense cause she be popping" he said doing a little dance.

"Only Chris, hey Bobby, Kirko, Tyga" I said waving to all of em.

"So Chris get a whole greeting and all we get is hey?"

"Don't be mad cause she loves me more than y'all niggas" Chris said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"But she love me more than she love you or anyone else in this room"

"Nigga that don't count you her husband stay over there" Chris said shooing him.

"Actually Chris my man does count soo, go back to your little girlfriend...before I rip her eyeballs out for mugging me" I said whispering the last part. August immediately pulled me into his side and kissed me then pecked my forehead.

"Noott tonight beautiful" he said making me smile.

"I know baby buuut lets go get some drinks? Cause if I don't it's gonna go down" I said making her chuckle.

"I got you baby, the regular?"

"Nah get me some coconut rum with some pineapple juice on ice please"

"What you need pineapple juice for that thang already sweet" he said making me blush.

"Goooo August damn" I said laughing as I gently pushed him towards the bar.

"So Cat how's everything?"

"Uhh it's good relationship wise, work wise it's tiring but it has to get done, the kids are doing great, we're just getting ourselves prepared for Alyssa's funeral" I said shrugging.

"She probably had her set up" I heard one of the girls say to another.

"You know what I ain't even gone say shit I didn't come to be childish I'm a grown ass woman with 3 damn kids, not tonight" I said making the guys look at me weird.

"You good sis?" Bobby asked looking at me.

"Yeah but who are these girls?" I asked out of curiosity, also mainly to make sure that I didn't hurt nobody too important.

"You ain't gotta worry bout them" Chris said nonchalantly.

"Yeah we picked these fine ass bitches up out the strip club" Tyga said slapping the girl behind him on the ass.

"Y'all really haven't changed, y'all are grown as fuck when are y'all gonna settle down?" I said sitting up slightly in my seat.

"Unless you got some friends willing to take a shot out here then I don't know what to tell you" Chris said shrugging.

"You know what, get rid of the bitches after tonight, mingle meet some new people and you Mr. Christopher Brown Ima whoop yo ass the next time you talk about a woman the way you did Kehlani you got me bro?" I said as August came and sat next to me, I peeped one of the girls the one that kept whispering shit under her breath since I walked in here.

"What y'all over here talking about why Chris look like a scared kid bout to get beat by his momma?" I looked and Chris and laughed then took my drink and sipped it.

"He'll be okay don't worry baby, ain't nothing to seriously worried about" I said smiling.

"I knew you were crazy as hell" Chris said sipping his drink.

"Yeeaah Breezy you late man" I said laughing.

As I spoke Rihanna's song Work started blasting through and I got up and pulled August with me to dance the whole thing I can't lie, even though it's been a minute since I been out to the club I still had it in me, I was grinding to the beat non-stop as I sipped my drink, but then I felt those eyes, I glanced around and saw her staring still.

"Okay babe I don't now if I'm bugging out but that girl keep staring over here"

"You know how jealous hoes are baby don't worry bout to she not relevant, she trying to make herself that bitch that she really isn't" he said pulling me close, I brushed my hair over my shoulder and looked over the bannister I was leaned against.

"I needed this, we needed this actually thank you" I said leaning up to peck his lips.

"No problem baby girl, I couldn't let us be like that no more something had to give" he said holding my waist. "Buuut when we get home, I'm loving you long time" he said making me choke a little on my drink.

"Youu are nasty we will not be doing that"

"Why not babe I say we should" he said smirking.

"Yeah and end up with another baby? We got four kids August we've hit my limit"

"What if we add two more make it 6"

"Boy your crazy who's watching 6 kids? I'm not popping out no more babies August it's not going down we got Zoey, AJ, Nayla and Elijah in that platonic order" I said finishing off my drink.

"But I really want two more kids Cat please?" He said biting his lip. I thought about it for a second two more kids...could I possibly handle that?

"Lemme think about that and get back to you alright? How about that?" I said wrapping my arm around his waist, he nodded and kissed me then Pornstar came on and he smirked trying not to laugh.

"Soo am I gonna catch a lap dance to this?" He said kissing my forehead.

"Go sit down boy" I said laughing. He moved back and grabbed my hand sitting on the couch in the section, I sat in his lap and started grinding my hips to the beat, August think he slick but he not getting none tonight and I'm being all kinds of serious. By the end of the song he pulled me back against his chest and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sooooo damn happy I married you!" He sung out making a couple heads turn out way and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Stop being so loud Aug" I said covering his mouth, I looked up as someone else came up in the section and I was highly confused.

"Who that nigga?" August asked sitting up in the seat.

"I have no clue, but he look a little too young to be here" I said taking August' drink.

"Aye you had your drink" he said biting my cheek.

"Lemme know how makeup tastes" I said passing him back his cup.

I watched as the mystery guy walked up to Chris and gave him a dap that sort of made me calm down a little bit, they had a short conversation and the next thing I know Chris is headed our way with the boy, now this is where I usually get the idea of what's about to happen.

"Alright fam August Cat this is Antonio Stith better yet known as Tone, Tone this is my boy August and his wife who's also my best friend Cat" Chris said introducing us, he reached out his hand and August dapped him up and I shook his hand.

"Why do you seem so familiar?" I said looking up at him.

"I used to be in a group called"

"SJ3 I loved you guys, nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too" he said smiling.

"I'm so confused right now"

"No your not babe remember that song I always used to play? While I was cleaning? When we first met, him and then there's two other guys are the ones that made it" I said taking his cup out his hand again.

"Oh yeah yeah, it's nice to meet you man, and I'm guessing you want me to drive us home keep taking my cup" August said making me laugh.

"Oh no no, you drink just tastes good" I said smiling.

"Aw man, Tone lets go find you some drinks and hoes" Chris said turning him around by his shoulders.

"Don't go setting this boy up Chris" I yelled over the music. I got up and pulled August to his feet.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing, go with ya niggas"

"I'm not leaving you by yourself" he said about to sit down.

"August, baby look at me I'll be fine" I said pointing him towards the guys.

"Yeah and what about them bitches?"

"Fuck em as long as they know they place I'll be good, plus I'm bout to go to the bathroom" I said pulling slightly on my dress.

"Alright then, just be careful okay baby" he said pecking my lips.

"I'll be fine babe bye now" I said as he kissed my forehead.

"Go" he said making me chuckle. I walked out the section and made my way to the bathroom, I took pictures with a few people on the way and went in after I used the bathroom I washed my hands then checked my makeup and my hair then took out my phone, I was just gonna check on my babies then head out of there.


"Hey Kelsey how are the kids?"

"Their fine, I just gave them something to eat their watching cartoons in the movie room right now"

"Okay then their not giving you any trouble are they?"

"No not at all"

"Alright then, I was just calling to check in, tell them I love em"

"Will do enjoy your night Mrs. Alsina"

"I'll definitely try, I feel like everyone up in that VIP testing my damn patience girl" I heard her laugh and smiled.

"Such is the life their just jealous probably but that's a good thing you got everything they want but can't have"

"You starting to sound like August"

"He's right but I gotta go it sounds like the girls are about to beat up AJ" she said chuckling.

"Alright later" I said shaking my head. My kids are crazy man, I hung up and checked my hair and make up one more time then stepped out the bathroom.

I went back to the section and I instantly knew August was not driving us home tonight, and someone's daughter was gonna die because slick mouth was a little to close to my husband for my liking, I went over and I moved August over and stood right where he was standing before I came and instantly she got salty grilling me.

"Bitch what?" I said turning to her.

"Not shit hoe, I don't know why the fuck you tripping"

"I ain't tripping over shit and I'd watch how the fuck you speak to me cause if it's one thing I don't tolerate is disrespect now if you think you bold call me a hoe again cause these legs spread for my husband only thot ass bitch" I said as August and Chris got between us.

"Yo yo Chris get that bitch man before Cat go off in here" August said holding me.

"No let me go she wanna talk slick bitch look fucking disgusting I was trying to be nice by not fucking you up!" I said trying to get out of August's grip.

"Cat calm down baby it's not worth it" he said holding me then a glass came flying our way and he let me go trying not to get hit, I ducked and ran straight for shawty I caught her over Chris' shoulder and dragged her ass out his grip.

"You think I'm fucking pussy bitch!" I said swinging on her. She tried to fight back but apparently that liquor was fucking her up cause she wasn't connecting for shit, I gave her one more blow to the jaw and dropped her ass then pulled my dress down properly and stepped away. "Now disrespect me again bitch and Ima fuck you up worse, lets go August" I said throwing my hair over my shoulder.

"Man Ima see y'all later man" August said giving everyone a quick dap while I searched my clutch for the car keys while making my way to the door once I was outside he came to my side.

"You okay babe?" He asked searching my face.

"Yeah I'm just ready to go" I said smiling.

"Alright cmon, you think you good to drive?"

"Yeah that shit made me sober instantly" I said sighing.

"Ain't gone front it really did, I don't understand why someone always gotta get out of line with you like it's not that serious" he said as we got in the car, I took my heels off my feet and put them over on his side.

"Next time lets just go out for dinner okay cause me around other bitches will never end well as we seen God show us tonight" I said glancing in his direction.

"Yeah agreed or we take the kids out for the day or something" he said laughing, I nodded  and turned I put my foot down on the gas more cause I needed to get home I was tired and I just wanted my bed to cuddle with my baby.

"Baby?" I said pouting.

"Yes princess?"

"Can we cuddle when we get home?"

"Why would you ask that? If you wanna cuddle with me I ain't gone say no" he said making me smile.

"And can you rub my butt til I fall asleep?"

"Okay is you tryna fuck tonight or not?"

"Noo I just wanna cuddle and have my baby rub my butt til I fall asleep" I said pouting.

"Yeah you want the dick, I got you"

"Nah nah nah your not putting the pool stick inside this cozy place" I said making him laugh.

"You just called it a cozy place that's exactly where I'm supposed to put my pool stick" he said still laughing, I couldn't help but laugh at his dumb ass.

"Noo it's not going in there tonight"

"Then tomorrow?"

"Maybe, no guarantees" I said making him grin.

"I'm getting some mac and cheeeeese" he sung dancing in his seat. I couldn't help but bust out laughing.

"Your a damn mess boy" I said pulling up in our driveway.

"You love it though" he said poking my side.

"Boy I'm driving why would you do that!" I said laughing and smacking his hand, I turned off the car and turned to him.

"Gimme a kiss witcho sexy ass" he said biting his lip and I seriously couldn't help it, she got wet and I didn't waste no time leaning in.


Even though the night didn't go as planned, but fuck it, after we paid Kelsey for watching the kids we went upstairs and got ready for bed, I was just climbing into bed when Cat came out the bathroom, in a spaghetti strapped tank top with some American flag shorts, she climbed into the bed and crawled up laying in my arms.

"Babbbyyyy.." she said crawling over me.

"Yeah princess?" I said resting my hands on her thighs.

"I love you"

"I love you too princess, gimme kiss" I said making her blush, she leaned down and I bit her lip as we kissed.

"Mm I told you your not getting any now rub my booty Mr. Alsina" she said laying on my chest, I chuckled and rubbed her back then moved down to her butt, as I did that she started playing with my ear.

"What is it with you and Zoey playing my ear?"

"I don't know it's comforting" she mumbled putting her chin on my shoulder, I peeked down at her and she kissed my jaw closing her eyes, I knew instantly when she fell asleep because she stopped playing with my ear, I slowly slid her onto the bed and she groaned and got right back on top of me hugging my neck.

"So you don't wanna move baby?"

"No" she said half asleep, I rubbed her butt sending her right back to sleep and closed my eyes falling right asleep clutching my wife's body to mine.

The next morning I woke up in the same position I went to sleep in Cat was still knocked out and I wasn't finna wake her up, I sat up and slowly unwrapped her arms from my neck and put her on the bed, I kissed her lips softly and got up going straight to the bathroom. After I finished using the bathroom I went and checked in on the kids then went down to the kitchen it's a Saturday and I didn't really feel like making breakfast, so I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down eating.

"Daddy?" I looked back and saw Nayla coming in rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah baby girl?" I said turning to her, she came and crawled up in my lap and I kissed her cheek.

"I wanna talk to mommy" she said looking up at me, I closed my eyes and turned my head sighing.

"Look princess there's something daddy is gonna have to tell you, your not gonna understand it but maybe when your older you'll understand what I have to say" I said putting her on the counter in front of me.

"Why you crying daddy?" She said wiping my cheek with her fingers, I took a deep breath and looked up at her.

"Because..Nayla, your mom is gone"

"Is she gonna come back? I really miss her" she said innocently.

"That's the thing princess, she won't be coming back, and she told me to tell you that she really loves you and she's sorry she had to go so soon but she'll always be in your heart" I said watching as her face turned into a frown.

"Where'd she go daddy?"

"Mommy...mommy went with the angels baby girl"

"But Angels are up in the sky with Jesus" she said crossing her arms.

"And that's exactly where your mommy is baby girl, she didn't want to leave you but she didn't have a choice the angels needed her but she'll be watching you all the time with God and all the Angels you understand me? And in a few more days we're going somewhere but you have to be s strong girl alright sweetheart?"

"Yes daddy, can I get some of your cereal?"

"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked folding my arms.


"Alright go upstairs and do that then come back and I'll fix you your own bowl of cereal" I said putting her down on the floor.

"Okay!" She said running off, I couldn't help but chuckle, once she was gone I sighed and rubbed my face apart.

"Good morning handsome" I felt arms wrap around my torso and I reached behind me and pulled her forward and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning beautiful...she asked"


"Yup, it actually went better than I thought but I don't know what Ima do at the funeral" I said sighing.

"Hey when she gets a little older you can explain it all to her okay, she's still young so she's not gonna get it right away" Cat said rubbing my shoulders.

"I know, ugh how'd you sleep my lovely sweetheart?"

"I slept good" she said blushing, I pecked her lips and continued eating my cereal, I heard nothing but commotion upstairs and Cat sighed and climbed off her stool.

"I'll go get the rascals" she said laughing.

"Yeah please before they break something or themselves up there then Ima break they behinds" I said making her laugh even more.

A few seconds later I heard AJ and Zoey coming down arguing while Nayla was with Cat and Elijah hugging her teddy bear.

"Yeo, why y'all arguing so early in the morning??" I said pushing them apart.

"Because AJ mushed me"

"Only cause you tripped me!"

"Both of y'all lower ya voices cause y'all don't pay bills in this house, now Zoey you need to stop doing that stuff to your brother and AJ the next time you put your hands on a girl you won't have no fingers understand me?" I said looking between the two of them.

"Yes dad" they said quietly.

"Now go sit at that table" I said standing up, I went over to Cat and took Elijah.

"Wassup lil man" I said blowing on his cheek he started giggling and tried to get away from me screaming.

"Careful lil boy and stop trying to jump out your fathers hands please" Cat said smacking his butt he pouted and hugged my neck as best as he could.

"Da..da" I chuckled and kissed his cheek then sat down and finished up my cereal.

"So what are we gonna do today? I don't have to do any work soo.." I looked up at Cat but she was busy staring at her phone.

"Um hello earth to my wife!" I said snapping my fingers in front of her, she looked at me like she was about to snap my fingers off.

"Don't snap them crusty things in my face son, that's one and two we should go to the fair" she said trying not to laugh.

"You just hurt my feelings but alright, man man you gone let go of daddy's neck?" He shook his head and hugged me tighter.

"Awwww that is the cutest thing ever, kids what you wanna eat?" Cat said getting up.

"I want cereal" Nayla said dancing in her seat.

"Make that none sweet she got a little bit to much energy this early in the morning" I said making her look up at me.

"Noooo" I chuckled and got up to go wash my bowl and Elijah really didn't let go he held on and tried to wrap his little legs around me, I finished washing out the bowl and went to make him a bottle after I was done I sat on the couch and put him next to me and handed him the bottle and he leaned into my side and ate.

"Aye babe, when he's done eating can you give him a bath please? And I'll help the girls get ready" Cat said coming into the living room.

"Yeah sure baby go ahead" I said looking down at Lijah who was playing with his feet while he ate.

After he was done I took him upstairs and put him in his crib while I looked for something for him to wear, I settled for a pair of cargo shorts, a polo shirt and a pair of green and black Jordan's that I had customized for him with his initials on the sides. I took him up and carried him to the bathroom and washed him up and let him play in the water for a little bit then took him out and carried him back to his room, I dried him off and got him dressed then put him in his playpen and left him to play with his toys while I went and got ready.

Hopefully today go good because I cannot handle no drama out no problems man just not now or ever.

Alright here you guys go I hope you enjoy don't forget to



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Peace and love Trvp_Qveen

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