Sorry About That (Gaster!Sans...

By little-nabb

86.5K 4.3K 5.7K

You worked for the newspaper, doing a simple editing job and a few other things here and there. Ever since mo... More

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Wakey, Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Probably Won't Be Sleeping Tonight
Let's Go Out
Making Small Moments
Officially Buddies
Oh, Oh, Here She Comes
Jonathan Slater and Baba
Man's Best Friend
Dreaming the Reality
You've Been Warned
The Man Who Speaks In Hands
It's A Struggle
Shopping Incidents and Not So Innocent Questions
Patience and Justice
Darling, You're A Star!
Sick With This Feeling
Dinner Date (REWRITTEN)
sans the skeleton (REWRITTEN)
In A Different Point of View
New Parts coming out!
What's Most Important

Old Best Friends Aren't The Best of Friends.

3.6K 158 359
By little-nabb

It's a beautiful day outside.

You skipped along the sidewalk, holding your phone in your hand as your arms swung. Not the safest thing to do, but you didn't care at the moment. You were finally going to be able to see one of your best friends after all!

Damien, a friend you had since middle school was finally visiting your city. Ever since he was a boy, he had wanted to travel around the world. So after high school he grabbed his camera and left for the sights to see. You supported him every step of the way, of course, but it still got lonely without him sometimes. Damien knew you inside and out. It was nice to be around someone like that, it was almost stress relieving. You didn't have to hide anything with him.

You quickly ran up to the park and headed for the swings. The two of you decided to meet here because of the history it had. You both grew up here, but you were the only one to stay. Whenever you guys wanted to escape or just hang out, you would meet by the swings and talk for hours on them. Now that you're back here... it's so nostalgic.

You took your seat on the bright red seat, the blue swing sitting next to you and reserved for your friend. You checked your phone quickly for any new messages on where Damien was, but there were none. Instead you checked the time, and almost spit.

You were an hour early. Were you really that excited? You laughed at yourself and decided to call G to pass the time. He was fun to bother at work. No matter how much you annoyed him or how it was a pain to have a call while he fixed cars, he never hung up.

The phone rings once, twice, three times before it's picked up.

"what's up, sweetheart?" G's gruff and tired voice comes through. You raise an eyebrow as you start swinging, thankful the swing didn't squeak.

"What's up with you? You sound horrible."


"No problem. Seriously though."

"just got up a little late, is all."

"How late is late?" You asked, pushing yourself higher in the air with your feet. Now that you were fully grown it wasn't as hard to touch the ground.

"mm... six thirty, i think? had to teleport right to work, and now," G let out a long yawn, then smacked his lips. He didn't even have any lips. "now... i'm here. working. i'm so tired."
"Sorry, that's probably my fault." You sighed, holding the phone tighter as you looked up at the sky. It really was a beautiful day today. The sky was clear and it wasn't too hot out. You could tell that fall was coming soon though. Leaves were changing color and the air was a little cooler than normal.

"i mean, it was," you frowned "but it's fine. all i want is for you to be safe. speaking of, where are you right now?"

"Uh.. the park."


"Not for long," you chirped. "I'm meeting one of my friends today. He finally decided to come into the city. I haven't seen him in forever!"

"good for you, doll." G grunted, and you heard something clang on his side of the line. "god damnit."

"Should I go?"

"only if you want to." You looked around the park. It was empty, except for a single person walking by. You dismissed them quickly and went back to your phone call.

"Nah." You slowed down your swinging. "I like lis- OH MY GoD," You screamed as two hands were suddenly on your shoulders, and you fell off the swing, onto the barkchips. "SHIT ASS, NO NO NO," Okay you practically skyrocketed off that swing and now your ass really hurt. You heard a familiar laugh behind you and you froze, not answering G's frantic worries.

Behind where you used to sit (comfortably) is Damien. Dressed in cargo shorts and a floral shirt, flip flops on his feet. Freckles decorated his body and he had a nice tan, probably from being outside so much. On normal occasions, you would jump into this man's arms and scream of happiness, but now you were pissed.

"I hate you so goddamn much, what the fuck," You got off the ground and hit your friend in the gut. He groaned, hunching over but he still managed to chuckle at you. "Go to hell, Damien."

"No, no please," He wheezed. You were slightly surprised how much his voice changed. Did he always have an accent? "I am but a weary traveller and in need of assistance from someone great and mighty."

"You don't deserve it, but I guess I'll help." You sighed heavily, then started chuckling. "Hey, G, I'm okay. My shit excuse of a friend just scared me outta my skin." You sneered at the brunette in front of you jokingly. He stuck out his tongue in response.
"scared the living hell out of me." G sighed on the other end, and you could hear his bones slightly shaking. You turned away from your friend, slightly worried now.

"Hey, I'm okay. Damien just scared me and I'm super jumpy so I overreacted. I'm okay."

"is it bad i want to beat up damien?"

"No, everyone feels that way sooner or later." You cooed, smiling. There was your G. "I'm going to go now, and don't worry about me. I have a weak and lean photographer with me now." G snorted.

"Hey!" Damien whined.

"yeah, okay. be safe."

"You too. See you at home." You turned back around, hanging up the call. Damien had his arms crossed as he walked over to you, his eyebrow raised slightly. He was suspicious of you already?

"What's that about?"

"That was my roomate, G. He was just worried because I started, you know, screaming." You put the phone down in your back pocket. Finally, you decided to hug your friend. Wrapping your arms around his middle, you sighed. "I haven't seen you in years."

"It's easy to get a little caught up." Damien shrugged, accepting the embrace. You broke quickly and you turned on your heel. "I'm guessing you have a plan for today?"


"Of course." Damien laughed, walking along with you in your quick pace. "Should I be worried?"



The two of you had eventually ended up at your house, on the couch and chatting away. It was surprising there was so much to talk about. Well, you didn't have a lot, but Damien sure did. Why wouldn't he?

"So you think Sans and this goopy dude have some sort of connection to G?" Damien asked you, his arms casually slinging around the couch. You nodded.

"I know they do. But after some events, I've decided to stop searching." Just because you stopped searching, doesn't mean strange things stopped happening though.

"You? Not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? You've changed a lot, haven't you?" Damian snorted, and you hit him on the arm.

"Yeah, I have! I'm not twelve anymore."

"Obviously." He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you laughed, pushing his face away from yours as he tried to give you a sloppy kiss.


"You love me." Damien pulled back, wiping his lips from the spit he planned attacking you with. You rolled your eyes.

"I gueesss. Do I have to?"

"You're under an oath, so yes. Do you want to pee your pants?"

"Oh my god, we made that oath years ago." You laughed, throwing your head back. You remembered that you had a spit handshake to seal the deal. It was disgusting. "Peeing your pants is the worst punishment we could come up with?"

"It's the only one you would agree to because your a wuuuussss." Damien started to boo and you pushed him enough for him to fall and lay on the couch.

"More like the other way around."

"Yeah, you got me there." He agreed, pulling you down with him. "I was pretty weak back then."

"Was?" You chuckled, propping yourself up with your arms resting on his chest. "More like you are."

"I got stronger! I'll totally fight you."

"Don't start something you'll regret, pretty boy," You smiled evilly, and that's when the door opened. You quickly looked over to your roomate who was standing at the doorway, staring at the two of you. "G!" You pushed off your friend and ran up to him. "G, this is Damien." Said man was getting off the couch as well, fixing his shirt. G gave him a look you couldn't really piece together, but it didn't look good.

"I've been friends with Damien since middle school." You were quick to distract him."We made a spit oath that we had to stay friends or the one to break up the friendship had to piss themselves."

"spit oath?" He speaks! You took the bags out of G's hands and put them on the kitchen counter.

"You spit on your hand and shake, its gross but necessary." Damien filled in for you. You nodded, walking up to him.

"Like this. Promise to get all of us dinner?" You spit on your hand and Damien did as well, then you slapped your hands together and shook.

"Wait, what, no."

"Now Damien is buying us dinner." You took your hand away from his and wiped the liquid on your pants. Gross. G seemed to feel the same way, his face grimacing.

"that's horrible."

Damien placed an arm around you suddenly. You liked the closeness, so you didn't bother to get him off, but you were surprised. You decided not to ask and looked over at the time. "It's time for dinner, actually. I'll grab your outfit!" Quickly you scurried away and into G's room. You hoped while you looked through his mess of a room, the two of them could get along.


The selected dinner place was a bar downtown. It was popular, crowded, and not your scene. But you went, for Damien. Who knew how long he was going to stay? You wanted him to have a good time.

Damien insisted to go shopping for some nightclub clothing for you. You wanted to say no, you didn't really like being put in a dress, which is what your friend wanted. It put you out there, and it screamed a gender you didn't want to be.

But you bought the dress anyway, for Damien.

The whole walk to the bar, something felt off. G was more quiet than usual, and Damian was more touchy. Again, you didn't mind the closeness, but it wasn't like him to be so close and cuddly. You really didn't want the night to be ruined, so you didn't ask and didn't do anything about it.

Once you entered the building you immediately felt all the discomfort rushing in at once. You hurried to the bathroom to put on the dress, leaving the boys at the entrance. You said you'd find them somehow, and that was enough to let you go and get changed.

It had been fifteen minutes and all you had done was stare at the clothing while sitting in the stall.

You were sure your friends were getting worried by now, but even with that you couldn't bring yourself to put it on. It was way too showy, too tight for your liking. Sure, you liked putting on a dress every now and then, but this was a whole new level. You didn't like it.

Damien would understand, right? He was your best friend. He might not know about your gender choices, but still he would respect them. Wouldn't he?

You shoved the dress back in the bag, running out of the bathroom and over to your friends who sat at the bar table. Shame crept up your neck as you sat next to Damien. He looked disappointed.

"Not feeling the dress?"

"Not really, no," You sighed, not making eye contact. You hoped you didn't ruin the night out. A hand was on the small of your back and you looked up at your friend who smiled understandingly. His hand travelled around your back soothingly and you sighed again.

You didn't see G gripping his glass cup with enough strength to break it.


G had had it up to here.

He didn't like this Damien character, he didn't since he first saw him. G especially didn't like it when he touched you. It felt... wrong. You didn't seem to mind the touches, and that only made the skeleton boil in whatever it was he was feeling even more. He didn't know what he was feeling or why, all he knew is he wanted you away from your precious 'friend'.

G kept quiet though, nursing his drink and silently screaming in his head every time Damien made a move on you. It was obvious that he didn't see you as a friend like you did, but you were so god damn oblivious you thought it was all platonic. Sometimes things weren't platonic, sometimes the other party felt something more. And if you couldn't see that... you would get into trouble one day.

G stayed in his spot as you and Damien danced with other monsters and humans. He watched, he watched and saw every little tap on the ass the photographer gave you and the looks he had on you. It made the skeleton clench his jaw and grip on his drink harder every time.

When a tap turned into a grope on the ass, G had gotten out of his seat and headed for the two of you without thinking.

G wrapped an arm around you and felt you get stiff. He felt you relax as you saw it was him as well. The fact you got so comfortable made him feel good. Like he had won something.

It was sick.

"hon, i think it's getting a little crowded here, don't you?" You nodded quickly, your facial features just yelling at him that you felt uncomfortable. So you weren't okay with those touches. Good to know. "i'm going to go out and take a break. come with me, yeah?"

You looked back at Damien, who distracted himself with another human woman. You contemplated something, probably about inviting him along, before you walked for the door, G still attached to you. He couldn't help but think you made the right choice.

The fresh air was welcoming. G could smell the alcohol and smoke still, but it was better out here than in there. You slumped against the building and G removed his arm, resting next to you with his hands going in his jean pockets.

"you okay, doll?"

"I don't know." You shrugged, eyeing your shoes. "It's nice to see Damien, but... he's so different now."

"if by different, you mean perverted, i agree." G scowled, and you gave him a look. "what?"

"Well, what's that supposed to mean?" You crossed your arms.

"you didn't know it was that jackhole touching you all night?" He gestured to the building as he talked, turning so he could face you completely, his hip jutting out and resting on the brick wall. You shook your head, looking back at the door. G sighed, frown clear on his face. "sweetheart, let's just go home. he's weird right now, drunk probably. you can talk to him about it tomorrow." It made his nonexistent gut wrench and churn that he was reassuring you about someone like Damien, but he clearly meant a lot to you.

G would put up with it. For now, at least.


The next day, you still felt gross.

You didn't like the inappropriate touches last night at all, but you thought it was some random asshole in the bar. You never would think your own friend would do that to you. You took a shower first thing this morning, but like you said before. You still felt disgusting.

You had gone out of your way to please Damien last night. You didn't want to do that again, so you were quick to talk to him about it. But...

You couldn't find him anywhere.

You felt guilty since you pretty much ditched him last night. Was he safe? Did he get somewhere to sleep? Damien didn't answer a single phone call, which worried you even more.

Whenever you talked about how you felt to G, though, he got distant. He didn't like talking about him for some reason. Everything was confusing and it was getting you frustrated. Why wouldn't anyone talk to you?

Hours later you got a text from Damien saying he was getting on the next plane out of your city.

Of course. You screwed it all up, didn't you? He was leaving because of you. You should have put on the dress, you should have done this, you should have done that. Why were you so prude? Why were you so ignorant?

Why? Why? Why?

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