Aomine: What's not to Love?

By Alybigsis

94.1K 2.3K 119

Sayuri Kobayashi is a pretty girl with a shy sweet disposition and a realistic look on high school life a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 21

2.1K 58 4
By Alybigsis

During the bus ride she sat quietly with Akira, while Momoi went over the game plan once again. She dished orders so professional and firmly. Sayuri merely sat and listened hoping to gleam some more knowledge of the unfamiliar game. They were going against Shutoku high, home to a strong team and one of the generations of miracles. Midorima Shintarou. He went to Teiko middle school along with the rest of the generation of miracles. To be honest Sayuri knew next to nothing about him. Akira seemed to understand better than she did. She looked down to her hands as she sat in the car; she would occasionally look up to Aomine to see his expression. He was serious; he looked excited, pumped up. He was smiling wide as they continued to strategize. She blushed and turned away. He was kind of cute getting to passionate.

They arrived at the stadium, they began to unpack, and she could tell Aomine was starring at her from the corner of his eye. She froze and turned around to meet his gaze; she grumbled and stuck her tongue out at him. He merely laughed as she turned her back to him stomping away with a feigned attitude smiling a giggling to herself. Akira gave a curious and frustrated glare to Aomine at the exchange. To which Aomine noticing his gaze stuck his tongue out at him. Much to Akira displeasure.

After they had unpacked everything Sayuri put her heels on. She hesitated looking at the black shoes on her feet. Would it be weird to suddenly change? She wondered. She wanted to look her best. As she thought it over Akira came and stood next to her. "It's almost time for the game to start we should find a seat." He said looking down at his watch. She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. "You go find us some seats; I have to go talk to Aomine." She told him as she started off to their locker room. Akira hesitated as he heard she was going to see Aomine, he wanted to come along to make sure he didn't try anything. But he decided against it in favor of finding good seats.

Sayuri walked down the hallway to the locker room, she peaked open the door, the team was warmed up and talking over details together. Aomine saw her as she hesitated to enter with the serious atmosphere hanging over everyone. Aomine walked to the door and pulled it open suddenly surprising her as she hadn't seen him. Her timid form jumped back as her eyes widened. He smirked at her and she nervously swallowed salvia. "I wanted to talk to you for a moment." She said shyly looking at her hands. "Talk." He said leaning on the door frame. She tensed her shoulders and blushed. "Could you step out here a moment, please?" She shyly asked. She stepped out and shut the door behind him. She kept her gaze to the floor, as if she was gaining up courage. "I'm waiting." he said leaning down slightly. She glanced up at him with a bright red blush on her cheeks as she stood up on her tip toes. She reached her hand up to gently touch his cheek, her soft pale delicate finger tips brushing against his tan cheek. She tilted his head and closed her eyes as she pressed her pink lips to his cheek. She than lowered back down off her tip toes and kept her view down embarrassed. Aomine seemed shocked. Before he could say anything she stuttered as she spoke. "You better win, if you want anymore." She said before embarrassment took over her and she dashed away.

Sayuri was still bright red when she spotted Akira and shuffled through the blenchers to sit beside him. Akira noticed her flushed face and became annoyed. "Did that bastard do something to you?" He asked getting angry. "No." She quietly shakes her head watching her fingers in her lap. "I did something to him." She finally said giving Akira a smile. Akira seemed even more annoyed but didn't say anything else on the subject. Soon both teams came onto the court. Sayuri could see Aomine and Momoi, as well as the rest of the team as they bowed with the Shutoku team before the game started. She could see boy she assumed to be Midorima. He had a serious look, with glasses, and green hair. For some reason he had ceramic gnome on the bench. She tilted her head curiously, why was that there? The game started and she kept up to the best of her ability. She watched as both teams faced off. She watched as each team moved around to combat each other, control of the game shifting back and forth between the two. She found herself getting wound up in the game. Her focus mostly on Aomine. She couldn't help but smile. He was having so much fun, he really was. Her heart warmed as the game continued fiercely.

After the game she had rushed to the locker room to meet the team, dragging Akira behind her. "Slow down." He whined. He looked down to her heels wondering how she could run so fast in them. He didn't have time to voice his wonder as they made it to the locker room. She hesitated and knocked on the door. Momoi opened it and quickly ushered her inside. "Sayuri, come on in." She smiled merrily. Sayuri nodded as she entered the locker room, she dragged Akira in dragging him in front of her as if to be a barrier to protect her. She was embarrassed all the suddenly as she remembered the surprise she had given Aomine before the game. She wondered if Aomine would do anything to retaliate. Thus Akira was a protective measure. Akira seemed annoyed at how he was dragged around. But took up his role of protector rather seriously. Aomine noticed her he was standing there surrounded by the rest of the team. He had a towel thrown over his shoulders sweat falling off his toned body, giving him a masculine look as his muscles flexed and he lifted a water bottle to his mouth. She watched rather embarrassed. He really was quiet handsome and rugged. She couldn't help but admire his masculine form for a moment the same she'd been doing through the whole game. He smiled and walked to Sayuri and she timidly gripped Akira's shoulder. "Thank you for your surprise, it was very motivational." Aomine suddenly said to her leaning over Akira. Akira visible stiffed and growled. Momoi suddenly jumped forward. "Wait, that surprise thing from before, I want to know." She suddenly whined. Akira suddenly reached out to push Aomine away. He glared at him for a minute. Sayuri smiled and suddenly pinched Akira's cheek. Akira blushed and complained to Sayuri. Sayuri suddenly got an idea. She leaned forward and kissed Akira's cheek. "My sweet, brother is so cute." She said as she gave him another peck. Akira suddenly pushed her away trying to escape her grasp. Aomine looked rather annoyed by her sudden affection towards someone else. She glanced up at him trying to hide her intentions. But he'd seen through her, He glared at her with a slight blush and she knew he'd get her back for that later. She really pissed him off as she continued to do so. As much as Akira's reaction where adorable she loved seeing Aomine jealous expression as he tried not to look at the two of them. He was really annoyed.

The team prepared for their lunch. They headed to a nearby bark equipped picnic tables. The team carried the equipment to the park and Sayuri took over. She pulled her apron over her outfit and set up her families grill she had borrowed for today. The boys starred as she put on a serious expression as she cooked, they could smell the heavenly meet she cooked for them. She was a sight to behold, standing in all her beauty covered in a pink lacey apron in her heels. She certainly was an attractive deal. Any boy on the team would love to come home to that everyday. Aomine seemed to put a claim on it though as he stood up from the picnic table and walked to the grill. His first instinct was to slap her but, which he did. At the sudden unexpected contact she screeched and jumped falling over but managing to catch herself. Her expression was bright red as she yelled back to him and chased him off swinging her spatula angrily at him. She finished the rest of the meal mumbling to herself awkwardly with an embarrassed smile. She'd occasionally reach up and hold her hot cheeks and sigh trying to relieve the heat. Akira soon found out about this as well. To which he also started chasing Aomine around. It quickly turned into a game. The rest of the team, which had been resting after such a psychically taxing game, cursed Aomine and his unending stamina. Sayuri quickly forgave him as she was never a really stubborn person, being rather weak willed like her mother. Even though he never gave an apology. She was somehow angered over the fact she'd somehow gained a soft spot for the pervert. She served the burgers and everyone dug in praising heaven for edible food. Was Momoi's food really so bad as to bring everyone to tears at the sight of good food. She finally accepted how bad Momoi was a cook when she showed the food she had brought. She couldn't even figure out what she had been trying to make. She sat down next to Aomine and served him with a smile on her face. She seemed to have forgotten her embarrassment at the cheery atmosphere that was being spread throughout the entire team. She was smiling and laughing along with a merry expression. She was practically glowing in sincere happiness. She had opened up, and was making an effort to be friendly. She passed out towels and refilled beverages. The team fawned over have in such a cute and diligent girl serve them, Momoi had a more seductive, giggly feel, but Sayuri was gentle and submissive. While she was sitting finally resting to enjoy her own food, Aomine watched her with a warm smile his heart warming expression made her feel more conscious as she noticed it and scratched her cheek. She finally nudged him playfully. "What?" She questioned with a giggle. "Nothing, just admiring something beautiful."He quickly said leaning his head in the picnic table holding his head up with the palm of his head. She blushed and quickly stuffed his unfinished burger in his mouth playfully. After recovering from her embarrassment she quickly replied. "Didn't think you could be so cheesy, Dai." He glanced to her and swallowed a mouth full of his burger. His eyes watched her Lilly white neck and she drank from a water bottle. A drop of water escaping her mouth to fall down her neck. He smirked and leaned in to lick in off her neck. She froze as his mouth latched onto her neck and licked the water off. She could feel his warm breath and soft tongue as it slid across her skin making her shiver. She suddenly jumped back falling backwards onto the ground. Her head hitting the soft ground. No one seemed to notice until she screamed and feel backwards. Her legs still on the bench her skirt had been pulled up giving Aomine a nice view of her black lace panties. She quickly reached her hand up still on the ground to pull her skirt up. She covered her underwear. Aomine was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Sayuri was so embarrassed she didn't dare stand up. She merely sat hovering behind Aomine's frame hiding from everyone else. "Sayuri, Are you all right?" Akira asked with a worried voice as he stood up from the other side of the table preparing to run to her side. Momoi immediately guessed it was Aomine's doing. "Dai, what did you do to Sayuri?" She yelled at him. Aomine was laughing too hard to reply. Sayuri finally replied to everyone who was about to check on her as it took her so long to answer. "I'm fine." She meekly replied. She sat up and crawled to Aomine. She was still on the floor and not visible to anyone else. She laid her head on the bench she felt as though her face was steaming. Aomine looked down to her still laughing. She had grass in her hair and her bun was partially pulled out. She turned her head and leaned against Aomine tugging on his shirt. She cuddled her head up to his side. He turned downward and started to pick the grass out of her hair. She suddenly looked up to him with a hesitant smile. There she goes instantly forgiving him again. She didn't hate it when he teased her. As a matter of fact she might like it somehow. She came back to him affectionately. He smiled warmly with a giggle as he brushed out her hair. She hesitantly sat back down and starting eating again. Realizing over half her hair had already been pulled out of her bun she pulled it all out and brushed her fingers through it in an attempt to style it. Aomine reached out and started to arrange her hair. Brushing his long fingers through it, she leaned closer to make it easier for him and put her arms back in her lap. After he was content with it he released her locks and finished of his food. She seemed to have a soft smile on her lips. Though she surprisingly didn't get defensive at the thought of another attack.

Akira seemed suspicious and kept a close eye on the two of them. Everyone split a watermelon and the team sat and joked and everyone had a good time. Aomine had gotten his pay back for the attention the she had smothered on Akira in front of him. She sighed and thought about it. She would do it again though. She smiled to herself as she cleaned up. The team thanked her for their meal rather passionately. "It was my pleasure, thank you for allowing me to take part in your merry gathering." She bowed to them, her figure perfectly showing off in that position and that outfit. She pulled her loose hair behind her hair as she stood back up to see all the first years she'd been talking to blushing. She suddenly felt an arm over her shoulder and Aomine was standing there leaning on her. "Isn't my girlfriend a good cook?" Aomine bragged, emphasizing the 'Girlfriend' in the sentence. She rolled her eyes as she blushed at his close proximity. He really was easily jealous. Of any boy she spoke to he was always telling them, she was his. To be honest she saw some sense in what he was doing no matter how animalistic his possessive behavior was. Maybe he was worried she'd fall for someone else. To be honest she'd been rather honest to tell him she did not return his feeling no matter what the labeled their relationship. She wondered if was worried about it, what she'd run off with someone else. If he did she felt as though she would pity him. She wanted to ask him. Now she had a list of thing she wanted to ask him.

As the first years began carrying their things from lunch back to the bus, Sayuri glanced over to Aomine. She had an idea to fix her problems. She tugged on his arm gaining his attention. She looked up to him and gave him a worried glance hoping he'd accept. "Aomine, could we arrange a date sometime soon?" She gave him another heart tugging glance. He giggled and put his hand on her head ruffling her hair. "You're too cute you know." He suddenly said. She smiled a little embarrassed at the compliment. She felt as though she needed to accept it. "Thank you." He looked down to her. "For what?" He asked her perplexed. "You complimented me of course." She raised her voice a little. "Shouldn't it be me thanking you for being so cute to only me, but whatever, you're welcome I guess." He suddenly shrugged his shoulders. She pouted and tugged on his arm again. "The Date!, What about the date?" She said to him. He smirked. "Didn't know you'd be so desperate to get your piece of my time, have I caught your heart already?" She blushed and tightened her grip on his arm rather than letting go she glanced back up with a smirk of her own. "Not nearly as much as I've caught yours." She replied. Touché. He had a little almost unnoticeable blush on his cheek as he turned away. "I'll take you out, I have practice again tomorrow, so the day after that." He finally gave in. She smiled and clung to his arm like a happy little girl at her victory. "I can't wait." She smiled brightly. There she goes again. He wanted to kiss her again. Would she slap him? With the heart melting kiss she'd given him earlier he wondered it he could get away with it. No one was looking. Almost as if sensing what he wanted she turned to her side. She suddenly lifted her hand to her cheek pointing to her cheek. "Only here, not the lips yet." She said rather embarrassed. He wondered if he could accept just a kiss on the cheek. For her sake he would wait for now. He knelt now a little and his lips pressed against her cheek. She closed her eyes. She was a little afraid he 

would go for her lips anyway and had her hand at the ready to protect her first kiss. He lifted up afterward with a smile. "Keep that first kiss ready for me." He said. She wondered if he was disappointed he didn't get her first kiss. "No one ever kissed my cheek before either." She said with a blush she was feeling rather sentimental about it all the sudden. He looked to her suddenly wanting another one. Even if the cheek was as much as he could get. He leaned in and she prepared for another. "Hey, what are doing to Sayuri!" Akira suddenly jumped forward charging at Aomine. Aomine turned to him and easily dodged his attack laughing at him as he continued his futile attempts. "Don't you touch her again!" Akira shouted.

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