The Outsider And His Mate

By hepplef

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Abrielle(a- bree- EHL) a girl from New York. She meets someone who will change her life, a hot and nerdy were... More

A Little Backround
Chapter 1: Elwood, Kansas
Chapter 2: The Transition
Chapter 3: Oroton
Chapter 4: Blast From The Past(jk)
Chapter 5: Make New Friends
Chapter 6: A Big Mistake
Chapter 7: What's Wrong With Me!
Chapter 8: The Plan
Chapter 9: What Am I Doing Here
Chapter 10: Who Are You People?
Chapter 11: The Fun Begins
Chapter 12: Nora
Chapter 13: The Fate of These Two Mates
Chapter 15: Are you serious?
Chapter 16: Fuck My Life
Chapter 17:
Untitled Part 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: The Wedding

Chapter 14: Surprise X3

49 2 5
By hepplef

Don't listen to this yet! I will tell you when to. Warning this chapter DOES contain MATURE content. Party is on Saturday, October 15th and the appointment is Sunday the 16th.


OH. MY. GOD. There are so many people here and they are all looking at me. I am scanning the crowd quickly as Brody and I walk over to where his parents are. I stop walking when I see her and Brody stops and asks 'what's wrong'. What do I even say to her 'sorry I haven't made contact I've been busy turning into a werewolf and losing my memory'? I can't do that to her.

"I need to go talk to my grandma, will you please come with me? She needs to meet the man I am going to marry someday." I really need the moral support so I throw in some sad eyes to make him feel guilty.

"Okay but we really need to make it over to my parents as soon as possible. The thing I need to tell them about is time sensitive." We make our way over to my grandma and I hug her.

"Oh my darling, haven't you grown up since the funeral? How are you? You look so pretty oh and who is this handsome man?" She raises her eyebrows and nods to Brody. Jeez, my grandma is such a flirt.

"Hello my name is Brody Bustamante, I am Abrielle's....."

"Boyfriend, he is my boyfriend grandma. I am really surprised you are here. I didn't know you were so involved in the town's politics or charity." I look away from her to Brody and smile as he intertwines our fingers.

"I'm really good grandma, I found a very nice guy who makes me feel special and beautiful. How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing just fine sweetheart, I am so happy you found someone that treats you better than Dylan especially after he found out you were-"

"Um, so grandma what are you doing here?" I try to distract her from the topic she was about to bring up that I have not told Brody about. I have wanted to tell him but I don't want to ruin what we have. I look to Brody to see his reaction to my grandma's words. He looks confused as to what she was going to say but he can't know yet.

"-and that's why I'm here. Why are you still here in Kansas and Mia is here too?" To be honest I did not hear a thing she said. 

"Um, yeah about that... I kind of was attacked while driving back to your house from the funeral. I'm okay now but I'm really glad it happened because that's how I met Brody. His house was nearby and his family helped me out while I healed. Then Brody and I slowly got to know each other and now we are dating. I kind of live with them since dad doesn't care where I am. I go to school here now and Mia is staying temporarily it's just until the day after New Years."

"Well thank you, Brody for helping my granddaughter. Abrielle I think you should come live with me. Now that the house has more room and since the Bustamantes seem to already have you enrolled in school. They also seem to have a new family member coming soon if I'm not wrong." She looks at Brody who is nodding his head and smiling. They are all excited for the new baby, the gender is still unknown they want to keep it a surprise until it is born. 

"Um grandma I would love to come stay with you but I have a thing I have at their house I have to do every day. I will talk to Brody's parents though and see what we can do. I am asking though that you give me a week to pack up and that you are flexible with me being able to come over here." I pause trying to stop myself from getting mad at her expression. She looks like she doesn't want me to be able to come around here often. "I just need to be able to spend time with Brody he is leaving soon and will be gone for a couple of months. Brody please give us a moment I will meet you over by your parents in a couple of minutes." 

I just need to talk to my grandma and make sure she doesn't bring up anything that has not been said to Brody. He bid a quick farewell and walked off to his parents. "Okay grandma here is the deal these people are the parents I didn't get to have due to someone killing mom. I need to be here and I work for Lexy, Brody's mom, I'm like her personal assistant type person. I get stuff done for her that needs to be done and I get paid, so at I at least need to be here every day after school. Please let me have the week with Brody and then I will move in with you. I really need to be with him grandma..."

"Brie I need you to know something, I know about werewolves. I know Brody's family they are good people sure but what you don't know is that Brody's great grandpa kicked your grandpa out of the pack. All because he fell in love with me a human, and I carry that regret every day. Yes, that does mean your dad is a werewolf but he doesn't know it the gene is recessive. It only kicks in if he kills someone. It is the same for you but I don't think you will be killing anyone nor your father. So I never told either of you. I hope you don't hate me for that but I need you to move in with me to make sure the gene doesn't take effect. It could happen even if it is an accident."

Holy crap my grandma did not just say that she couldn't have. My grandpa wasn't a werewolf....  OMFG that's why they didn't want me to move in with them. Shit that also must be why my grandma advised me to not get the abortion. Oh my god, I can't do this I need to get some air. I have to leave but first I have to tell her.

"Um, grandma I um.... I have to go outside I need to get some air but you need to know something. I am truly sorry that this happened and I understand if you don't accept me. I am... I'm a werewolf, I was bitten the night of grandpas funeral and Brody is my mate. I'm sorry grandma I really need to go outside real quick. Oh and please don't mention Charlette around Brody he doesn't know yet I barely had the guts to tell him how Dylan use to treat me and everything with mom and dad. If my mate finds out I will be heartbroken he will probably reject me. Please don't mention anything about her I will tell him when I'm ready."

 I'm walking away from my grandma and heading to the door when Brody's parents say my name over the microphone. Oh great this can't get worse could it I just want to go and cry for a bit and come back I just need a bit of time to clear my mind of Charlette. 

"Can we have Abrielle join us on stage before we start." So I walk up on the stage and stand by Brody, leaning over to him I ask "What is this for I need to go get some air." "Please Brie just listen for minute and you'll find out."

"Thank you, everyone for coming to the AIDS relief charity and for as some of you know this is also a very important day. The day my son's best friend in life and girlfriend, Abrielle turns 18. I want everyone to know how proud we are of our son he coordinated all of this without her knowledge and he is doing an amazing job as her boyfriend. This looks amazing if I may say so myself he has done a wonderful job all while helping her cope with her memory loss and the change from New York to Kansas. I really want to thank the birthday girl for making my son a better man and helping him break out of his shell. Since they have met Brody has been more confident than ever and has stood up for what he believes when people question him. Thank you so much Brie!" 

His mom just said all of that and is now hugging me, and when she pulls away his dad shakes my hand with a smile and quietly thanks me. Next thing I know brody is standing beside me with the microphone in his right hand and his left arm wrapped around my waist. What is he up to?

"I would like to say a thanks to Brie. She has been here for me since the day she woke and saw me I mean we were a little awkward at first, but we found our way. When I was afraid to tell my father that I much rather prefer to sing than play football she helped me tell him. Not only did she help me tell him she also helped realise that I didn't like playing football I was just afraid to get killed while doing it. So Brie tonight is your night and I would like to start it off with a dance. I'm sure you'll catch onto the importance of the song for us." 

The music starts playing as he leads me onto the dance floor(listen to the song now). When I hear the first few lyrics I understand.

'Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memory
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind'

I listen to the song while brody and I slow dance and he holds me tight. "I love you Brie and always remember I'm here if you need to talk. Please just tell me everything I don't want you to be afraid to tell me things. I will never leave you, I could never leave you. You are my life, my soul, I can't survive without you, YOU are the love of my life and my future Luna. Happy Birthday Love!" Brody whispers.

I hold onto him tighter and rest my head on his shoulder. I am trying to not cry after hearing about the C person and now everything Brody has done I'm so close to tears. If I don't get out of here soon I will ruin Mia's hard work. Before the song is over I look up at him with my watery eyes and it's like he understands what I need. At that moment he pulls me closer to him and kisses me on the lips, we only hold for a moment. When we break apart I feel that longing for him to be close and so I just stand there swaying back and forth with him until the song ends. 

When the song finally ends everyone claps and I see his parents looking at us with a knowing look. One of joy and future hopes not despair and anger like my fathers. Then I see my grandma, she looks upset with me and a little disappointed with a hint of, what is that.... hurt in her eyes? 

"Brody I need to go out and get some air. Could you get me some water and meet me outside? There's also something I need to tell you." I let Mia know that we are going outside and that I'm going to try and explain about Charlette. She looks at me confused a little sorrowful. She can tell I don't want to but I also don't have a choice. 'good luck' is all she says before rejoining Zach.

Outside I go sit in the garden out back on a porch swing. Not long after Brody joining me with something better than water... tequila. Oh thank god this will make everything easier. I grab the bottle and just start drinking.

"Hey baby whatever you have to tell me can't be that bad. Please slow down we don't want you making any reckless decisions." He looks at me sincerely trying to get me to stop but I need to drink this right now.

"Brody before I tell you anything I need you to know that I Love you and all of this happened before I even knew you existed. I'm so sorry I come with all this baggage." I start breaking down and crying. "I need you to listen to a story real quick. Okay so when I was still with Dylan we went to this one party. I didn't plan on drinking or anything but then I got bored and Dylan was off flirting with other girls. I decided what could one drink hurt. So I got a drink, and another and another until I was drunk....... I am not a person when I'm drunk and I got a little jealous so I started grinding with this guy to make Dylan jealous and get his attention. After a couple of minutes he started to notice and pulled me away, at this point I don't know what's going on and I honestly can't remember anything after the guy. I woke up the next day at his house in his bed and no recollection of the night before. A few weeks later I was staying the night with Mia and realized I hadn't had my period that month so her mom got me a pregnancy test and it turned up positive. At that point, I had no clue how because I was a virgin. So I went over to Dylan's house and told him, he was not happy about and I told him I didn't even know how I got pregnant. I asked the person who's party we had gone to and he said that he heard Dylan and I having sex after he saw me grinding with the other guy and that Dylan then took me home. I called Dylan and yelled at him, how dare he have sex with me when I couldn't defend myself. By the end of the conversation he told me I needed to get an abortion." I look over at Brody to see his reaction. He looked angry, sad for me and even like he hated me. You can get through this just tell him the rest. Before I get to it though Brody speaks.

"Who the fuck does he think he is getting jealous and then going ahead and raping you? Not only that but also making you abort a poor little baby. He is a fucking monster and I don't want you to blame yourself okay? This is not your fault, I want you to promise me you won't blame yourself."

"I don't know what to say, like seriously I thought you would reject me and never want to speak to me. You do have to hear the rest of the story though." I pause to let him prepare himself. After a couple of minutes I continue, "I didn't know what to do I was only 17 and pregnant with no home or family that really cared so I asked my grandma for advice and she made me promise to keep the baby but she told that after I had it I needed to give it up for adoption. All the while keeping it a secret from Dylan so Mia and her mom let me live there and get myself to a better place and I broke up with Dylan. My grandma flew in when I was in labor for the support. I gave Charlette up and I don't have a clue where she is now I just hope she is in a good home. Please Brody don't tell anyone about this I don't want anyone to judge me or call me a whore like my last school."

All I see on his face is mixed emotions, anger hate sorrow pain surprise. Now he starts drinking the tequila, and hands it back to me. We sit like this for a bit and then finally says we should head back inside. As we walk in I hear the waltz come on so I pull Brody to the floor and we start waltzing. By the end of the dance I don't know how we hadn't fallen over yet with all the spinning and him lifting me up. Which when he does that I can visibly see his muscles bulging through his tux jacket. I notice how much they have grown since he joined football. All I feel is lust between us as we dance one of the most romantic dances in the world.

When we finally sit down at a table I just hold his hand stare at his features trying to decipher how he is coping with everything. One small problem is that he has too much joy on his face as he watches his father and 6-month pregnant mom salsa dancing. I couldn't help but look and when I turned back to him I was met with his soft lips grazing my own seeking permission, I quickly nodded. After a while we broke apart for air and decided to go get some water. 

I can tell my cheeks are pink because I can feel the heat rising in them and only getting more intense every time Brody looks at me and smiles. How am I so lucky to get someone like this, nice, caring, doesn't let my past determine our future. He's the best boyfriend in the world. We are walking back from the kitchen when I hear everyone singing happy birthday. As we reach the room I see everyone looking at me and then the giant cake. When they get done I blow out the candles with the help of Mia, Brody, and Zach. 

Everyone had cake and there was more dancing as the night went on people slowly left. Brody and his father left at some point to go take care of a pack matter. I steal Xavier Nora's mate for a dance like planned.

"So Xavier right? My name is Abrielle but you can call me Brie. I am Nora's going to be sister-in-law it's nice to meet you."

"Yes, my name is Xavier it is nice to meet you too."

"Okay, Xavier I have some questions for you if that's okay?"

"That is fine."

"Great, Do you believe in the supernatural?"

"Like vampires and werewolves or like what?"

"Yes like werewolves, do you believe in them?"

"Well, I guess I mean there is no proof they don't exist. So I guess the possibility is possible."

"Good, and what if I told that they are for a fact real? What would you do?"

"Um, I don't really know I mean I guess they are pretty cool. If you showed me a real one I might be a little skeptical but I would probably accept it."

"Well thank you for this dance and I'm so glad we had this conversation." I say as the song ends.

It's now been about 30 minutes give or take a few and I just want Brody back here where I know he is safe. All the people left at the party are kids from school and they are all dancing to the upbeat song like One Dance and Closer so I go outside and sit on the front steps. After a few minutes I notice someone out by the tree line a few yards away. I don't realize who it is until he is standing a foot away from me and fear courses through me. 

"All I want is one dance with the beautiful woman I can't have."

"Why are you here we both know you didn't come for just a dance. I want you gone, do you hear me gone. I hate you, you have ruined my life."

"You don't think you have messed mine up pretty badly too. My dad dug into why we broke, he found out you had been pregnant and that I told you to get an abortion. He looked everywhere to figure out some information on where you got the abortion. Turns out you are not on file as a patient at any abortion clinic or hospital. So he did some more digging and found your medical record, on it said you were in the hospital for a couple of days due to a broken leg. When we look at the footage for those days we saw you go in pregnant and come out with no baby and no cast." He looks murderous why did his dad do this. I quickly mind link Brody and let him know the situation. "Where's the baby Brie? You can't hide it forever I will find it someday so you might as well give it up now."

"NO, I will not give you the location of my child."

"Our child." He corrects me.

"No my child and even if I knew where it was I wouldn't tell you. You are a monster and I need you to leave me alone, Get away from me and my pack. Never come back unless you want to be killed." As he looks behind me he looks shocked and scared.

"You heard her, leave our pack and never come back." I turn around to see Brody, Zach, Mia, John, Lexy and a couple other pack members. Brody is the one who said that and I feel bad he has to cut a friendship for me. I wonder how much they all heard from the look on Mia, Nora, and Luna Lexy's faces they heard enough.

I look back to Dylan to see him slowly backing away. Into the trees and leaving the pack borders. I turn immediately and walk inside to the office. I need to make sure I didn't cry enough to mess up my makeup, no one in there can know I was crying. It is bad enough Brody's family and a few pack members saw everything unravel. 

I'm standing at the desk trying to collect myself, but I'm just frustrated that he came and ruined my birthday. All of a sudden I hear the door open and felt warm arms wrap around me. I look up and see Brody, if I was using my nose I would've smelt his scent before he entered the room. 

"Hey baby it's okay you don't have to worry about people disrespecting you here, you are the future Luna if they don't respect you they will have consequences."

"I know, I just need a couple minutes could you send in the girls." Brody nods and gives me a peck on the cheek and starts walking. "Um, wait." he stopped and turned around I looked at him for a second and then waved him back over. When he got to me I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him, kissing him and enjoying every minute. At first the kiss was light and long, then he started kissing me harder and pulling me as close to him as possible. We continue to make out, one of his hands on my waist and the other on my cheek. 

Every time the kisses intensify I can't help but hope no one can hear us. He starts trailing hot kisses down my neck and on my shoulders, I hold back the moan that wants to escape from the pleasure and ask. "Is anyone out there? Like did anyone follow you to the office?"......."No baby its just me and you." I can hear the passion and desire in his voice. I kneel down so my mouth is even with his hips. Slightly pulling his pants down about an inch on his left hip.

"Good," I say as I bite down on his now bare hip, he had his shirt off within seconds of us kissing. I can't help myself, I had to the longing inside of me was just growing. I don't even realize what I've done until I hear his moan of pleasure after the initial shock. He just pulls me up to his face and we start kissing again only stopping for air. He constantly kisses the spot he marked me at and it just overloads me with pleasure that I can't help but moan. He sits me on the desk using one hand just under my butt and the other still holding my face. He stands between my legs shirtless and sporting his fresh mark that's dripping a little blood.

"Brody....... Brody.. I.. Really think... that we should stop..... and get back to the party.... I mean I love this but there are people expecting us. I just don't want people to leave without me thanking them." I push back from him still straddling his body and sitting on the desk. He looks at me a little questioningly and then nods his head and grabs his shirt putting it back on.

As we are walking back out after the makeout session he turns to me and says 'thanks, I needed that and the mark.' then he turned back and just smirked. Grabbing his hand we walked back the rest of the way in silence. 

...................................................... Above was from 7pm- 10:30pm

A little after midnight (It is October and in case you are wondering the pool, hot tub, garden, deck area are under a temperature controlled dome behind the house.)

All that's left at the party are all the teens. Brody's parents went off to bed because his mom was having some pregnancy pains. So now all the teens are left dancing and drinking champagne. Soon after the parents left all the guest started to strip down to swimming suits and Nora led them out to the pool, I guess she made individual invitations for them that included swimming.

I head upstairs to get changed when I feel a presence behind me. I turn around to see Brody following me up the stairs. He wraps his arm around my waist and we go to the room. Once we are in the room and I'm about to wiggle out of my dress Brody immediately grabs me and throws me on the bed.

"I have a different idea, how about we have some alone fun before swimming?" 

"What kind of fun???" I ask but I already know I can feel the bond tugging at me to finish the process. I just don't know if I can. Maybe I should though I mean he has been more than understanding and I know I can trust him to not leave me or do bad things to me.

All I do is nod and he gets to work slowly kissing me then faster and our clothes come off. He is kissing me all over causing small moans to escape my mouth. My hands are running through his hair as me kisses down my torso then up. When he gets back to my mouth he looks at me for permission not wanting to make me feel regretful after this.

After our climaxes we just lay there for a couple minutes catching our breaths. I look at him at all I can do is smile. Brody looks at me with so much love and acceptance.

"We should go back downstairs I do have guest you know. I can't just disappear for awhile, and I have to talk to Mia about something. So lets go baby." I say getting off the bed, I put a simpler dress on that zips up the back and hits just above my knee over a bikini. Brody gets up and puts some swim trunks on ready to go swimming.

We had downstairs and I immediately find Mia by the hot tub while Brody joins in a game of water volleyball. I sit with my legs in the hot tub while Mia is completely in it just talking my ear off about Zach as we watch the boys play. 

"Hey Mia there is something I need to show you and something I need to tell you." She immediately shuts up and looks at me curiously so I continue. Her face as she sees the ring lights up.

"OMG is that an engagement ring!"

"Omg no shut up its just a promise ring! Damn Mia I swear, he gave it to me today before I went to his mom's room to get ready with you guys."

"Dang girl that's better than mine, look at the size of that jewel. Oh what's the other thing the thing you wanted to tell me."

"Right well it's more like 3 things. First, last night after we got home as you know I was tired so we went to our room. Well after I changed to sleep clothes I thought it would be funny to jump on the almost asleep Brody to get him back for jumping on me earlier in the morning when I was almost asleep. Then before I landed on him he grabbed me and turned us over so he was sitting on me and he was a little angry, so I was taunting him when he marked me."

"Holy sh*t Brie, are you okay? Can I see it?" 

"I'm fine I just feel weird." I said moving my hair for her to see my mark.

"So that's 1 thing what else do you have to tell me?" 

"Hold on let me get in so I can talk to you easier." I got up and slipped my dress over my head and took off my heels. Stepping in the hot tub felt good but I also got this weird feeling in my abdomen. Oh well I'll be fine. 

"So earlier you know how Brody comforted me in the office? Well it got a little heated and then I bit him." We look over to Brody who is sporting his bite mark just above his swim trunks that are sagging showing his V line.

"What the f*ck! And you didn't tell me sooner?" 

"Sorry I was a little distracted with all the naughty thoughts overwhelming my brain. I wanted to tell you the second both things happened but I couldn't."

"Okay well did you guys have sex after you marked him or could you not do it considering all the things that have happened. I mean I wouldn't blame you but I also know the longer you wait the stronger the desire is."

"We did not have sex right after I marked him but that's the 3rd thing. We had sex right before we came down here." I say a little embarrassed and with a little red burning my cheeks.

"BRIE you little vixen, you are becoming so naughty!"

"Shhh I know will you please not announce it to the world."

"How was it?"

"What sex? I guess it was like sex."

"Not just sex even though it is your technical first since you were passed out for your real first. I mean hot Alpha/Luna sex I mean those bonds are stronger than a normal mating bond."

"I don't know I mean it was pretty great." As I said that I used my Luna hearing and heard Brody talking to Zach about us having sex and that he felt so relieved knowing that now I really wouldn't leave him. Then Zach teased him for finally losing his virginity. Then they both look over and I quickly look away.

Mia is just sitting here droning on about her and Zach. I start looking around again hoping I could find someone I haven't talked to this evening. My eyes land on Nora who is not so discretely staring at a teenage boy drinking some water. I walk over to Nora, Mia on my tail and the boys staring after us as we walk past them.

"Hey Nora is that your mate?" 

"Um, yeah actually I have been mustering up the courage to go talk to him all night and still have none."

"Oh, well I can fix that."

I walk over to Xavier a little too quickly.

"Hey Xavier you see that girl over there...?" I point to Nora, "yeah see Nora you should go talk to her. Ask her about her family or something." I walk away just as quickly and head back to the hot tub with Mia.

"Damn girl playing matchmaker tonight?"

"I just feel different, if I can do something to make someone happier I will do it." Wow I didn't ever think I would be this open to someone. I can't believe I am helping someone get their mate. Its like I'm a new person or something.

After a couple of minutes of small talk the boys join us. Mia and Zach can't help but give us a knowing look when Brody gets in and sets me on his lap giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Hey baby what's up, why'd you stop playing Volleyball?"

"Oh I just needed to see you." He said giving me a couple of kisses on the lips. I feel tingles everywhere his skin touches mine and it is intensified after earlier. We all look over to Nora and Xavier talking and laughing. "Who is that?" Brody asks when we turn back around.

"Oh that's no one important for now, you may figure out later though. Do you guys want to play chicken?"

"Yeah" all 3 reply at the same time. We clear out a small section of the pool and Mia and I get on the boy's shoulders. We play chicken until I won, I knocked Mia down 4 times and she knocked me down 3.

The night continued like this fun games, mingling, and even some more dancing outside. At 1 I put my dress back on and grabbed a blanket from the small cabana they have by the pool for towels, floaties, blankets, etc. After getting the blanket I sat down at a fire pit trying to warm up. I am sitting alone while Brody plays more volleyball with the football boys and Mia and Zach are busy whispering sweet nothings to each other in the hot tub. I just stare at the fire thinking and after probably 10 minutes I am joined by Brody wrapping his arms around me.

"Baby girl are you okay? Whats up you have that face right now on thinking mode."

"I'm just thinking about everything that has happened tonight. Why didn't you just read my thoughts?"

"I respect your privacy and you were thinking about everything?" He waggles his eyebrows and winks at me. I just laugh and snuggle into him farther.

"Yes everything." 


"Do you ever miss her?" I am taken aback by this question.

"Who, Charlette? Yeah, I mean I try to not think about her too much. I do miss her though I didn't want to give her up." Looking at the stars wrapped in his arms is a good place to be now. "I just wish I could have given her to my grandma to take care of her or something else besides adoption."

"Why didn't you give her to your grandma?"

"My grandpa didn't know about me being pregnant. He would have been furious and made me get an abortion in front of his eyes. He was never supportive of teen pregnancy. He hated that my dad at 17 got my mom pregnant at 20. He also would have told my dad and he would have lashed out at me. Can we not talk about this anymore? I just want to enjoy this, us."

"Anything for you, my love." He leans down and kisses my forehead instantly relaxing me.

"Hey guys it's like 1:45 do we want to start sending people home now or wait until 2?" Mia asks walking up with Zach wrapped around her, his head on her shoulder.

"We should just start now so we all can..... get to bed." I say yawning in the process. I let Brody up and then he pulls me up after him. I go turn down the music and let everyone know that it's time to go.


2:00 am

"Thank you have a good day. Get some rest and sleep off the drinks!" I repeat the same thing to everyone as they leave the party. I of course, made sure everyone has a DD or that one of our drivers takes them home. I am so tired, I think I'll sleep all day tomorrow. 

"You know you can't we are having dinner with all the grandparents, including your grandma. You know my mom is going to wake us up at least by 10 to clean up everything. Plus why sleep all day when we can be doing other things."

"Please convince your mom to let me sleep in. Do we have to have dinner with my grandma? I don't want to see her until I move in she knows about werewolves and looked disgusted when I told her I was one. Brody please don't make me sit through an hour of her judging me." Now we are walking to the stairs to go to bed but my feet hurt.

"Baby you know you can't sleep in and you have to face your grandma. I know she knows about werewolves, your grandpa was one. What I don't understand is how you and your dad neither are werewolves. I just don't get it." He stops and looks at me then picks me up bridal style and walks up the stairs. I guess I forgot to close the mind link and he heard me say my feet hurt.

"My grandma said it is because the gene was recessive compared to all the human ones. I don't really understand it but that's what she said. She also said something else weird, she said that if someone dies at our hand the gene will be triggered. My grandma didn't ever think we would find out so she kept it a secret." We get to the room and I flop on the bed holding my legs up, indicating for him to take my shoes off. He gets them off and unzips my dress for me.

"That's weird I wonder how the gene became recessive, it is usually dominant no matter what. Let me do some research and this is kind of good. It means you weren't just a turned werewolf you are a half-breed like me. That also means our children could end up two different ways, full werewolf or full human." He looks at me a little sad as we climb on the bed, me in shorts and a cami and him in some basketball shorts. I should really wash my face off but I'm too tired, so I just lay down with him.

After laying in silence for a while I just have to let him know "Brody?"

"Yes baby?"I really don't want to disappoint him but I don't know if I want kids. How am I supposed to be a mother if I can't even take care of my daughter?

"I love you, but I don't think I could have any more children. Especially since I can't even take care of or protect my own daughter. I just don't think I can do it, I really do want to have your kids and make you happy, but can you imagine my baby girl not knowing who her real mom was her entire life? I also don't want to disappoint you if our kids end up being fully human."

I turn in his arms so I am facing him, his face looks a little confused. 

"Baby you know you won't disappoint me if our babies are fully human. You will still make me the happiest man alive, even if we don't have our own kids I will be fine. I understand that you don't feel like you are being a good mom but you are. Protecting that baby girl from her monstrous father is the best thing you can do as her mother. Maybe someday in the future we  can find and meet her, let her know who her real mother is. For now, though you need to keep any information you do know about her a secret."

"Brody I want to find her and get her back sooner than later I have already missed out on 8 months of her childhood I don't want to miss everything. I want her to grow up with you as her father. I want us to be a family, I don't care that we are young or that you still have a year and a half of high school left. I will stay home with her if need be instead of going to college." 

"I will see what my dad can do. I want you to make sure you are ready for this though, I can't have you deciding it was a bad idea after we find her and everyone knows."

"I'm sure I want this and I also have Luna training to undergo this coming summer after your mom has had the baby and has had time to rest up. I actually might see if I could start while you are gone so I can get a jump start."

"Okay, I will talk to dad tomorrow and see if we can pull some strings. Don't forget we have a date tomorrow."

"I know dinner with the grandparents." I say regretfully but he just looks at me like 'are you forgetting something?'. Hmm am I forgetting something? "Oh my gosh our date, I almost forgot. I'm so sorry I was just so caught up with Charlette that I forgot. I'm so sorry Brody, what type of date is it going to be?"

"It's a surprise type of one." Wow so descriptive how am I supposed to pick out an outfit for this tomorrow if I don't know what we are going to be doing. 


The next morning

"Brie wake up it's 9:30 and my mom told me we have to be downstairs by 10......." I don't want to get up, if it's 9:30 that means we only got 7 hours of sleep. Definitely not enough!!!!! "Get up love we need to get going. Do you want chocolate chip muffins?" with that I'm up.

"Will you carry me? I'm too tired to walk." I say, he opens his arms up and I jump on him. He walks down the stairs with me wrapped around the front of him. I'm about ready to fall back asleep with my head on his chest when all of a sudden I am dropped on the cold leather couch. "What the-" Oh shit his grandparents are in the living room staring at me. "heck Brody? I thought you said there were chocolate chip muffins." I grit out annoyed that he just did that in front of his grandparents.

Suddenly realizing the situation I look down at myself. Okay I am still wearing the same shorts from last night but I obtained one of Brody's hoodies at some point.

"Yeah baby there are some in the kitchen. Are you wanting some?" He asks me knowing I'm not going to be lazy in front of his grandparents. I figured out last night that both sets are very influential people in town. Great more to worry about.

"Yes I would like some, but I thought we would go to the kitchen when you agreed to carry me." I say getting off the couch. God this boy just doesn't stop being flirty mean. "Oh and have you talked to your father about last night?" 

The second we walk into the kitchen his parents turn around and look at us. His father a little shocked and his mom ecstatic. Hm I wonder what that's about? "You two mated?!" His mom was so blunt I had take a minute to recover and process what she had said. Meanwhile Brody was replying to her exclamatory question. 

"Yes mom can we not talk about this right now though. You know I'm not going to push her to do that." Brody says making sure to emphasize the word that. Weird, I wonder what they are talking about?

"Do what?" It slips out before I can stop myself.

"Nothing we will talk about it later. Today you are going to be with my mom learning some of the Luna duties, Nora may join at some point. I will be with my father doing paperwork and probably won't see you until dinner okay baby?"

"Alright I was just hoping we could talk about what we are doing after dinner."

"I know baby but I don't have time we have a lot of paperwork and problems. We may get to the current predicament we are in if I can help him get everything done. See you later." He says kissing me, grabbing an apple and leaving the room with his father.

I'm left alone with his mom, this is going to be interesting. Eating I ask a few questions like 'what are we doing today?' and others. When I finish eating I toss my plate into the sink. "So do I have time to like shower and change clothes real quick?"

"That's fine sweety just remember to wear something comfortable and easy to move in. Also it has to be semi- nice since we are going to talk to pack members today. "

"Okay thank you I'll be down in 15 minutes." I run up shower get dressed in some cute skinny jeans and a knit backless sweater. I quickly run downstairs to meet Luna Lexy and Nora before we head off.



We have been talking to people for hours. I have learned so many names and faces. We took lunch to the boys and after lunch Nora stayed back to get ready for a date with Xavier. 

"You have done so well today, I can tell you are going to be a good Luna."

"Um, wow thank you! That means so much to me that you think that. I just-" My phone rings interrupting me.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Yes Abrielle? I am calling to verify your appointment today at 4:00."

"What appointment?"

"It says it was set up by the future Alpha Brody." I glance at Lexy who is looking at me curiously. I hope she doesn't think something awful.

"Oh yes I will be there. Thank you for reminding me.... alright thanks bye." Well that wasn't awkward talking to the doctor office on the phone with Brody's mom listening.

"That was to confirm an appointment at 4 so I should probably get going soon if I'm going to make it." I say trying to get away from the awkward.

"Oh, okay have fun I guess." The look on her face makes me want to punch myself in the face. Here goes nothing... well probably something I'll regret.

"Do you... do you maybe want to come?" Her eyes light up with excitement. Oh, no.

"Yes, you don't mind do you I just love the doctors and then you can see a sonogram of the baby. Won't that be so much fun!" She looks so ecstatic.

"Alright then lets start walking."


We get to the office and wait for a bit. I finally go in with Brody's mom and sit down.I've been trying to contact Brody but so far nothing. I'll try again maybe he'll answer.

Brody? ............ Brody?!

Yes baby?

Did you forget about the appointment you set up for me? Because I am sitting here with your mom and the nurse will be in soon to start. So where are you?

Shit I'm so sorry I forgot! I have been talking to my dad about Char and then I lost track of time. I'll get there as fast as possible.

Promise? I do need you here.

I promise baby I am headed ou the door now.

Okay I have to go the nurse came in. 

"Hello I'm nurse Angelica, you must be Abrielle am I correct?"


"Okay so I am just going to ask some quick questions and look at a few things."


"So what brought you here today?"

"Well I haven't been feeling good, some weird things started to happen after my mate marked me."

"Things like what?"

"Well right after I puked and then the next day I had a really bad hot flash. I mean there were other things but those were just normal. I did have some unusual and bad pains before he bit me though they were after my period."

"Okay that leads me to my next question when was your last period?" She looks up from the laptop where she is typing all the information. Brody decides to show up now and sits next to his mom in the chair closest to me.

"Um about 2 weeks ago." 

"Okay and how long was it?"

"I would say 8 or 9 days."

"Alright well now that we have that out of the way I am going to take your height, weight and temperature. Then Dr. Neilman will be in." 

"Wait Dr. Neilman? I thought it would be Dr. Yukimura."

"Well, Dr. Yukimura is only specialized in trauma. This sounds like something different." Now that she is done she leaves the room and we wait for the doctor to come in. After 5 or 10 minutes the doctor came in. She checked my ear, nose, and throat then typed some stuff down.

"So Ms. Valentine it seems as though from the symptoms you told the nurse that you were getting ready to go into heat. My question though is how are you not going through it as we speak." 

"Well I don't even know what heat is so I wouldn't be able to tell you. Do you know the answer hun?" I look over to Brody and see his cheeks tinted with pink and his mom just smirking.

"Um well Brie the answer would be that we mated."

"Wait what even is heat will someone just tell me."

"Well, Brie can I call you Brie?" I nod my head yes, "You see heat happens when a wolf knows who their mate is and they just don't mate with them for a long time after they do know. Things happen to them from hot flashes and puking to very painfully and involuntarily turning into their wolf. You were lucky and you suffered the least painful of the consequences."

"What the fuck, like why was I the only one suffering through that and not Brody?"

"Well it may have been that he was so worried about you his body didn't accept the problems or simply rejected the problem. There is another thing it seems as though there is still something wrong with you. We don't know exactly what it is yet but I would like to do a pelvic exam to figure out some more information. Are you okay with that? Do you want them to leave?"

"Um, I just..... I...... Do whatever it takes to figure out what is wrong. I want Brody to stay he can make any medical decisions if something happens while we are doing this. I don't care if you stay Mrs. B it's your choice."

"Oh thank you sweety, but I think I'll wait out there." She walked out of the room and I changed into a hospital gown.

"Alright just lay down and Brody hold her hand or whatever she wants you to do."

As she does the exam she asks me questions and I answer to the best of my ability. One of the first is, "Have you ever been pregnant or gave childbirth?"

"Actually yes I have a baby girl." 

"Oh okay was she born in the past year?"

"Um yeah what does that have anything to do with this? Ow!" When she moved her hand it pushed on something that hurt really bad. She is now done and taking off her gloves.

"What were you talking about earlier when you said Brody could make decisions if something were to happen to you?"

"Um, well I really don't like talking about this but ever since I had my baby 8 months ago I have had these things where I have a flashback or I get too worked up and I just pass out. I usually wake back up probably 30 minutes to an hour later."

"Okay from everything you have told me and from all the symptoms. After the exam, I have come to a conclusion that you have ovarian cysts. I don't have enough information to classify what type of cyst you have but I can figure it out."

How am I supposed to reply to this, Okay thanks for letting me know I have problems. Not only problems but one that is going to affect my sex life. I just can't believe it, I'm so f-ed up I will never be a mom.

Baby everything will be okay. We don't have to have our own children and we don't need to worry about kids right now. What we need to worry about is making sure you're healthy.

Sweety don't pull that shit right now. Of course we have to have children, someone has to take over when we get too old. Plus look in my eyes and tell me you don't want children.

He then looks at my eyes and starts to say 'I don't w-' but stops and looks away. He does want children and I know it. I couldn't handle not being able to give him what he wants.

"Okay what's the treatment plan? How can we cure this or get rid of it? I will fight it."

"Well first I need you to document every pain around your pelvis and anything unusual. Then you can make an appointment for 4 weeks from tomorrow. On that day we will have to do some x-rays and other tests to figure out how big the cysts are and what type."

"Okay I will probably be alone for that one. You know this one here is going to Alpha camp at the end of the week for at least 2 months."

"Oh my I hope that doesn't affect anything. Probably won't but to be safe I want you to get your blood pressure taken by the school nurse every day before lunch. Here I will send you with a note." She quickly writes out a note and hands it to me. " I might have you come in two weeks from yesterday for just a quick how are you feeling and what have you recorded so far."

"Thank you so much. I have one question, will this affect my training?"

"It shouldn't affect your training although you may feel some discomfort while doing hip or but workouts. I definitely don't recommend doing those. Alright I think we are done here and I have another appointment soon so I will see you in a couple weeks. Have fun at camp Brody."

"Thanks doc."

We leave the office and are met with his mother with sonogram pictures. She must have gotten them while we were in there.

"So how is everything? What's wrong?"His mother says so concerned.

"I have ovarian cysts and I have to come back in 4 weeks to get tests done."

"Oh I am soo sorry sweetheart that sucks. I hope everything is okay and they aren't too bad."

"No I don't think they are too bad. Thank you for the support though."

"Oh I just remembered I have to make appointments for Brody and Nora. They have to get physicals, do you want me to schedule one for you too?"

"Oh sure that would be great. Thank you so much I don't know how I will do all this stuff after you leave. I can't imagine taking over after you."

"Yeah it's pretty hard but I manage. Every time I hit a roadblock I just think about how it will affect my family and what I go home to every night. It really helps and I can see you being a good Luna." Wow I guess we have bonded a lot. I don't think she would tell me the secret to being a good Luna otherwise. "If you want I can come to the appointment. Brody will be home a couple days after that since it will be Thanksgiving and we can tell him the results then."

"Really? Thank you so much, you really are like the mother I never got to have." Tears wellinig up in my eyes I hug Lexy. When I pull away she is tearing up as well.

"Aw, I so glad I could be someone important to you. I really feel like I'm not a good enogh mom to my children. Anyway I have to go make the appointments, go home and get ready for dinner. You to Brody and help her calm down some she looks like she saw her life flash before her eyes."

"Hey mom are we eating out for dinner?"

"Yes, we are going to Le beau jardin, your favorite. Now go we only have an hour." She turns and walks to the desk holding her pregnant belly.


We walk back in silence like if this fagile silence is broken I  will break down in tears. I won't give La diosa de la luna the satisfaction.

"So mi príncipe hermosa, what does Le beau jardin mean?"

"Well mi princesa, Le beau jardin means The Beautiful Garden in French."

"Wow you speak French too? So what is that 3 languages overall?" He is so cute I can't believe he knows all of this stuff. It is so incredible he is multi-lingual, like OMG.

"Actually I speak..." he counts of his fingers, "5 laguages, English, Espanol, Frances, Latin, and Russian." Damn mindblown, that is freaking crazy. Like has he been learning since age 1 or something?

"I can't believe you know that many laguages. How long have you been studying them?" He thinks for a minute. Then looks in my eyes and leans in as if he is going to kiss me. He doesn't though, he skims past my lips and whispers in my ear, "Since I was 5."

"What? Have you been training to be an Alpha since you were that young or something? If so that is messed up."

"I have been training for a long time, but I don't think you realize how important this job is. I will take over when I am 20 no exceptions I can't start any later." That sucks he doesn't even get a normal life except for maybe 2 years. He also leaves in 5 days for more training, I don't know how long he will be gone exactly but I will be too long.

"Oh mi príncipe, I am so sorry I hope we can be okay and try to raise our kids right. I mean lets not raise them from age 5 to be an Alpha or Luna. We should wait until they are older and realize the responsibility of it."

"Wait baby did you just say our kids? You want them you aren't giving up hope?"

"No, but it doesn't mean I am willing to have kids now."

"Oh baby I know and that's fine. I just need you for a few years and then kids can come in the picture. Well except for Char and my dad is using all resources to find her. He might even find her before I leave for camp so I can meet the sweetheart who has your heart in such a sorrowful place."

We get to the house, head to the room and start getting ready. Brody tells me it is a fancy restaraunt so I pull out and oldder dress from the collection we found in the attic. It is a beautiful champagne colored dress, it reaches my mid calf and is form fitting. I love it because the straps are off the shoulder and the neckline is just straight across.

We finish and head downstairs to leave. Reaching the top of the stairs(make up, hair and nials done, with heels that match my dress) I kiss his cheek as he holds his arm out for me to wrap mine around.

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Dresses for Masquerade above it wouldn't let me post at the top.

10,142 words before this note!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg the longest chapter I have written and I am sorry it took forever but I have major stress and anxiety right now. I had some bad grades and had to get them up, I also was hoping for this chapter to be super amazing and it ended up in a different direction then planned. I still like it how it is so yeah, but I am excited that I finnaly got it done and published. I know it's been like 3 or 4 weeks, but I really got grounded from Wattpad by my friend. She stole my phone and changed my password, then she logged out and refused to give me the password. 

Anyway vote, comment, and share! If you want to no pressure, although I'm a little sad that people are just reading and skipping chapters. I can't do anything about it though so yeah anyway I have a wedding tomorrow so goodbight lovelies!

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