Satan's Betrayal

By XXrogueXlucyXX

65K 3K 292

After all the events that happened leaving Storm in a coma, Dalton on crutches and Orchid with a cast. Isabel... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:

:Chapter 28:

1.6K 77 21
By XXrogueXlucyXX


"You. Dalton Ashford. Alpha werewolf. Fired an actual gun." Rodney said in shock. "He also hit the targets with my help." Isabella said offering him a smile. 'Kiss her again!' I was still stuck up on the fact that I kissed Isabella. I could still feel and taste her lips on mine. She tasted of cake batter chapstick.

Rodney looked at me in absolute shock before nodding and glancing at Rory. "Well you conquered your fear head on." Rory said with a smile. No! Isabella turned towards me with smirk. "You're scared of guns?" Isabella asked in shock. 'You can get your way out of this one.' "Yes he was terrified of them, Mom had to bribe him to even shoot the BB gun." Rodney said as he dug my hole even deeper for me.

"Well lets get even more over that fear." Isabella said with once again another smirk. "I did I shot the baby glock." I answered returning my own smirk back to her. 'Nicely played. Now kiss her.' 'Oh my gosh, we are not kissing her. It wasn't even a kiss more of a brushing of lips.' Now my cheeks were all heated up from the memory.

Suddenly the baby glock from before was set on the counter and Rory and Rodney scooted back a little since Isabella was visibly armed. "Sleep with this. I'll keep it unloaded and safety off." Isabella said as she stroked the glock I used at the shooting range. "Did you steal that?" I asked in complete and utter shock.

"I don't consider it stealing but burrowing without asking permission." Isabella said. "I can hear the jury laughing." Rodney said staring at Isabella. Isabella bit her lip holding in laughs from the unknown. I felt this presence and assumed she was seeing Satan somewhere. "If you can sleep with it while we're here, I'll do something for you for the amount of time you slept with the gun." Isabella said trying to bargain with me.

'We just kiss her the entire time!' Oh my Artemis. Ash wasn't always like this, since Isabella's lips brushed against mine all he's wanted to do is make out with her. "Deal." I said taking the gun. "It can be on the nightstand or under the pillow. That part is your choice to make." Isabella said offering me a smile this time. I felt like I was being played with.

"Now I'm going to work on my painting." Isabella said getting up and walking off to the room she had picked. I looked at my brothers Rory and Rodney who were smirking at me. "What happened at the shooting range, I know something did because I felt this tension between you too and the good kind." Rory said biting his lip before smirking.

"Our lips brushed against each others when we turned around. That's all that happened. I didn't make out with Isabella or anything." I said trying to brush it off. "Who's making out with my little sister?" A deep voice asked. 'Um, you can handle this situation.' With that Ash's presence disappeared as he retreated into my mind.

They were the only people capable of doing that. When Rory and Rodney looked up they walked away. I looked up to see Isabella's older brothers, Ryne and Enyr. Not looking very pleased. "I wasn't making out with her." I said. "You implying my sister is not good enough for you." Ryne said. "No of course not, our lips brushed against each other." I quickly said defending myself. "So your kissing my little sister." Ryne said even more mad. "Yes, no." I said confused. "I know what teenage boys think. I was one once. All they think about is the next hole they can shove themselves in. I'm onto you." Ryne said before walking away with Enyr who smirked at me.

Ok it is official Isabella's brothers are gonna castrate me one of these days. I never had to worry about big older brothers but now I do. But I doubt Isabella would let them castrate me. "Dalton you there?" A voice asked. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Nico. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked smiling at him before slipping the glock into my jean pocket.

"I was wondering where Isabella was." Nico said as he cracked his knuckles. Do not worry, Nico can't get arthritis because of that, his body would heal it. "In her room, why?" I asked, Nico usually always knew were Isabella was. "I think I found something to help with the murder."
Isabella stared at a fidgety Nico who sat next to a angry Angel. "What did you two find?" Isabella asked as she stared them both down. "A cave, there was blood trailing down somewhere but we didn't explore any further." Nico answered as Angel seethed in anger as her wolf Sandy bounced in and out. "We should go down there knocking at the assholes door." Angel suddenly bellowed in anger.

"I know I want too, but we have to think rationally before facing off a creature we don't even know what is. My bullets barely even fazed it." Isabella spoke as she eyed her painting. "Ok your right, I'm going to hit the books and find out what it is." Angel said before getting up and walking away. "I'll go with her to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Nico said as he got up and chased after his girlfriend.

"So how is the painting coming along so far?" I asked looking over at it. There was now painted shapes that I could decipher. I could see a torch for one thing being held by someone providing light in a dark space. "Good, I seem to be getting more figures in there, I believe there should only be two people in the painting with one holding a torch." Isabella said happily as she looked over at her painting. I had to admit Isabella had a talent in many forms of art, from singing to painting and drawing.

"That's nice, what electives did you sign up for this year?" I asked hoping we'd have one together. "Pottery and art." Isabella said with a smile. "No way I signed up for pottery to. It seemed to be a fun thing to do." I said smiling at her. Maybe we will have a few classes together. I know we'll have lunch together, seniors usually have to eat with seniors.

It's so weird thinking this is my last year of school then off to college and to start a life. 'With Isabella.' "Is Alana doing alright?" Isabella asked. "Yeah she's doing fine, Randall and Kadan are managing to keep Jessica from shifting." I answered. Kadan and Alana have mostly been in their rooms except for group activities and getting food and eating with us. I couldn't blame them though, a werewolf pregnancy is very tough. Especially for werewolves who aren't Alphas or carry the gene.

I know Kadan and Alana would only have up to maybe two or three children probably two. Unlike a wolf pack other people are aloud to have kids but not a lot of them like the Alpha and Luna are. My siblings are this big because of the position our parents are in. But I know Derik has no siblings it was a rare thing though. 'I enjoy having siblings especially in wolf form because then I can rough house with them.'

"Do you know what we are having for dinner and who is cooking it." Isabella said as she eyed her stomach. She's been a picky eater since we've been here, must of been very spoiled with Flimur being her chef all the time. "Homemade pizza." I answered. Isabella's eyes lit up in joy before she began putting her art supplies away once again at the mention of food.

Sure I eat a lot but I don't get this excited about food. Not to mention I'm eating for two, it's like I'm pregnant but instead I'm feeding a wolf. 'I like eating.' Isabella then appeared in front of me. "We should cook it." Isabella said as she attempted to lift me up. "I thought you don't cook." I said. "I'll use the tools and put sauce on the dough so lets go." Isabella said as she continued trying to yank me up out of the chair. "Isabella, if you calm down we can tell the others we will make the pizza." I said attempting to calm her down.

Isabella then perked up and stopped yanking on me. "Well lets go tell them about it." Isabella said beaming at me. I smiled at her before pushing myself up and we were out of the room. Isabella chanted pizza. I looked back at her painting and got the chills, there was something about some of her paintings that scared me but yet intrigued me. I don't know what it was but at the same time wanted to investigate but also didn't. "Dalton are you coming?" Isabella asked from out in the living room. "Yeah." I called out. Casting a glance at the intimidating painting I made my way back to the living room.

1520. Hey. So yeah I'm trying my best to get this book as done as soon as possible. ASAP! So the reason for the late updates from yesterday was I had to erase my entire iPhone and had to download everything and update it. But I have news. Your author who doesn't know how to cook, cooked themselves nine bagel bites. That is why Isabella is attempting to cook. Until next time my chef marshmallows.

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