Connor/Murphy x Reader One Sh...

By LurchingLlama

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This is a book filled with Connor and Murphy MacManus x reader one shots, requests are currently closed. Some... More

Saint patricks day MurphyxReader
Tears. ConnorxReader
Date night. MurphyxReader
The sleeping problem. ConnorxReader
The drinking Incident. MurphyxReader
The snake. Murphy/connorxreader
Concussion ConnorxReader
Depression. MurphyxReader (For the most part)
First time. ConnorxReader
Haunted Amusement Park. MurphyxReader
The assignment ConnorxReader
The cold. Connor/MurphyxReader
The spider. MurphyxReader
Winter. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. Connor x reader part 1
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 2
Voices, figures and death. connorxreader part 3
Flirting. MurphyxReader
Trying something new. ConnorxReader
McGuinty's. MurphyxReader
the mix up
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader)part 1
Adopted siblings (boys x reader) part 2
Adopted Siblings (Boys x Reader) Part 3
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader) part 4
Shit Happens (best friends. boysxreader)
Shots For Shots (MurphyxReader)
For Better Or For Worse MurphyxReader

Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 4

617 15 1
By LurchingLlama

Okay this is the last and final chapter of this, sorry that it was dragged out i didn't mean for it to be four parts XDD okay well i hope you like it :) (btw towards the ending it fucked up the font so it may or may not show the right font, just a heads up.

Ending of the last chapter  in case you need it:

They took a break at about five, sitting down on the ground under a tree as you woke up.

"aye we got some food." Murphy says when you open your eyes.

You where laying on the ground, the boys where near you, Murphy had his back resting on the tree and Connor was laying down and resting.

He felt a bit sore from carrying you almost 24/7.

end of preview

They stayed there for a while in comfortable silence.

Connor had accidentally fallen asleep though.

After about an hour of silence, you heard Murphy speak.

"how'd ya feel about stickin' with us?"

You furrowed your eyes and tilted your head to the side slightly.

"Come with us on our missions, ya could be handy ya know." Murphy said.

"We couldn't ensure yer safety though." He added soon after.

You didn't speak for a second, trying to fully place together what he had said.

"Alright." Was the only thing you said.

"I got nothin' else to do anyways." You say as an afterthought.

"And I guess I could help you guys get guns sooner" now you where mostly talking to yourself.

"And hows'that?" He questioned, interrupting your train of thought.

"If I can break out of prisons that have pretty high security I think I can sneak you guys in and out of wherever you might need." You tell him with a slight bitterness in your voice.

"hm." He said thoughtfully and you went back to mumbling something incoherently to yourself.

After another hour, Connor woke up and you guys started your journey again.

The boys kept a hand on your shoulders and your arms where wrapped loosely around their stomachs.

Your bare feet hit the paved sidewalk, making you flinch ever so slightly at the feeling of concrete on your cut feet.

Connor swopped you up once again and you smiled up at him, your arms wrapping around his neck once again.

"So love, tell me where we are going?" You say, saying the love part in a slightly teasing but serous manner.

"Love?" He questioned, furrowing his eyes slightly as he glanced down at you.

"We are headin' around town, gettin' to know the area, then probably head to one of tha bars." He tells you and you couldn't help but roll your eyes slightly at the last part.

"You guys would have a lot more money if you wouldn't buy drinks." You say truthfully.

"Whats the point in livin' if ya don't do stuff you enjoy though?" He questioned and you nodded your head to the side in agreement.

After about ten minutes of walking in silence you got bored and unhooked your arms from his neck and flopped your head upside down and looked at Murphy.

"Murph look." You say like a child.

He just sighed and smiled.

He didn't understand you, but he found you definitely amusing.

Your uneven weight made it hard for Connor to carry you after about five minutes of you hanging upside down.

He inched his hand until you laying back how you where.

You pressed your head contently to Connors chest, listening to his heartbeat as you fell asleep soon afterward.

This sight was not drawing attention to them.

A girl slumped into a man's arms with another man walking next to him, you unconscious along with cuts on your face, hands and feet, barefoot and in rigidy cloths.

Connor and Murphy did their best to just ignore the people and get around quickly.

After a few hours of walking, they had over heard about this big meeting thing going on between a couple of jackasses later that night.

They where going to have to get you to find a way to get you all weapons before the day ended.

They, by some miracle, also heard where these people where having it.

You woke up in a shabby back ally with the boys doing something near you.

"Hey" You say, fully awake.

"Aye, good that yer up. We need ya to get us into here and get us weapons before tonight." Murphy said, handing you a note with an address.

"Alright. There is a weapon supplier about ten minutes from here lets go." You say and they glance at each other.

"How do ya know that? Do ya know where we are?" Connor questioned for both of them.

"Ya. Common." You say, getting up and they follow behind you.

And, sure enough, an armory was about ten minutes away from you guys.

Your plan was simple but wasn't okay for them.

Your plan was to just walk in, kill the people in there and take what you guys needed, but that wasn't how they did it.

For almost an hour, they had gotten enough money and misc things to trade for a couple guns each.

You, though, did not want any of it other than two throwing knifes.

You guys walked out, all the weapons concealed and headed for the destination.

At about 9:57PM you guys got there.

You snuck into the building and went into back doors to the control room, finding them on the ninth floor you all headed off secretly to the floor.

There was one particular man you guys where after, the leader. Also to kill all the other ones.

Once you guys got to the doors for the ninth floor and you all were ready, the doors flew open and instantly took out three of the men.

You threw one of the knifes, hitting your target right in his head and killing him instantly.

You found this very fun, which disturbed them slightly.

"wowho!" You say and throw your next one before running right into the line of fire and jumping onto one of the people, snapping his neck instantly while the boys worked on other men away from you.

You grabbed your knifes and put them to the main mans throat, threatening to kill him if he even breathed.

Once the boys where done, they walked over to him.

"And shepherds we shall be, for thee, my lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teaming with souls shall it ever be." They chanted, putting their guns to his head as you moved off him.

"In Nomeni Et Fili" Murphy said.

"Spiritus sancti" Connor finished and bam, that's all she freakin' wrote....for real that is the end bye I hope you liked the end of this story J

Jk jk lol sorry just quoting Smecker XD

Okay back to story:

They shot the last man and you almost cheered which totally disturbed them.

They put the pennies onto the men's eyes and rummaged around the room, finding a lot of cash.

You all got out of there in less than ten minutes, heading down back alleys until you where back at the shabby old back ally that you guys had found.

You would sleep there for tonight, let the killing die down for a day and then ho get food; you some shoes, all of you better cloths and rent somewhere to stay.

The next morning you woke them up, zooming across town, making them have to run after you.

You stopped at a shoe store and picked out a simple pair of black boots that where only twenty bucks.

Next, they got you all better cloths, which, believe me, was a nightmare.

God did you draw attention, and not good stuff.

You kept muttering to people that were not there about the different cloths.

Finally, though when that nightmare was over, you all headed to the market for food.

Then found a smallish apartment.

It had three beds, and one shower, two rooms. The bathroom and the living room/bedroom/kitchen.

You guys where quick on missions.

You only used your hands and knifes, refusing to use a gun..., which was probably safer for everyone.

You guys where currently sitting around on your beds.

Connor had just gotten out of the shower and walked over to his bed, pulling a dark brown shirt from under it and slipped it on.

"Come sit." You offer without looking up at him, currently you where trying to figure out how to work the tv remote.

Connor sat on your bed as Murphy went to go get a quick shower.

"Here" He says, taking the remote from you and showing you how to work it.

You fucked with the channels and volume settings for about ten minutes straight, totally ignoring him as he lay next to you, watching the TV.

Once you got bored of it, you flipped the channel again, letting it play on something called 'the princess bride' which you found pretty odd.

"Do you enjoy killing?" You asked, staring at the screen.

"I wouldn't say I do, but I don't mind it." He told you honestly.

"I don't understand how you couldn't enjoy it, its fun." You think aloud, making him glance at you.

"Do you enjoy killing people you know or'just strangers?" He asked, more trying to find out if you would just kill him or Murphy cause you where bored.

"Mostly strangers." You say.

"Unless you do something to me," you add.

"Hm." He said.

You grabbed his hand, bringing yourself closer to him before snuggling into his chest.

He put his arms around you as you guys watched the movie, definitely not giving it your full attention to.

"Do you ever think you'll get married?" you asked after a moment of silence.

"Rethink the question y/n" He said with a small laugh.

"right." You say.

"What about a girlfriend-or a boyfriend I don't judge." You say, making him choke ever so slightly when he had started drinking the water that was on his night stand.

"No. defiantly not a guy. And probably not a girl either." he says after he swallowed and set the glass back down on the nightstand.

"How come?"

"Ya sure do as a'lotta questions don't ya?" He asked with a small laugh before answering.

"I wouldn't wanna lie about it, I'd never get to really see'her, and I'd have a chance of endangering her." He told you and you nodded slightly.

"What if somehow she knew the real you already?" You ask.

"Maybe." He responded and you left it at that for a moment longer.

"Are you hungry?" you questioned.

"Not really are you?" He asked, glancing down at you.

"No" you say, snuggling into him closer.

"Thanks you for not killing me" You mutter to him.

"Why would I kill ya lass?" He questioned.

God did you not give a damn on what you said aloud.

"Well, he almost killed you about three times, I am kind of a burden and you know, not of use." You say in a very normal voice.

"y/n you aren't of use, and I can promise you of that. And I don't care if you almost did kill me. And you're not a burden either." He said and slapped you lightly in the back of your head.

"And that's fer callin' your'self that." He said and you gave a small huff of laughter.

"your sweet. But a lie." You say and kiss his cheek.

"And how's that?" he questioned.

"I don't care what ya say Connor, I really am a waste of space, and a burden for you guys." You tell him

"Y/n you aren't a burden stop callin' yerself that, and we all are." He told you and you sighed slightly.

You knew the truth, everyone on this planet really was a waste of space, but you where one of the more wastes.

"Y/n." He said and you looked up at him to see what he wanted.

"Tell me ya aren't a waste of space." He said.

"Connor I was told I wasn't allowed to lie." You say with a tiny huff.

"It's not a lie, say it." He pursued.

"Okay, you think I'm not a waste of space." You say sarcastically, earning you a small glare.

"Y/n I am not leavin' ya alone until you tell yerself that ya aren't," He told you, dead serious.

"You're cute when you talk like that." You say, bopping his nose slightly and smiling at him.

"Y/n." He said with a tiny sigh.

"Alright alright." You say.

"Je ne pense pas que la croyance vous que j'ama gaspillage d'espace. "You say and he gives you a small smile/glare.

"I speak French also." He told you and you bit your lip.

"Shit" You say and sigh...

"Fine. I am not a waist of space. Though I do not agree with this statement because it is a fact we all are, there you go." You say and he smiles at you after sighing a little bit at your statement.

"Happy?" You questioned in an innocent tone

"Yes" He said and kissed your nose.

"I love you," you say in a slight whisper.

"Love ya too lass." He says truthfully.

"Just outta curiosity, but you said that maybe you would be in a relationship with someone who knew the real you, what if that person was already in danger anyways?" You questioned after a moment of silence and you could feel the smirk that covered his face.

"Y/n, are you askin' to be in a relationship?" He asked with a tiny laugh at your start.

"That depends on your answer," You say, looking up at him, one of your eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." He says and you hug him.

"This goes by the rule of you're not allowed to kill me or Murphy though." He says and you cannot help but laugh slightly, "Alright I will try." You say.

You guys sat cuddled up together as you watched the rest of the movie both of you found slightly odd.

Murphy came out, deciding to talk about you two with Connor later.

Murphy got dressed and sat down on his bed, falling asleep before the movie even ended. You had fallen asleep right before it ended and Connor stayed awake stroking your hair for a while before falling asleep as well.

You guys did many more missions, had each others backs and, eventually you became one of the saints.

Though you only used your knifes and hands still, it worked.

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