Just The Girl (under editing)

Bởi 123rawrXD

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This is the story of Rosie Harper, a 17 year old who's moved to a new town with her family. She's a shy, nerd... Xem Thêm

Just The Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six - Flirtatious Friends
Chapter Seven - Just Another Day At High School
Chapter Eight - Close Calls
Chapter Nine - Josh's Smile
Chapter Ten - Hockey Lessons
Chapter Eleven - Tears and Music
Chapter Twelve - Dress Shopping
Chapter Thirteen - Wedding Bells
Chapter Fourteen - Important Announcements
Chapter Fifteen - His Intoxication
Chapter Sixteen - Go And Ruin Everything
Chapter Seventeen - When I Look At You
Chapter Eighteen - Sing Me A Love Song
Chapter Nineteen - Mood Swings
Chapter Twenty - Bloody Monday
Chapter Twenty One - Head Over Heals
Chapter Twenty Two - Meet The Parents
Chapter Twenty Three - Whoops
Chapter Twenty Five - The New Home Ec Teacher
Chapter Twenty Six - Birthday Shopping
Chapter Twenty Seven - A Party Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty Eight - Boys Will Be Boys
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Return Of The Closet Whore
Chapter Thirty - Anger, Rage and Some More Anger
Chapter Thirty One - Crashing The Mall
Chapter Thirty Two - A Chat With The Counsellor
Chapter Thirty Three - Our Unconventional First Date
Chapter Thirty Four - Embarrassment
Chapter Thirty Five - Slumber Party
Chapter Thirty Six - Josh, It's Sasha
Chapter Thirty Seven - A Nightmare Come True?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Rock Bottom
Chapter Thirty Nine - Beep Beep
Chapter Forty - More than Chocolate Cake?
Chapter Forty One - The Big Game
Chapter Forty Two - Jingle Bells
Chapter Forty Three - A Visiter
Chapter Forty For - Sorry For Party Rock'n
Chapter Forty Five - Happy New Years
Chapter Forty Six - Stacey's Mom
Chapter Forty Seven - When The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Forty Eight - Love, Hate & Heartbreak
Chapter Forty Nine - Moving On
Chapter Fifty - Family Reunion?
Chapter Fifty One - Let's Make Cookies
Chapter Fifty Two - He needs you, We need you
Chapter Fifty Three - Home
Chapter Fifty Four - Back to Normal
Chapter Fifty Five - Bye
Chapter Fifty Five - I need you
Chapter Fifty Six - Changes
Chapter Fifty Seven - Yes
Chapter Fifty Eight - Nothing but Love
Chapter Fifty Nine - Funeral
Chapter Sixty - Prologue

Chapter Twenty Four - The Old Josh

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Bởi 123rawrXD

Josh's P.O.V

Fucking hell...

I love her.

I love her.

How come I only realised this now?

But the thing that surprised me the most?

She loved me back.

Did she really? Or did she just say that so that her Dad would get off our backs.

No, Rosie isn't that kind of person. She meant it.

She jumped bout a foot in the air when I told her I loved her, looking up at me with her beautiful big blue eyes, wide as saucers as she looked at me disbelieving.

''I...you...w-what?'' she stuttered.

I smirked.

There was a little pink blush on her cheeks that always seems to appear when something like this happens, only it was a little darker considering the fact this was a bit more serious.

At the time when she told her dad she loved me, I honestly don't think she realised she was saying it until afterwards. But come on, she just indirectly told me she loved me, she can't hide from that.

And I didn't want her to either.

Because I loved her too.

She was all that was good in my life right now and she was all I wanted and needed.

''Are you-'' She started again but I cut her off by pressing my lips gently to hers, internally grinning in satisfaction as she pulled herself closer to me.

It only lasted a second, I was only planning on shutting her up.

''Cutie, you talk too much.'' I stated, before I had her pressed against her pink bedroom wall with my lips on hers again.

She didn't seem to have a problem with it, which eased my worries of over stepping the boundaries with her.

I mean yeah, we've kissed, and we've even made out a bit, but it never actually got that far, and she always blushed and would shy away.

I'd never actually gotten her perfect little body pressed against mine while full on kissing her like there was no tomorrow...which was exactly what I was doing right now.

She seemed a little hesitant at first, obviously – it's Rosie! But after a few seconds and an encouraging squeeze from me she happily obliged and kissed me back, tangling her slim fingers in my hair.

I loved it when she did that.

My lips moved softly over hers at first until I realised she needed a little push and pressed them harder onto hers for a response. As soon as she responded I ran my tongue along the length of her soft bottom lip and groaned quietly as she opened up for me and our warm tongues pressed together.

Freely exploring her mouth I squished her as close to me against the wall as I could, craving the close feeling only she could give me right now.

I suddenly realised she was wearing nothing but a tank top and some girly boxers, and we were quite intimately pressed together right now.


Would it make her uncomfortable if she realised I had a raging boner right now?

Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Her fingers pulled at the back of my hair as she squeezed herself closer and closer, at the same time as I pushed her further and further against the wall. Okay, I have more experience here, but somehow I'm the one who feels the need to pull away to breath while she seems to have no need.


Resentfully, I pulled back slightly, only planning on doing so for a second, but I barely parted our lips before she had pulled me back again.

Okay, I think I like this Rosie.

A lot.

I smirked against her lips, and forced myself away from her by pushing myself up from the wall with my hands that were on either side of her body.

She made a small noise of protest that was absolutely adorable and I had to seriously fight the urge to jump her bones.

Her very...very enticing...very inexperienced, bones.

Argh I can't help it, I haven't gotten any action in too long.

''What's up with you today?'' I laughed, referring to the fact she was being a lot braver and physical than normal.

She blushed bright red, probably redder than I'd ever seen her blush before as she looked down between us and realised the position we had ended up in.

Quickly pushing me further away she ran a hand through her hair as if to fix it from where I had been running my hands through, although I must say I preferred it all messed up and sexy like that.

She bit her bottom lip in embarrassment and turned away.

I smiled at her, shaking my head at how cute she could be sometimes.

I stepped closer to her again, using my thumb and forefinger to tilt her face in my direction again by her chin.

''I never said I was complaining.'' I mumbled against her lips, lust taking over again.

The bulge in my jeans was beginning to get a little painful and I knew I had to stop before I did something to make Rosie uncomfortable, but I really couldn't help myself or pull myself away from my amazing girlfriend.

Didn't she realise the effect she had on me?

She smiled slightly and looked down again, clearly unable to keep eye contact as per usual. We really were going to have to work on that, I mean, she's my girlfriend – I want her to feel comfortable enough with me that she doesn't have to blush and look away...even though her innocence is one of the things I love most about her.

I laughed softly and brushed my nose against hers, looking at her in the eyes.

''Seriously though, I like the change, I was just wondering where it came from.''

She giggled a little and bit her lip again unsure.

''It just feels different.'' she said quietly.

''What does?'' I asked, my eyebrows furrowed as I turned my head to the side slightly.

''Without your lip ring.'' she told me.

''Why?'' I laughed.

She rolled her eyes.

''Cause it's always really cold.'' she said in a 'duh' tone. ''You've never kissed me without it.''

''But, why is that different then? I mean it's different for me but surely it's not completely alien. I mean you have kissed other guys right?''

She seemed a little uncomfortable and looked down at her inward facing bare feet.

I followed her gaze and noticed her toe nails matched the colour of her finger nails, and her feet were really tiny. I smiled down at her, realising not for the first time that she really is small for her age, and completely tiny compared to me.

I guess it must run in her family, since her Mom's pretty short too, although she's a little taller than Rosie.

I stared at her expectantly, but her face said it all.

Oh god.

''Are you serious?'' I asked, honestly surprised.

She nodded her head, looking ashamed and embarrassed.

I grinned, realising I as her first kiss, but as I thought back to when that might have been, my grin fell, and it was replaced by the guiltiest look I have ever given anyone.

''Oh my God...Rosie I am so sorry.''

She looked at me confused, all traces of embarrassment covered as her eyebrows knitted together.

''What for?'' she asked.

''If I was your first kiss...then that means that time when I was drunk and practically forced myself on you...was your first kiss...''

Realisation dawned on her features and she shifted on her feet uncomfortably.

''Yeah I know.''

''How come you never told me?'' I asked.

''I never really though about it after everything.'' she mumbled.

Her eyes met mine and then I think she realised just how bad I felt about it.

''It's fine.'' she tried to reassure me. ''I don't mind, I swear.'' she insisted.

''It's not fine cutie, I really wish I hadn't done that now.''

She shook her head.

''Josh, if you hadn't done it, then we wouldn't be here right now.''

A small smile made it's way onto my lips.

She knew how to make everything better.


''I have to go talk to my Dad.'' she told me.

I nodded my head and let go of her so that she could go over to her bed and pull on the sweat pants she was obviously planning on wearing before I accidentally walked in on her...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.

I grinned to myself remembering and didn't even try to hide it. Come on, the girl was sexy and she had to know it.

''What?'' she asked, as she pulled a hoodie over her tank top and stopped to stare at me curiously.

''Nothing.'' I smirked.

She shook her head.

''Seriously, what is it?'' she insisted.

I laughed.

''Do you not remember the whole reason for what just happened?''

Her eyebrows bunched together as she tried to remember, and I watched in amusement as realisation took over her features once again and her face seethed in a red blush.

''That's not funny!'' she exclaimed, exasperated.

I nodded my head.

''Kinda is.'' I told her.

She shook her head.


I laughed.

''Don't worry Rosie,'' I said as I wrapped my arms around her small figure again. ''You get away with it since you're sexy.''

Rosie's P.O.V

After I got away from Josh who seemed to be loving the fact I was extremely embarrassed, I hesitantly headed down to speak to my Daddy in the kitchen after seeing Josh out the door.

A huge smile was permanently etched on my face.

He loved me.

Did he really?

This all felt so surreal, like a dream or something.

Skipping happily into the kitchen I grimaced at how down and worried Daddy looked.

''Daddy?'' I asked quietly.

He looked up from the papers, only noticing me now as I spoke.

''Yes Rosie?'' he asked kindly, although I could tell it was a little forced.

''I'm sorry.'' I told him.

He shook his head.

''Rosie honey it isn't your fault, I just don't like that boy.'' he told me.

''He has a name you know.'' I said quietly.

Daddy sighed.

''I just don't like Josh.'' he corrected.

''I do love him though Daddy.'' I said.

''I know you do sweety, I just want you to be careful. This was all...a bit of a shock to say the least.''

''I know.'' I said as I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.

He hugged me back tightly and kissed my forehead lovingly.

I smiled a teary smile as I squeezed him tighter and felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest.

At least we weren't yelling at each other any more.

All I had to do now was wait for everything to fall back into its normal place and everything would be good again.

Friday came around soon, and I was glad to have been back at school, that is until all the looks and comments started again.

But Josh was there for me the whole time, as well as Craig, Zack and Liam who stuck up for me if Josh wasn't around.

I had really come to love all these guys over the short time I had known them. They were all lovely in their own ways without even realising it. And they had all been extremely protective of me and always seemed to make me feel safe.

Apparently we were to be getting a new home economics teacher this Monday, and I think she had a son in our school, but I couldn't be sure. Her name was Mrs Branning and apparently she was really nice.

I couldn't wait for tonight, to see Sasha again.

Josh and the guys had made no plans as of yet, so I was presuming I was going to have to put up with him being there at the same time as Sasha. Could we tell Sasha? Or would that upset her?

I really couldn't be sure.

Sighing, I made my way over to Josh's house and rang the doorbell.

I wonder if Claire will mind me being here early... she said I wasn't needed until seven, and it was just past six fifteen.

Oh well, I'm sure it'll be okay.

Josh opened the front door, smiling brightly at me and pulling me inside the house.

''Hey cutie.'' he said, pecking my lips.

I smiled.

He seems to have found a new nick name for me, and to be honest I think I love it even more than baby.

''Hi.'' I chirped.

''Is that Rosie?'' Claire called from the kitchen.

''Yeah!'' we both called back to her.

I looked at Josh, as he looked at me, and we both laughed quietly before Josh pressed his amazingly soft lips to mine again.

He still hadn't put his lip ring back in again, even though I had told him to repeatedly, but he was adamant that he didn't want to hurt me by accident so he refused.

His lips felt so soft and warm against mine, and ever since the other day his kisses have become softer and more loving, not that they were ever rough, but he just seems to put more meaning into them now.

My hands pressed lightly against his chest and I could feel the steady beat of his heart beneath my right hand as his chest stopped its routine rise and fall as he kissed me.

He smiled against my lips and placed his hands gently on my waist to hold our bodies a little closer, but not as close as we were the other day in my room.

I don't even know what came over me that day, I just couldn't get enough of him and my innocence failed me.

A quiet little gasp forced us to break apart and I turned in a panic to see an extremely shocked Sasha staring at us in horror.

''Josh?!'' She exclaimed.

''Yeah?'' he asked casually, like we hadn't just been caught by his four year old sister kissing.

''Why are you kissing Rosie?!'' Sasha whisper yelled as if I couldn't hear her.

I smiled at her fondly, but then remembered the reason for our little confrontation.

''Because she's my girlfriend.'' he stated simply, and If I wasn't mistaken, a little proudly.

I blushed and looked away from them both, completely embarrassed.

Josh laughed, were as Sasha let out a squeal of excitement.


I laughed and shook my head.

''No sweety I'm not your sister.'' I told her kindly.

But her little smile fell and she suddenly seemed so disappointed.

''B-but I want you to be my sister!'' she cried.

Josh quickly picked her up in attempt to comfort her, and gave her a little squeeze.

''Sash, don't worry. Rosie will be your sister if you want her to.''

Sasha turned her little head away from Josh, looking at me expectantly.

I grinned and nodded my head.

''Pinky promise?'' Sasha asked me seriously.

Bless her, she was as cute as her brother.

''Pinky promise.'' I nodded, hooking my finger with hers.

She grinned and turned back to Josh, now in a much better mood.

He looked at her curiously.

''Where did you learn to pinky promise?'' he asked her.

''From Rosie.'' she informed him, looking at him like he was a hero.

I loved how much Sasha looked up to Josh, it was endearing.

He smirked at me, rolling his eyes playfully before walking from the hall were we still were and into the living room.

He set Sasha down with his toys and pulled me to the sofa.

Looking at him for the first time, I realised he wasn't wearing the same baggy jeans and wife beater he wore to school.

In fact, he looked completely hansom in his tight black jeans and leather jacket, obviously going somewhere.

''Where are you going?'' I asked him.

''Oh I'm just going out with the guys.'' he told me.

I nodded my head, turning back to watch Sasha again.

How come he never tells me where he's going?

I tried my best to push all my negative thoughts to the back of my head, but they kept rushing back in.

Would he be cheating? Is that why he won't tell me where he's going?

No, Josh wouldn't do that would he? I mean he said he loved me...

But it's Josh...

Player, man whore...

''Are you okay? You look really pale?'' Josh asked, turning my face to look at him as he looked over my face with concern.

''Yeah I'm fine.'' I shook it off.

''Are you sure? 'Cause if you're sick or something I'll stay home and watch Sasha, it's not a big deal.'' he told me.

I shook my head. ''I'm fine Josh, really.'' I put on a brighter smile to try and ease his worries, and it only seemed to work a little bit.

He looked at me sceptically, but let the subject drop.

He wasn't cheating, I would surely be able to tell if he was.

It's just because he's my first boyfriend and I'm paranoid.

I shook my head at myself and felt the colour return to my face as Josh kissed the side of my face and held my hand in his.

''Josh?'' Claire called from the door way of the living room.

He turned his head to face her, making a sound of acknowledgement and waiting for her to speak.

She never did though, instead she through a box at him that he caught rather skilfully and looked down at it for a second before his eyes went wide and I swear I saw him blush.

''Mom!'' he exclaimed, giving a pointed look in my direction for her.

She rolled her eyes.

''Josh, if she hasn't noticed by now, she's blind.''

I stared between the two trying to figure out what they were talking about, but had no luck.

Josh was holding the box behind him, trying his best not to let me see it...but being the curious cat that I am, I had to know.

I peeked my head around him in attempt to see, but he just pulled it back even more and pushed me away slightly.

''Don't.'' he warned.

''Why?'' I laughed, trying my best to see what it was he was hiding.

''Just!'' he exclaimed, unable to keep the smile off his face.

''Josh let me see!'' I demanded playfully.

''No!'' he laughed, pushing me farther away.

I fake pouted and put on my best puppy dog eyes, watching in victory as his face softened and he looked at me with a small smile there, his eyes falling to my lips before he gulped.

Okay, so the puppy dog look works on Josh.

He slowly shook his head.

''No.'' he whispered, a little defeated.

I made my eyes get even bigger and leaned in a little, watching as he gulped and his grip on the box loosened.

Just as he thought I was going to kiss him, I pushed him as hard as I could so that he fell of the sofa and left the box behind him.

He looked completely shocked but as soon as he regained control he pounced for the sofa to try and stop me, but he was too late, I already had it in my hand.

The victorious smile on my lips grew bigger and bigger until I didn't think it was going to get much bigger.

It turned into a mocking one and I laughed so hard there were instantly tears rolling down my face as I doubled over.

''Y-You d-dye your h-ha-hair!'' I exclaimed through my laughter.

He gave up once he knew I had seen it and remained on the floor with a grumpy look on his features, a small pink blush on his high cheeks.

I couldn't stop laughing.

He scowled at me.

''It's not that big a deal.'' he muttered.

''Y-yes it i-is!'' I laughed.

''So do you!'' he defended.

''I'm a girl!'' I shouted back laughing.


I just giggled and threw him the box, deciding I had made him suffer enough.

Not that he wasn't adorable on the floor all defeated and embarrassed.

''Fine. I dye my hair, okay? But if you could refrain from repeating that, my bad boy reputation would be eternally grateful.'' he joked.

I grinned mischievously, shaking my head.

He fake glared at me.

The door bell rang but we didn't budge from our staring contest.

''Josh! The boys are here!'' Claire called from the hallway.

I took a step backwards towards the door, my grin not faltering as he took one towards me to make up the distance.

''You wouldn't...'' he said worriedly.

I nodded my head playfully, biting my lip.

He shook his head.

I took another step back and he did the same as before by taking one forward.

Okay, here goes.

I made a beeline for the door but him being taller and faster caught me with no trouble and spun me around.

I soon found myself on the floor being tickled mercilessly by my amazingly strong and hansom boyfriend, who laughed down at me evilly making me blush and smile back at his laugh.

God I loved his smile and the deep sound of his laugh.

''Awk Josh, that isn't fair, she's only small compared to you!'' Liam laughed.

''YEAH!'' I nodded, still laughing uncontrollably as Josh poked at my sides.

Claire came in laughing as she took in the scene before her, and Sasha was there giggling happily.

But none of the other people there seamed to matter, all I could do was giggle and squirm as the man I loved straddled my legs and tickled me like there was no tomorrow.

''JOSH STOP!'' I laughed.

''Not until I know I can trust you.'' he insisted.

''Fine! FINE! You can trust me!'' I exclaimed, completely out of breath.

He hands stopped on my waist but never left my skin, my top had ridden up so his hands were on bare waist.

But I was happy just like that.

Leaning over he kissed me gently on the lips, making my insides spin and uncontrollable butterflies to erupt in the pit of my stomach.

A few wolf whistles caused me to remember myself and blush profusely, pushing Josh up off of me and sitting up embarrassedly.

Looking up in horror at the five pairs of amused eyes that landed on Josh and I, I bit my lip and grimaced.

How did he manage to make me forget everyone else in the room?

He smirked down at me knowingly before pushing himself up off of me and onto his feet before pulling me up with him.

Kissing my cheek he told me he would call me tomorrow if he didn't get home before I had left, and with that, left via the front door with all the guys.

I sighed a little dreamily before catching myself on and blushing for the hundredth time.

Claire gave me a knowing smile, before motioning with her head for me to follow her into the kitchen.

Smiling brightly I followed after her and took a seat across the island on a stool in the middle of the kitchen.

She grinned at me happily and took my hand in hers.

''Rosie honey, I just wanted to apologise again for how I reacted before, it was completely out of line but you have to understand that I was just extremely shocked.''

I shook my head.

''Don't worry about it, I understand. My Dad reacted basically worse so I don't mind.'' I told her.

''Really? What did he say?''

I rolled my eyes.

''He was being really immature and judgemental. There was a whole lot of I don't like him's, and look at him he's a delinquent's.'' I told her.

She nodded understandingly.

''I know, not a lot of people...get Josh.'' she said, struggling to find the right words.

''My Mom loves him though.'' I said brightly.

''Well that's good.'' she said.

I could tell there was something else she wanted to say though, but was thinking better of it.

''What is it?'' I asked.

''You've changed him, you know?''

My eyebrows furrowed.


''Really!'' she laughed, ''He really changed when his father died, he used to be a lot nicer and he wasn't an 'emo''' She told me, rolling her eyes and putting air quotation marks on the word 'emo' with her fingers.

I laughed.

''Seriously though, he acted a lot different than he does now and he even looked different...but with you I can see a glimpse of the old Josh.'' she smiled.''I want to thank you for that.''

I blushed.

Was she for real?

Did she really think I was changing him?

She grinned at me mischievously.

''Do you want to see what he used to look like?!''

My eyes widened and a large grin made it's way onto my face as I nodded my head eagerly.

She stood up and ran off like a school girl into the living room, soon to return with a large scrap book in her hands.

Oh my God I can't wait to see this! Josh would be so angry if he knew his Mom was showing me this!

She sat down beside me this time and opened the book, flicking through various pages of Sasha as a baby, her and who I presumed to be her husband. He looked so much like Josh, apart from the hair of course, but now I know why Josh's hair is a different colour from his cousins and uncle and Dad!

Taking a deep breath, she flashed me one last grin before opening the book to the final page that was covered with pictures of Josh, all cut out in different shapes so that they fit in together.

A gasp escaped my lips as I pulled the book closer to me and inspected each photo in turn, unable to believe my eyes.

Was this really Josh?!

Fine, he looked a lot younger in them, but his hair was brown and he didn't have any piercings in!

He wore blues and whites and barely any black! His hair wasn't gelled and he actually looked happy!

I couldn't believe it!

He was just as gorgeous, even though now he is a lot more attractive with his bad boy image.

''He looks so...'' I trailed off, unable to find the right words.

''Normal?'' Claire laughed.

I giggled and nodded my head.

''He doesn't really act different with me does he?'' I asked a little unsure.

She nodded vigorously.

''Rosie, the boy's smitten!'' she exclaimed.

I blushed.

''There's no need to be embarrassed!'' she laughed. ''It's a good thing. You're good for him.'' she told me.

I smiled a little sheepishly.

Glancing down at her watch she jumped out of her seat.

''I have to go to work!'' she exclaimed. ''There's money for pizza if you want it and I should be home at around eleven! Take care!'' she shouted over her shoulder as she ran into the living room and kissed Sasha once before I heard the front door slam shut.

Smiling, I closed the scrap book and pushed it safely into the middle of the unit before running in to ask Sasha what she wanted for dinner.

Nothing and no one could ruin the buzz I had going for me right now, I couldn't have felt any happier and everything just felt so right.

Life was starting to look up and I felt...at peace.

Josh made me feel better here, more at home. He made me feel safer and happy and contented and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I loved him.

And he loved me back.

And nobody could take that away from us.

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