stone cold // tronnor au

Autorstwa -silvermoons

34.5K 2K 894

the one where troye has slept with every boy on campus, except one. Więcej



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Autorstwa -silvermoons

Connor's POV

"So, is there anything you want to tell me?" Zoe asked, looking at me expectantly.

I finished writing down the notes from the board and turned to face her. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean." She raised an eyebrow.

I sighed in response. "There's nothing to tell."

"Oh, so there's nothing to tell about how you went for coffee with Troye, the same boy you kept saying you hated a week ago?" She asked.

I shrugged, nonchalantly. "Nothing at all. We went out for coffee because he wanted to pay for the tutoring session in some way."

"Couldn't he have just paid you the $15? You know, in cash?" She looked up at the board, writing down the last sentence of notes.

"Apparently not." I said.

"I'm kind of surprised you're not ranting about what a manslut he is right now, to be quite honest." She stated.

"Honestly? He's not that bad." I replied.

She frowned. "Since when? What's changed your mind?"

"I don't know. I got to know him better, I guess." I explained.

"You mean, from that epically long phone call the other night?" She laughed.

"How do you know about that?" I asked quickly.

"Connor, I'm not dumb." She rolled her eyes. "I know the tutees all have the numbers of their tutors, and I also know that you only called your mum a week ago. You only call her every two weeks."

"So? Maybe I just wanted to talk to her." I argued.

"Yeah, that might be true, but I also may have seen your call log..." She trailed off.

My eyes widened. "Zoe! Do you know what "privacy" means?"

"No." She shook her head. "Besides, what I really want to know is how you managed to talk to him for five hours and not hang up."

"How do you know we talked for that long?" I asked.

"Call log, remember?" She pointed out.

"You're not creepy at all." I scoffed. "But seriously, we were just talking, and then by the time we were done, it had already been five hours. I don't know."

"So, what did you talk about during those five hours that made you change your tune about him?" She questioned.

"Nothing much. Just random stuff. He promised he'd be nice to me from now on, though, which was kind of surprising." I told her.

"Wait, actually?" She gasped.

"Connor? Zoe?" Mr Green interrupted. "Are you two talking about something related to maths?"

"Yes." Zoe nodded. "We're just talking about the tutoring programme."

He raised his eyebrows. "Okay, well, I'm about to continue the lesson, so if you could pay attention now, that would be excellent."

I nodded with a grin. "Okay."

"Thank you." He said, before turning around to face the board.

He had projected a small graph onto the board, and was pointing out some trends that we were supposed to take notes on. I picked up my pencil and started copying them down, as Zoe did the same.

"Wait." Zoe whispered to me urgently, scribbling down some words.

"What?" I whispered back.

"So, Troye paid for the coffee yesterday, right?" She asked quietly.

I nodded, flipping over to a new page. "Why?"

"So, it was practically a date." She giggled.

I spun around to face her. "What? No, it wasn't."

"Okay, maybe this time it wasn't. But he paid for the coffee, and he promised to be nice to you. And only you." She reminded me.


"And," She started. "He totally likes you."

I stared at her incredulously. "Where the fuck did you get that idea from?"

"It's so obvious. And let's not forget that time we all saw him staring at you at lunch." She pointed out.

"That doesn't prove anything." I shot back.

"It does. And I'm starting to think you like him, too." She nudged me.

My jaw dropped open. "I don't like him like that. We're just friends."

"Friends?" She stifled a laugh. "You used to be enemies."


"So, look how far you two have come. Anything could happen from here."


"Okay, class dismissed." Mr Green said, wiping the writing off the whiteboard.

Putting all my books and pens back into my bag, I stood up. "Zoe?"

"Yeah?" She replied, pushing her chair in.

"Don't tell the others about what I told you. Capiche?" I asked.

She laughed. "Yeah, whatever. I still think you should just tell them, though."

"Yeah, no. You know how they'll get." I pointed out.

Rolled her eyes, she slung her bag over her shoulders. "But we tell them everything..."

"Not this time. Not yet." I shook my head, leading her out of the classroom.

We strolled down the hallway, dodging students and lockers along the way. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Troye's tall figure leaning against what I assumed was his locker. He was talking to a boy, no doubt trying to find a way into his pants. Rolling my eyes, I started to turn away, thinking he didn't see me.

But then, he raised his hand and gave me a small wave. My eyes met his, and I returned his wave. He shot me a warm grin, before turning back to the boy in front of him.

As we turned the corner towards the cafeteria, Zoe giggled. "You guys are adorable."

I turned to her, looking at her as if she'd grown a second head. "And you are seeing things."

"Like that blush on your cheeks?" She poked me.

I slapped her hand away, feeling my cheeks redden even more. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." She shrugged. "But I know what I'm seeing. And what I'm seeing are two boys who are completely into each other, but aren't doing anything about it."

"You're out of your head." I dismissed.

She hummed in response. "Okay."

"Just forget we ever had this conversation, okay?" I asked, walking through the cafeteria doors and towards our usual table.

"Okay, okay." She sighed. "Fine."

"Good." I nodded, waving at Joe, Caspar, and Tyler, who were all sitting at our table. "Hey, guys."

"Hey." Caspar waved back. "We were actually just talking about you, Con."

"Okay..?" I trailed off.

"Nah, we were just saying how your love life is looking a little barren right now." Tyler added.

I sighed, and leaned my forehead onto my hand. "What is it with you guys today?"


"You guys seem awfully interested in my love life today." I pointed out. "First Zoe, now you guys."

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"Zoe was also very kindly reminding me how boring my life is as a single person right now." I explained, not going into too much detail.

"I was?" She asked, before seeing my warning expression. "Yes, I was."

"Guys, I appreciate your concern, but really, I'm more than okay with not having to revolve my world around some other boy." I assured them.

"Okay, fine." Tyler pouted.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"But the second you get a boyfriend, or even feel the tiniest inkling of something for someone, you tell us. Got it?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, okay. I've got it."


okay hi so firstly sorry for the short chapter :)))

also secondly I had a dream yesterday where troye and connor were filming a movie together where they were a couple and they had to kiss and stuff and I had to remind myself that they weren't together anymore because in my dream I could literally remember seeing jacob standing behind the camera making sure nothing happened lmao 

also also i've got a couple maths and music exams coming up within the next 2 months so I might not update as frequently okok

one more thing: I've gotten a few new followers over the past few days so if you're one of them hihihihi nice to meet you 

- see you guys next chapter -

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