Connor/Murphy x Reader One Sh...

By LurchingLlama

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This is a book filled with Connor and Murphy MacManus x reader one shots, requests are currently closed. Some... More

Saint patricks day MurphyxReader
Tears. ConnorxReader
Date night. MurphyxReader
The sleeping problem. ConnorxReader
The drinking Incident. MurphyxReader
The snake. Murphy/connorxreader
Concussion ConnorxReader
Depression. MurphyxReader (For the most part)
First time. ConnorxReader
Haunted Amusement Park. MurphyxReader
The assignment ConnorxReader
The cold. Connor/MurphyxReader
The spider. MurphyxReader
Winter. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 2
Voices, figures and death. connorxreader part 3
Flirting. MurphyxReader
Trying something new. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 4
McGuinty's. MurphyxReader
the mix up
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader)part 1
Adopted siblings (boys x reader) part 2
Adopted Siblings (Boys x Reader) Part 3
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader) part 4
Shit Happens (best friends. boysxreader)
Shots For Shots (MurphyxReader)
For Better Or For Worse MurphyxReader

Voices, figures and death. Connor x reader part 1

920 14 3
By LurchingLlama

Okay there is gonna be a  couple (Probs two) parts to this because i am lazy and dont wanna write a fifteen thousand word one shot XD okay i hope ya enjoy (I tried to just write but for some reason reader reminds me kindaaaa of Harley XD also, this might be a connor x reader, it probably will be so that is what it is titled XD)

You where never quit right in the head ever since you were born, you talked to people that weren't there, attempted to kill other people, and other times you would be a totally normal person. You where definitely off, your parents had tried to get you to take meds but they would cause worse side effects, so they resorted to keeping you in the house mostly, once they had died, and the person who killed them shall remain nameless because the police have no sure evidence it was you. *Points sudley at you* (It was you) Believe it or not, the first person you had killed was by accident, then, you found you kind of enjoyed it until that was all you could think about as joy. It was like a hobby, but you would have a price to pay each murder.

You where put in a mental hospital. Though, after they caught you stabbing one of the guards there with a pencil over a thousand times, that's when you where hauled off to jail.

You had escaped multiple times, you had been across the country pretty much, everyone knew you if they were in the police, FBI or CIA. And they were pretty fucking scared of you.

You could usually always get out of the jails; the problem was that they always found you.

You had killed over fifteen police officers.

You had killed several scientists when they had agreements to experiment on you.

You liked killing. And you where good at it.

Currently you where being hauled off to another jail after just being caught killing a complete stranger that you had found in the ally you where in.

You looked nuts, and, you weren't out of jail long enough to ever get new cloths, so you would wear whatever they had put you in, weather it was a jail suit, scientist like dress, or a mental home outfit. You always looked creepy, always had dirt on your face, blood on your hands, either it was dried or fresh, bare footed, and matted hair.

The police officers always had guns at your head in case you tried anything, you would just stare at them, either it was a creepy smile, or a blank emotion, they didn't like it.

After a bit of staring at the man you turned your attention to your side.

"I can't, they'll catch me" You murmur to the thing that wasn't there.

"S-shut up!" The guy commanded skittishly.

"Shush, Susie is talking." You say, glancing at him before looking back to that spot.

"No you don't understand, if I try I'll get shot." You say after a second.

"I said shut up you bitch!" He said again, more commanding.

You turned your head, your hair flipping out of your face as you smile at him.

"When I get out, I'll make sure I kill you first." You say in a child like voice, the smile never leaving your face.

The police officer's face went white.

You turned back and talk in a quiet voice with 'Susie' until you got to the next jail.

Once the vehicle stopped, they hauled you out roughly; pushing you along, guns cocked to your head as they moved you, never knowing what you would try.

"Hey!" You shout angrily as someone pushes you from behind, though, no one was behind you except for two men, guns positioned on you as they walked about ten feet away from you.

"That wasn't nice you bitch!" You shout, not even looking at the men behind you.

"Am not!" You say before tossing your head back to look in front of you, giving whatever it was the silent treatment like a five year old.

As you strutted down the aisles of the other prisoners came up to see you.

You gave some a charming smile, laughing at random times and attempted to jump a little but being held down from the men on either side of you.

"You guys are dicks" You mutter as you keep walking, now not paying attention to the other prisoners.

They got you to the end of the isle and tossed you roughly inside the cell and locked it and headed away.

You looked around, seeing no one in the cell like normal. It had been this way ever since you killed your last inmate by choking them to death with their own food.

You sat down on the bed, having conversations with yourself and bursting into laughter, or sobbing to yourself, or just being completely normal or talking with the other inmates.

Prisoners went and came, though, on a particular day, you saw two men be walked down the aisle with two police officers. One in front of them, escorting them to an empty cell that was next to you, and the other behind them.

"And I recommend not talking with that one-She's nuts." The officer said once they had them in their cell

You where sitting up on your bed with a string you had ripped from your jail suit in your hand, you legs out in front of you, they where loosely crossed at your ankles.

When you saw him look over at you, you gave him a wink and a smile before going back to fucking around with the fabric in your hands.

Out of the top of your vision you saw the light haired man nod when looking back to the officer.

These two came in without any police officers grabbing at them, they walked almost calmly down the aisle almost as if they had turned themselves in. but, who would do that? They would have to be more psychotic then you.

Once the police officers had left out of sight, you got up from your bed and walked to your bars with a sweet smile on your face, you hair was put in two braids, string you had ripped from your suit was holding them in that form.

You walked up to your bars and put your hands on two.

"Hey." You whisper to the new comers.

you made it a point to become friends with everyone that came in, hoping to find one you could work with to get out and stay out, then kill them when they weren't of use anymore.

The other one, the darker haired one, glanced up from the other man and looked up to you, furrowing his eyes ever so slightly.

"What?" He asked after a second.

"What are your guy's names?" you ask like a tiny child trying to make friends.

"Why?" He asked, remembering the officer saying you where nuts.

"Cause I like to know everyone when I get into a new jail." You say like it was a normal thing.

"Urm-"He didn't really know how to respond to this.

Would it matter if you knew? He guessed it really wouldn't so he said fuck it.

"I'm Murphy, this here's Connor." He said, glancing at the lighter haired man.

"And you are?" He asked after you had nodded your head.

This took you back ever so slightly; a look of thinking took over your face, your head drifting to look at the grey sumint ground.

"I don't know right now" You say with a nod after a second of hard thinking.

This took both of them back.

"How tha fuck don't ya know yer name?" Murphy asked in confusion.

"Everyone forgets it from time to time." You say innocently.

"Oh wait Ray says she remembers." You say after a second and you look to your side.

"ohh!" You say and look back to them.

"Its y/n! my name is y/n!" You say proudly and turn back to your shoulder. "thanks" you say and face them again, the look of disbelief, confusion and other mixed emotions, swept across their faces.

"Ur-w-who's Ray..?" Connor asked after a second.

"Ray? You know? Long dark red ha-oh wait never mind..yeah no that's just blood. Blond hair, blue tank top, skinny? Stab wound in her stomach? Blue eyes?" You say, glancing at your shoulder every few seconds to take a look at the image your mind had made very real for you.

This nearly scared the shit out of them though.

"Urh---i-is she in yer cell right- now?" Murphy asked you hesitantly.

"Yeah look." You say, stepping to the side and letting her move in front of the cell door.

"See?" You say as the woman about your age tilts her head to the side when she sees them.

"Urm---i-is this a joke??"Murphy asked, startlment evident in his voice.

"Are you a joke? Of course she isn't a joke! How could you not see her?! She is fucking slamming on the bars right now! Do you not hear the noise?" You say, slightly enraged by their arrogance.

You saw a woman, they, saw air.

"W-what?" Murphy says.

"Ugh! Never mind" You snap and head back over to your bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

"We gotta get tha fuck outta here!" Murphy whisper shouted at Connor and he nodded.

"we're not stayin' in here with'that psycho over there." Connor said in agreement.

"What'are we gonna do? We've never gotten outta here before." Murphy sighed.

"I don't know. We're gonna figure somethin' out though." Murphy said.

They talked for a bit before they fell asleep for the night.

You, on the other hand, had an off again on again night, sometimes you would talk with your imaginations, sometimes you would cry to yourself, sometimes you would figure out plans on how to get out, and other times you would be asleep.

Morning hit and you woke up at about ten.

You saw Connor and Murphy where already awake so you walked over to your bar.

"Do you guys ever think about dying?" You ask as a casual question.

"What???" Connor said, whipping around along with Murphy.

"Do you, ever think about dying." You repeat, a stray hair falling in front of your eyes.

"Urm—I-I guess....."Connor said, a little uncomfortable by the question.

"What about you?" You ask Murphy, turning your attention to him.

"Ur---I'm not gonna answer'that" Murphy said, a little uncomfortable.

"What's your take on it?" You question, finding the subject interesting.

"Urm---"Connor glanced around for a second but you talked before he had the time to reply.

"I find it quit fascinating if I do say so myself." You say thoughtfully.

"hm" He whispered.

"What where you guys put in here for?" You ask after a second.

"Urh...we uh..." He glanced at his brother for a second, deciding on weither to tell the truth. Would it matter if you knew?

"We got caught..." They say, putting it as loop holy as possible.

"killing?" You finished what they hadn't said.

"Y-yeah..How'd ya know?" Murphy asked, exchanging glances with Connor.

"It's obvious." You say to them

They decided to change the subject off of them.

"What'about you?" Connor asked in a fatal attempt to change it.

"I was caught killing someone again, I suck at staying out of here." You say with a small sigh.

"Again?? How many have ya killed??" Murphy questioned.

"I don't know, I lost count at around twenty." You say with a small nod.

"How many times have you broken out?" Connor asked you, realizing if they could get you to help them out, maybe you would be of use.

"As many times as I have been put in here......maybe fifteen? I don't know, I have been transferred around between different things and places." You rambled on.

"Are ya quick at getting' out?" Connor asked.

"Oh ya, but not being found is the real problem" You sighed.

"What'if, you where to get us three out, and we kept you out of sight?" Connor said after glancing at Murphy.

"I think I could work something out." You say after a second of thought.

"Well I'm not going to tell them that though, and you're not to either!" You say in a snappish tone, turning to look next to you.

"Tell us'what?" Murphy asked you.

"N-nothing!" You say, giving a smile to him and walk back to your bed, falling asleep instantly.

The boys talked for a while about a plan, knowing they couldn't just let you roam around and kill whoever you wanted.

About an hour later, you woke up screaming, though, it quickly stopped though once you had your surroundings.

You proceeded to sit in silence and practiced running around your cell, running up the walls, doing flips and handstands, mostly just doing whatever since you where bored.

You did that for a bit before you sat back down on your bed and kept telling something to shut up repeatedly.

You fucked around with everything in your cell that could move, jumping around your almost empty cell.

Night came around, you three talked whenever the others were asleep.

By the third night, you had a plan on what you where gonna do.

You were going to the three of you out, they would keep you undercover until the police stopped actively looking for you. then, you would be rid of them and on your own.

Though it might not end well for them, it would work for you, and that's what mattered for you.

The next week, the plan was figured out fully and you guys put it to action.

The guard that came in and brought you your dinner, which would be your last visit from them until the next day.

When he slid your food into your cell you grabbed his arm and hopped your feet up on the cell door and pushed back harshly in one movement that shoved him into your cell and knocked him out, you grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked your cell, moving to the boy's and then locking the man in your cell. The boys lifted you onto their shoulders.

Through all your weird quirks, you had VERY good balance.

The boys where just there to get you higher up to the ceiling.

They were almost exactly the same height which made it easier.

You got the window away without making any noise and Murphy went first with the help of his brother and then he hopped up as well. You jumped as high as you could and they both grabbed onto you and lifted you up.

You guys ran swiftly across the roof and out in the back, escaping through all the normal obstacles, and then you guys ran into the back alleys as fast as you could, hopping fences and such.

You guys had been running for almost an hour.

You, where about to drop dead.

You where shorter than them so you had to run even faster to keep up with them.

You guys had to keep moving through or you would be caught soon.

So, instead of stopping, Murphy swiftly picked you up on his back so you guys could keep going.

Your legs wrapped around his hips, your hands went to his neck instinctively, making him stop in his tracks.

"y/n? "He said, a little unnerved.

"Oh. Sorry. Instinct" You say causally and put them to his shoulders.

He decided to brush that last comment off.

You had fallen asleep as they kept running, they soon went to a jog and then a walk after about two hours after.

They stopped in a very old, run down abandoned ally and stopped for the night, hiding all of you under some shit.

They woke up along with you and you guys kept going, having to be more careful of people though.

Before you guys started, you all changed from some cloths you found in a small shoot on your way.

Once you where all changed, you where wearing all men cloths, thankfully though, there was a belt there too so your only problem was them being three sizes too long.

You guys ran on and on, going through different places. You guys traveled for a few days and got to know each other a bit more.

You had found out that they got caught killing mobsters, apparently they got rid of bad people, you had told them about your life a bit, you had learned they where twins, twenty seven and called the saints.

They found you a little frightening, your mood swings where weird and you talked in your sleep and would wake up screaming sometimes.

They found you stabbing dirt that was in front of you one morning, you where mumbling something incoherent under your breath,

"Y/n?" You heard Connor whisper, making you lose focus and stabbing your thigh with the sharp stick.

You looked up to him and raised your eyebrow to let him know you where listening.

"what tha fuck? " He half shouted in alarm when you had stabbed yourself and then just looked at him, as if you hadn't just done that.

Your leg was bleeding fairly badly.

"What?" You questioned.

His shout woke up his brother fully and his attention came to your leg.

"y/n ya stabbed yer'self!" Connor said and you looked down.

"Man I really need to stop doing that." You mutter under your breath and pulled it out, yelping evverrr so slightly.

"What do you mean'by that?!" Connor asked.

"What?" You say, throwing the piece of wood away somewhere.

Connor took off his shirt and they both ran the short distance over to you and he wrapped it around your leg, though, you lightly swatted his head in an attempt to make him stop.

You gave a huff as he picked you up and they started to walk once again.

Your leg slowly got better as the days went on.

Finally, you guys had gotten off the grid and found an old rundown apartment with junk everywhere.

You curled yourself into a corner and muttered to yourself once again and fucked with random things that was close to you.

"What've we found a way to get her to help us on missions? To have her only kill who we are killing, then we could have her stay here, she could'stay here, her weirdness could'be a help." Connor said as they talked over the possibilities.

"And if she doesn't wanna?" Murphy questioned.

"Why wouldn't she? She'd be killin', getting money outta it, and stay outta jail." Connor said to his brother, glancing at you.

"Should we talk to her 'bout it?" Murphy asked as he saw you singing some weird creepy song in almost a lullaby voice in a quiet whisper.

The small words they caught made them believe it was about stabbing someone...which made them second guess their original conversation.

But, they figured that if they could get your shit under control, it could be handy, your enjoyment of killing meaning they could have you help with their missions.

Night came over the broken down building and you all fell asleep.

Connor woke up in the middle of the night, hearing a small voice in the corner.

"No, don't. It'll ruin everything" you whisper to yourself.

"Don't touch them, not yet." You whisper.

"Y/n?" Connor said, slightly disturbed.

"Don't leave me" You said in a hushed, strangled voice.

"W-what?" Connor said.

"Don't leave." You said in the same voice.

"No one's goin' anywhere, come'here." He says in a small whisper as not to wake up Murphy.

You softly, silently walk over to where he is and lay down with him, your hair was in two braids again and your face and hands had dried blood on it still.

"Whats'wrong lass?" He whispered.

"He doesn't like you" You whisper in a quiet voice.

"W-who?" He asked.

"The voices. He doesn't like you." You say in a quiet hushed voice, putting your hand softly on his shoulder.

"but don't worry, I won't let him touch you for as long as I can...sleep with a knife near you though." You say softly, making a chill run down his spine.

He gently ran his hand across your face and you fell asleep and he did soon after, knowing you where really just talking nonsense.

Days went by, they were trying to find out where they where and know their surroundings better.

A couple days passed and Connor nearly screamed when he woke up to you straddling him to the ground, a sharp piece of glass in your hands, the sharp glass had cut your hands, making them bleed.

The glass was just barley cutting his chest.

"WHAT THA FUCK" He said in an almost screamed voice.

The glass slipped out of your hands and a tear ran down your face, the glass dropping onto his shirt so it was now laying on his chest.

You where lying on your side, now sobbing.

The screams had woken up Murphy and he found you sobbing next to Connor, who frantically threw the glass piece away from him, his breathing was really heavy but he quickly threw that away and they both wehere next with you.

You threw your arms around his shoulders and shoved yourself into his chest with sobbed sorrys.

After a second you calmed down mostly, Murphy was left in the dark on everything that was going on...and to be honest Connor was too.

After a second you got your crying under control Connor asked, "What was that about?" Still slightly heavy breathing from almost being killed.

"I tried to stop him but I couldn't I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" You cried.

"Who's him?" Connor asked,

"I told you he doesn't like you." You cried, hugging him tighter.

Murphy didn't know what to do so he just stroked your hair.

"But who's him??" Connor asked.

"The voice." You cried.

"It's okay." Connor said in a soft voice, taking your hands and holding them tightly in his hands, putting enough pressure to make them stop bleeding so badly.

By the time that they had stopped, you had calmed down completely and had almost forgotten what had just happened.

You kissed his cheek and turned your body over, still holding his hand that was not around your lower stomach.

You and pushed Murphy down with your other hand and cuddled up with both of them and fell asleep seconds after ward.

You didn't wake up for the rest of the night, though, the boys stayed up until dawn, trying to find out who the hell you where talking about. 'The voice' the fucks that supposed to mean?!?!

Was Connor in danger? What where they gonna do?!

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