You're the One for Me

By vickye1999

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Rosalie Stryder got dumped a year ago and so far, she thinks she's doing pretty well. But what happens if the... More

You're the One for Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Two

91 2 0
By vickye1999

**Still Rosalie's POV**

The next morning.....

I woke up to find my head resting on Ben's bare chest. Oh my God.

"Done staring, Rosie?" Ben asked me, almost making me jump.

"I haven't even started." I replied as I moved off of him.

"Yet. You haven't started staring yet."

"Yeah, sure."

"Benny!" A voice called from out in the hall.

"Is that Sara?" I asked him.

"Yeah. They probably brought her home late last night." He told me.

"I thought you said that she'd be home by next week."

"I guess I was wrong."

"Benny!" Sara shouted as she ran in and jumped onto the bed. "Hi Rosie!"

"You're not supposed to be yelling, kiddo." Ben told her.

"I know."

"Come here."

Sara made her way under the covers so she was lying between us.

"Why are you sleeping in Benny's bed?" Sara asked me curiously.

"She hurt her leg. She's okay, but then we watched a scary movie, and she didn't want to sleep alone." Ben explained.

"Oh, okay." She said.

She started moving around a bit and ended up going deeper into the covers. Ben trapped her under there, but then flinched in pain and she crawled back out again.

"You're a meanie!" Sara shouted at Ben.

"You're the one that punched me in the tummy." He replied.

"She was so close to a nut-shot. Too bad she missed. That would've killed you." I teased him.

"Don't push it, Rose." He warned me as Sara hit his stomach again, making him wince. "Jesus, Sara."

" the little baby hurt?" I teased him again.

He glared at me. "Rose, I swear to-"

"No swearing!" Sara cut him off as she hit him again.

"Sara, please stop hitting me." He pleaded.

"Do it again." I told her.

The funny thing was, Sara did hit Ben again, and it was hilarious.

"I'm gonna hurt the both of you!" He threatened us.

"Oh really now? I'd like to see you try." I replied, smiling.

"Rosie...could you do my hair for me?" Sara asked me as she sat up.

"Of course, sweetie." I answered as I sat up properly and started dividing her hair so I could do a braid.

"Maybe you could do my hair afterwards." Ben joked.

"Yeah. I'll chuck the whole tub of gel on your head." I told him.

"Sure you will."

"I will. Don't you worry."

A minute or so went by with me doing Sara's hair and Ben watching me do her hair.

"You know, you staring at me isn't helping." I told him, smiling.

"There's nothing wrong with me being interested in what you're doing." He replied.

"You hardly ever used to watch me while I did Sara's hair." I said. "There you go, sweetie."

"Thank you, Rosie." She replied as she gave me a hug before going out of the room.

"What about me?" Ben asked me.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot." I replied as I ruffled his hair...a lot.

"What the hell?"

"You said you wanted me to do your hair."

"Yeah. But not so I look like an idiot."

"Well next time you should be more specific."

Ben then wrapped an arm around me and brought me down towards him. Next thing I was aware of, we were kissing.

"Rosie!" Sara called out as she ran back into the room. "Could you play with me?"

"Sure, sweetie. I'll be with you in few minutes." I replied as I sat up again.

"Yay!" Sara said excitedly as she ran back to her room.

"You're gonna play with her?" Ben asked me.

"Not just me, stupidhead. You're playing with us." I told him.

"What? No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Otherwise I'll screw up your hair again."

"Fine, fine. Did you...uh...need help getting dressed?"

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Okay. Suit yourself." He said as he got out of bed and went to change in his walk-in wardrobe.

I adjusted my brace thing on my leg, and would've stood up, but when I tried to, I fell back onto the bed. I really need to get use to walking with this thing weighing my leg down.

I got dressed and handed Ben's shirt back to him.

"Thanks." I said.

"You can keep it if you want." He told me.

"No, it's alright."

"I'm serious. Keep it. It looks better on you anyway."

"Oh, thanks."

"That's alright. I would've made you keep it anyway." He said to me.

"Sure you would've." I replied. "Come on then. Let's go play with Sara." I said.

Okay. When Sara meant playing, did she mean let's beat up Ben some more? If so, this game was really fun. It was just Sara hitting him though. I was just there to tease him some more.

My phone rang and I left the room. I then answered to Jess.

"Where are you, Rose?" She demanded.

"I'm at Ben's place. Why?" I replied.

"Oh, of course you're at Ben's place." She said as she started talking to someone else.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, right! Well if you must know, Zac's here."

"Why does he have to come over all the time?"

"Maybe because he loves you and wants to get back together."

"Yeah, no. Tell him I'm sorry, but I don't things are going to work out." I told her.

"Maybe I'll just send him over there to pick you up, then you can spend some time together to work things out." She said.

"You really don't need to do that, Jess."

"I think I do, Rose."

"Well you don't. And even if he did show up here, him and Ben would fight."

"Just fix things with him, will you? He loves you, best friend, boyfriend, whatever he is to you."

"Whatever." I said plainly.

"It's settled then. He'll pick you up within the next couple hours." She told me.


"You better fix your attitude too."

And with that, she hung up on me. Maybe she's the one that needs to fix her attitude. Jesus. Can't she stay out of other people's business? Honestly.

I walked back into Sara's room where she was still beating the absolute sh*t out of Ben.

"Okay. I think this game's gone too far now." I said as I sat down on the floor next to Ben.

"It took you this long to figure out that the game's gone too far?" Ben responded as he sat up properly.

"Let's play a different game!" Sara said excitedly.

Ben glanced down at me. " about-"

I cut him off. "No! No, Ben. Don't you-"

It was too late. He was already tickling the crap out of me.

"Damn you, Ben!" I shouted between bursts of laughter.

"You deserve it anyway." He replied, grinning down at me.

"Okay, I'm not responsible for your injuries after this."

"Didn't anyone teach you that violence is never the answer?"

"I probably wasn't paying attention to them."

"Of course you weren't. Did you want me to stop now?"

"Yes please!" I pleaded.

"What do you think, Sara?" He asked her.

"I don't know. It's only really funny if you're the one getting hurt." She told him.

"Ha! She's on my side!" I shouted playfully.

"Whatever." He dismissed us.

A little while on later.....

We left Sara to her dolls and headed downstairs into the kitchen for something to eat.

"So what are you making?" I asked Ben as I sat at the kitchen bench.

"I'm not making anything. Just grab an apple or something." He told me.

"I see that hasn't changed about you."

"It sure as hell hasn't."

"Could you pass me an apple then, since you're so busy doing nothing?"

"Screw you."

He passed me an apple, then came around to sit next to me at the bench.

"Were you gonna go back to Jess' later?" He asked me curiously.

"Yeah." I said.


"In a couple hours."

"Okay then."

"Why do you ask?"

"I was just thinking, maybe we could watch another movie." He told me.

"Please don't make it a scary movie, though. I won't be able to sleep." I pleaded.

"Fine. But it isn't going to be a Channing Tatum movie either."

"Ugh, okay. What were we going to watch then?"

"We could watch an action movie."

"Which one?"

"There's that new Mission Impossible one." He said to me.

"Sounds good." I agreed.

A couple hours later.....

The movie had finished and we were just watching TV now. Or at least until there was a knock at the door. Ten bucks I knew who that was.

"I'll get it." I told Ben as I got up to answer it.

I opened the door to find Zac waiting on the other side for me.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"Hey. Jess sent you down here, didn't she?" I replied.


"Okay, well, I'll be out in a few minutes, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

I met Ben back in the living room.

" ride's here." I informed him.

"Your what? I thought I would be able to take you home." He responded as he stood up.

"Me too, but obviously other people have different opinions of you, and nothing works out."

"It's Zac, isn't it?"


"How does he know you're here?"

"When I talked to Jess this morning, Zac was there with her." I told him.

"Of course he was." He said.

"Yeah, well...I should get going now."

"Okay. When will I see you again?"

"Soon. I promise."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Sure." I agreed as I turned and headed towards the door.

"Oh! Just wait one second!" Ben called after me as he jogged up the stairs.

I rounded the corner and met up with Zac again.

"So...I'm guessing Jess wants us to fix things, right?" I asked him.

"Yep." He replied plainly. "Were you ready to go now?"


"I'm just gonna start off by saying sorry now. So...sorry."

"You don't need to say that. I think it was more my fault than anyone else's."

"I highly doubt that."

"Look, Zac. I really want you as my best friend again, okay? I just want a friend." I told him as we headed out to his car.

"Yeah. I get it." He said as he slid into the driver's seat.

Ben then came up beside me. "You forgot this." He told me as he handed me the shirt I wore last night.

"Oh, thanks." I replied. "You know you could've just given to me some other time, right?"

"Yeah, like I could wait that long."

"So you didn't want to go out tomorrow night?"

"What? Of course I do!"

"Good. See you at seven."

I then got into the car with Zac and we drove off back to Jess' place.

"I really don't see why Jess has to be so controlling." I said.

"Same here. But don't you think we still need to talk things out between us?" Zac asked me.

"What's to talk about? All is forgiven and we're still best friends." I replied.

I don't know what happened next, but we just fell silent. All the way back to Jess' house. Silence. This car ride would be the death of me, I swear.

Back at Jess' house.....

"So how'd it go?" Jess asked me once we walked inside.

"It was fine." I answered.

"Did you fix everything?"

"Look. Can we just not talk about it? I'd rather we do something else."

"Okay then. What'd you wanna do?"

"I just want to lie down, okay? Is that so much to ask?"

I then went upstairs to my room 'hibernated' for the majority of the rest of the day.

~~ Okay firstly, I'm sorry for the really late update. I've been studying for a Math exam (that's a good excuse, right?   -yeah, sure)

I couldn't really find a good way to tie off this chapter, but there you go. This chapter was fairly long though, wasn't it?

How cute is Sara? Oh my God, she's adorable.

Not sure when the next update will come out, but keep those votes and comments rolling in! ~~

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