Colour Me Green (Camren)

By bemineziam

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The past will get to lauren and her best memories will make her take rash decisions but will the bad memories... More

Chaper One Destroyed
Chapter Two Love Hangover
Chapter Three Expectations
Chapter Four Falling
Chapter Five A Kiss and A Diss
Chapter Six Last Shot
Chapter Seven Not In That Way
Chapter Eight June 11
Chapter Nine Lethal Control
Chapter Ten Grey
Chapter Eleven Dont forget
Chapter Twelve Sparkle
Chapter Thirteen Open
Chapter Fourteen Leaving
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter 7teen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19teen
Chapter 20
CMG 21
Ch;23 silly little things
30 Tea Talk
32 Awakening
34 Revolve
35 What Goes Around
36 Plan
37 Regret?
Chapter 38 Closure.
Chapter 39 Colour Me Green
Epilogue Part 40
Part 2 of Epilogue


281 7 0
By bemineziam

After waiting for what seemed for days the doctors had finally been able to make Ryan stable,but he was in a coma.My mom and I saw him as soon as we could.Looking at my brother on that bed almost souless killed me.As long as he was still here with us even if it meant physically for the moment i was glad about it.We were sent home as visiting hours where over and my mom and I really needed to shower.We would come back in the morning but until then we had to rest.Camden was with me the whole time,she answered all necessary emails and calls while i was with my brother.


"Yeah?"i replied removing my clothes to go in the shower

"Uhm we need to talk....about the company"she said looking at me with a smirk

"What about it"i replied just wanting to shower and sleep

"Imnsorry i cant talk to you normally while you show me your toned body babe"she said stepping closer to me and kissing my lips

"Im sorry Cammie i just really want to shower and rest"

"I know but cant i kiss my fiance?"she said smiling reminding me of the promise i had made with her a couple
nights ago

"Ofcourse baby"i smiled again it being the only good news recently

"When are you telling your mom"

"Once this all settles down"

"I cant keep hiding my ring for much longer Laur"

"You don't have to matter of fact i dont want you taking it off anymore,i dont want anybody eyeing you up baby,"i said kissing the blonde before entering the shower

Shortly after i got out of the shower Camden informed me we couldnt be away from the company in New York for much longer.There were meetings to be met and important investors to persuade and keep in the company.It was all becoming too much.

"So what are we going to do"

"One more week i guess"

"Are you sure?I dont mind going on my own and then coming back"Camden replied

"Youd do that babe?"

"Ofcourse,Id miss you like crazy but i love you and i know you need to be with your family i wish i could stay here baby"

"Id love it too but we have to do this"

The week went by quicker than expected it was friday and i would be driving Camden to the airport the next morning.
But like always the unexpected happened.

I quickly had gone to check up on Camila and to my luck it was hectic in there.

"Stay with Camila mija im going to call a doctor"

"Whats going on Sinu?!"but the older lady had taken off into the hall

"Lauren!"her face expressions showed it all

"Whats wrong?!"i said gripping Camilas hand

" water broke"she said as her face tightened as hard as she tightened my hand

"Oh my gosh I just came to check-"

"Please stay I need you"

"Ofcourse"i replied not thinking about it twice

The doctor and nurses came in shortly i walked with them as Camila would not let go of my hand.I was nervous but excited the baby was finally coming.

"Do you want me to call my mom?"

"Sorry miss but only two people can be in the room while the patient gives birth"


"Is the father of the baby here?"


"Does he want to-"

"He is in a comma"i replied reminding myself that i was in fact here for my brother

"Sorry to hear about that the doctor will be here shortly,he had to go attend a situation"

"Im giving birth and thats not a situation enough?"the brown eyes said as she gritted her teeth

"Calm down Camz"she looked at me almost surprised by me calling her by the nickname i had given her but the pain brought her back to the present

"Fuck"she said again as the pelvic pains increased

"Youll be fine "i said holding her hand trying to calm the woman down

"I hope so"

Minutes were passing and Camila was in more pain,they gave her the "special shot" so the pain would decrease and it did but not as much as i expected

"Is the epidural not helping Camz?"

"Yeah it is im just a bit tired and the pains are taking advantage of that my body feels weak"

"Dont worry you are strong and Well its been about two hours,they should be coming to check how diolated you are shortly".

"It hurts"

"Yeah giving-"

"No,the fingers shes hurting me everytime she checks me"

"Ill tell her to be gentle"

"You were always gentle"she said above a whisper so i could hear but not her mom

"Uhm,-"my eyes widened up by her comment

"Okay lets see how far you are"the nurse interrupted

The brunette immediately looked at me and gripped my hand.She groaned as the women did her job.

"Can you be a bit more gentle"i interjected as Camila was in obviius discomfort

"Its the way i have to do it ma'm"

"Well can you try to be more gentle"i spat back

"Theres nothing-"

"If you dont want mind can you call another nurse to do it"i said tired of seeing the woman i once was in love with in pain

"Sure"she replied obviously annoyed

"Lauren you didnt have to"

"But i did"i replied at the brunette,her messy hair making her look so motherly.Her skin was a bit paler than usual but i guess giving birth does that to a woman.Her lips were still so pink though.She was obviously so tired and in pain but i couldnt leave her side.Her hand fir in mine perfectly.I held her hand until she fell asleep.

"Lauren,gracias mija for being here with us i know you could be with your brother but you are here"

"Its nothing really-"

"It is i know how much it means to Camila shes missed you alot and she still cares deeply about you,just thank you"

Just as she finished talking my phone rang.It was Camden.

"Where are you?"

"Uhm its a long story kind of"

"What do you mean?where are you Lauren"

"I came to check up on Camila and she began to-

"Okay i think the baby is coming" Sinu. Stated

"Cammie i have to go ill text you"


The nurses rushed in and i rushed to Camila.I held her hand as she was giving birth.I was excited but so damn nervous.
I couldnt help but think that maybe one day this couldve been us waiting for our baby,but this was my brothers baby and my brothers wife.I was just there for support no emotional attachment,there couldnt be.

Hearing the babys cry after various minutes of pushing and pain made it all seem worth it.And for a while everyone was happy.The baby was healthy and so was Camila.

They called my mom and i left Camila as she slept after all that occurred.I felt complete,but i would face a bigger problem.

Camden was leaving tonmorrow and we hadnt spent time together at all.My mom had told me Camden didnt seem too happy from the last phone call we had.

I opened the door to the big house.The silence was terrifying.


No reply.I walked up the stairs into my room where Camden had her bags ready.

"Hi babe"i said hughing thebshorter woman, but she didnt reply.She was obviously bothered.

"Im sorry its just-"

"Its just nothing Lauren,im leaving tonight and all you can do is hide with Camila?"

"Im sorry its just,at that moment she was kinda having the baby"

"The baby girl"her face expressions changing
"Camila, she had the baby?"

"Yes babe we are aunts"i replied hugging the blonde woman

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"I tried but it all happened so quick"

She looked at her watch and looked back at me.

"We have time please can i go meet her"


Maybe it wandt a good idea to have Camila and Camden in the same room at this moment but i didnt have any reason to stop Camden from it.

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