Aomine: What's not to Love?

By Alybigsis

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Sayuri Kobayashi is a pretty girl with a shy sweet disposition and a realistic look on high school life a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 8

2.8K 70 3
By Alybigsis

She'd headed back to class after that very interesting lunch. Her mind trailed back to their earlier conversation. Momoi was a playful, cheerful person. She was easy to talk to and very pretty. She smiled to herself thinking of the sweet girl. She was shorter than herself and the way she interacted with the fearful Aomine Daiki made her smile. He seemed harmless when she was jumping around playfully pouting at his teasing. She wondered when they'd eat together again. She would like to. But Momoi might not invite her again. She could never gain the courage to ask herself. With the prospect of a friendship in her mind, she felt a little giddy. With a light giggle she wondered if Momoi wanted to be friends. She stopped herself for a moment. She sounded like a giggly elementary school kid. She was a high school not some shy little kid. Wait she was a shy big kid. She really sounded pathetic getting so excited over such a futile thing almost everyone else has. She really is anti social. She shook her head at the thought.

After she made it back to class she sat down trying her best to ignore the stares. People must have been curious. The exotic mysterious girl who hardly ever socializes suddenly is being pulled around by Aomine Daiki, the school bad boy who skips classes and smokes everyone in sports. As well as Momoi Satsuki, The School sweet heart and beauty with a gravity defying rack. She wasn't surprised she had all the attention now. The mysterious exotic beauty, the Terrifying bad boy, and the giggly sweet heart, they were a weird combination. She had only barely gotten used to the previous attention she had. But this was on a whole new level. She sighed, she even had Noa and her friend's attention who starred at her rather wonder struck. Surprising she wasn't as embarrassed as she thought she'd be. She really was getting used to this. This had been the worst few days ever. She dropped down in her seat with her same graceful air but with an undeniable irritation. Aomine still pissed her off. What was with that guy? Did he take pleasure in pissing her off? At this point she was convinced it was some weird crush he'd developed on her. If he really liked her he had a weird way of showing it. Momoi had told her he was embarrassed but Sayuri had a hard time believing it. How could he like her anyway they'd hardly spoken before. She blushed at the thought. As much as she tried to logically think about it. She felt kind of excited that someone liked her. As Momoi had continually told her. And she had to admit Aomine was a wildly good looking guy, with a great body. She blushed again at the thought. She really was a romantic she couldn't help but get embarrassed. She currently didn't like him. But it was the first time a boy had pursued her in such a blunt and strange way. Maybe Momoi was wrong. She fiddled with her pencil in her fingers as she thought more into it only increasing her blush as she thought more. He certainly wasn't her type. She was suddenly pulled from her thoughts as Rina walked up to her, her dark brown ponytail swaying behind her as she leaned over her desk. "Hey, Sayuri, what's been going on with you Aomine Daiki?" She bluntly asked. Sayuri watched as Makina stood flustered behind her fretting over Rina's blunt approach. Sayuri quickly examined the situation. She could see Noa sitting at her desk watching them patiently with almost curious expression waiting to get in on the gossip. Sayuri assumed they'd long forgotten their previous fight the curiosity overtaking their pride and now they were desperate for details. Rina being the bluntest and relaxed of the three quickly moved on and now wanted information on the school's hottest topic. Sayuri almost rolled her eyes at their childish behavior as they didn't even apologize before trying to interrogate her. The rest of the class seemed to be listening in as well. Didn't anyone have anything else better to do? She felt annoyed at the whole class instantly. They all thrived on the latest drama. Frustration overtook her and she couldn't help but speak her mind as she ignored her emotions that told her to back down out of fear and embarrassment. "Something that's between me and Aomine Daiki, not you." She snapped back regretting the slight attitude that made it sound like insult. She felt a little intimidated but quickly pushed the feeling away. Surprisingly Rina looked a little guilty as she paused for a moment. "Sorry, I wasn't meaning to intrude." She apologized and backed down slipping her hands off the desk and turning back to Noa. Sayuri felt a little regret at the rudeness of her comment but it had been true. She couldn't let herself feel pity for them she would forgive them easily after an apology was offered. Sayuri had decided to wait for that apology and go along as normal. It still hurt her that they still disliked her. She never wanted to be disliked by anybody. But she had to stand up for what she thought was right. She had the thought to defend herself and confront them, but decided against it. It would only make things worse. The class seemed even more startled with her blunt refusal to reply. Sayuri turned behind her to see Fujimoto who was looking at her with a worried expression. She felt sorry for him. He really did seem worried about her honestly. She sent him a quick reassuring smile then he blushed at then sent one back. Sayuri suddenly felt kind of sick. Wait a second. Her wish had come true. She remembered when she'd asked for a less boring life. Great. Now she was being teased by a bad boy, and ignored by petty school girls, as well as Fujimoto's obvious crush on her. This was really starting to sound like a shoujo manga. She sighed. Hopefully this would turn out to be more realistic.

Momoi watched the team's practices that day fervently. She was concentrated and prepared. With their first game coming up soon she had to prepare her team and create a game plan. The roster had yet to be released and she was desperate for the news of which school they'd play next. She couldn't wait to play the other teams. To play Seirin and get payback for their loss last year. She could tell Aomine was excited to. He couldn't wait to play them again. He had been showing up to practice regularly now, training hard to build up his skills, and a new seemingly foreign tactic of team work. They'd been building up their individual skills without a care about each other for such a long time it was a little awkward to begin playing together, but they were building a real team ready to fight. She couldn't help but smile. Aomine had been so much better since that game in the winter cup last year. Kuroko had kept his promise. She turned to see Aomine practicing playing against their new freshman they'd recruited this year. He was smiling and laughing having fun as he played the other students. She remembered how intimidated they first were when introduced to Aomine. He was the bad boy upperclassmen with a spine chilling smirk. His reputation preceded him and he was avoided for a while. But he they soon befriended him as he now had become friendly and more considerate to those around him. He still carried around that uninterested aura like he couldn't care less about what anyone thinks which was more or less true. Momoi was thinking back to lunch today she'd spent it with Sayuri Kobayashi a girl she'd had little contact with before. She was an exotic beauty with a body rivaling her own and was taller than herself by three inches. She smirked as she remembered Aomine's almost constant attention to Sayuri's large chest. He sure was a pervert. He was obviously attracted to the meek girl. Momoi had a hard time believing he really liked her. He sure acted like did but she couldn't have imagined such a weird match for him. She seemed to be a shy quiet girl. She honestly didn't think they'd work out at all nor did Sayuri seem interested in him in the least. She questioned why he seemed to be interested in this girl he'd never paid attention to before. Was he just in it for her rack? Momoi shot Aomine a suspicious glare as the thought passed her mind. If he was, he should find a different girl. Sayuri was a conservative little thing. There was no way she'd let a guy with such vulgar intentions touch her. Still Momoi knew he was more serious about her. Was there something about this girl she didn't know. She was adorable to be sure, but she had to have something to pull Aomine attention.

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