Another Evil Grandfather (Per...

By ithacaclaire

783K 19.9K 7.8K

A nice, relaxing, day at the beach; a romantic movie and dinner with Annabeth. Those were my plans before Gan... More

Chapter 1: There Are No Words For This
Chapter 3: Great, Another School to Blow Up
Chapter 4: Guess I Have "Good" Luck On both Sides
Chapter 5: I Meet a Bunch of Staring Wizards
Chapter 6: I'm Not a Death Eater!
Chapter 7: Just...Wow
Chapter 8: Do I Have Something On My Face?
Chapter 9: How In Hades Does He Know That
Author's Note
Chapter 10: I'm Rich!
Chapter 11: Yep, Definitely Suspicious
Chapter 12: Yay! I Get a Magic Stick!
Chapter 13: A Gift
Chapter 14: Close Your Mouth; You'll Catch Flies
Chapter 15: The Daddy Card, Really?
Chapter 16: A For Donkey...Hmmm
Chapter 17: Wizards Are Weird
Chapter 18: Normal is Overrated
Chapter 19: Apparently Life Hates Me
Chapter 20: It's Time
Vote For Percy's House
Chapter 21: Oops
Chapter 22: The Sorting
Chapter 23: Wizards Aren't Discreet
Chapter 24: Some People Are Idiots
Chapter 25: That Was Fun
Chapter 26: The Intrusion
Chapter 27: Hogwarts Here I Come
Chapter 28: Not Interested
Update is Coming - Please Read This Note
Chapter 29: Giggle Is a Nice Way of Saying It
Chapter 30: Detention Sucks
Chapter 31: It's Definitely That Bad
Chapter 32: Not Dead After All
Chapter 33: Yep, It All Makes Sense
Letters From Epoh
Chapter 34: Let The Game Begin
Storm and Silence Trailer/ Authors Note
Chapter 35: Numb
Chapter 36: I Never Actually Released my Full Power and Y'all Still Scared
Chapter 37: idek

Chapter 2: We Meet Mini-V

28.7K 720 779
By ithacaclaire

Harry POV:

I woke up to a bright and sunny day, completely at odds with my mood. Today was the day Hermione, Ron, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin, and I would meet Voldemort's grandson. The whole situation was ludicrous; I mean, the guy's grandfather killed my parents!

The day passed by quickly, and soon it was three-thirty. As I got ready to leave, thoughts for his grandson consumed me. I wonder what Mini-V will look like–yes, that's a perfect name for him! Hey, maybe he will have red eyes! Oh, and slits for a nose! And don't forget the dilated pupils! I bet he's already a death eater too. 

Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Hermione had come into my room and was talking to me. Only now did I tune into what she was saying. "-and I hope you'll give him a chance." My clever response to this was, "uh huh?" although it came out more like a question. 

Hermione stood up indignantly. "I knew you weren't listening!" she exclaimed. Taking a deep breath, Hermione continued. "I was trying to tell you that you shouldn't judge Perseus by his family. Sirius is an example of that. That being said, I hope you give him a chance."

At this, I stood up as well. There was absolutely no way that Voldemort's grandson was anything other than evil. I said as much to her. "He has a point Hermione," Ron added. "Seriously how can his grandson not be bad?" Hermione glared at him, and Ron shut up, cowering. I couldn't blame him. The only thing more scary than Hermione's glare was Mrs. Weasley's. Hermione shook her head, annoyed. And with that, she spun on her heel, walking out of the room. 

Ron stared after her. "We're going in five minutes," he said by way of explanation before leaving as well. Quickly getting his wand, Harry followed them downstairs to a waiting Lupin, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, and Dumbledore. "We will be apparating to their flat," he said, "Hermione you go with Lupin, Ron, you're with Sirius, and Harry, you will apparate with me. I took Dumbledore's arm, Ron and Hermione doing the same with their designated partners.

I felt Dumbledore's arm twist away from me like my first time apparating with him, and like before, I reaffirmed my grip. The next thing I knew, everything was black, and I was being pressed from all directions. I couldn't breathe; my eyes were being forced back into my head, and my ear-drums were being pushed deeper into my skull. This all took place in seconds but felt like lifetimes.

 Soon, I was in an alleyway with the others, Hermione, Ron, and I puking our guts. Once we recovered, I asked Dumbledore what we were doing in an alley. "I bet he's a vagrant and lives in the street," I thought to myself. "Muggle's have those devices called cameras, don't they? We can't very well apparate to their front door." He explained. "Oh," I said. "He lives about a block away in a flat," Dumbledore continues. "Come along now, "he says and motions for the others and I to follow.

Sirius POV:

We arrived at Voldemort's grandson's flat after what seemed to be hundreds of flights of stairs because the elevator, whatever that was, was broken. Dumbledore rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, a boy came to open the door. Did we get the right address?  With his windswept, raven black hair, aristocratic nose, enticing green eyes that reminded me strangely of the sea, and an obvious eight-pack and muscles, the boy most definitely did not look like Voldemort's grandson. I mean, I'm as straight as the next guy, but this kid looked like a freaking model–actually I take that back, I'm standing next to Dumbledore–but seriously, you get my point. 

The first one to speak was Dumbledore. "Hello," he started, "does a Perseus Riddle live here?" 

The boy immediately looked suspicious, looking up and down at our robes, "Nobody with the name of Riddle lives here, although I don't think anybody in this building, or the state for the matter, has the name Riddle." 

"Ah, my mistake. Does someone by the name of Perseus Jackson live here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes," Perseus, I suppose, replied, his voice now completely laced with suspicion.

 "May we come in Perseus, I'm afraid we have much to dis–" 

"Percy," the boy said cutting off Dumbledore, "call me Percy." 

The kid mumbled something under his breath. "You can come in," he said. "Mom! We have guests!" Percy called out to who I assumed to be his mother. Then he motioned for us to sit down on a couch, sitting down himself. I took this as an opportunity to glare at the kid on Harry's behalf. He may look completely innocent, but could still be a death eater for all I know. He radiates power. And how is it fair that he can have a mother while Harry's parents are dead? His grandfather murdered one of my best friends!  I tried to calm down and ignore the urge to kill the kid. As far as we know, he could know nothing of the wizarding world. 

Harry POV:

As I sat down on the couch, I saw Sirius mirror my glare at Percy. I mean how can a death eater be so good looking? Actually, he kind of looked like me, with both of us having nearly the same colored hair, Percy's being a little darker, face shape, green eyes, although his were far more enticing and powerful. Oh come on! He looks like a better version of me! Mini-V is probably using a Polyjuice potion! Yes, that's it, Voldemort probably told him to look like a better version of me too!

Lupin POV:

Wow. This child pulses with power. I can tell everybody besides Dumbledore is distracted with the fact that a grandson of Voldemort is so good looking, but his power....

Ron POV: 

I bet he's a death eater already! He's DEFINITELY drinking polyjuice potion! I hate him! He's pure evil! I can't believe he's a grandson of you-know-who!

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