
By PreciousT_

190K 7.2K 1.4K

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled in his face. He had a firm grip on my arm and being the woman that I was, I... More

Navy Blue.
•Clarifying Chapter•
Olive Green.
Silver, part 1.
Silver, part 2.
Baby Blue.
White, part 1.
White, part 2.
White, part 3.
Not an update.
Red (again).
Sky Blue.
Epilogue| Gold.
Bonus Chapter.
The Switch Up


17K 406 161
By PreciousT_

This shit was stupid. Out of all the things that an employee could do wrong, this had to have been the worst.

Eva Phillips, my assistant baker, had burned most of all the pastries we baked for my best friend's wedding that was in less than five hours. I wanted to kill this bitch. I wanted to put her ass in the oven and just bake that ass like chicken.

"Ms. Whitaker, I'm sorry," Eva said, attempting to slip her skirt back on.

I mean mugged the shit outta her. She had the fucking nerve.

I picked up one of the muffins she had burnt and threw that shit right at her head before I took more and started flinging them left and right. Eva screamed as she tried to get behind the nigga she was fuckin' when I caught whiff of the burnt deserts.

"Don't scream now! Ya ass already did enough screaming when I caught you back here!" I yelled at her. I turned my back as I placed my fingers on my temples. Jesus, Mary, and all them was testing the patience that I didn't possess. I really wanted to put my hands against this bitch windpipe, but I decided to let her live.

You see, I was in anger management and the first thing they taught me was to relax and assess the situation before reacting.

I almost went to jail for keying some bitch car and banging her head against said car a few weeks ago. The judge told me that I wouldn't get charged or sentenced if I took anger management classes for a year. I only agreed because I ain't need no record and my ass was too pretty to be sitting in somebody's prison cell washing the next bitch dirty panties.

I made a quick decision before I turned back around to face Eva and this pretty yellow motherfucka' she had behind my counter. The bitch flinched because she thought I was gonna hit her. Little did she know, she was luckier than a four leaf clover today.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "Eva, imma need you to collect your things and leave my bakery. You're fired," I said in the calmest voice I could muster. If she said anything to go against what I told her, I think I was gonna have to show her what my knuckles did to Mahogany Nelson in fifth grade.

"But, I'm sor-" she started before I cut her off.

"Bitch! I told you to get the fuck out! I don't give a fuck about your sorry!" I yelled. I picked up their clothes and hurried to the front so I could open the door and throw them shits on the pavement.

Afterwards, Eva and the man ran out the shop to collect their items and went on their way. I let out a deep breath and closed the blinds of the shop. I had closed it for the day so I could work on finalizing the last of the deserts. I had to finish those, and still make sure that I was ready in time to walk in the wedding. I was the maid-of-honor, but I was getting ready separately from everybody because I was the one who was supplying most of the food and desert.

I left Eva in charge of the heavy stuff because I had to pick up my dress, get my make up done, and have my hair curled for the wedding. I also had to make sure that the delivery truck got the food to the wedding venue. I knew it was a tough place to be put in because there was so much to do with little time, but I was willing to do it because Armani my bitch. I been rockin' wit her since pre school. I'd do anything for her and vise versa.

Sighing, I called my little brother, Justice.

"Talk to me," I heard him say. He sounded like he had just woken up.

"Jus? Can you get up and come over to the shop? I need help," I told him.

I heard him suck his teeth. I raised my eyebrow on the other end of the phone because when he got here, I was gonna smack him in the back of his head. I'm his big sister. Who the fuck his little ass thought he was?

"What happened to Eva? I thought shawty was helping you out," he said.

"Listen, don't worry about her. I need you to get down here as soon as possible and I ain't taking no as an answer. Get the fuck up and bring ya ass here," I replied.

"Aw shit, did you stab her? Hayden, you can't be going around slicing people up and shit bruh."

I rolled my eyes. "I stab somebody in the hand by accident one time and you hold it against me for the rest of my life yo!"

"That shit was not an accident. This ya lil bro you talking to. I know you better than you know ya self," Justice said.

"Man, just come to the shop!" I yelled before hanging up on him.

I went to the FaceTime thing and called Armani to check on her. She answered on the second ring.

"Wassup bitch!" She said with a big smile on her face. She seemed excited and judging by the Meek Mill braids in this bitch head, I knew it was because she was getting her weave sewn in.

"Hey girl! How's everything going over there?" I asked with a smile.

"Everything is going according to schedule. How shit running in the bakery? Owwww Shannon, my scalp! What the fuck!" Armani yelled as she rubbed the back of her head.

I laughed a little at her pain.

"Don't laugh," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Nah, but everything good on this end. Just baking a few more things," I replied. Only if this girl knew how many things had to be baked.

"Good. You know I wanted to help you, but I'm the bride. I gotta prepare over here."

"Yeah I hear you. I just wanted to see how everything was coming along. But, I'll see you in a few hours hoe."

"You're the hoe, but a'ight!" She said with a laugh and then hung up.

I pulled my weave back into a ponytail and put on a hairnet. I got one of the aprons I wore that had my bakery's name on it which was The Sweet Spot.

I turned on the speaker in the kitchen and put my phone on shuffle while it charged. If I was gonna rush this food, I needed some motivation. I was giving myself two hours to bake and another thirty to forty minutes to decorate. I already had the wedding cake done and there were a few cookies, pies, cupcakes, and other shits that were still edible so I wasn't completely off track.

I sung the words to Chris Brown's song, Party.

Bitches dancing naked in my living room,

She straight out of college, just turned 22

Girl, get your money up,

I ain't even mad at you,

My fingers moved with ease over the dough and flour as I prepared to make another batch of cookies.

I heard footsteps approaching the back and I grabbed a butcher knife and waited. I almost threw it before seeing that it was Justice.

"Son, you gotta chill! You was about to chop my head off," Justice said in annoyance.

I just shook my head. "I should've never gave ya ass a key to the bakery. You could've told me you were on your way."

Justice was grabbing an apron as he turned his hat to the back. He was wearing black Nike shorts and a light grey t-shirt. I was wearing Pink leggings with a tank top. It was September, but it was pretty damn hot in New York.

"Start the muffins," I told him.

Justice got the necessary ingredients and started doing what I told him to do. Justice just turned eighteen and this would be his last year in high school. He wanted to go to college to become a football player. My baby brother was the best lil nigga to play football at Abraham Lincoln High School and as his twenty five year old sister, I supported everything he wanted to do. He was smart and knew the difference between right and wrong.

Our mother was Natalia Josephine Whitaker. Her maiden name was Bishop before she married my father, Samuel Whitaker. My mother passed away about five years ago from breast cancer. Justice and my dad took it harder than I did. Maybe it's because I knew it was coming. I grieved, lord knows I cried my eyes out. But, I also knew that my mother would forever be with me whether she was physically down on this Earth or not.

My father hasn't been quite the same since then. I know he wasn't over my mom, but he dealt with it the best way he knew how. He's been spending most of his time between us and keeping himself busy with being a doctor in California.

"How many muffins you gotta make?" Justice asked. Yeah, he knew his way around the kitchen. He could bake and cook, just like everybody in our family. We always sat in the kitchen with my mother and watched her make things. We would even help sometimes.

"Maybe about fifty more."

"Fifty? Who the fuck y'all feeding? Barack Obama and all the other people in the White House?" Justice said.

"Catch up on your politics, Donald Trump old ass in office now," I told him.

"Fuck that. Barack gon' always be my president. They need him back in there wit Michelle sexy ass," Justice said with a laugh.

I laughed with him. "Let me find out you chasing cougars. You should be thinking about her daughters, not her."

"Man, Michelle got it goin' on too. Sasha and Malia who?"

I flicked flour at his face and shook my head. "Come on bruh. Get to baking. We ain't got much time."


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," The pastor said to Armani and her now husband, Sincere.

Armani smiled as bright as her lips would allow and sealed the deal with her man. I was barely an emotional person, but I felt myself tear up at my best friend marrying the man of her dreams. Her and Sincere been together for four years and now they were married.

They jumped over the broom and left the wedding chapel as the people in the wedding walked out behind them. I looped my arm around the man I was paired up with. His name was Javon Wallace. He was Sincere's best friend and best man.

Javon was an entrepreneur and owned several companies nationwide. So you know what that meant.. the nigga had money. But, I didn't really care about that because I had money myself. He irked my damn nerves and y'all already know I got temper problems.

"Look at that ass in that dress. Ya hips sittin' nice baby," I heard Javon whisper in my ear.

I rolled my eyes. "Wish I could say you look as good as I do."

"You could never take a compliment," Javon said back.

"I took it. You just mad I ain't feed into it like ya other lil bitches do," I retorted.

Javon sucked his teeth. "What bitches? You know I only got eyes for you." He then licked his lips and winked at me.

"Yeah and ya shits must be cross eyed 'cause you ain't only checkin' for me," I said.

"Can y'all be nice to each other for one day? Shit," Armani said as she glanced back at me and Javon.

"He started it," I replied.

"And now I'm finishing it. Y'all acting like little ass kids. Put that shit aside for me, your best friend in the whole wide world," Armani said with a pout on her lips.

"Sorry," Javon and I both said together. We looked at each other before looking away.

I ain't even gonna lie. Javon was sexy as hell. His light skin that complimented his white teeth and big ass pink lips. He dressed nice and had this aura to him that brought authority every time he came around.

But, I ain't like that shit. I was always the one in control. A dominant man and equally dominant female just didn't mix. It wouldn't have a good outcome. All I imagined was the arguments, mugshots, and physical fights that it would bring forth.

We got to the reception where Javon and I parted ways. I went to the bar and he went to the other groomsmen.

"Can I get some Vodka?" I asked the bartender.

"One Vodka straight coming up," she said with a friendly smile.

Satisfied with the drink that was set down in front of me in less than a minute, I picked it up and took a sip.

"Enjoying yourself?" Armani asked as she came over to my side.

"Yeah. I'm about to go to the food table and eat. Or maybe I should dance first," I said. The Dj was hot! He was playing the Wobble right now and that was my shit!

"Finish your drink and I'll dance with you," Armani told me.

Throwing back the Vodka in the glass, I set it down and grabbed Armani's hand as we hurried to the dance floor. We danced the night away and I had several more drinks. I was tipsy, but not drunk. I could handle my liquor baby!

The Dj played the Cha-Cha slide, the Macarena, Chicken Noodle Soup, Teach Me How to Dougie, and other shit we could dance to. Once this nigga played the Cupid Shuffle, it was on!

"This my shit!" I yelled. Getting into position, I waited for the dance part to start. Everybody was hype and that made me excited.

To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right,

To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left,

Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick,

Now walk it by yourself, now walk it by yourself,

Everybody did the dance and turned.

"Can I join you?" I heard next to me.

Glancing up while sill dancing, I saw Javon.

"It's a free country boo. Do what you need to do," I replied.

The chorus of the song came around again and I did it. The only difference was that Javon got behind me when it was time for us to "walk it by ourselves" and turn around. I could feel his hands grip my hips and move to the beat with me. I didn't care. I was having fun. We danced with his hands still gripping me up. I could feel his dick poking a little, but I ignored it.

When all the dance music died down, the Dj played Armani and Sincere's first dance song. Everybody gave them their space as Freddie Jackson's You are my lady played. Armani laid her head on Sincere's shoulder as the swayed back and forth. This was actually Armani's favorite song so I wasn't surprised that it was her wedding song.

Eventually, people started to join the lovely couple on the dance floor. I actually stood in the corner with my arms folded as I looked at Armani's family dancing and Sincere's family getting they groove on too.

"Hayden?" I heard as Javon approached me.

"Coming to sexually harass me again?" I asked.

"Sexually harass? That's not what I do," He replied with a smile showing his pearly whites.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"They make a good couple, don't they?"

I smiled and nodded my head at what Javon said.

"I knew they were gonna be together. When Sincere first spotted you and her in the club, it's like he was so fixated on Armani. That big head ass nigga was damn near droolin' over her. He told me he had to go see wassup wit it," Javon spoke again.

I laughed at his revelation. "She was looking at him too. She ain't wanna make it hot, but I already knew he was what she wanted. It's like she saw no other nigga in the club," I added.

"Wassup Javon baby? You wanna dance with me?"

The bitch that walked up to Javon was no one other than his ex girlfriend, London Martinez. She was very attractive in my opinion. Right now, she had blonde hair but I know she changed the colors around alot. Her lips were red and her dress was a red that matched her lipstick. It had a high ass slit on it and her titties were on display. She shined like a diamond, but she was a little fake ass candle next to me.

"I'm good London. What you doing here anyways? Who invited you?" Javon asked.

"Don't worry. I invited myself. And I brought Lana wit me too," London told Javon.

My eyes grew wide as I listened to London tell Javon that she brought her cousin, Alana, Sincere's ex girlfriend to the wedding. The disrespect was taken to a whole 'nother level!

"Why would you do some scandalous shit like that London? Where the fuck is Lana?" Javon asked her.

"About to make a grand entrance," London replied with a smirk.

I scanned the room and quickly saw the knob on the main doors turn. I quickly got to those doors and pushed it with my shoulder. I vaguely heard a thump as everybody looked in my direction. I smiled at the crowd and excused myself as everyone went back to dancing.

I checked to make sure nobody was looking at me before going through the door I just pushed. Looking on the ground, I saw Alana. I wanted to beat this bitch up.

"Alana, what the fuck you doing here?" I asked in a whisper-yell.

"None of your fuckin' business!" She said back as she rubbed her wrist.

"Listen bitch, this is my best friend's wedding and I'm not about to let ya sprung on the dick ass get in the way of that!" I told her.

Alana was a bitch that didn't quit. Her and Sincere were together on and off for a few years. When he met Armani, their relationship was done for. Alana couldn't get over him, but that had nothing to do with Armani. She tried to end their relationship in the beginning, but she wasn't successful. Now years later, she was popping out to weddings and shit. How the fuck you mad that your ex moving on? I fuckin' hated bitches like that man.

"That's my man that she's marrying. You think imma let her get away with that shit?" Alana said with her arms folded.

I breathed slightly. I wanted to knock her fuckin' head off her shoulders, forreal.

"They married already. Ain't shit ya ass can do about it. Get the fuck outta here before I beat you the fuck up!" I may have been in a Valentino dress and Jimmy Choos, but that didn't mean I couldn't take them shoes off and square up.

"What's going on out here?" I heard behind me.

Standing there in her gorgeous wedding dress was Armani. Great, I thought I was gonna avoid this situation.


So there's Chapter one. I love this story already and I'm excited as hell to write it!

There's gonna be drama and of course some romance that'll take place and I hope y'all enjoy it.

*A picture of Hayden Whitaker and her best friend, Armani Brooks is included*

Thank you


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