MANNEQUIN. x bts series

By voongi

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❝ i'd love to wrap you in my porcelain arms. ❞ jk au. © More

31 [ last chapter ]


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By voongi

'Am I already too late?' Jungkook thinks, as the empty feeling in his body makes him feel like he's floating in nothingness. All he sees is pitch black, feeling the darkness evolving him. It was slowly taking over his body like steaming black ooze from underneath drenching parts of his limbs, from his feet, and rising to his torso. It was slowly drowning him in all of his five senses. The pitch black swallows his thoughts. He just wants to let go.

He shuts his eyes.


I looked down at his sleeping face—Well, okay, I'm not even sure if he's alive at this point so let me pretend he's just in wonderland waiting for that whatever goddess or something— and sighed softly.

I remember the day I took all my strength to support his huge weight in my arms and bring him towards the lounge at the back of the store. I remember sitting his rigid self down on the mattress I bought on the floor. His skin was, and still is, as pale and white as porcelain. His lips are tinctured with a blue-grey hue, and his body as cold as ice.

Okay, I exaggerated. But I can't help it. Just staring at his face all day, as if that would miraculously wake him up... It has been days since he's passed out like this. Of course I was worried.

Damn, Jungkook. Who the hell are you to do this to me?

"Kook-ah, " I sat down, on the floor next to him. It's time I do something.

"My aunt and uncle wants me back. They want to train me, groom me to be the heiress..." I hesitated a while, gathering my thoughts again before speaking, "They want me back, Jungkook. They want me to live with them by Christmas."

I gently graze over his cheek with my thumb, summarizing the fact that he's just a mannequin right now with no more warmth under his skin.

"But I can't leave you alone until you wake up."

"I've read my father's will. He's leaving me with the company, until I forgive the rest of my family for treating me like an outcast. He's left a huge asset to me... If you don't wake up soon you won't get to enjoy the luxury of Christmas with me, you know?" I joked sympathetically. His face remained stoic and half dead, his plump lips not giving way for joy.

Christmas day would come by the end of this month. At first, I can't wait to spend it with Jungkook. Yet, now, I'm pondering to who exactly I can spend the special day with.

"J-Jungkook-ah," My breath is suddenly shaky, "Please, wake up."

It dawned on me that I had actually no one with me, by my side other than Jungkook who was initially obliged to. After my parents' death, I didn't bother about making friends, I dropped out of school, and all I ate was ramen in my old apartment.

Why was my life so painstakingly pathetic?

I grabbed a warm towelette from the small washroom next door and throw it onto his face. Warm his face up. Maybe I should buy a few more heatpacks for him. Maybe he could wake up if I do that.

I knew if I want to live well, provide for Jungkook, I better start behaving like a proper adult. I don't want him to end up like the Vee guy, or something.

I don't want my life to be out of a purpose, like how Jungkook told me he couldn't find his at first. That he needed my help.

If only I had known sooner... He needed my help to free the both of us.

It turned out to be like this; him with a mission, battling against God with his life.

That was why he wanted me as his girlfriend. He knew everything about me, and he knew he had to change me somehow. Because he was just like me, and I was just like him. Soulmates.

He knew I was essential in his life, and he was for me as well. Even if he couldn't, he wouldn't wish another person to be sacrificed.

Snatching my heart in the process was not planned, but he had managed to do so, which was why he's trying exceptionally hard to become human again.

How I knew this, was all thanks to the old book with a brown faux leather cover Jungkook kept behind the mirror of the washroom.

I don't know why he kept that diary there, but I'm secretly glad I found it.

I figured it was not intentional that I had caught on to his wink on the first day I saw Jungkook, but it was intentional of Him giving Jungkook the idea of using his human traits to help another, for his life in God's grasp could be freed.

That was why he tried to rid my cold personality gone from me.

That was why he promised to be there for me.

And now I know of such consequences, how can I continue living this way?

"I promise you, Jeon, I won't let your efforts go to waste."

Or am I really, already too late?

a/n: what do you think of this chapter? r u confused? leave your thoughts!!

will go on a hiatus again soon): my major exams are coming

hwaiting everybody! xx

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