Bad Boys Need Love Too BTS: Y...

By MKKM2920

189K 6K 3.2K

Min Yoongi is a bad boy gets into fights looks cool rules big hit high school with BTS, the crew Jeon Jun-hee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
#BTS 3years
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
I got Tagged
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
10k + BMA'S
Shameless Promoting
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Happy Christmas Eve
New Cover
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
New Cover
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 13

3.4K 117 128
By MKKM2920

Yoongi's P.O.V

I could feel someone shaking me.
Did they not know who I am?

"Who the fuqq would dare to disturb Min Yoongi!"
I growled.

Jun-hee: "Your human pillow."
I peeked through my half lidded eyes.


Jun-hee: "Its morning."

"The point?"

Jun-hee: "The guys were worried where we were. I just came back to wake you since no one wanted to, I can see why."
I sat up slowly, assessing her, she was still in her white dress and her hair was a bit messy.


Jun-hee: "For what?"

"Staying. I'm also sorry for taking your first kiss."
Her face turned red.

Jun-hee: "Probably if you were sober it probably wouldn't have been so bad."
She mumbled but I heard her.

"What are you calling me? A bad kisser?"
I got up walking towards her, she took a step back. I still advanced.

Jun-hee: "Maybe a bad drunk kisser? I wouldn't know."
I had her cornered between me and the wall.

"Wanna try now? I'm pretty sober."

Jun-hee: "Ani, I didn't..."
I kissed her unexpectedly.

Jun-hee: "Yoongi!"
I pecked her lips. Her lips were nice and soft. Plus her reaction to this was slow, to be exact, it was innocent. The strange thing was, I actually liked this. Namjoon's talk wasn't actually all bullshit.

Jun-hee: "Hajima!"
I hugged her. This was different than what I was used to but amma be blunt.

"I found out something."

Jun-hee: "What crazy person!"

"I like kissing an inexperienced dweeb like you."

Jungkook's P.O.V

We were almost finished cleaning Yoongi's house, with the help of Minjae, Yunjin, GOT7, NCT 127 and U unit and EXO.

We really needed the help since Mr. Min would soon be back from his trip.

I was surprised that we didn't see Eunji. I wonder what happened to her, Mr. Min's pass time. The only thing Yoongi said was that she had a sister to take care of. Never knew she had one.

It made me disappointed thinking that both mine and Yoongi's father were actually the same. At least my mom knew and learned to live with it, on the other hand Mrs Min, was clueless about her husband's true nature.
She's a fragile case.

Jun-hee came back from Yoongi's studio. Her face red.

"Sis, what's wrong?"

Jun-hee: "Honestly, I don't even know myself."

Baekhyun: "Hey you guys,
we're leaving."

Taehyung: "Bye mommy."
Everyone looked at him weirdly.

Jin: "I'm heart broken."
Jin held on to his chest.

Taehyung: "Jin, your my mother, Baekhyun's mommy."
Baek nodded.

Kai: "Alien alert."

D.O: "He's a strange one."

Jimin: "His strangeness is one of a kind."
We laughed a little.

Suho: "Great party you guys."

Rapmon: "Thanks."

Lay: "Sayonara."
They bowed, we reciprocated their action. EXO squad left.

Taeyong: "We'll head out too."

Yuta: "You guys never disappoint."

Taeil and Haechan: "Dope party."

Jaehyun: "See you guys at the arcade."
Special goodbye hugs were given to the ladies, NCT U and 127 unit left too.

BamBam: "Awesome party."

Youngjae: "Thought we'd never finish cleaning though."
He slid to the floor.

Suga soon emerged from his safe haven. He looked around.

Suga: "Good job dongsaengs and hyungs, no work for me."

Rapmon: "Lazy ass."

Minjae: "You should pay us for cleaning your house."

Suga: "So who else was gonna clean it? I'm the king of this house and your all my peasants."

JB: "EXO hyungs should hear you say that."

J-hope: "Shit would go down, we don't want that."

Yunjin: "I did absolutely nothing so good luck with your 'peasants'."
Suddenly Jimin's phone rang.

Jimin: "Hey mom."

Jimin: "Everything is fine."

Jimin: "Hey Mrs Kims', Mrs Jeon and Mrs Jung. I'll put the phone on loud speaker."
He put them on loud speaker.

Mrs S. Kim(Jin's mom): "Kids we made reservations at a family restaurant."

Mrs H. Jung: "So make sure you guys get at the Sakura restaurant at 7."

Mrs M. Kim(Tae's mom): "Wear something formal."

Mrs S. Jeon: "Yunjin? Minjae?"

Both: "Yes Mrs Jeon?"

Mrs J. Park: "Your invited."

Mrs N. Kim(Joon's mom): "Please make sure Yoongi's house is in tact."

Moms: "We love you."
GOT7 were laughing.

BTS: "Moms! Bye."
GOT7 started cooing and awwwing at us.

Jimin: "that's so embarrassing. Anyway, you guys need to help me bring my presents over my house."

We all groaned.

Mark: "GOT7 is out, we've helped enough."

Yugyeom: "You guys have reservations, I have a reservation with my bed."

Jackson: "Damn straight."

JR: "We're gonna bounce outta here."

"Thanks you hyungs, BamBam-ssi and Yugyeom."
I singled them out since we were 97 line though BamBam was older than the two of us but we were older than Yugyeom. They left quickly.

Jimin: "These presents aren't going to move themselves."

Minjae: "Your lucky you have a cute face, godly abs and a bubble butt."

Jimin: "I know."
Most likely everyone could agree with that or he'd probably face our wrath. He's just so cute, none of us could really argue. We needed to get the job done.

"I need a shower and fresh pair of clothes after this."

All: "Same."

Jun-hee's P.O.V

After we got Jimin's presents over to Jimin's house, Jin brought, Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon home, while Yunjin took Minjae, Jungkook and I home, Yoongi packed a duffle with clothes and decided to tag along. We had planned to meet back at Jungkook and I house.

I still kept thinking about Yoongi's actions towards me.
Again Mrs Min words rang in my head. It was a bit preposterous that he would like me but his words. He said he liked kissing me. I'm a bit sadmad he took my first kiss and I even fell asleep with him. Very strange.

I shouldn't think about that now. I should be taking out a dress to wear.

I went through my closet and chose to wear a sleeveless emerald dress with a white fluffy sweater and white flats.
I laid them on my bed and went to go take a shower.

Once I was done with that. Since it was only 11:45AM, I put on a white v neck blouse and dark blue jeggins with blue and white polka dot socks. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was pretty messy.

I took out the pins holding my hair in place and my hair spilled all the way to the base of my spine. I make quick work of the tangles, which it wasn't that hard and braid it in two.

I contemplated wearing my glasses but then again we'd be going out few hours from now, it would be a hassle to take the optic contacts out then have to put it in again. I took one last look, I really do look nice with blonde hair.

I went downstairs into the living room to see that Jungkook was also freshly showered since his hair was wet and he was in a white T-shirt and black basketball shorts. He smelled really nice...

I should stop hanging with Tae, he's making me copy his weird habits.
Jungkook was busy watching Noragami season 2 on his laptop.

"Jungkookie-ah, you hungry? And where is Yoongi?"

Kookie: "Ne and he went to shower."

"Alright, do you have any food in mind?"

Kookie: "Surprise me lil sis."

I decided to go light since we would be going to a restaurant later. I prepared omelet, bacon, pancakes for the three of us with side of grapes, strawberries and apple juice for me and Jungkook but coffee for Yoongi, since he didn't really like sweet things. I could tell since he usually would drink bitter beers, he stashed away when he's here.

I called Kookie out the living room. He paused the episode and joined me in the dining room to eat.

Kookie: "Sis your the best."
He says before he starts eating.

Yoongi strolled in at this point, wearing a black Tshirt, dark ripped jeans and... reading glasses???!!!

He had a pen and notepad in hand and sat down where I set his breakfast for him. He started with the coffee, took a bite of pancake then started scribbling in the notepad.

Yoongi: "Why you staring? I know I'm hot."
Aish, this guy so full of himself...

"You're wearing glasses."

Yoongi: "So? I need them, I just don't wear mine 24/7 like you. I'm not a nerd."

"You look good in them."
I continued to eat my food. He looked at me. Kookie looked between the both of us.

Jungkookie: "Um okay, I'm confused about y'all behavior but I won't question it. You two are just too cute."

Yoongi: "Keep eating dongsaeng." He warns.

Jungkook's P.O.V

It was almost time. We stopped whatever we were doing to get dressed, Although Suga was struggling with his tie. He threw it down harshly,

Yoongi: "Why the fuqq a gotta wear this thing?"
I shake my head at him.
There was a knock at the door.

"Come in."
I smooth the dress jacket I was wearing, my tie hung around my neck.

Jun-hee peaked her head in, then walked in wearing a emerald dress, white fluffy sweater and white flats. Her hair was down in waves around her.

"Sis you look so cute."
I walked to her then pinched her cheek.

Jun-hee: "Yah, Jeon Jungkook!"
She slapped my hands away.
She looked at me.

Jun-hee: "Kookie, your tie."
She touches the material around my neck then began to tie it.

Jun-hee: "There we go,"
She says as she smooth down her work.

Jun-hee: "Handsome."

"Thanks sis."
She nods then turn to Yoongi,

Jun-hee: "Need help?"
He grunted and stood, taking the bow tie with him then handed it to her.

She silently did the work then patted her work.

Jun-hee: "All done. I'll see you two downstairs."
She was about to leave when he grasp her hand,

Yoongi: "Thanks."
She bowed then left.

I chuckled at him

"Hyung what was that?"
I went into a full on laugh

Yoongi: "Shut up if you know what's good for you."
I laughed off his serious threat.

We hurried downstairs. The guys were waiting. I had to do a double take when I saw Minjae, she was wearing a pink dress, her back on display, showing her smooth skin. Her hair was down in ringlets.

"Minjae. You look really, really amazing."
I could not staring and I had to cover my red face. She gave out the most sweetest laugh I ever heard.

Minjae: "Thank you Jungkook, you look really dashing."
I could faint right now, but I kept my cool.

Rapmon: "Yow lover boy the least you could do is say we look good too."

"Ne. Mianhe."

Tae: "Selca session."
He shouted before grabbing Jun-hee and snapping pictures of them, everyone joined in.

*100 selcas later...*

Suga: "We have enough pics Taeshit, let's go."
He kicked his ass out the door. We all started laughing and followed.

Jin was carrying Rapmon, J-hope, Jimin and Taehyung. Yunjin was carrying the rest of us.

Minjae: "Next destination: Sakura Restaurant."

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