My Human (Book Two)

By Kyrian

164K 8.1K 272

"It's not that easy to just stop loving you. If you leave I'll ways love you. If you die I'll always love you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

4.7K 240 13
By Kyrian

Gabriel ended up staying with us till Mark returned home and once he heard the news of Alpha Dylan's message he nearly shifted, he had to hold her for nearly 10 minutes just to calm down promising that he wouldn't let anybody hurt her. I could only imagine what Crystal must be thinking, they had just finally gotten rid of Marius and now there's an Alpha Dylan?

Mark excused Jeremy and I to go home for the night and he grabs the bags he got today. We walk in silence as we back to his home and I wonder if he can smell my father on me.

"I heard you found a dress today. Was it nice?" He asks and I nod my head looking at the bag he's carrying my dress in.

"I see you went shopping yourself." I say and he shrugs and I notice a slight blush creeping on his face.

"It's not really stuff for me. I didn't think you brought a lot of clothes with you so I got you something. Like new sweaters and a jacket and a scarf and gloves." He says and I smile to myself.

"It's a waste don't you think? If I'm going to be a werewolf I'll never be cold again won't I?" I say and he looks at me surprised and smiles and interlocks his hand with mine. His hand really is warm and makes me feel comfortable but nothing beats the feeling inside me on how he looked when I mentioned I was up for becoming a werewolf.

"I would love to see you as a wolf in the winter. We could play in the snow and I could chase you." He says I laugh thinking about us running around like that.

"That sounds nice." I say and out of nowhere I feel Jeremy pulling my hand closer to him and he stands in front of me to kiss me softly. When he pulls back I look at him surprised.

"What was that for?" I ask and he shrugs and we continue walking. We finally reach his house when I hear my father's voice in my head.

Don't get close with him

His voice sounds angry, is he watching me right now? How is he not found by the pack?

"Something wrong?" Jeremy asks he opens the door and I shake my head. I feel horrible. My father hasn't been in my life for years and he's planning to take me away but here I have this man who's willing to accept me and love me despite my past. I can't lie to him. What if I'm putting everyone in danger? What if my dad talked to Alpha Dylan?

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel Jeremy wrapping his arms tightly around my waist from behind and burying his face in my hair. He growls lowly and it sends a chill up my spine.

"I love having you like this. All alone." He says and I gasp quietly when he presses himself against me.

"I can't wait until you're a wolf, Rebecca." Hearing him say my name felt so right, having him hold me felt so right. If my father wanted to take me soon,I'll enjoy these small moments.

I moan quietly and grind back against him making him growl even louder, I laugh at how cute the sound is.

"What's so funny?" He says rubbing his hands softly up and down my waist and coming dangerously close to my chest.

"Your growls are cute wolf." I say teasing him and he growls even louder before picking me up and throwing my over his shoulder. I laugh the whole time he carries me up to his bedroom and drops me roughly on my back in his bed.

"Fight me." I laugh and sit on my elbows and playfully glare at him. He stands against the bed and chuckles softly at my bed.

"When you're a wolf. I would hurt you now." He says and I roll my eyes and extend my legs to wrap around the back of his knees in order to get him to lay over me,he does so easily and I keep my legs tight around his waist.

"You'll never think of me as strong as human will you?" I ask and run my fingers through his hair. The thought hurts but I'll have to prove him wrong.

"You are strong. I just don't want to hurt you." He says and makes himself comfortable laying on my body. I use it to my advantage and press my hands against his shoulders to push him onto his back and straddle him leaving him with wide eyes.

"What if i hurt you?" I say and he growls, his eyes darkening.

"You don't scare me wolf." I say and his eyes lighten immediately.

"I might one day. Just don't say I didn't warn you." He says and I roll my eyes before getting off him and getting ready for bed.

It's a nice feeling really, being held while I sleep especially since no wolf knows how to turn on a damn heater but I won't complain out loud, for however long these people are my friends until my father takes me.

Jeremy's POV

Rebecca continues to surprise me. Although she caught me off guard last night, she does show incredible strength. My wolf takes pride in thinking just how strong her wolf will be.

I look down at her sleeping face and almost don't want to wake her, but Crystal is her friend, the more time they spend together the happier she'll be. She shivers when I get up and squints her eyes at me before stretching and moaning, if only I was the reason behind that moaning.

She gets up immediately without me having to say a word and starts getting ready. I know Isaac should be out of the hospital, they're around the same age. Maybe they'll get alone but not too much.

She comes out the bathroom still looking tired and immediately takes off her shirt to find another one,I didn't even realized I had growled until she pointed it out.

"You don't scare me wolf." She sighs and and puts on a long sleeve shirt and a grey wool knit sweater that I got for her yesterday.

"Let's go" she yawns pulling down the sleeves over her hands and I almost want to talk her back into the bed, the sweater makes her look even tinier and makes me want to protect her that much more.

By the time we reach Crystal's house I notice a wolf running around outside, Isaac. The moment he spots us he runs up to us and shifts.

"Oh wow." Rebecca says and looks anywhere else accept at him,damn pup. I can't be mad at him though when I see the red streaks down his bare chest.

"You must be Jeremy's mate. I'm Isaac. Crystal's other guard." He says and shakes her hand, she tries her best to avoid how naked he is.

"Isaac put on some pants." I say a little meaner than I intended but he listens immediately and shifts and runs to the back of his house.

"What are those scars in his chest?" Rebecca whispers to me.

"Marius attacked him when he kidnapped Crystal." I say and she nods her head and moves closer into my side, the upcoming winter might be bothering her more than I thought.

I walk in and immediately growl when I see Gabriel talking to Mark on the couch. He stands when I enter but Gabriel stays seated and smiles at Rebecca.

"I'm adding Gabriel to Crystal's guard list." Mark says and I nod my head not wanting to argue against my Alpha's orders.

"An honor of course." Gabriel says sarcastically and Mark growls at him loudly enough to even scare Rebecca.

"You should be grateful I even let you stay in this pack demon." He says and Gabriel rolls his eyes.

Mark puts his hand on my shoulder and links to me so that Gabriel doesn't hear.

If Alpha Dylan sends more messengers, it's better for him to fight them instead of you risking your life.

I nod at him and watch as he leaves out the front door. I hear Isaac coming downstairs wearing clothes finally and smiles at us again.

"Crystal is still sleeping for now. So i guess it's just us for a bit." He says happily and Gabriel rolls his eyes.


A/N: dont forget to vote please :)

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