Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...


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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


208 10 4

Yang charged at Amethyst at full speed. Every inch we drew to our target made a small piece of me crumble into the empty darkness. I knew my blade would not just end the life of this disgusting creep, but it'll also sever the life of Aisha and Rena.

It's for the best. I remind myself. Rena asked you to do it. It's the least you can do for her.

Despite the twisting in my stomach I carried on and readied myself to pounce at the target.

Just like before, shadows seeped through the ground and shot up from beneath our feet. Yang took quick note of the assault and leaped up, safely catapulting us over the dark wall.

"Yang, help me fight." I said just before leaping off its back.

I pointed my blade down at my target. For the first time Amethyst moved, bringing along the encircling ghosts. I cursed as my blade plunged into the stone ground. Yang pounced at the Amethyst next, clawing down on him with a flaming paw.

Amethyst tried to back away from the swift attack but failed to completely fall out of range. He groaned from the hit and doubled back. The ghosts guarding him shot at Yang, forcing my Phoru back.

I cursed I pulled my spear out," Flying Kite!" With a burst of wind I launched forward.

I zipped past the Amethyst, swiping my blade across his side along the way. With a blink of an eye I was on the move again, this time aiming my blade on his glowing chest. I swiped my spear just like last time, but before it could make contact his metallic hands shot up. The end of my spear was trapped in between his hands, its sharp edge merely inches away from his chest.

"You really are a fool." He laughed.

I screamed at the unseen force pushing me back. I tumbled and rolled across the bumpy ground, indenting bruises and scrapes on my body along the way.

When I finally came to a stop I perked my head up and made a quick scan of the battle field. The portal by Lu and Ciel was growing brighter with each passing second while the fight between my friends raged on aimlessly. Rena and Aisha attacked with full force, everyone else was stuck on the defence.

"Do you not care about your friends' life?" Amethyst was drawing closer. From behind I saw Yang slowly creeping up, like a wolf stalking its prey.

I forced my eyes on the Amethyst and answered," you're keeping them here like slaves." I seethed. "They're still suffering because of you."

"Suffering?" Amethyst repeated incredulously. "They are alive. How is that suffering?"

"Their souls should be resting in peace." I shot back. "Y-you forced them to return and fight. How is that not suffering?"

"I don't know about you, laddie, but I'd rather be alive than rotting underground." Amethyst paused for a brief second. "Though death has never scared me so I suppose being dead wouldn't be that bad."

The ghosts encasing his body shifted behind him as Yang readied to pounce. Amethyst took note of the unknown presence behind him and pried his attention away from me. I took that golden opportunity to attack.

"Rock Smash!" I shot up to my feet and tackled myself into Amethyst. The aftershock of the attack blew the necromancer right into Yang.

"Arrgh!" Amethyst howled as he was swallowed with a blanket of flames. He threw himself on the ground and rolled.

I was about to launch a second attack when the ghosts hovering by him broke free and fired straight at us. I held myself back and focused on the new threat.

"Moonlight Slash!" I swiped my spear horizontally, sending a crescent shockwave at the targets. Majority of the ghosts were wiped out with that single swipe, the few that escaped were promptly singed by Yang.

"It's funny how easy you humans can kill." Amethyst chuckled. He was now up but slumped on the spot. The ends of his clothing black from the fire.

"You force us to kill," I defended. If it weren't for demons Aisha, Rena, and my parents would still be alive today.

"We?" He laughed hysterically. I arched my brow at the response but didn't comment any further. "Laddie, you'd be surprised by a lot of things."

He threw his opened hands up. A dark cloud-like object came flying out from his palms. Yang ran out of the way while I ducked. The dark mass skimming inches above my head while the air stirring from its path punched me in the face.

"What if I told you I am human?"

Something hit me on the back, it felt like someone hammered a metal bat down on my spine. I fell onto my stomach with teeth clenched from the throbbing pain.

The dark cloud-like object returned into him, funnelling back into his opened palms.

"H-human?" I tried getting up but the pounding pain held me down. The invisible weights on my back kept my prisoner on the ground.

"Well, to be fair I don't look human." Amethyst lowered his hands and hovered over to me. Yang pounced once again but was blown back by yet another unseen force.

"Yang," I wheezed, eyes trailing with it until it flew out of sight.

"You are interesting, laddie. To befriend such a loyal monster and still fight against us. That is not something you see everyday." He continued his nonchalant path toward me.

'Eun, please help me.'

As you wish.

With a burst of new energy I jumped back up to my feet. The throbbing pain continued to hammer on my spine, but now the weights holding me down have been broken by Eun.

"Ah, I almost forgot about that demonic side to you." Amethyst clasped his hands behind him. "I must say, silver hair suits you well."

"Stop talking to me so casually," I leaped forward and plunged my spear down.

Amethyst zipped back before I could land my attack.

"Amethyst, why are you fighting against us?" I yank my spear out. "If you're really human then why are you going against us?"

He snorted," why should I tell you?"

I growled and swiped my spear at him again and again. Each swing proved to be useless. He was reading my attacks too well.

"I'll let you in on a secret though," he said, raising a single hand into the air.

I leap back as a ring of shadows burst out around him, their branch-like tendrils swiping aimlessly in the air. I let out a breath of relief and wiped my damp forehead against my sleeve.

"Think of this as advice from a wise old man." He lowered his hand, dispersing the shadows back into the ground. "Humans are cruel. They will not hesitate to hurt their own kind."

"What do you know?" I aim my blade at his chest once more.

"Whether you choose to believe me or not is none of my concern." Amethyst raised both hands again. "I only passed my knowledge down because of your strong ties to demons and monsters."

I was quick to leap out of the way this time. Then turned on my heels to face the returning cloud-like object.

I soon came to regret that decision as Amethyst launched another attack on me, pushing me back on the ground. The returning dark cloud was advancing quickly toward me. I sat there, frozen, with eyes glued on the attack that could end my life. I held my breath and braced for the final hit.

A mouth made of amber flames swallowed the cloud whole. Within the fire Yang leaped out and stood protectively beside me. Pinches of dancing flames clung onto its white fur, but it didn't appear to be doing any damage.

"Yang," I smiled. Tears stung my eyes once more, this time it was out of joy.

Yang glanced back at me, it's glistening emerald eyes peering deep into mine. Though Yang could not speak I could hear its voice through its soft gaze. Every encouragement, hope, and trust it had for me reflected in its eyes.

"Thanks, buddy." I broke eye contact and proceeded to get up. While my legs continued to trembled I refused to fall again. "I know this is our fight, Yang. Let's finish this together."

"Ugh, I hate seeing a heartwarming moments." Amethyst raised his hands again and launched another dark cloud.

Yang and I promptly split up. I circled around to the back while Yang dodged the returning attack on the other side.

"Good job on getting behind me," Amethyst snapped his fingers together.

Purple gaseous ghosts seeped from the cracks in between the stones below. I cursed to stepped back, there were at least ten spirits guarding him.

Yang proceeded to fight Amethyst just ahead. It's swift and strong attacks were mostly blocked or dodged, but I could clearly see the sluggish movements of our target.

"I need all the help I can get, Eun." I readied myself to pounce.

Do not fear. I am ready to aid you in every way I can.

I smiled and jumped forward. With a single swipe I cleared a path for me, Amethyst's vulnerable back stared back at me on the other side.

Aiming my spear at the open target I fall forward. The remaining ghosts rushed after me in haste, but not even they could stop my advance. With all the strength I could muster I plunged my spear into his back. The necromancer frozen from the hit. Yang wasted no time to pounce one last time with flaming paws, digging a single scorching paw into his chest. His body convulsed at the hit just before falling limp.

I yanked my spear out from his back, there was no blood on its blade. Though he was down I refused to let my guards down, for all I knew he could've been faking it. It wasn't until the ghosts wailing behind went mute when I finally relaxed.

"W-we did it," I said in between breaths. "Yang, we won." I smiled, collapsing onto my knees.

Yang wagged its tail and rushed over to me, rewarding me with slobbery lick to the face. I felt the invisible weights crushing my chest lift, taking away the petrifying paranoia with it.

"C'mon, buddy." I lifted myself back up, using Yang as my support. "We should see the others."

The scene unfolding around my friends was everything but blissful. Raven and Eve were separated from the group as they fought against Ciel, even with the two of them working together Ciel managed to keep his ground. Everyone else was huddled together, witnessing their friends die a second time.

The air seemed to thicken when I arrived. Both girls were unconscious in the arms of their significant other, their weapons laid beside them. Their legs were slowly cracking and peeling into green and purple light, it was like witnessing glass shatter in slow motion. They were disappearing just as the blue demon had in the chapel.

Their blood is also on my hands. I remind myself. I'm the reason they're dying again.

It was the right thing to do, Ara. You know it was.

Then why does it feel like I just committed a murder?

Aisha and Rena stirred. Everyone seemed to tense at their movements. Aisha was the first to crack her eyes open.

"Aisha," Elsword smiled, despite the tears cascading down his cheeks.

"Els?" She turned her dim purple eyes at him. "Hey, I missed you." Her cheeks flared with pink.

"Sis, a-are you in pain?" Speka asked, taking a hold of Aisha's hand.

"No, Sis, I feel great." She answered softly. "My legs tingle a bit but other than that I'm fine."

"W-we're gonna find a way to save you." Elsword choked on his words. "I-I promise--"

"Els, it's too late for that now." She cut him off. Her eyes welling up with tears. "I need to go now."

"Don't say things like that," his voice fell into a weak whisper. "W-we can't leave without you. I-I can't imagine a future without you."

"Please, Elsword, just let me go," she smiled. "I'm going to a better place. Trust me on that."

I didn't realize I was crying until a warm drop of water tickled the side of my face. I let it slither its way down, leaving behind a cold salty trail along the way.

Aisha turned her gaze to me. I froze, half-expecting her to yell at me for cutting her life short.

"Ara, don't blame yourself." Her gaze softened. "The road ahead is going to be tough, but please don't give up. Don't let me see you early, okay?"

Her words was like bomb, ripping apart the dam holding back all my tears. I allowed my legs to collapse, succumbing to the chest aching sobs taking over me.

"Rena," this time Chung spoke up. "Y-you're awake."

Even with my blurred vision I could see her eyes gazing upon Chung's. A warm smile was stretched on her lips.

"Chung," her voice was soft. "I'm so happy I can see you again."

"Y-you can feel emotions again?" He asked. Those broken blue eyes flaring to life again.

"I can," she snuggles closer to him. "You don't know how happy this makes me feel."

Chung tightened his grip around her, with shoulders trembling. For the first time since Rena came back I wasn't bothered. Instead I smiled along with them, celebrating the return of the real Rena.

"Oh, Ara, I must apologize for my behaviour." Rena's eyes were now on me, this time sparkling with emotions. "I'm so sorry for being such a jerk."

"It's okay," I choked on my words." I-I understand."

"I wish I got to know you earlier," a droplet of tear squeezed out from the corner of her eye. "I have so many dresses and hairstyles that would suit you."

Chung chuckled," you're the same as ever."

The soft amber light brushing the battlefield strengthened, its rays reflecting off the stones and bouncing into my eyes.

I squinted my eyes at the orange portal. Even fight between Ciel, Raven, and Eve ceased from the blinding light.

"It's done!" Lu skipped out of the portal's way. She stopped promptly behind Amos and grinned. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce you all to the vengeance of the demon race."

She gestured a single hand to the portal. Right on queue a line of demons marched out, each one clad in silver armour and armed with a sword—their weapons and armour gleaming in the light. Dragon-like demons fly out from above the marching army, their screeching voices blaring up into the darkened sky.

"Oh and we're done with your precious kid now," Lu grabbed Amos by the fur on his head and flung him in the path of the demons. The enemies bared their white fangs at him, like angry animals.

"Amos!" Raven and Eve screamed.

Dropping their attention from Ciel they rushed head first to the demons. Ciel thankfully didn't go after them, instead returning to Lu's side.

Raven launched an attack at the incoming army, his attack promptly stopped the advancing troops. Eve took that chance to swoop in and took Amos into her arms.

"Raven, retreat back," Eve ordered, already sprinting her way back to us.

Raven released one last attack before running after her. The flying beasts circling above the battlefield assaulted the duo with beams of fire. They struggled to snake around the attack, it felt like every step was welcomed with a flaming missile from above. I was about to rush in to help them but a series of fireballs landed around our group, preventing anyone from escaping the circle.

Things didn't get any better when they returned. The flaming missiles continued to fall around our group. It was clear they were trying trap us in one spot. Amos screamed with each booming attack. The continuious attacks sending dust and debris airborne around us.

"T-there's too many of them." Raven coughed as he untied Amos' tight bindings in haste.

"W-we can't get out--" Elsword was cut off by another blazing attack, the ground trembled under its might.

I cursed, pinning my eyes on continuously growing army. There were at least twenty demons marching toward us, and more kept joining them each racing second.

My blood was ice cold. Invisible shackles kept me in my place as I awaited my execution from the demon army.

"C-can we use the El Shard to fight back?" Eve asked while comforting the trembling Ponggo with a tight hug.

"A-Ara, you know how to use it best." Elsword shifted Aisha to a single arm, with the other he held out the Wind Shard to me.

"R-right." I took it in my hand, it's warmth radiated onto my palm.

I held onto Yang with one hand and pulled myself up, the little courage I had coming into this fight shrivelled out of existence. Against the incoming army I felt like an ant.

Ignoring the nauseating churning of my stomach I held my hand up. The Shard pulsates to life. I held my breath and focused its energy on the advancing demons. Once sure of my targets I fired, sending a roaring wind at the army.

Ciel dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a green object. He shot his hand up in the air, the object glimmered to life in an array of green light just as it spat out a booming crescent shockwave. Before I could wrap my mind around the severity of the situation the two magical attacks collided. Each attack grinding head to head against one another. The entire temple shook from the force, clouds of dust swirling into the air from the pulsating powers.

Finally the attacks cancelled with an explosion, sending razor sharp wind and green beams flying aimlessly through the field.

"Aah!" I collapsed back as an array of green light and wind shot through me. The wind sliced through my skin as if it were made of tissue while the green light burned into my body like acid.

I heard a few of my friends cry out in pain as well along with a few demons.

"A-Ara," Chung called out to me. I fell onto Yang's soft belly. Every inch of me hurt, it was like someone was slowly cutting me up from the inside out.

The thundering footsteps accompanied with clanging of metal continued toward us. I tried helping myself up again by my legs wouldn't respond.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing." Rena wheezed, turning her head to Aisha. The girls held eye contact for a second longer before nodding.

"Aisha," Elsword's grip around her tightened as she attempted to get up. "W-what are you doing?"

"Rena and I have have a plan." She tried prying his hand off her but failed to loosen his iron grip." Please let me go."

"W-what are you guys--" Chung was cut off.

"Please, Chung," Rena turned her head from him and grabbed her bow. "This is our final wish. P-please let us help."

Elsword and Chung hesitated. The girls weakly thrashed in their grip.

"I-I'll kill you if it's something dangerous." Elsword finally released Aisha. Chung mutely mimicked his actions.

Aisha took her staff in her hand," no you won't, Els." She pecked him on the lips.

"P-promise me you won't do anything stupid." Chung grabbed onto Rena's hand.

"I promise," Rena gave his hand a tight squeeze. He smiled and released her from his grip with reluctance.

Though a majority of their legs have been broken into specks of light, the girls managed to stand, using each other as a support to stay up.

"You ready?" Rena asked Aisha.

"Yeah," she answered. "Let's finish this."

The girls shifted until they were facing the incoming army, not even flinching when blazing missiles rained around us. Their eyes burned brighter than any fire, a simple glare from them could send a bear running for its life. The demons circling above us screeched, evidently uncomfortable with their actions.

"We'll always be friends." Rena said, aimed pulling back on her bow.

"Please don't cry about us," Aisha pointed her staff in the sky.

The girls flared in their signature auras. The power burning from them rippled into the battlefield, as if making a final battle cry against the enemies. The air circled around them as their magic continued building up, the hairs on the back of my neck rose from the concentrated powers.

Elsword's face dropped into true horror," y-you two can't be--" he shot up to his feet and reached out to Aisha.

"Sorry, Els." Her purple aura stretched out, reflecting Elsword's hand away. "This is the only way."

"H-hey, let's talk about this." Chung got up to his feet next. His blue eyes silently begging Rena to stop.

"I'm so happy to call you guys my friends." Rena's aura stretched out like Aisha's, protecting her from any outside contact.

"Rena!" Chung ran to her with open arms but was pushed back by the aura.

He tumbled into the ground, shaking from both the shock and tears. "Y-you promised me you wouldn't do anything stupid!" Chung attempted to get up but his weak limbs refused to keep him up. It was heart aching to see him fall after each attempt to get up.

"Sorry, Chung, I didn't mean to lie." Rena whispered. "Please don't hate me."

"Hate y-you?" He shot his gaze up at her. "I-I could n-never hate you."

"Sis!" Speka reached out to hug her sister's legs but was promptly pushed back by her aura.

"I'm proud to call you my sister, Speka." She sniffled. "Live life to the fullest, okay? I'll be rooting you on in the afterlife."

Speka continued her pursuit to hug her sister one last time, but she was pushed back each time. It broke my heart to see her continuing to try despite knowing there's no way to penetrate that protective veil. Elsword stood in his spot, with eyes reflecting the daggers ripping his heart apart.

"I'm glad I got to see everyone one last time," Rena giggled. "Raven and Eve, be sure to take care of that little guy. I'll haunt you if you don't."

Eve tightened her grip around Amos and buried her face into his tiny shoulder. Raven wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in," I-I promise." He choked on his words. "H-he'll grow up b-big and strong."

"Good," Rena dropped her voice to a whisper. "Ara, you have a tough road ahead."

"W-what?" I said through the sobs.

"Aisha and I heard some things while we were in Amethyst's control." She elaborated quietly. "Promise me you won't blame yourself. I was tricked as well."

"R-Rena, what are you talking about?" I blinked through my burning vision.

"She isn't all bad though," Rena went on. "See if you can help her for me."

Before I could ask who she was they released their final attack together.

"Hunter's Destiny!"

"Elemental Storm!"

The green aura funnelled into Rena's body, veiling her entirely in a lime-green light—a purple light covered Aisha's. Both girls were now glowing silhouettes.

Rena released her bow, sending out twenty green arrows into the battle field. Some of the arrows flew into the incoming army while others shot up at the circling demons. Each one flopped down around us, instantly dead from the hit.

Aisha's attack bathed the entire field with a wave of fire, lightning rained down from the heavens and struck numerous demons, each impact left the ground shaking. Mountainous icicles broke through the stone floor and pierced into the demon army, their blade-like edges slicing through armour and tissue without fail.

Rena leaped into the air and drew back again. This time an arrow the size of a bus materialized from her fingertips. She released her fingers, the arrow flew into the remains of the demon army with a burst of wind.

The arrow swept into the remaining army, the wind following it sliced through the demons on the sidelines, killing everything in and around its path. The arrow eventually broke into particles of green light.

As the attacks ended the last of the demons spilled their blood into the pool of red, Rena and Aisha's silhouettes slumped down. Elsword and Chung scrambled to their significant other, both guys had their faces damp with tears.

Their hands reached out to them, eager to have their lover in their arms one last time. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I saw their hands lay on the respective girl's shoulder, but just as the longing contact was finally made Aisha and Rena's body shattered into light. Tiny particles of green and purple showered us, each speck felt warm to the touch. Bigger masses of light danced up into the starless sky, celebrating the new home awaiting them beyond the clouds.

Chung and Elsword both fell forward into the sprinkle of lights. Their hands curled into tight balls on the ground and shoulders trembled with each painful breath.

Rena and Aisha were finally at peace, but we were still going through Hell.

I listened to this while writing Aisha and Rena's final fight. I think it suits them well, kinda feels like they're singing it.

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