Sorry About That (Gaster!Sans...

By little-nabb

86.6K 4.3K 5.7K

You worked for the newspaper, doing a simple editing job and a few other things here and there. Ever since mo... More

Reader's basic info
Wakey, Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Probably Won't Be Sleeping Tonight
Let's Go Out
Making Small Moments
Officially Buddies
Oh, Oh, Here She Comes
Jonathan Slater and Baba
Man's Best Friend
Dreaming the Reality
You've Been Warned
The Man Who Speaks In Hands
It's A Struggle
Shopping Incidents and Not So Innocent Questions
Patience and Justice
Old Best Friends Aren't The Best of Friends.
Darling, You're A Star!
Sick With This Feeling
Dinner Date (REWRITTEN)
sans the skeleton (REWRITTEN)
In A Different Point of View
New Parts coming out!
What's Most Important


7.2K 255 1K
By little-nabb

(yes, the chapters title is a fucking pun, sue me)


You grabbed the toast out of the oven-toaster and sighed. Once again, you have turned your wonderful white bread into a black crisp. You would still eat it, though.

Quickly you spread butter over the... toast.., and threw your backpack over your shoulder. You locked the door to your house behind you as you quickly went down your porch steps. It was early in the morning and you could smell rain in the air from last night. Your heart thumped in your chest. Sure it was hard to wake up in the morning, but the feeling of the chill and air gave you such a good nostalgia you couldn't say you hated them.

By the time you made it to your destination, you had gulped down the rest of your bread. Stepping in the establishment you sighed at the warmth. Aaah, StarBucks. Taking a seat at the bar with the wide window, you placed your backpack on the bar table and slipped out your laptop. You didn't have to worry about your order, you were a usual and the man knew what you got each time. Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte. You placed the money next to you as you waited patiently for your drink, opening up your work files.

It was fun to edit the articles for your town's paper, but sometimes it was overwhelming. Seriously, you sometimes had to ask yourself how bad the paper would be without the editors. The answer is very.

Your drink was by your side and you looked over to the one giving it to you, not expecting a monster next to you. Usually it was Eric, but looks like there was some rookies that needed to be taught. You have never seen them before, but the uniform made it obvious they worked here. They must be a little weirded out how rude you were being like you owned the place.

You smiled up at the monster, er, skeleton. You usually didn't see skeletons. Neat. "Thank you.. Ah, Papyrus." The letters on the tag was in all capitals, which confused you because usually they were written normally but-


That's why. Must be a warning somewhat. You laughed at his loud attitude.

"I'm actually editing the towns paper. It's my job." One of them, at least. Papyrus smiled, well, bigger than before at the new information about you.

"THAT'S FANTASTIC! YOU MUST BE VERY IMPORTANT." You flushed at his words and scratched your arm.

"I'm not that great, but it's so nice of you to say. You're much more important than me, though!"

"I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! HOW COULD THAT BE?" He questioned, setting his tray down to pay attention.

"Well, for instance," You lifted your cup up, "You are the one giving me my energy in the morning! By giving me this tea, it helps me work and do my job. It makes me happy. So therefore, you are the greatest, Papyrus. The Great Papyrus!" You smiled at how he turned bright orange at your words, and then all the sudden you were out of your seat and flying in his arms.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW MY FANTASTIC TITLE, HUMAN?" Wait, this guy actually called himself the great Papyrus? Dude, score.

You squealed from how he spun you in circles. "Well, it's because of how great you are!" You laughed loudly, slightly stumbling when the skeleton brought you back to the ground and enveloped you in a warm hug. How was he so warm?

"THANK YOU HUMAN. YOU HAVE MADE ME FEEL A LOT BETTER! YOU SEE, I DID NOT REALLY WANT TO WORK HERE. I REALLY WANTED TO BE A GREAT SPAGHETTOR, BUT APPARENTLY I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH 'EXPERIENCE'." Papyrus's energy seemed to dim as he talked, and you squeezed on his arms. You needed to get that energy back. This monster somehow made you feel like you needed to shower him in affection in the mornings and be his very best friend. He was just too adorable.

"I'll tell you a secret, Papyrus." You smiled as he leaned in. "I've always wanted to make my own novel, but I'm stuck editing papers. Just like how you want to be a... spaghettor. We're both just at the first step of achieving our dreams, Papyrus."

"THAT IS TRUE, HUMAN." He nodded in agreement, picking you back up by surprise and setting you down in your seat. "LET US CONTINUE OUR STEPS." With that, the skeleton eagerly ran away from you and back behind the counter where Eric was waiting for him. You guessed he meant get back to your job.

That was the most strange, but definitely one of the best random encounters you have ever had.


You sighed as you let your body fall on your couch, exhaustion taking over you. Today left your fingers cramped and your back sore from all the work you did. Papyrus seriously inspired you and you did triple the work you usually do in a day, leaving your boss pleased and your body aching. Now all you wanted to do was make some tea and cuddle in a blanket while watching stupid movies on Netflix. In fact, you would do just that. You deserved it, dammit!

Right as you put the tea kettle on the burner, turning it on high, a knock came to your door. Which surprised you enough that you almost threw the kettle in the air, but managed to somehow just fall on the ground and hit your head. You screamed from the slip, and laid on the marble ground for a few seconds wondering what just happened. A more anxious knock on your door reminded you. Quickly you got off the floor, your head throbbing from the hit but you ran to the door anyways. You opened up the door, trying to get your breath back together. OOh, you got up too fast. Things were spinning. Okay, you were losing balance.

Your hand slipped from the knob and your knees gave up on you, sending you to the floor again. Well, it would have, if arms wouldn't have wrapped around you and keep you on your feet.

You stood in this person's arms for a second, regaining your breath and letting things settle in your head. The smell of smoke and pine was strong, you noticed, and you backed away from your visitor.

They left you speechless.

...Another skeleton?

Is death trying to give you a message?

While you gaped like a fish, the monster chuckled at you, almost amused. That snapped you back to reality and you took them in.

Male, apparently. He wore a cream colored turtleneck, over it was a crop leather jacket with white frills around the hood. Blue skinny jeans with belts hanging off the sides, the jeans then tucked into black combat boots. You had no idea what kind of vibe this guy was trying to give off, but those scars across his eyes almost put you off. He also had perfect circular holes in the palms of his skeletal hands, and you didn't know what to think about them. A scar? Birth defect?

Did skeletons even get birthed?

Ooone thought at a time. What was he even doing here? Maybe he was related to that Papyrus from the coffee shop? Was that racist to think? Fuck, you were so confused.

"Why are you at my house," you managed to blurt out in your stupor, and you mentally hit yourself. What the fuck, that was so rude. The skeleton opened his mouth but you interrupted. "I MEAN," you desperately tried to not be mean, "I don't?? I? Uh... Hi! I live here, you don't! Wait, what? I'm so sorry, I just.. I don't know? WHO ARE YOU?"

Once you yelled you immediately just stopped talking and slapped your hand on your face. You didn't even hide it as you banged your head against the door. The whole time the man just stared at you, and you were 100% sure this guy thought you were nuts and was about to bolt away. Hell, you would if you were him.

You stopped banging when you heard him laughing. Looking over at him, you saw his face was a bright yellow as he was laughing with his hand over his mouth, trying (and failing) to hide his laughs. You huffed, but didn't blame him. You even started to chuckle yourself.

After the man on your porch collected himself, he smiled at you and held out his hand. He looked at you as if it was a challenge. You glared your eyes at him as you took it, giving a firm handshake. "I'm here because I heard you needed a roomie?"

You blinked at him, keeping his hand in yours as the wheels slowly turned in your head. Your face turned bright red and you took your hand away from his like it caught on fire. "OH MY GOD," You cried, looking around the house. After a quick decision, you slammed the door in his face.

"Shitshitshit," You mumbled as you dashed around the house, quickly getting all the garbage and clothing laying around, putting them where they belonged. Your tea started to go off and you whined, running into the kitchen so fast you slammed into your counter. You groaned loudly in pain, coughing and holding your stomach as you took the kettle off the burner, then turning it off. Right as you were about to open the door you saw your underwear laid nicely over the couch, in plain view and you screeched. Worried your visitor might be gone by now you balled it in your fist and ran for the door.

Slamming it open you saw the man was gone. You sprinted to the end of your porch, leaning on the railing as you saw him walking on the sidewalk. Your mind was in a flurry, so you threw whatever was in your hand at him to get him to stop.

Mid-throw, you realized your mistake.

Your aim, unfortunately, was amazing, and it hit him right on the back of his skull. Taken aback, the skeleton almost tripped before taking the item and holding it in front of his face in curiosity. You screamed, and fell off the railing.


"Vanilla chai, peach, or green tea?"


You poured the hot water into the mugs, teabags floating inside and creating a mellow orange color with the water. You put some creamer in yours, you had a horrible sweet tooth, before picking the mugs up and heading for the living room where the skeleton sat on the couch.

You sat next to him, but you kept quite the empty space between the two of you, which seemed appropriate from all that had happened. Handing him his drink, you set yours on the coffee table and sighed. "Again, I am so sorry? Am I allowed to apologize again? I am so sorry."

"no, you're not allowed to apologize again, but it's cute when you do. it's all good. 'sides, the heart undies were cute. i was a little thrown off, though."

Not realizing his pun, you groaned and took a sip of your tea. "If you move in here, you are never allowed to repeat this story to another living thing. If you do you can consider yourself homeless."

He laughed at you and winked. "no promises, doll."

You leaned back in your seat, and for a moment it was quiet. You took a breath, and looked over at him. "Okay, so here's the thing. I have no idea how these things work. So I'm going to set out rules and if you agree to them, I guess you can consider yourself moved in."

He seemed surprised, but agreed anyway. You were probably being way too laid back about this but your mind was so gone today you didn't care. You guys have gotten to know each other pretty well so far, right?

"First, before we start, I refuse to keep calling you 'skeleton dude' in my head. What's your name?"

"the names G."

"Is that a nickname?"

"not my full name but no one else calls me otherwise."

"Nope, gotta tell me your full name. If it's personal, I won't ever call you it, but I would like to know. I won't google you or anything, promise." You were quick to reassure him, but he still looked uneasy. It took a couple seconds before he said anything. He put his hands in his pockets and slouched down on the couch.

"...gaster sans. full name. i don't think any monsters have a middle name like you humans." Well that was a little lesson he gave you. You nodded and smiled at him.

"Alright, G, on with the rules. One. You smell of smoke, so if you do cigarettes, just open a window or something." He didn't seem to mind that one, and nodded in agreement. Sweet, great start.

"Two. Do you have a partner?" He shook his head. "Okay, no loud one night stand banging while I'm around, then. If you need the house, tell me and I will be on my way. I do not want to hear that." You belched at the thought, then wondered if skeletons could even have sex. I mean, they could do things with their hands, but what about-

Getting off track. G raised a brow at that rule but agreed anyway. "Three. Don't make the house a mess. I leave a thing here and there but if it gets bad, I clean up after myself, I expect you to do the same." You didn't wait for an answer before you went to the next one. "Four. We'll do chores fairly. You live here too so please don't leave it up to me. I've had a problem with that before." G nodded again, and you liked how smoothly this was going. Unlike.... Before. You flushed at the memory and quickly went on. "Five. Uh.. um... wait, gimme a minute." You put a hand to your chin in thought.

"Are you a murderer?" You suddenly asked, catching him off guard. He seemed offended. "Okay, are you any of the above: alcoholic, obsessive drug user, drug user, a maniac, someone that would kill me in my sleep?"

"i have the occasional drink, but i don't have a problem with it. and, uh, no." G looked at you curiously and you clapped your hands.

"Sweet! So if you have any plans on using the house or leaving, just tell me first and we should be good. Your room in down the hall and to the right. Mine is to the left. I think you can find the rest. If you need any help though, holler for me! When should I expect you moving in?"

Now he was truly baffled. Shocked, even. You stood up and walked for the door, expecting him to follow with. G shook his head and met with you at the door. "are you sure? i mean..."

You shrugged with ease as you opened the door for the skeleton. "I think we know each other pretty well, don't you?" He laughed.

"i suppose. i guess you can expect me moving my stuff with my bro around 5 tomorrow."

"Great!" You smiled as he began to walk out of the house. You waved. "I'll see you then!"

"yeah... see ya, roomie."

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