Crazily Married (Sequel to Cr...

By NoNotCarey_17

194K 8.9K 737

Genesis and Logan are married;Fast forward three years later, they are both their own bosses of very successf... More

Chapter#6- Genesis
Chapter#7- Logan
Genesis- Chapter #11
Chapter 12-Logan
Chapter 13-Genesis
Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)
Chapter 16-Logan
Chapter 17-Genesis
Chapter 18-Logan
Chapter 20-Logan
Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P
Logan Chapter #22
Genesis Chapter#23
Logan- Chapter #24
Chapter #25-Genesis
I Need Suggestions!!!
Sneak Peek of Four Senses
Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws
Sneak Peek Decision Time!!
Chapter #26-Logan
Its Published!!!!
Chapter #27-Genesis
Chapter #28-The Meeting
Note From The Author

Chapter #19-Genesis

5.4K 274 22
By NoNotCarey_17

When I was a kid, my family and I used to go visit our grandparents in Atlanta. They had a big pool in the back of their house, so Dani and I would always be sure to pack up all of our swimming gear when we went. Because of Dani's height, she was able to go into the deep end of the pool before I was, despite the fact that she was only a few years older. I hated this, as a child. I would watch Dani go to the 6ft end of the pool while I stayed splashing my feet in the 3ft end. What made it worse, was Dani would be sure to grin smugly at me while she swam, rubbing it in that I was not allowed in the deep end of the pool.
One night, after everyone was sleep, I snuck out of bed with my bathing suit and went outside to the pool area. The water looked so sparkly and inviting on that warm summer night, the air filled with the smell of the flowers my grandmother planted, with just a hint of chlorine. Slowly walking over to the deep end of the pool, I sat on the edge and dangled my feet in the water. After taking a deep breath, I grabbed my nose and jumped in. Immediately, my head went under, and as I tried to thrash around, I realized with fear that I did not actually know how to swim. I started to panic, and eventually gave up and began floating towards the bottom of the pool. I remember waking up suddenly by the edge of the pool, with my grandparents, father, mother, and sister surrounding me, tears in almost everyone's eyes. Apparently, my grandfather had come downstairs in the kitchen to make himself his usual late night snack, when he heard splashing coming from the pool. Thinking it was the neighborhood kids who snuck into his pool again he went to go check it out.
He saved my life.
As I came to, I tried to talk. To ask what happened, but my mother just lifted my head up in her hands and placed her finger on my lips.
"Shh, Gen. Just breathe. You're okay, just breathe."
"Just breathe, baby. You're going to be alright."

"Gen it will all be over before you know it sis. Just breathe ok?"

"Honey how are you? How far are your contractions? Honey just breathe. In.....and.....out."

"Ms. Willis. You're not fully dilated yet. So just get comfortable breathing for us ok?"

It felt like everyone--Lois,Dani, Logan, the doctor had been at the pool that night, as they gave me the same advice as my mother. I was hot, impatient, and my contractions were only a few minutes apart, so every once in awhile a wave of pain would hit me. I hated the hospital bed I laid  in, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted my mother.
I grab Logan's hand tighter.
"How far away is she?"
"When my mother called they said that they were only a few blocks away from the hospital but the traffic is ridiculous." He grins. "It seems to be a popular night to have a baby."
He was trying to be funny.
It wasn't funny.
I guess he noticed my face,because his smile drops and he muttered a "Sorry."
"I need my mother here, Logan," I say as Dani walks into the room carrying more ice chips. "Dani where's mom?"
"She's on her way, Genesis. Just give her a few more-"
"I'm not having this baby without mom." I say, determined. I was upset. How hard was it to get my mother?
"No one is asking you to, sweetheart." Dani says and comes and sits next to me. She puts a few ice chips in a napkin and places it on top of my head.
"Now just calm down, okay?"
"I can't calm down." I say. I feel the panic rising in my chest. "Dani what am I going to do? What if the baby doesn't like me?" The last horrifying thought comes to mind as I reveal what was really bothering me. "What if I'm a bad mother?"
"Shhhh." Dani takes my hand. "Breathe."
And for the first time tonight I am thankful for the advice as I take slow deep breaths.
"Now you'll never have to worry about what to do,because  there's always going to be people who'll help you do it. Whatever it is." Dani started to explain in a cool calm voice. "And as far as your baby liking you, it's your baby, of course he/she will like you. And you're going to be a amazing mother, Gen."
I look at her, searching for any signs of doubt, but I couldn't find any.
"How do you know?"
Dani kisses me on the forehead. "Because you are an amazing person. And that transfers into motherhood."
I smile up at her, weakly. "Thank you."
Dani looks over in the corner at Logan where he had been standing quietly, since she walked in.
"Do you want to hold her hand?"
Logan nods. And like a frightened child, he walked up to me hesitantly grabbing my hand as he did so. I squeeze it tight and he smiles.
Suddenly the door to my room bursts open, and my mother, father, Elliott, and Logan's parents rush through it.
"Oh baby, are you ok?" My mom pushes past Dani, to get to me and cup my face in her hands.
"Did they bring you ice chips? How far apart are your contractions? Do you feel hot? Breathe, don't forget to breathe."
I nod yes to all of her questions, as for the millionth time this evening I follow instructions to breathe.
I felt ten times more relaxed, as my mother quickly gains control of the room, asking the nurses for warm towels, sending people on errands, calming me down in the process.
Minutes later, the doctor walks in. A short, rotund, guy that wore Santa Claus glasses, and a smile that said "I've seen many vaginas in my life." He was followed by an equally cheerful nurse, and they both sit down in front of me.
"How are you doing, Mrs.Willis?" The doctor asks me as he sits. He peeks up at me over his glasses.
"I've seen better days, Doc," I respond and the room chuckles.
"Well we're going to make sure that you and your baby get out of here, as quickly and as safely as possible. That sounds alright to you?"
He smiles at me.
I nod, and gave him a weak smile in return. "Sounds good."
"Great," he says. He motion towards the nurse, and she lifts the bed sheet and my hospital gown and take a peek between my legs.
"She's ready." The nurse says.
"Ok," the doctor looks at the many people in the room. "Ok, Mrs. Bennett you're only allowed to have two people in the room with you while you go into labor. Who is it going to be?"
Without looking at either of them, I answer: "My mother and my husband."
There is silence in the room for a second but I keep gaze forward.
"Well alright, then." The doctor turns towards everyone else in the room. "I'm going to have to ask you guys to wait outside ok?"
One by one, each of my family members, by blood and marriage comes and kiss me on the forehead, telling me words of encouragement, and patting Logan whole heartedly on the back. Once they leave, my mother motion towards Logan.
"You're going to have to hold her hand."
He nods, and without a word takes my hand in his.
The nurse hands out blue hospital gowns and what looks like shower caps to my mother and Logan.
"You guys are going to have to put these on. When the baby gets here, You guys are going to have to be as clean as possible because they are very sensitive to germs. Once you guys have dressed, just go over to that sink in the corner and wash your hands to the elbow, and put on these gloves."
She points to the corner, and they go following her instructions.
Once my mother and Logan are properly baby-proofed
(I grin at Logan in his shower cap, and he rolls his eyes in response.)
The doctor comes around, with his own pair of gloves and shower cap.
"Everyone ready?"
We all nod. He sits down in front of me, Near the opening of my legs.
"Ok, Mrs. Bennett, would you mind spreading your legs for me?"
Logan clears his throat. "Watch it, Doc."
The nurse and I laugh, and even though my mom rolls her eyes, I can see the small smile playing on her lips.
The doctor holds up his hands in mock surrender.
"I promise, no freaky business. If there was another way to get the baby, I would go that route." He chuckles. "Do I have your permission to go on?"
Logan nods.
At the same time a wave of pain hits me. I scream out and lean over, holding my sides.
"That's our cue," the doctor says, and the nurse joins him at his side. Sticking his head underneath the sheet, he says.
"Now when I count to three, you're going to take a deep breath and push as hard as you can ok?"
"Yes," my voice comes out strained.
This is it Genesis. This is it. Your child is about to be born. There's no going back now.
You're going to be a great mother. Wait, we never discussed baby name?! How could we forget to discuss baby names?! Ok.., calm down. Maybe something will come to me on the spot, like in the movies.
Push! Push! Here we go, welcome to the world little baby!
I scream as I push, I feel my hands tighten on my mothers and Logan's palms. I could feel something coming, something that hurt, but I knew would be beautiful.
Suddenly the doctor stops me.
"Wait stop, don't push."
Huh? What's wrong?
The doctor lifts his head from the cloth and whispers to the nurse. Immediately, she rushes out the room.
"Doctor what the hell is going on?!" Logan says at the same time my mother asked, "Is there a problem, Doctor?"
The doctor looks up at us. His cheerful nature is gone and the color is drained from his face.
"Mrs. Bennett. I'm sorry but it appears that your baby is...breached."

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