Just The Girl (under editing)

By 123rawrXD

165K 2K 357

This is the story of Rosie Harper, a 17 year old who's moved to a new town with her family. She's a shy, nerd... More

Just The Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six - Flirtatious Friends
Chapter Seven - Just Another Day At High School
Chapter Eight - Close Calls
Chapter Nine - Josh's Smile
Chapter Ten - Hockey Lessons
Chapter Eleven - Tears and Music
Chapter Twelve - Dress Shopping
Chapter Thirteen - Wedding Bells
Chapter Fourteen - Important Announcements
Chapter Fifteen - His Intoxication
Chapter Sixteen - Go And Ruin Everything
Chapter Seventeen - When I Look At You
Chapter Eighteen - Sing Me A Love Song
Chapter Nineteen - Mood Swings
Chapter Twenty One - Head Over Heals
Chapter Twenty Two - Meet The Parents
Chapter Twenty Three - Whoops
Chapter Twenty Four - The Old Josh
Chapter Twenty Five - The New Home Ec Teacher
Chapter Twenty Six - Birthday Shopping
Chapter Twenty Seven - A Party Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty Eight - Boys Will Be Boys
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Return Of The Closet Whore
Chapter Thirty - Anger, Rage and Some More Anger
Chapter Thirty One - Crashing The Mall
Chapter Thirty Two - A Chat With The Counsellor
Chapter Thirty Three - Our Unconventional First Date
Chapter Thirty Four - Embarrassment
Chapter Thirty Five - Slumber Party
Chapter Thirty Six - Josh, It's Sasha
Chapter Thirty Seven - A Nightmare Come True?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Rock Bottom
Chapter Thirty Nine - Beep Beep
Chapter Forty - More than Chocolate Cake?
Chapter Forty One - The Big Game
Chapter Forty Two - Jingle Bells
Chapter Forty Three - A Visiter
Chapter Forty For - Sorry For Party Rock'n
Chapter Forty Five - Happy New Years
Chapter Forty Six - Stacey's Mom
Chapter Forty Seven - When The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Forty Eight - Love, Hate & Heartbreak
Chapter Forty Nine - Moving On
Chapter Fifty - Family Reunion?
Chapter Fifty One - Let's Make Cookies
Chapter Fifty Two - He needs you, We need you
Chapter Fifty Three - Home
Chapter Fifty Four - Back to Normal
Chapter Fifty Five - Bye
Chapter Fifty Five - I need you
Chapter Fifty Six - Changes
Chapter Fifty Seven - Yes
Chapter Fifty Eight - Nothing but Love
Chapter Fifty Nine - Funeral
Chapter Sixty - Prologue

Chapter Twenty - Bloody Monday

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By 123rawrXD

The sun shone brightly through the clouds, making today a lot brighter and warmer than it had been in ages.

My huge aviator sunglasses shaded my eyes as I pulled the car up outside Rosie's house.

I couldn't wait for today.

The hood was down on the car and the windows were rolled down, music playing pretty loudly from the stereo.

My head bobbed up and down slightly, in time with the music as I waited patiently for my girlfriend.

...My girlfriend.

I'm not quite used to that yet.

I was gonna have to get used to it pretty soon though...as in sometime during the ten minute drive to school kind of soon.

I heard the bang of her front door, and turned my head quickly to watch her skip down the steps and out of her front garden.

Her hair shone a bright red colour in the sunlight, making it obvious for once that she dyed it. It was braided in two, with her fringe framing her beautiful face. Normally it just looked red tinted, but under the bright lights it looked pretty awesome.

She wore her normal pink converse, with a pair of denim short shorts and a light pink t-shirt with a bunny on.

How did this girl manage to dress like an eight year old, look so cute and so innocent it was unreal, but still be unbearably sexy at the same time?

Smiling shyly, she made her way over to my car, and unlike the guys who would normally jump in without bothering with the door, she gently pulled on the handle, opening the door and carefully sitting down.

I grinned at her, not hiding my happiness to see her in the slightest.

''Hey.'' I said.

''Hi.'' she laughed.

''What?'' I asked. What was so funny?

''You know, for an emo, you grin a lot.''

I scowled.

''I'm not an emo.'' I stated bluntly.

She looked a bit shocked, like she couldn't understand why I would say that, like she thought I was joking.

But when she saw my serious face, her smile fell, and an awkward silence overcame us.

She coughed and looked away awkwardly, running a hand over her hair.

Sighing, I turned back to face the front of the car, and started up the engine.

Okay, so maybe I am an emo...but I'm just a stubborn one.

Pulling away from the curb, I headed towards Craig's house.

Yep, I am now driving Rosie, Craig, Liam and Zack, AND myself.

How? Me and Rosie in the front (Craig won't like that one) and the other three can squeeze in the back.

My opinion? If they don't like it, they can drive their own cars.

''Yeo.'' Craig said.

His smile fell though when he saw his usual seat was occupied.

''Bitch took my seat.'' he mumbled to himself, under his breath and disbelievingly.

Shaking his head, he walked around and jumped into the back seat of the car, wiggling around uncomfortably for a few seconds before sighing and giving up.

Huffing out a breath, he crossed his arms over his chest and glared out the side of the car like a five year old child.

He was only joking though, and he unknowingly lightened the mood after Rosie and my's little tiff back at her house.

Laughing, I shook my head at his behaviour and took the short drive to Zack and Liam's street.

Rosie didn't know where any of them lived, and was quite surprised to see how close we all were, or that Zack and Liam lived next door to each other.

Liam was out first of the two, grinning mischievously as he realised he was going to get the only good seat left.

Before bothering to even greet any of us, he jumped in and settled himself in his usual seat, crossing his arms and letting out a contented sigh.

''Hey guys.'' he said, once he was comfortable of course.

''Hey.'' I answered, taping my fingers impatiently on the side of the car.

''Hi.'' Rosie chirped, turning around in her seat to give him a bright smile.

''Yeo.'' Craig drawled.

Zack stumbled out of his house, clearly still either hung over, or high from the weekend.

He looked even rougher than normal, his hair a mess and his face pale.

He stormed over to the car, glaring at Liam so hard it even made me squirm. I for one know not to piss off a hung over Zack.

Liam gulped, unbuckling his belt and scooting over to the middle, leaving Zack with the good seat.

Contented, Zack opened the door, clearly in no state to be jumping anywhere, and sat down in the last vacant seat.

The guys and I knew not to bother him, but Rosie being new to our 'gang', and completely clueless, opened her mouth.

Bad move Rosie, bad move.

''Hi Zack.'' she chirped.

He turned his harsh glare to her, as I started up the car again and headed to the school.

If it weren't for the fact he would make me crash the car or something, I would have yelled at him for making her look so scared.

''Josh, shut your girl up.'' he spat, quite rudely.

Rosie was taken aback to say the least.

Hurt, shock and disbelief flashed across her features and she turned back around in her seat to face the front again.

We all cringed, and not being able to say anything, I reached over and held her hand in mine, now only using one hand to drive with.

It wasn't the easiest, the car being a manual, but I did it.

She still wasn't happy, so I gave her hand a tight squeeze, and she relaxed a bit.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Rosie was not the kinda girl, to be anywhere near us kinda guys.

She wasn't strong enough.

She couldn't take things easy like we could.

Liam and Craig started making kissing or gagging noises, doing suggestive hand motions behind our backs.

Dumb asses didn't realise that we were IN A CAR with MIRRORS.

Blushing, Rosie averted her gaze from any of us, and I just scowled at their immaturity.

I pulled the car up in our usual parking spot, and since we weren't early, we all climbed out.

Zack headed straight for the bathroom, probably to be sick.

Okay, here goes.

Taking the shades from my eyes, I placed them in the car, locking it behind me and making sure the hood was up.

Walking to the other side of the car, I smiled, taking Rosie's small hand in mine again, and pulling her towards the building.

It seemed like everyone's eyes were on us.

Normally they were, but Rosie was never involved.

She seemed to nervous and uncomfortable.

Many curious eyes watched us, they eyes of guys who felt 'pity' for me, the eyes of girls who felt jealous of Rosie, the eyes of people who were just fucking nosey and wanted something to gossip about.

Smirking, I ignored them all, keeping her hand in mine, I put my arm around Rosie's neck so that it was over her shoulder, my hand hanging over on her left shoulder as her left hand reached up at her front to meet mine.

Out fingers intertwined together, and she looked up at me unsure.

I just smiled down at her, pecking her lips once, and pulling her closer to the doors.

''Josh.'' Rosie whispered.

''Hmm?'' I answered, sending a glare in the direction of some whore who was not so discretely checking me out, even though my fucking girlfriend was right there.

''People are looking.''

I laughed.

''Let them look babe.''

She bit her lip, so nervous I could practically feel it radiating off of her body.

Her hand in mine was clammy and shaking to the touch, and her face was a little pale.

''Rosie what's wrong?'' I asked her as we continued our way though the school.

Apparently I hadn't noticed before, but we had the same registration, so that worked out pretty well.

Craig and Liam were walking close behind us.

''I don't like the attention.'' she mumbled.

I laughed again.

''What?'' she said, defensively.

''You're cute Rosie.''

She blushed, and let go of my hand as we walked into registration.

Taking our usual seats, we waited for the teacher to call roll, and eventually the day began.

But I couldn't wait for it to be over.

Yeah, at first I was excited to show off Rosie as my girlfriend, but now that the novelty's worn off for me, it's just another day at school.

Period before lunch, I didn't have Rosie in my class.

That bothered me.

A, I didn't want to be away from her.

B, People have been horrible today about her behind her back, saying things I don't even want to think about, just because they're jealous.

She'll probably make out like she's fine, but I know she's hating today, that she's actually really upset with the change.

That makes me feel bad.

It's my fault she's getting attention, and that her life was changing.

Maybe not all that drastically, but it was to her.

That whore I fucked in the closet a while back kept looking at me funny.

I glared at her every time she did, but I couldn't understand what her problem was.

What was her problem?

In fact, a lot of the girls I used to bang for the crack kept looking at me funny.

The teacher had to excuse himself, something about the copying machine – I didn't give a shit.

The class erupted into loud chatter, Craig, Liam, and a now in a better mood, Zack, all started up their conversations.

I zoned out though, for some reason.

Staring blankly in front of me, I cringed as a pair of massive, clearly fake tits appeared in my face.

I snapped out of my daydream and glared up at the person who owned them.

Argh, closet whore.

Pressing her arms into the sides of her chest, clasping her hands together low down so that her boobs popped out of her already too low and exposing top, she smiled at me, 'seductively.'

I rolled my eyes.

''Josh...'' she wined. ''Why don't you ditch the nun...and come back to the closet with me again.'' she purred suggestively.

I ignored her, turning my head to the side and looking out the window, trying to make a point of the fact I didn't want to talk to her.

She just shoved her unnaturally melon sized tits in my face even further.

Oh for fucks sake.

''Can you not take a hint and fuck off?'' I asked rudely.

''Apparently not, but...you could fuck me?'' she suggested.

I face palmed, standing up and walking over to Craig and Zack.

Liam had gone off to the corner to make out with some girl, so I nonchalantly took his seat and sat down.

Anything to get away from desperate whores like her.

She seemed pretty pissed about that, obviously not used to rejection.


I heard her mumble something about Rosie being a lucky skank, and my hands clenched into fists.

She's a girl Josh, you can't punch her.

Ignoring her, I waited not so patiently for the bell to ring for lunch.

If it didn't come soon, I was gonna blow.

Rosie's P.O.V

The bell for lunch rang, and I couldn't wait to get out of that classroom.

Today has been really hard, and it's only half over.

So many people who normally wouldn't even look at me, didn't even know who I was until Friday night, have done nothing but watch me.

If I'm by myself, they'll make comments, wonder aloud to each other why a 'sex god' would want anything to do with a 'dork' like me. How I must be amazing in bed to keep him occupied. How it probably wont last long anyway. How the quite ones are always the kinky ones.

I won't tell Josh, but before this class, I was in the bathrooms crying.

This is all getting too much.

My world was changing so drastically, and I was forgetting already who I used to be.

As much as I loved Josh, I was beginning to question whether he was worth it. Whether our relationship was worth all the baggage he came with.

And was what they said true?

What if this was all some sick, sex inspired joke?

But then if I'm with Josh, they'll just stare and watch, in absolute astonishment.

But I'm honestly not that surprised.

What were the chances?

The dork and the sex god?


I felt like I was in twilight, and I kept thinking of those lines;

And so the lion fell in the love with the lamb.

What a stupid lamb.

What a sick, masochistic lion.

Not that Josh loved me, or that I was planning on telling him I loved him any time soon, but that just reminded me.

I can't tell him I love him, because I cant describe how he makes me feel in words, they never seem to be enough. The more I'm away from him the more I miss him, the more my heart aches, but when I'm near him I cant help but think that he'll leave as soon as I admit I care too much about him. That it'll scare him away.

As bogus as it sounds, I'm scared he;ll leave because he cant handle how much I care for him.

Come on though, he's a player man whore, who probably hasn't gone a week without sex since he lost his virginity.

What does he want with me?

I was being too negative.

The class began to empty out into the already busy corridor, and I was sincerely thankful that I was close to my locker so I wasn't going to have to squeeze past all these people for too long.

Up until today, I was invisible, and I got trampled on everywhere I went.

Today, they just stand there and watch me like I'm a TV or something, like I'm the most amazing thing they ever saw, and just couldn't take their eyes off of me.

I didn't like it one bit.

Josh wasn't in my class before lunch, neither were any of the guys, so I made my way to my locker alone.

They still weren't going to want to sit with me, so I was still going to end up eating alone anyway.

Slowly, I made my way to the block of lockers.

The hall I arrived in was pretty secluded, and it was empty now that everyone had rushed off to lunch.

Sighing, I stopped at my locker, twisting in the code and opening up the door.

I threw in my books boredly, ignoring the click clack of heals that came in my direction.

It could have been anyone, all the girls here wear heals that sound like that. I have no clue how they can walk in them, but there you go.

My locker door was roughly slammed shut in my face, and I gasped, jumping about a foot in the air.

Turning around, a very angry looking girl stood in front of me, teeth bore and face red.

I gulped.

''I fucking hate you.'' she spat.

I stood there frozen, unable to come up with a reply.

Was this really a happening?

She looked down on me, towering above me with her long legs and high heals.

I was honestly petrified.

She got right up in my face then, a mere inch separating me from the beast that seemed to want out of this girl.

''You. Keep. Away. From. My. Man.'' she growled, stopping after every word to get her point across clearer.

Did she just say what I think she did?

Her man?

''You mean Josh?'' I wondered allowed.

Not a good idea.

''OF COURSE I FUCKING MEAN JOSH YOU WHORE!'' she screamed in my face.

I whimpered and cowered back against the lockers.

She seemed to grow an extra few inches then, and I shrunk down as small as I could.

My vision was blurred with tears that slowly began to stream down my fear ridden face and my hands came up in attempt at keeping her away from me.

But for every inch I took backwards, she took two forwards.

Why was nobody around to see this?

''What does he even see in you any way? You're a fucking dork! You're fat, you're ugly, you're stupid, and you don't deserve him!'' she exclaimed.

My fear suddenly vanished, and anger and pure rage seemed to take over my body.

I was running on adrenaline for that short second and I grew to my full height again. Even though I was still smaller than her, for that short second I wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

''That's rich coming from you!'' I exclaimed.

Wow, where did that come from?

Her already flushed face become a burning fire red, and her eyes seemed to glaze over.

Oh no...

''AARGH!'' she screamed, lunging forward.

My heart jumped in my chest as I tried to dodge out of her way, but she was too fast.

Her fist collided with my face, and her body slammed into mine, sending me flying to the floor.

I gasped, tears flowing loudly as an unbearable pain shot through my nose, and my side slammed into the lockers before landing on the floor on my backside, hands on either side of my body with a crash.

My hand came up to cup my nose, and I felt myself get a little light headed at the sight of the blood that ran down my arm and onto my t-shirt.

I sobbed loudly.

''WHAT THE FUCK!?'' a booming voice echoed though the halls.

But it wasn't the one I wanted to hear right now.

Zack ran down the hall at lightning speed, approaching us quickly as he took in the scene before him.

I remained on the floor, now covered in blood, but it hurt too much to move, and my entire body was shaking in fear and I could barely open my eyes due to the pain smack in the middle of my face.


I didn't even know her name.

Gently grasping my arm, Zack pulled me to my feet carefully.

My nose wouldn't stop bleeding, and I couldn't stop crying.

I was sobbing loudly, but I still heard the click clack of the girl's heals as she ran away.

Zack pulled me to him, rubbing my back gently as I cried loudly into his chest.

He wasn't Josh, but I was beginning to trust these other three boys.

Ideally, I wanted Josh to hold me, but he wasn't here, and Zack was. Zack was protecting me for some reason I couldn't understand, but at this moment I couldn't have been more appreciative.

He scared me a bit this morning yes, but I have recently realised that if I was going to be spending time with these boys, I was going to have to learn to deal with their mood swings.

There was blood all over Zack now, but he didn't complain as I clung to him and cried my eyes out.

I was just so scared.

Josh's P.O.V

I was on my way to the cafeteria for lunch, looking for Rosie on my way, when I heard yelling.

Familiar yelling.

Zack yelling.

Why the hell would Zack be yelling?

I turned the corner just in time for that whore from earlier to run strait into me, her face streamed with tears and her face a blotchy red.

Well that was attractive.

Note the sarcasm.

She seemed to sob louder when she saw me, and ran past me again without looking back.

Her stupid fucking annoying heals click clacked against the hard floors as she ran...well more like waddled away.

What was up with her?

Shaking my head, I refused to think about her, and headed down the corridor.

This place was pretty secluded, only filled with lockers and that.

It was pretty empty anyway too, since everyone was away for lunch.

I could hear crying...

A girl crying...

Rosie crying...?!

My hear jumped into overdrive and I ran down the corridor in search of her.

I followed the sound, the sound I hated to hear, but heard all too often.

But when I found her I froze.

My face scrunched up in confusion and an unknown rage overcame me.

Why was one of my best friends holding my girlfriend?

And why was she clinging onto him like she only should me?

''What the f-'' I started to yell, but then I noticed the blood.

Zack looked up, but Rosie seemed oblivious as she cried into his chest.

Oh right.

Rushing to them, I looked around concerned at the pink bag that lay on the floor, books sprawled around it and splatters of blood on various surfaces.

''Rosie.'' Zack said, giving Rosie a little push away from him.

She sobbed even louder, and the sound sent a pain through my chest.

What was going on here!?

''Rosie.'' Zack said a little louder, gripping her shoulders and turning her towards me.

But that's when my heart stopped, and I rushed closer to her.

Blood stained the front of Zack's once grey shirt, and ran down the length of Rosie's slim arm. Her nose was still bleeding and her beautiful face was covered in blood.

''WHAT HAPPENED?!'' I exclaimed, pulling Rosie into my arms and holding her close to my chest.

My eyes were wide and I didn't know what to do.

I was panicking.

''Who did this to her?!''

She sobbed into my chest and held onto me much tighter than she appeared to hold onto Zack, and I ran my fingers though her hair to get it off of her face.

Zack was about to explain, when Craig and Liam came rushing 'round the corner, and their faces etched with worry as soon as they saw us.

They caught on a lot faster than I did, and asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

''What the fuck happened here?''

So Zack told us what he saw, while I hugged Rosie close to my chest.

''I just came 'round here and that whore had her up against the locker. Next thing I knew she was on the ground with blood everywhere.''

My fists clenched.

Before I could even speak though, Liam interrupted me.

''Josh, calm down. Whatever you're thinking, just stop – Rosie needs you.'' he said calmly.

''Calm down? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!''

Rosie's body flinched in my arms, and she started to shake even more.

I cringed.

''Sorry baby.'' I whispered in her ear.

''Right, we have to take her to the nurse.'' Craig said, putting his serious head on.

I mentally kicked myself.

That, would have been a good idea.

''Yeah come on.'' I said, taking Rosie's hand in mine.

It was covered in dark red blood and shook violently, but I didn't care.

Thank god we were close to the nurse's office.

Liam knocked the door for me since I was practically holding Rosie up, and we were allowed in.

The old woman who was the school nurse seemed a little on edge at the sight of all of us, especially when she saw Rose and presumed we had done it.

I rolled my eyes.

''Look, someone punched Rosie, can you look at her nose?'' Craig said, surprisingly quite polite.

I understood why though, when Craig has his serious head on, he really is serious.

He gets like that when it involves his family, or a close friend.

He always does it when he knows what I'm about to do when I get pissed off or depressed, and apparently he was doing it now.

Did that mean he cared about Rosie?

The nurse nodded, and said only one of us could stay with her, so she sent the other guys out while I lead Rosie over to the chair to sit down.

The blood was beginning to dry on her face, hands and arms, and her once pink t-shirt was now stained with dark red blood that splotched all over it.

I sighed.

This was all my fault.

The nurse checked out her nose, poking at it a few times which made Rosie wince or occasionally start to cry again.

She held my hand the whole time, and I didn't once complain.

''Okay Rosie,'' the nurse said in a kind voice, ''I'm going to call your parents, you need to be taken to hospital and get an x-ray.''

Rosie nodded wiped at another tear that had gone down her face.

Her nose was swollen and her eyes seemed sore and red from crying.

My heart broke at the sight.

Why wasn't I there to protect her? Why couldn't I help her?

The nurse handed me a packet of damp face wipes, apologising that that was all she had, before going off to make the call.

I opened the packet and pulled out a moist wipe, turning Rosie's face towards me by my thumb on her chin, and started to gently, and extremely carefully clean away the blood on her face.

I didn't touch her nose though, there was no way I was going to hurt her any more.

Taking one of her hands in mine, I began to clean it too, before moving on to the other one and making sure she was as clean as I could get her.

If it was all I could do to help, then I was going to do it well.

She closed her eyes, laying her head on my shoulder once I was done.

I wrapped my arm around her neck and kissed the side of her face, making her lips turn up into a smile.

I found myself smiling back, and did it again just to make her smile bigger.

It worked, and a little blush crept its way upon her cheeks.

I did it again, and again, and again, her smile getting bigger each time as I moved to her forehead, cheeks and chin.

She started giggling and pushing me away, since I was getting her face pretty wet.

I just laughed and pulled her back into my side, laying my head on hers as she laid it on my shoulder again.

She didn't seem to be in as much pain any more, and she'd stopped bleeding ages ago.

That put my mind at peace, and the nurse came back soon with the news that Rosie's Mom, Hannah, was on her way to collect her.

Apparently Hannah specifically asked for me to come too, so both Rosie and I were written passes to excuse us for the rest of the day, and we waited together by the door to be picked up and taken to the hospital.

Zack had gone back and gotten Rosie's things for her, and Liam had brought mine from where I had left them too, so we didn't have anything to do but wait.

I was still angry with that slut who did this, and trust me, she would be hearing from me tomorrow.

But for now, my girlfriend needed me.

And that was more important.

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