Ears I Never Had (BWWM)

By melaninjaye

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Mackenzie Young has always been forced to not "do her". Mackenzie has had life planned out for her every sinc... More

Chapter 1: This is L(IT)
Chapter 2: Sparkle & Snapchat
Chapter 3: Who Am I?
Chapter 4: Fitting In
Chapter 5: Plots, Plans, and Partners in Crime
Chapter 6: Freshie Fun
Chapter 7: Uber Everywhere
Chapter 8: Read Receipts and Job Interviews
Chapter 9: In-n-In
Chapter 10: Sweet Santa Barbara
Chapter 11: Omega Oil
Chapter 12: Points Made and Proven
Chapter 13: Cracking Shells
Chapter 14: Hunger Pains
Chapter 15: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 16: Lost and Saved
Chapter 17: Start of Forever
Chapter 18: Now All This
Chapter 19: Promises Made
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Grateful Gifts
Chapter 22: Man of The Hour
Chapter 23: Meet the Carters Part One
Chapter 24: Meet the Carters Part Two
Chapter 25: Carter Christmas
Chapter 26: Never Leave
Chapter 27: The Boyfriend Tag
Chapter 28: Goal Accomplished
Chapter 29: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 30: Going MIA
Chapter 32: At Fault
Chapter 33: Wishes
Chapter 34: Self Harm
Chapter 35: Seven Days
Chapter 36: All in the Family
Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares
Chapter 38: Xavier's Ways
Chapter 39: Clues and Missed Messages
Chapter 40: Free and Now Locked Up
Chapter 41: Guilty (or Nah)?
Chapter 42: Ears I Never Had
Sequel: Eyes I Never Forgot

Chapter 31: Perfection

588 18 9
By melaninjaye

Miami, FL

"It's a damn shame for someone to sleep that hard....Shit, she look dead.....Kenz, wake up babe, we here.....MACK!" Ok, I know that loud ass voice is Sparkle as I peek my eyes open and also hear the pilot, "Alright passengers, thank you for flying American Airlines and enjoy your stay in Miami".

We're here! I stretch, kiss Breslin as the crew and I head into Miami International Airport to get our luggage as we get into our Uber and head to the Catalina Hotel in South Beach Miami. You could tell from how packed the airport and streets were, that Miami was the place to be for college students.

"Mi-am-aaaaaaay! Cali over here!", as always Ant was ignorantly yelling out the window as we drove through the tropical streets full of young borderline naked students and residents.

"Oh yea, I'm fasho blacking out this weekend", Kyree said while pulling off his jacket. I did the same; l for it to be only 79, it was humid and dry, but I will say Miami is beautiful. Breslin was sleep most of the ride in my lap and it was adorable. I had to wake him up though as Court said we were here. I'm thankful for the friends I've made because this hotel was immaculate and had a great location. Everything seemed to be covered in either reinforced glass or marble and I couldn't wait to start my vacation.

Before I knew it, we were in our enormous suite on the top floor. Each couple was sharing a room which was the size of my studio. Of course, the child in Breslin came out as he began jumping on our hotel bed. "Join me babe! We in fucking Miami!"

I giggle at my big baby, I'm just as hype, but I can contain myself. "Boy, get down. I'm not trying to spend my vacation in the hospital". He laughs snd proceeds to get down and scour the room.

Breslin then comes up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, "You right, I want to spend all my free time with you". He kissed me, "You remember the last time we were in a hotel? In Santa Barbara? You knew you were my forever then right?"

I blushed because I couldn't help but think how awkward I was actually back then. "No I didn't", I said shyly as he kissed my neck. He must have put music on from his phone because Chance the Rapper's "Juke Jam" with JB and Towkio started playing in my ears.

"Girl, you crazy if you didn't know that". He started sucking my neck. "My Dad told me I'd always know when I found the girl who stole my heart. I knew it at freshman orientation and that day at Fat Sal's. No lie Kenz. Like some real shit, I really love you babe it scares me".

I started blushing,"I know how you feel, I love you too". He started rubbing my stomach before my phone started ringing.

"Fuck! Why does Sparkle always mess up the moment?", he said frustrated and began kicking off his shoes and taking off his shirt as I answered her FaceTime.

"Wassup Sparks?", I answered while plopping on the bed fedewstomach down. Breslin was now standing behind me, massaging my ass.

"Our appointments are at 11, so hurry you freaks! I hear that Jacquees in the background B, it'll be plenty time for that, let the girl breathe".

He groaned before hanging up on her call, "We really need a vacation by ourselves. They're going to be dummy annoying babe".

Breslin was so cute when he was frustrated. "C'mon Boo Boo Bear, let's go take a shower, kill two birds with one stone". I winked at him and began stripping out of my sweats and shirt walking toward our bathroom.

"You know I love multi-tasking". He was hot on my tail right behind me as we took advantage of the bench in our shower....


"Y'all trying take a shot before we go? For my baby birthday?", Ant asked as we all were now in the Uber XL. Court and Kyree were going to her house to meet the parents, so it was just the original crew getting tatted and we were all linking up to go to Club Liv later tonight to celebrate both our birthdays.
"I don't understand how you got on the Dean's List some days with your slow ass. Nigga, drinking makes you bleed more before a tattoo". Dom said in a no-nonsense manner.

"Nigga, you ain't a doctor yet; I'm on vacation and it's my girl birthday. I don't give a fuck man". He said as he began pouring moving Hennessy shots. "Besides, brown ain't never hurt me before". I can't with Ant sometimes.

"I agree Dom. Remember, I got my tattoo last summer for my birthday and I was lit! Not one drop of blood". Dom just rolled his eyes as I looked over and saw Breslin laughing at something else Ant said.
I just sat back and began to observe my perfect picture.

Breslin really was perfection in 6'4 form. That lanky, yet solid toned frame, plastic surgeon requested features, mixed with his sense of style and charisma, I knew I was lucky. To be honest, I don't know why I never dated a white boy before because Bres was butter. He shitted on most black boys back home and in California. I say most because I still got love for my black kings, but I was loving my light light skin more and more everyday. I tuned back into the conversation as I heard my name. "What?"

Bres smirked at me, "Well if you stop staring, you'd see Ty trying to pass you a shot". He laughed as I grabbed the cup and he kept talking, "I was telling them how we're virgins". I scrunched my face.

Sparkle downed her shot and made a face of disgust before saying, "Pssssh not the way y'all fuck!"

"Shut up Sparks. I'm talking about tattoos". Breslin said.

We were the only ones without ink so, I was really nervous. I loved piercings and had taken most of my old ones out except for my ears now, but tattoos were allegedly a totally different story. We all took about three shots each and they all burned. Before I knew it, we were pulling up to 1360 Washington Ave, the infamous Love Hate Tattoo Studio, which was also known as Miami Ink.

"Ahhhhhhh! I'm so excited!" Ty said slightly tipsy jumping up and down in excitement. "It's my birthday bitches!" She yelled out by the boardwalk and were met with some equally inebriated college students who were congratulatory.

"Let's go inside before I have to knock somebody out for looking at my girl". Ant said while grabbing Ty by the side.

"Likewise, man". Breslin said with an attitude while somewhat roughly grabbing my hand as we went into the lobby. What the fuck was that about? The studio was decorated fully with artistic influences everywhere and a wall full of customer pictures and thank you's. I'm feeling more confident now until I see Breslin's angry face.

I grab his face and move his face towards me, "Ok Breslin, what is wrong? Why you looking like that?"

"It's nothing". He gives me a short answer.

"Ok, now I know it's something". I continue to hold his face as his gold eyes pierce into mine. "Did I do something?"

"Ye-no. No babe, you didn't do nothing. It's me." He blows out a breathe I didn't realize he was holding. Sparkle was checking us in for our appointments as everyone sat down in the waiting lobby.

We remained standing however. "Don't be mad at me for the what I'm going say, but I hate how beautiful you are. I hate how much attention you catch because of how you carry yourself and don't realize it. I hate when you wear stuff like this that only shows off what you're blessed with I hate when niggas", he began whispering, "Yes, I said it niggas, look at you".

I was too thrown as always by his words and jealous nature. I couldn't help but start chuckling and wrap myself around Breslin. "I'm not worried about them obviously if I don't notice them".

He wrapped those muscular arms around me and touched his forehead with mine. "That's not the reason Kenz. I said that word for a reason, what if you ever don't want me because I'm not black?" This was least confident I've ever seen him and I didn't like it one bit. Oh, if he only he knew what I was thinking earlier.

I had to grab his face once again as I stood in front of him. "Hey, that doesn't matter to me anymore. You made me want you for you. I love you for you as a person. Don't doubt yourself ever again, I mean it".

Breslin just grabbed me and began passionately kissing me as if we were the only ones in the room that mattered. His lips always get me lost; is it weird I thought it was cute Breslin felt insecure when he has no worries. Then, a female voice I never heard before started talking, "Well damn, I need to get laid! But I want them if they're one of the couples".

I pulled back from B and my jaw somewhat dropped because I'm a huge fan of her artwork and makeup. "Holy fuck, it's Kat Von D!" She gave me a shy wave as the other infamous Miami artists like Chris Nunez and Ami James joined her. We all talked about our ideas and each artist was joined with a couple in a private room. Kat of course was ours and I was too geeked.

Breslin went first and I couldn't have been more happier. He was getting his ribs done to make me feel better. He wanted the shape of Oakland, California with the 510 area code underneath. When she laid out the stencil, I knew it was going to be dope.

However, as soon as the needle touched his skin, I knew I was about to be out. "Hoooooly keeeeeeey!" We all started cracking up laughing because he really sounded like Betty Wright on that new DJ Khaled song. "Kenz, I can't lie to you. This shit hurts", as Kat continued digging in, line after line. He was somewhat squirming and mirrored a look of pain.

"Oh, women can take way more pain. Ain't that right hun?" She winked at me as we talked and Breslin became my shameless plug for my vlog channel and she agreed! I got a personal Q&A with the makeup and tattoo guru, Kat Von D. My subscribers were going to be too shocked; as always, I owed Sparkle for this connect. About an hour later and it was about noon, he was done. His little alabaster body was now red from the new marks, but it was crisp.

"Yeee! This shit is hyphy! Thank you. Babe, take a pic so I can send it in the family group message". Which, I oddly was apart of. Ms. Syd was like another Mother, Lori and I talked every other day about the baby, Brina was my ShadeRoom gossip buddy, and Lovie was basically a frequent FaceTime call. I felt really privileged to be even considered in the group.

Breslin sorely flexed as I snapped the pic. It was honestly too cute. I don't know if it was the ankle but when Kat told me to take off my tank I started sweating bullets. "Relax hun, you'll be fine".

I was getting a Ying Yang symbol and designed inside with a Pisces and Virgo symbol which were zodiac opposites. They represented my Dad and I, our unique bond. After I told Kat the story, she suggested to add his birthday and date of death. She sketched it out in mere minutes and it looked dope. My Dad would have loved it.....

The sound of the gun started buzzing as Breslin was recording for my channel. When the needle touched my skin though, I didn't yell, cuss, scream, jump, or anything, to be honest it felt kind of good. Some areas were horrible, but the numbing sensation felt great. I just closed and rested my eyes every now and again wincing.

"I wish all my skins sat like you. Damn girl, first timer too? Bad ass". After about what felt like fifteen minutes, which in reality was an hour, she finally said, "I'm done". Now after I was sore as I got off the table, but almost cried when I saw the outcome. It was exactly what I wanted and stunning. I even began tearing up as I thanked and lightly hugged her, "No problem! It's what I do this for".

"Can you do us one more favor?" Breslin asked as she said yes while cleaning up and I started looking at him. "Can you give us one more small tattoo? It's script".

I had to speak up, "I am not getting your name Breslin".

He just laughed and kissed my cheek. "No babe, but I have an idea I think you'll like". Breslin asked for a pen and two slips of paper and wrote something on each before showing me. "Well, what do you think? I'll get one and uhm, you get the other".

I read the slips and couldn't help but actually shed a tear because he was so thoughtful, romantic, considerate, all of the above. He never ceases to amaze me. "I love it".

"Yeeeee! Ms. Von D, can you do these really quick?"

"Sure, those will take like ten minutes and you guys still have my room until 3 so we're good. But uhm where?" Breslin and I stayed silent for a moment and I know I had no idea where I'd want to put this. My foot, wrist- no, but Kat interrupted us, "Trust your artist, I think I have the right for you guys. Trust me, it'll look what is it- hyphy?" We all started cracking up before she gave us our second tattoo when we walked in with clean skin. And to be honest, I'd probably get more in the future, they seriously were addicting.

I looked side by side in the mirror with Breslin and I couldn't help, but to tip her a $100 for the overall day. It was magnificent. I asked if she could take a pic because I had to upload this Instagram. My love for Breslin was just as permanent as this tattoo. I'm going to tell him about this summer.....when we get back to LA. I couldn't risk losing him.

She finished taking the picture and I immediately uploaded it to Instagram with a simple caption.

mackinhangin: (Pictuure above in media) 💉 Forever....

Within seconds, of course, likes started coming in. I was in love with both of my tattoos, but not as in love as I was with Breslin. And won't He do it?

Kat actually talked with me about doing some videos with some of her products and also a face for her new Fall collection. This trip was starting off great.

We walked back in the lobby where the rest of the crew was waiting for us. "Damn, y'all taking all day. I'm hungry". We all shared tattoos and of course everyone's work was top notch. We all didn't get dumb stuff either, everything had a purpose or meaning to us.

Dom was scrolling on his phone before he had an outburst. "I'm so sick of y'all, all I here from this one is 'Well Mack and B did this, they did that', stop making me look bad nigga. Fuck Sparkle, I'm just going get your name. Aye Nunez, blast me up one more time". We all started crying laughing as I kissed Breslin who was always just chill in the background. We were about to go get meet up with Court and Kyree for some authentic Cuban sandwiches and go walk the boardwalk before napping up before the night.

We thanked the shop and day one in Miami was setting the tone already for greatness. Nothing else mattered though because I was with my crew and.....my first....

And I was his last.....

Life ugh! But writing!
Chapter 32 be out soon and it'll be 👀🤔😒😭

Thanks for hanging with me!
Comment and lmk what you think!
S/O to my new readers!
Sorry if it was dull, but had to do this chapter!

😘 Jaye ! Who starts school soon? 🙄 29th over here!

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