Homecoming Pt. 3

By lov3_dontchang3

273K 12.8K 2K

It's been five years and the Cunningham family, has enjoyed nothing but peace and quiet. Khalil has retired f... More

Homecoming Pt.3: Intro
Devin 1
Marcus 2
Enzo 3
Legacy 4
Marcus 5
Khalil 6
Devin 7
Legacy 8
Enzo 9
Tonya 10
Blaze 11
Khalil 12
Noah 13
Legacy 14
Zyshaun 15
Marcus 16
Marcus 17
Enzo 18
Cam 19
Devin 20
Legacy 21
Khalil 22
Marcus 23
Noah 24
Devin 25
Zyshaun 26
Enzo 27
Yuri 28
Khalil 29
Devin 30
Marcus 31
Legacy 32
Lorenzo 33
Khalil 34
Legacy 35
Noah 36
Zyshaun 37
Devin 38
Enzo 39
Cam 40
Marcus 41
Zyshaun 42
Mique 43
Blaze 44
Khalil 45
Devin 46
Devin 47
Enzo 48
Zyshaun 49
Mique 50
Khalil 51
Marcus 52
Devin 53
Enzo 54
Khalil 55
Legacy 56
Marcus 57
Khalil 58
Noah 59
Mama Angela 60
Devin 61
Zyshaun 62
Marcus 63
Toussaint 64
Legacy 65
Devin 66
Sa'vion 67
Enzo 68
Cam 69
Marcus 70
Mique 71
Khalil 72
Khalil 73
Toussaint 74
Enzo 75
Legacy 76
Khalil 77
Marcus 78
Khalil 79
Noah 80
Blaze 81
Nico 82
Zyshaun 83
Khalil 84
Will 85
Cain and Caleb 86
Zyshaun 87
Khalil 88
Blaze 89
Enzo 90
Devin 92
Legacy 93
Cam 94
Noah 95
Toussaint 96
Khalil 97
Enzo 98
Devin 99
Homecoming 3: Finale
Open Discussion

Marsean 91

2.7K 117 19
By lov3_dontchang3

As much time as we spend in Texas we might as well move down here, hell it would be a lot easier and cheaper than flying down here every couple weeks, not that I was complaining since Khalil was the one paying but honestly it made more sense. I knew my wife would love that so would my mom and my kids, my only thing was leaving the only home I've ever known, maybe I should talk them and see what they were feeling but I'd worry about that later right know there was someone I needed to talk to before we left for this party. I walked downstairs and saw Marcus and Khalil watching 'Evita' and I quickly walked out the room because I swear if I ever heard 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' ever again I'm probably jump off a building, knowing Marcus's crybaby ass would start crying before the first note. I walked into the kitchen where my mom was on phone, probably with that dude Qwanell which pissed me but I wouldn't say anything as long as she was happy before walking into the basement with Noah and Saint. I stood outside Noah's door and listened before just walking in.

"Wassup Uncle Marsean?" Noah said looking guilty already, I looked at Toussaint wondering what they were up to because they were a little too quiet.

"Why aren't y'all getting ready?" I asked, Toussaint didn't say anything as he walked out the room probably to go flirt with Tonya but I'd handle that later.

"We still got like five hours, but umm I wanted to run something by you real quick." He said looking t me nervously, I sat on his bed because I knew this would probably be a long conversation. "Aight well I'm dating this one girl Jade...... but there's another girl that's always texting or calling my phone. Like I'm always ignoring her or telling her I got a girl but she keeps coming at me how do I let her down easy?" Noah asked and I was so thankful I didn't have to deal with this for at least ten more years.

"Have you talked to you dad about this?" I asked and Noah just looked at me.

"I really don't feel comfortable talking to them about girls....." He said quietly.

"Okay here's what you need to do, next time she calls you need to be a completely honest with her and let her know you aren't interested..... some girls won't take the hint so you gotta give it to her straight. I mean if you've tried to be polite about it and she still trying knowing you have a girl then you need be firm but respectful. There was this one chick I used to work with that was always trying to get with me knowing I am happily married, until one day she called my phone and I let Tonya answer.... needless to say she never called back. I trust you'll be able to handle it like a man..... but look I gotta go check on my wife since Toussaint is probably up there trying to steal her from me." I said smacking Noah in the back of the head. I crept back upstairs and saw Toussaint and Tonya sitting by the pool.

"..... I'm saying though, I need someone older these young girls just don't do it for me and I promise whatever your husband is doing I can do it better." Toussaint said, not knowing I was right behind him. I picked him up and threw him in the pool.

"I told you about messing with my wife punk." I said smiling. "Baby come inside I wanna run something by you real quick." I said looking at Toussaint looked pissed. We walked inside and thankfully the movie was over and Marcus and Khalil were sitting in the kitchen with my mom.

"Marcus you are too damn old to still be crying during that movie." My mom said rolling her eyes and I had to agree.

"I know you're not talking Sean does she still cry whenever Selena comes on?" Marcus asked looking at me, I looked at my mom whose eyes read 'you better not say nothing' and shrugged. "Punk ass." Marcus whispered under his breath.

"So I was thinking we should just move down here." I said and everyone looked at me.

"Hell yeah I'd love that besides Marcus needs some friends down here that way he can stop keeping me locked in the bedroom." Khalil said smiling.

"And what about your job?" Tonya asked and I swear I wanted to fuck her right there in the kitchen.

"Doctors make more in Texas than they do in Ohio, so I'll be making more money here plus the kids get to spend more time with their cousins it's a win win for everyone ma can move in with us that way she doesn't have to keep living in the house by herself." I said and I could see I was winning Tonya over but my mom wasn't convinced yet. "Just think about it and we can talk about it some more later, Khalil let me talk to you real quick." I said getting up.

"I'm telling if y'all move down here it's going to be bad; you, me, Enzo and Zyshaun together......... Marcus is going to have to start hiding my keys because I'll never be home." Khalil said and I shook my head.

"True.... but that's not what I wanna talk about, first thing is Noah. Khalil you really need to start talking to him because he's at that age where he's got multiple girls calling him and the last thing any of us needs is him out here thinking it's okay to talk to more than one girl at once." I said looking him in the eyes.

"I'll talk to him after the party, but what's the second thing because knowing you it's probably something world changing." Khalil said smirking..... if he only knew.

"Aight look I haven't told anyone this not even Tonya and what I'm about to tell you, you can't repeat to anyone can you promise me that?" I asked and Khalil nodded. "I'm going to hold you to that Khalil, a couple weeks ago before all that shyt went down with your cousins Julius came and saw me......" I said and I saw Khalil's eyes turn a different color, so I quickly pulled him outside so no one would overhear his exploding.

"WHY AM I JUST NOW FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS!!!?" He asked before pacing around the backyard.

"At first I didn't think nothing of it, he said he was in town and thought he'd stop by the hospital to say wassup and he wanted to know if Marcus ever came back to Ohio to visit, I didn't give him an answer but it wasn't until Tonya mentioned that he was the one that who sent Cain and Caleb that everything started to make sense.... I think he's waiting until Marcus is outta harms way before he makes his next move." I said and Khalil nodded.

"Wait right here I'll be back....." Khalil said walking away and a few seconds later he came back out with Marcus. "Aight tell him what you just told me because I promised I wouldn't say anything but I also promised Marcus I wouldn't keep secrets from him." Khalil said and I was half tempted to punch him in the chest but instead I told Marcus everything I just told Khalil.

"We can't worry about that right now..... our only focus should be making sure Cam has an amazing going away party and once he's in the air we can worry about Julius, now you come with me Carmen's plane is about to land and I don't want to keep her waiting." Marcus said walking away, Khalil looked at me and nodded before following Marcus into the house. Tonya walked out and kissed me and I couldn't help but smile.

"What were y'all back here talking about?" Tonya asked and I debated on whether or not I wanted to tell her, I loved my wife but she was crazy as hell and I knew if she even thought someone was going to fuck with Marcus she'd go nuts.

"Can we talk about this in the shower? I wanna start getting ready before everyone else does." I said kissing her.

"Marsean you're not slick...... matter fact you haven't been slick these past couple months either. I know you're trying to get me pregnant... again so whatever you need to say you can say it right here because the last thing I need is your big black dick distracting me......" I took a step towards her and she immediately stopped talking.

"Let's go take a shower and I promise to tell you everything....... while I'm fucking you." I said grabbing her ass tightly. "And stop being dramatic, I only poked holes in the condom..... twice but I can't help it I told you on our wedding night I'm trying to build a basketball team with you so stop acting surprised and go run our shower." I said slapping her on the ass. Tonya rolled her eyes but walked away with a little more sway in her hips knowing I was definitely about to fuck her brains out. I walked in the house and right as I was going up the stairs my mom stopped me.

"Marsean you're phone has been ringing non-stop." She said handing it to me and I'm surprised she didn't answer it with her nosy ass. I took my phone and looked at a number I didn't recognize and quickly answered it.

"Tell your sexy ass brother, I can't wait to see him later today." And I automatically knew it was Julius. I couldn't even get a word out before he hung up and when I tried to call the number back it went straight to voicemail. I tried calling Marcus and Khalil but they both left their phones here like idiots, fuck.................

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