The Football Star 》 Louis Tom...

By karmickween

9.6K 234 26

Louis Tomlinson , captain of the Doncaster Rovers has been famous for scoring for his Team many times and to... More

Chapter 1: "Lyra's Pov"
Chapter 2: "I Quit!"
Chapter 3: "Lyra's Birthday"
Chapter 4: "About to go.."
Chapter 5: "Meet and Greet"
Chapter 6: "hanging at the house"
Chapter 7: "OTW to Louis' House"
Chapter 8 : "Louis' House"
Chapter 10: "Ashton?"
Chapter 11: Lyra meets Brent
Chapter 12: Liam Babysits
Chapter 13 : Snooping!?
Chapter 14: Louis Cares
Chapter 15: Lyra meets Uni
Chapter 16: Lyra & Ashton
Chapter 17: Louis' Game
Chapter 18: Uni's Plan
Chapter 19: Lyra's Dress
Chapter 20: Brent's Wedding
Chapter 21: Skype with Beck
Chapter 22: Louis' Siblings
Chapter 23: Lyra meets Niall
Chapter 24: Where's Louis
Chapter 25: Drunk Louis...
Chapter 26: 'one more Game'
Chapter 27: Will he?
Chapter 28: Feelings
Chapter 29: Championships
Chapter 30: Prove it
Chapter 31: meeting Zayn
Chapter 32: Date
Chapter 33 : Just Visiting
Chapter 34: Louis' Pancakes
Chapter 35: Meet Gigi
Chapter 36: Make it Official
Chapter 37: Charity Match
Chapter 38: Horrible News
Chapter 39: That's a Promise
Chapter 40: Another day Without Louis
Chapter 41: the Pap Walk
Chapter 42: Moving out
Chapter 43: Nowhere to be found
Chapter 44: Lyra's been Papped
Chapter 45: Louis' Hunt
Chapter 46: Leo's number
Chapter 47: Reunited
Chapter 48: Bonding Time
Chapter 49: Hospital Bed
Chapter 50: Going to London
Chapter 51: Stubborn Lyra
Chapter 53: His Last Game
Chapter 54: The Bucket List
Chapter 55 : Swimming with Dolphins
Chapter 56: Riding the Waves
Chapter 57 : Trouble on the way
Chapter 58 : Leaving So Soon
Chapter 59: Serious Complains
Chapter 60: Failed to Convince
Chapter 61 : The Release Date
Chapter 62: The End?

Chapter 9: "Early Practice"

215 4 0
By karmickween

It was Dark I can't see a thing... but then I saw Louis.. walking towards me with a frowning face...

"What's going on?" I asked him but he answered my question with a question,

"Lyra will you be my girlfriend?" Fuck what? but I can tell that he doesn't want me... face it Ly he doesn't feel the same... But when I tried to speak... No words came out of my mouth... why cant I speak??? The heck?? after that Louis left and The room started to filled up with water... shit.. then suddenly the water split into two then rises up and became Ice with Spikes.. and it was slowly Going towards me... I had no where to go ... theres no doors... no windows.. once it was Close to me... I could feel it going through my chest... ow!

"Lyra come on" I was trying to wake her like for 10 minutes, and she still didnt wake up , she fell asleep on my couch... last night while we were eating pizza and watching Percy Jackson for no Reason and I didnt know that she moved to her room. So I just poured a cup of water on her ... but that didnt woke her up , then I accidently dropped the cup on her chest.. making her jump a little...

"Oops!" I quietly said and picked up the Cup, but still she wasnt up, but then I noticed that her hands close into fist, them she started to struggle a little bit.. but nothing was on her ...

"Heyy!!" I grab both of her arms.. and Shook her like a Rattle and finally she woke up...

"Shit... Why the hell am I wet?" She sat up and Looked at her hair which is wet... She was wearing a tank top and Boxers?

"First why the hell are you wearing a boxer?" "Its for Ladies Jerk!"

"Whatever anyway... I kinda poured water on you, and dropped the Cup on your chest, Sorry"

"Shit , I thought the dream was real.. I was in a Dark room then I saw you , then This room filled up with water, then it splits into two then turn into spikes and Killed me" I didnt quite understand what she was saying, I was there? so for me to know ...I need to ask her

"Why was I there? and that's what you get by watching percy jackson" I giggled and she just slapped my arm playfully before answering "Nothing"

"Yeah alright Fine! We gotta go" I told her making her confuse as She sits on one side of the bed and face palms before she could asked why...

"You wanted to know how to play football, so I'll teach you" i gave her a smirked before She threw me a pillow.

"Why does it have to be 5 in the fucking morning!" She throws me another pillow while yelling at me.... she sure is loud. before I could answer her I grabbed both of her Wrist to make her stop.

"First it is Freaking 1 in the afternoon you over slept,and Were going to Jog first before we head back and I'll teach you the basics, understand Rookie?" She nods before I could release her ...
"Good, Make your own breakfast" I left her sitting on her bed while she's giving me death glares... so after that , I came down, grab a bowl of cereal and began eating before Lyra comes down wearing a tank top and a sports bra below it, Kinda like what she Had on when I saw her at Starbucks... but she was wearing sweatpants... now.

"Is there anything in the Cabinets?" she asked me before reaching to the cabinet close to the Fridge "I dont really know, I usually just eat outside"

"I dont really have to know but okay—oh hey look pancakes!" she weirdly said before grabbing a box that says pancakes... "Dont , We have to be fast" "Why?" "Paps" I told her and she nodded as she puts it back... I sighed and gave her a bowl of cereal.

"Thanks" "No problem" so after that I continued Eating the cereal , then Drink water and after that I sat on the couch wait for Lyra to finish her food...

"Have you quite finished?" I asked her making her glare at me, Gosh that glare is scary for a girl... "Okay okay I'm sorry" I whined just to make her stop glaring at me. after a few minutes we began jogging and I was surprised that no paps or anybody were like taking a video, a picture or even interviewing us or something...

"Hey is something wrong? You've been gazing all around" Lyra asked as she giggled at me... she didnt put her hair in a ponytail , making her chestnut colored hair flow in the wind...

"Uh hello? Tomlinson 1..2..3 do you copy?" I smiled at what she said before bumping my arm against her arm.... before answering her,

"I'm just surprised that nobody has papped us yet.. so One round around the neighborhood Then we'll start?" she nodded but That look on her face looks like she wanted to do something else...

"Tell me" "Tell you what?" "Tell me what you want to do after jogging"
"Starbucks" She quickly answered by yelling...., hey she aint a gold digger, I'm just being friendly ... And No I dont like her.. Besides who wants to be with a girl who Screams all the time? so Like She said We went to starbucks got what we wanted and just sat down and took a rest...

"I might actually be stupid just to ask you this question but Amor means Love right?" She nods before she laughed at me...

"Yeah you are stupid, Why did you asked that?" Why did I?
"I dont know , it just came into my mind" "Ohh ok, so where are you exactly going to teach me?" I thought she saw the backyard... how could she not know that I kinda have a lot just for playing football.

"You didnt see the lot?" "What lot?"
"Nevermind , you'll see it later" I told her making her pout a little bit, after starbucks ... a Small crowd of paps started to take pictures of us while we were running away...

"Where the hell did they Came from?"
"They're undercovered" "Ohh"

So once we were at the lot , she got surprised obviously ... But her face is just stupid ...

"Let's start Rookie!" I yelled at her and kicked the ball to her direction... and it landed on her head...Oops!

"Heyy" She yelled back and she was about to Kicked the ball but failed...

"Yikes, looks like this is going hard" I started talking to myself while I walked towards her...

"I thought you said you know how to play?" She shook her head meaning no , before she explained it to me
"I was just trained as the goal keeper, they never let me anyone else... Heck! they didnt even let me play" Seriously?

"Fook Fine, Okay first you need to know how to pass the ball... first lock your ankle" "Lock my what?" I rolled my eyes at her before showing it to her how its done... "Like this" after I showed it to her ... i taught her some other tricks for passing the ball... we were like practicing for like 3-4 hours now and to my surprise... She's a fast learner...

"Great practice that, then Next time we'll Work on Shooting the Ball" Because The moon was up and I dont want Us staying until the AM... Cause I got to be a guest at my friend's Birthday tomorrow, Busy sched.. I know..

"How bout tomorrow?" She asked as she passed me the ball, I smiled before I answered her question,

"I cant, got a birthday to attend, so you better practice , Besides I'll probably Be home by midnight" "oh alright"

besides.. She's a fast learner she'd be out of here in no time—Wait until the championhips shit...

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