Ears I Never Had (BWWM)

melaninjaye tarafından

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Mackenzie Young has always been forced to not "do her". Mackenzie has had life planned out for her every sinc... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: This is L(IT)
Chapter 2: Sparkle & Snapchat
Chapter 3: Who Am I?
Chapter 4: Fitting In
Chapter 5: Plots, Plans, and Partners in Crime
Chapter 6: Freshie Fun
Chapter 7: Uber Everywhere
Chapter 8: Read Receipts and Job Interviews
Chapter 9: In-n-In
Chapter 10: Sweet Santa Barbara
Chapter 11: Omega Oil
Chapter 12: Points Made and Proven
Chapter 13: Cracking Shells
Chapter 14: Hunger Pains
Chapter 15: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 16: Lost and Saved
Chapter 17: Start of Forever
Chapter 18: Now All This
Chapter 19: Promises Made
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Grateful Gifts
Chapter 22: Man of The Hour
Chapter 23: Meet the Carters Part One
Chapter 24: Meet the Carters Part Two
Chapter 25: Carter Christmas
Chapter 26: Never Leave
Chapter 27: The Boyfriend Tag
Chapter 28: Goal Accomplished
Chapter 30: Going MIA
Chapter 31: Perfection
Chapter 32: At Fault
Chapter 33: Wishes
Chapter 34: Self Harm
Chapter 35: Seven Days
Chapter 36: All in the Family
Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares
Chapter 38: Xavier's Ways
Chapter 39: Clues and Missed Messages
Chapter 40: Free and Now Locked Up
Chapter 41: Guilty (or Nah)?
Chapter 42: Ears I Never Had
Sequel: Eyes I Never Forgot

Chapter 29: Unexpected Guests

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melaninjaye tarafından

That next afternoon....

"Babe, can you go to Target and get me some more Gatorade please? I'm dying over here". I huffed because even though Breslin enjoyed his birthday, the aftermath was too much. He was severely hungover still and we went back to my house so I could take care of the big baby.

"Really Bres? I asked you if you wanted anything on the drive over here".

"C'mon Booga Shugga, I'd do it for you. Man, last month I went and got you tampons, and I don't feel good fuck!"

I rolled my eyes because he did look sick in the face. "Fine, now is there anything else you need?"

"Some fruit snacks and if you maybe could possibly just- go to In-n-Out for me, please babe, I need something on my stomach. My wallet in my jacket babe". I threw up my hands and gave him what he wanted and got Breslin's wallet and debit card. I knew his numbers and he knew mine.

"Ugh, you get on my nerves!" I grabbed my windbreaker, purse, phone and keys before telling him I'd be back. I checked my phone which pretty much was going crazy since last night. All the Snaps I recorded, pictures tagged and posted made me now, a super popular face in LA community. I was practically as well known as Sparkle and Breslin now, especially on and by campus. I said hey to Rock as I left down the street to our local Target.

I went and got Breslin a 6-pack of his favorite Gatorade, the gross lemon-lime flavor and some cough drops because I knew his throat was raw too. I got some things for myself as well because with Target, you never walk out with what you just came for. I hopped back in my car and went to the In-n-Out by campus; the line is always packed. I was going be in this line at least 20 minutes.

I finally order and pay when Breslin texted me.

Bres 😘👂🏽: Kenz, where the fuck are you?

No the fuck he is not rushing me. I know it was his birthday and coming owt, but he should learn from this lesson with his hungover ass. I drove up to the second window and get our food before heading back to my studio. I didn't bother to reply because I was literally five minutes away now.

I pull back up to my place, parked, grabbed all the bags and was about to give Breslin an earful about patience. I opened my gate and ran into Phil who looked at me, "Hey, Ms. Young. Wow, y'all could be twins". I scrunched up my face at him before he was called via radio. "See you later, enjoy your day". He headed off to keep patrolling the area. Well that was strange.....

I headed up to my place as I was getting a call from Bres I'm sure and before I could even put the key in, my door flew open and I found a very heated Breslin who appeared to be putting on his hoodie. "Baby, what's wrong?" I smelled a familiar scent in the air and saw a luxury purse on my dining table. Somebody was in my bathroom as I heard the toilet flush and water run. "Who's here?", afraid of the answer I was going to get as the door opened and out walked the Devil in female form.....my mother.

What the fucking is she doing here? How did she- Fuck, I remember she is my emergency contact from when I first moved in. That's how she got past the gate.

"Well hello Mackenzie. Your bathroom is filthy but I don't expect much less when it's apparent you need to clean up a lot", as she said making eyes at Breslin. "I was in LA on business and thought I'd check in on my only child, even if you choose to be defiant". She crossed her arms at Breslin and said, "You can leave now".

Breslin scoffed before actually resuming packing up his backpack. I immediately started panicking, "Wait, what's going on? You don't have to go any-" He just gave me one cold look before grabbing his line jacket and saying, "I'm out". I couldn't even find words until the door slammed behind him and my baby was gone.

I furiously turn back to my Mother, "What did you say to him?!" Where is my purse?

She sat down on my couch before stating, "Everything he already knew. The Alphas are loosing their standards I see".

I finally get my phone out my purse. Just as I was about to call Breslin, I got a text message from him.

Bres 😘👂🏽: Don't flip out, we're still together, I still love you, I just respect you enough to not disrespect your Mother and respect myself enough to not take disrespect...I'll come back over when you done.....

I turn back to my mother who looked like she just stepped out of a Vogue magazine. Yes, my mother was beautiful, but that was purely on the outside. I asked her, "Why are you here?"

"Oh Zie-Zie, calm down, let's sweep all that under the rug. I'm actually here because I want to you about some exciting news! I'm getting married!" What?! She flashed me her ring finger which now was rocking what looked like almost a 5 carat ring and it replaced my father's original band. It hasn't even been a year.....

I couldn't even find the words nor what emotions I was feeling right now. "Yes, Tyronn and I-" I had to cut her off, "Tyronn as in Tyronn Lue, the coach and your client?!" I'm disgusted at this point. My mother was a travel physical therapist for athletes and one of the best in her field. I swear I've always suspected they were having an affair, but saying anything would have hurt my father even more. He's barely even cold and she's on to the next....

"Yes, we're in love and even though your going through this phase, I still want you to be apart of this moment. I expect you to be in my wedding this summer in Atlanta with your new father".

I corrected her quick, "Step-father. You want me to accept him and you can't accept Breslin? You know you can't just come up in my house making demands, especially when you said whatever to make him leave. Do you even miss him?"

She rolled her eyes before giving me a card, "Here, I'm staying at The W until tomorrow. You can drop by tonight if you want". No asking how I was doing, just criticism the entire time. "I really hope you come to your senses, I've been talking to Tina-"

I had to cut her off. Tina was Xavier's Mom and a victim of domestic violence herself. She was just so naive and went with whatever anyone said, like Gretchen Wieners and my Mom was Regina George. "Stop bringing him up! How can you even say that? Did you know he's with Yamonie?!"

"Well, that sounds like someone who still cares and yes, I know. He's just doing that to make you jealous and that girl has always been jealous of you Zie-Zie, just don't tell her Mother I said that". Yamonie, why on Earth would she be jealous of me? "I just want you to get back on track".

I was fed up now. I shook my head before saying, "On track? I'm more on track than Metro! I bust my ass with school and work. And I already have someone in my life and he's not a phase. Him, the friends I've made, and real mothers I've met out here have been way more supportive than you have ever been! You weren't even there for me in court or when my Dad died because you clearly didn't love him. I could have killed myself, got on drugs, all type of shit because of you! You can't control me anymore, this is my life! I'm not going to marry Xavier, be a doctor, or be in your fucked up wedding! I-" She slapped me.

I picked my head up before looking in her tense anger-filled face. "You are not going to talk to me like that! After all, I've done for you! You wouldn't be here without me!" Is she serious? I got to UCLA by myself!

A tear escaped my eye as I told her, "Get out".

"Mackenzie I'm-" I held my hand up to stop her; I was not going to take a bullshit ass apology. I heard her huff before grabbing her purse and closing the door softly behind her. As soon as it closed, I broke down crying for a few minutes because things just kept piling up in my personal life. I needed some peace....

Just as I was about to call Breslin, my door opened again. I looked and immediately jumped into his arms. "I was waiting in my car and saw her leave, you alright babe? Your face it's, it's swollen". He caressed my cheek. Some days I don't where I would be without him.

I just hugged him as he picked me up, kicked the door and locked it behind him. We just sat together on my couch for a while as I continued to sob and he rubbed my back. I pulled back from the hug, "Thank you and I'm sorry for whatever she said".

"Hey, don't even think about being sorry for her. She's a grown woman Kenz." He rubbed my face as I continued sobbing. "It's ok babe. I don't like seeing you like this. I got you babe, your Mom bothered me but it's nothing I can't handle".

I looked up into his golden eyes and I just had to ask, "What did she say to you?"

He breathed out hard, "Just reminded me of my old life. Called me a mistake, it's crazy how I seem to hear that often. She reminded me of the day I met my family". I was confused until he noticed the look on my face. "My real family..." He trailed off looking down so, I picked his head up.

"What you mean baby?" Breslin looked like he now was on the verge of tears.

"Well, a year ago-"

Santa Monica, CA
January 2016

"Are you sure you want to do this Pud? You know we can always just drive back home". I think this is the most nervous I've ever seen my Mom. I needed to do this, I wanted to do this....

"Yea, I'll be ok" as I looked up to the grand beach house on Santa Monica Blvd. Well, this is the address and the day after my 18th birthday. I got my birthday wish, I found my parents. My Dad and I have been investigating this since I told him I was serious on my 16th birthday. 1624 Forest Hills Drive, we're here. My biological parents both live here.

"Call me if you need me. I'll be right here by the car". My Mom really wanted to go with me, but I needed to do this on my own. I got out the car and heading up the steps and rung the doorbell. I heard quick steps towards the door and it opened and I was astounded by what I saw. A little girl who could pass for my daughter, same eyes, hair color, and even amount of freckles, wow. She clearly wasn't paying attention as she was looking down on her phone. Wow, kids nowadays get phones at like 8 years old.

"We already have a pool boy and a landscaping service-"

"Excuse me, I'm not here for that. I'm actually here to see if either Ryan or Blake Reynolds are here". She rolled her little golden eyes before telling, "Mooooom! Someone is at the door for you!" Wow, so I have yet another sister, sheesh a brother would be nice.

I heard more feet coming and my heart started racing. She turned the corner and there she was, my mother. She was absolutely beautiful, even more so in person than my dreams. Wow, I have her eyes. I think I might have thrown her off by how I was looking at her as she grabbed the girl she called Melanie and told her to go to her room. "Yes, can I help you?" Stop staring and talk.....

"Uhm hi, I know this might seem a little odd, but-" Just then, I heard a man's voice, "Honey, who is it at the door?" Wow, I looked just like him and she noticed it too as her eyes darted back and forth between us. "Excuse me, do we know you?"

I couldn't find the words as I saw both sides of what created me. This was the moment I imagined all my life. "Yes, actually I'm your son. I'm Breslin, Breslin Lively well Carter well technically Reynolds I guess. Uhm, I don't know exactly what to say but I'm so nervous and I've been looking for you guys. So, uh, yea".

Blake seemed tearful and observant of me while Ryan's held anger. Why was he mad? "This is a mistake. You shouldn't be here. Blake, I knew this would happen one day. Look here kid, you were a mistake, you weren't part of our plan, and it was too late to get rid of you. You have to be like eighteen now, we don't owe you anything. We wouldn't have all this if we had you, now don't come looking for a handout. Now, we did the best thing for you, so leave us alone. ". The look on her face was so apologetic and his was the complete opposite as he slammed the door in my face.

I stood there for a few moments before somehow my legs found someway back to where my Mother parked. She was on alert as she soon as she saw me. This was my Mother, always has been. I just got back in the car and buckled up as she joined me in the car moments after and started the car to head back to the Bay. We just drove five hours to SoCal for utter disappointment.

The first words I just got from my father are now etched in my head. A mistake.....weren't part of our plan.....too late to get rid of me.....the best thing for me? I was born into hell, was he fucking serious?

My Mom and I drove in silence on the 5 Freeway as I tried to process what happened. "They never wanted me...." I began talking aloud. "These muthafuckers had another fucking kid and gave me up. Not part of the plan? You clearly planned to get rid of me. Oh, but wait they didn't. You know his bitch ass basically said I should have been aborted. Thought they did the best thing for me so they can enjoy their fucking life, how fucking dare they! They missed out on a great kid who is going make sure a thrown away kid doesn't go through the shit I did!" By now, I was screaming at the top of my lungs and my Mom pulled over on the shoulder. I wasn't breathing so, she went into nurse mode. She came around and opened the door so I could get out and get some air.

The more I thought about it, the angrier, sadder, and more disgusted I got. I overlooked the green pastures and strawberry fields on the side of the freeway when I completely broke down crying and sobbing with my hands on my knees. My Mom was right there rubbing my back and I continued crying.

Well, now my childhood dream is now a live nightmare. I thanked my Mom for everything she's ever done for me and I'm even glad I stole from her that day. Lawrence and Sydney Carter will always be my parents and Ryan and Blake Reynolds were just people who never gave me a chance even as a eighteen year man who just wanted to know his real parents......


"And that's how I met my real parents. Your Mom pretty much said a mild version, but she definitely doesn't want us together. That's evident. But I'm only leaving if you want me to".

How was he so strong and how did he still want to deal with this? He didn't deserve that from my Mother nor his parents. He's been through so much and he's so put together. I couldn't hold it back. "I love you Breslin".

His face held a surprised look as I kissed his lips and hugged him again super tight. "I love you too Kenz". I then told him about her wedding plans and the smack to my face. Bres tenderly kissed my cheek before kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around me. "It's going be ok. I got you baby. I got you". We cuddled up for a bit more before my phone started ringing. I pulled it out my pocket and saw it was from a Atlanta area code. Oh great.....

I answered and put it on speaker phone, "Hello?"

"Is this Mackenzie Carter?", a professional sounding woman came through the phone.

"This is she", I darted my eyes to Breslin who was staring intently. "May I ask who's calling?"

"Yes, this is a deputy from the Dekalb County Sheriff department. We have your friend Yamonie Hunter here-"

I immediately jumped up, "Is everything ok?" Yes, I hated Yamonie for how she hurt me, but I still am concerned about her well being.

"I can't actually say that over the phone for confidentiality reasons. But she listed you as an emergency contact so, I just inform the parties accountable. Would like to speak with her?" Did I?

"Uhm, uh, no not at this time. If she's not charged with anything, tell her I wish to not speak to her at the moment. Tell her I'm sure she can find amazing legal representation courtesy of the Wards". I hung up in his face, just dumbfounded by all the shit thrown my way today.

"You ok babe?" Breslin was studying my face for any signs of discomfort due to what my conversation.

"Can we just lay down please? I got a bad headache".

Breslin once again wrapped his arms around me as we laid back and I tried to rid myself of the stress and unexpected guests.....

SORRY it took so long! A combination of my laptop STILL not being fixed and also my real life Breslin (Justin) and I went out of town to visit his family, BUT I'm back!

5 new parts coming this week!
Comment and lmk what you think!
Thanks for the reads and patience!

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