Crazily Married (Sequel to Cr...

By NoNotCarey_17

194K 8.9K 737

Genesis and Logan are married;Fast forward three years later, they are both their own bosses of very successf... More

Chapter#6- Genesis
Chapter#7- Logan
Genesis- Chapter #11
Chapter 12-Logan
Chapter 13-Genesis
Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)
Chapter 17-Genesis
Chapter 18-Logan
Chapter #19-Genesis
Chapter 20-Logan
Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P
Logan Chapter #22
Genesis Chapter#23
Logan- Chapter #24
Chapter #25-Genesis
I Need Suggestions!!!
Sneak Peek of Four Senses
Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws
Sneak Peek Decision Time!!
Chapter #26-Logan
Its Published!!!!
Chapter #27-Genesis
Chapter #28-The Meeting
Note From The Author

Chapter 16-Logan

5.4K 290 52
By NoNotCarey_17

"I don't give a fuck about their attitudes, Lisa." I say into the phone that I am balancing on my shoulder, while I fix Genesis her breakfast of toasted ham and cheese sandwich with seared salmon- because that's what she had a taste for this morning.
"I'm on fucking maternity leave, I can't just waltz into the office for a meeting."
I pause listening to Lisa's response and roll my eyes.
"Yes, I know that I am not technically on maternity leave. But my wife is that's gotta count for something."
I pour Genesis a glass of apple juice. Ever since she's been pregnant Genesis couldn't seem to keep down any other liquids but apple juice. Coffee, soda, milk, orange juice, cran-Apple, nope, none of it stayed down. Strictly Apple juice.
"What do you mean I have to come in?" I ask as I drizzle the sauce over the salmon. "I'm the motherfucking CEO I don't have to do anything, but pay my taxes, stay white, and die." I finish arranging the food on the plate. "And even the "pay my taxes" thing is an option."
I arrange everything neatly on a tray. And breathe heavily, listening to Lisa plead with me on the phone. "Fine, fine, Lisa. If it means that much to you, I'll go to the fucking meeting."
Plugging my earphones in, I drop my phone into my pocket and pick up the tray of food.
"But I'm going to be late. Like really fucking late, ridiculously late. And I'm not wearing a fucking suit."
I start to walk up the stairs. "Today is casual Friday."
I listen to Lisa on the phone for a second then shrug. "Well, fuck, casual Wednesday, Lisa you know what I mean."
I listen some more as I walk up the stairs. "Yes, for you Lisa, I'll wear a button down. But I'm not promising it will be ironed. Or even clean."
I listen some more as I reach the top of the stairs and gently nudge the bedroom door open with my butt.
"Yeah, I'll tell her you said that. I'll see you in a little bit. You get a raise for dealing with that many F-bombs this early on a Monday."
I listen some more, and roll my eyes . "Fine, Wednesday. I'll see you soon."
Hanging up, I bring the tray of food and sit it in front of Genesis who is already sitting up in bed.
"I heard you yelling. Are you ok?" Genesis asks as she takes a bite of her salmon. "Thanks for breakfast by the way."
I nod. "Nothing. I just have to go in the office for a minute for a quick meeting." I kiss her lightly on the lips. "Do I have any button up shirts?"
Genesis shrugged. "I thought I saw a plaid one in the closet."
I get up and walk towards the closet.
"You're wearing a button up shirt to a meeting?" She asks.
"Yup casual Friday." I say pulling off my shirt and putting on the plaid one.
"It's Wednesday, Logan."
"Dammit, why can't I remember that?"
I say buttoning the last button. "Anyway I'm going to be gone for an hour are you going to be ok?"
Genesis rolls her eyes. "Yes Logan I'm sure I'll be able to manage."
I grin at her. "You're so sexy when you're sarcastic." I lean down and kiss her on the mouth, dipping my tongue in as I did so.
She pulls back and smile at me.
"I got some news." She says excitedly.
I plop down on the bed, like a teen girl waiting for her friend to give her the latest gossip. "Do tell."
Genesis laughs. "Get this...You ready?"
I nod.
"Dani and Elliott.. Are dating."
She looks at me, waiting for my reaction.
I look at her confused.
"How do you know that?"
"I caught them kissing in the hall-" Genesis stops, then looks at me. " did you know?"
I sit back and squint my eyes at her. "How did you know that I knew?"
Genesis gives me a look. "Because you just told me that you knew."
"No.." I say shaking my head. "I asked how did You know."
"But you wouldn't have asked me if I knew if you didn't already know." Genesis says. "So tell me what you know."
"Tell me what you know first."
Genesis gives me another look. "I just saw them kissing. Dani said they've been dating for a -"
"Couple of months," I say finishing for her. "I know."
"Well how much do you know?" Genesis asks.
"The same as you. They've been dating for a couple of months."
"Oh." She sat back. "When did you find out?"
"About two months ago." I say. "Wait before you reach for that pillow-" I say as I watch her reach for the pillow behind her, I'm assuming she was going to use to hit me with- "they told me to promise I won't say anything."
Genesis gives me a look and slowly releases the pillow.
We sit there in silence as she chewed her sandwich thoughtfully. "Is it weird to you? Like them being in-laws and stuff?"
I nod. "Yeah a little..I mean technically, they're not family."
Genesis nods. "Yeah...but.."
I nod. "Yeah..I know."
We sit in silence some more.
"They seem happy though," I offer. Genesis nods in agreement.
"Yeah they do."
We sit in silence for a little bit. Then my phone rings.
I look at the caller ID, and give one last kiss to Genesis.
"I'll call when I'm out the meeting." She nods.
I answer the phone, walking out.
"I told you I was going to be late, Lisa. Now tell them assholes in the office to chill the fuck out. I'm on maternity leave, goddammit."

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