My Human (Book Two)

By Kyrian

163K 8.1K 272

"It's not that easy to just stop loving you. If you leave I'll ways love you. If you die I'll always love you... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

16.6K 455 18
By Kyrian

"Becky! Becky wake up sweetie!" I feel my mom shake me in my bed.

"Mommy I'm tired" I whine. She doesn't say anything except to throw my blankets off of me and pick me up.

When we left the room that's when I noticed the smell of smoke in the air,it got into my lungs and made me cough and made my eyes sting.

"Beth let's go!" I hear my father yell and my mother runs downstairs. I see him standing in the doorway of the front door holding a crossbow,he hands my mother a bag and we start running outside. It's cold out and beginning to snow softly, I hold on to my mom tighter and feel like crying.

"I wanna go home!" I sob and she pats my back.

"We can't sweetie we just can't please stay quiet!" She whispers and I look behind us and see my house creaking and beginning to crumble as flames engulf it.

"We have to run faster they know we're coming and they said to meet us halfway we'll be safe soon" My dad says. I look at him and I suddenly feel the urge to be carried by him but when I extend my arms my mother puts them down.

She stops suddenly and I hear her gasp,"Jerry not that way!" She screams and he looks back at her confused.

I scream when I see a huge dog standing taller than my own father jump out of a bush and latch onto his leg. He screams in pain as the wolf drags him causing him to fall on his back.

"Daddy!" I scream and he throws something at my mother's feet.

"Go now! Find the others!!" He yells and points the crossbow at the beast's head. My mom picks up what he threw at her and begins to run again. She holds my head down and thinks she's able to cover my eyes. She's wrong. I watch as another wolf jumps at my father and bites into his shoulder and drags him away. I don't hear his screams after that. I whimper and bury my head into my mother's hair. I feel her tears hit my nightgown but she continues to run.

She stops suddenly and I don't know why until she leans onto a tree and starts sobbing loudly. She falls to her knees and let's me stand on my own. I don't know what to do. I put my hands on her shoulders and begin to panic.

"Mommy we have to go get daddy!" I scream and she sobs and shakes her head. I jump when I hear the howl of a wolf nearby. My mom snaps her head up and picks me up immediately.

"We're gonna be staying with your grandpa for awhile okay sweetheart?" She says but I don't answer her.

"Rebecca please say something" she begs but I scream instead when I see another huge dog charging for us. The impact knocks me from my mother's arms and sends us rolling into the snow. I cry out when I try standing up,my arm is bleeding and I can't see my mother anywhere in the dark. My feet are beginning to feel numb when I start walking around and call out for her. I shiver and hold myself when the snow starts falling heavier.

"Mommy!" I scream at the top of my lungs but stop when I notice another big dog slowly walk in front of me. I whimper when he shows his teeth at me. He looks just about ready to jump on me when I hear my mother scream and jump on top of him,there's something in her hands and she begins jabbing it into his back several times.

"Run!!" She screams and I do as she says. My tears are blurring my vision and I do as she says. The snow on the ground begins to get deeper and my legs are getting too cold to run through it and I end up finding a hollow log to hide in and cry. I don't hear my mother anymore but I do hear someone walking towards me.

"The girl is here I can smell her" a man's voice says and I cover my mouth to quiet my sobs.

"That fucking bitch almost got my neck with that fucking knife. Ugh" I hear him groan and another laughs.

"I can't believe she got you man. Her husband did take out Louis tho. I got him and gave him the proper punishment" I hear him laugh and this time I can't hold back the loud sob.

"Shut up. I heard her." The first one says and they stop infront of the log I was in. I close my eyes and everything goes quiet. A part of me hopes they didn't find me and are now leaving.

That thought dissappears when a hand punches through the wood above my head and pulls me up by the back of my night gown. His hand is warm and and I kick my legs in the air and scream.

"There you are" he smirks and his other hand wraps around my neck. But it doesn't stay they for long, I hear him hiss in my pain and move his hand back as it sizzles. He drops me and I start crawling away.

"Vince we have to go there are more coming that we can't handle" the other one says and changes into one of those big dogs and runs away. The one that I hurt stares at me for a moment before I see claws extending from his hand. I scream when he slashes at my leg and runs off changing into a dog.

I cry and hold my leg and curl into a little ball crying for my mother. I feel a light shine on me and I look up.

"Thank god. It's Rebecca!" I hear my Grandpa Jeffrey yell and I sob and extend my arms toward him. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around me before picking me up and holding me tighter against him.

"Go find my daughter and her husband now!" He yells at the other men with him. They nod their heads and run in the direction I ran away from.

I sniffle and he lifts my chin up with his hands,"You're alright now becky, we'll find your mommy and daddy" he says but then I see those men return. They shake their heads and my grandfather shuts his eyes for a moment. He looks at me and forces a smile.

"Come on. Let's go home" he says and I begin to shiver.

There was no other home for me. My home was that cabin in the woods where my father took care of us. I never understood what happened that night until I turned 10 and my grandfather told me about werewolves and decided I would no longer attend school. I would be trained to be a werewolf hunter like my mother and father. For 7 years I trained and hunted wolves out of revenge and was excited for the call my uncle Richard sent out to the entire family about a pack that needed to be destroyed. But when I arrived I didn't expect the reason to be over some she-wolf. I was taught to hate all wolves,but when I first saw her chained up to a bed and being mistreated by the wolf who said he would help us I didn't know which side to be on.

It wasn't until her mate came for her and I saw them reunite that I remembered what it felt like to grave that kind of love. All my life I was treated kindly but no one really loved me the way my parents loved me. I was filled with hate with what happened to them. I decided there to serve that girl no matter what. But it wasn't like I had a choice anyways. Especially when he entered the room.

I didn't even see it coming,one moment I was watching Crystal and the next this man was in the door way and I barely had a chance to look at him before he slammed himself against me and I saw his eyes slowly darken and his teeth became enlarged. I opened my mouth to scream but all that came was his mouth around my neck and excruciating pain shot through my body. I almost thought he killed me until the second wave hit me and felt more like I was flying. I never felt so overcome with joy until I realized I had been asleep and I woke up to my nightmare of a reality. I was mated to a wolf. The very thing that killed my parents and the only thing I was taught to kill.

A/N: For new readers/ followers this story involves characters from my first story Rebecca and Jeremy and would probably be better understood if you read that story first. But I hope you enjoy it and continue to read and vote thank you!!!

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