stone cold // tronnor au

By -silvermoons

34.5K 2K 894

the one where troye has slept with every boy on campus, except one. More



1.5K 112 75
By -silvermoons

Connor's POV

"You've got to be kidding me." I sighed.

"Two times in under one hour, Connor. It must be fate." Troye smirked.

By now, Tyler, Zoe, Joe, and Caspar had all joined me outside, clearly amused at the situation.

"Yeah, whatever. Bye." I said, starting to walk away.

I didn't get far, as Troye's hand closed around my wrist and pulled me back. I managed to steady myself, stopping before I went crashing into his chest.

Not that I would mind if I did.

Wait, what?

Actually, I would mind. I would mind it a lot.

"You okay? You look like you're in pain." Troye asked, confused.

"I am." I muttered, still not believing what was going through my head right now.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked. As if he actually cared.

"You." I shrugged.

"Aw, nice to know you think about me." He smirked.

"Only to remind myself of the huge dick you are." I glared at him.

He opened his mouth to say something witty, before I held my hand up to stop him. "Don't say it."

"But-" He started.

"Shut the hell up." I interrupted.

He feigned hurt, putting his hand over his heart. "That's not very nice."

"Okay, well, that's great. I'm going to English now." I said, wanting to get out of the conversation.

"Cool, let's walk together." He said, standing by my side.

"What? No." I said, horrified. "I think I'm fine walking by myself, thanks."

"Don't be mean, Con." Tyler piped up. "The rest of us have that thing to do anyway, so you can walk with Troye first."

I turned to look at him, with a pleading look in my eyes. "Yeah, well, I'll go help you guys with that thing, since you were just telling me how much you needed my help. Right?"

"We don't really need your help anymore, so we'll go do the thing now and leave you guys be." He replied, with a glint in his eye. "We'll see you later. Bye."

I stared at him, clenching my jaw. "Fine. Bye."

I waved at them, as we started walking away. As soon as Troye turned away, I glared at Tyler, who was staring at me, obviously proud of himself.

"I fucking hate you." I mouthed.

He grinned and walked away.

"So, did you do the homework?" Troye asked, as we walked side-by-side back to the campus.

"No." I replied, bluntly.

"Is that it?" He asked, looking at me.

"What?" I ignored his gaze and kept looking forward.

"Just a 'no'. Is that all I get?" He asked, pouting.

"Well, what did you expect? An explanation as to why I didn't do my homework? I think I'll save it for the teacher, thanks." I stated, scornfully.

"Okay." He said, simply.

Good. The conversation was over. All I had to do was make it back to school without talk-

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked, suddenly.


"Because you're the most conceited and pretentious asshole I've ever met." I said, as if it was really obvious.

"I see." He laughed.

"It's really not that funny." I pointed out.

"It kind of is." He grinned.

"No, it's not." I shook my head.

"Yes, it is." He shot back.





"No." I said, looking at him.

"Yes." He looked down at me, with a big smile on his face.

As much as I hated to admit it, it was a beautiful smile, which made me wonder how someone with such a terrible personality had ended up with such a stunning smile.

Troye stared at me, his smile fading. "Everything okay?"

After realising that I was staring, I blushed and looked away. "Yeah."

"So, tell me about yourself." He said, changing the subject.

"You're not at all bothered by the fact that I just told you I hate you?" I asked, smiling.

"Nope." He shrugged.

"Okay, wow." I raised my eyebrows. "So what do you want to know?"

"Your interests. Do you like music?" He asked.

"I love music. Especially pop." I gushed. "But not the type of mainstream pop you hear everywhere nowadays. I'm more into electropop. Oh yeah, and R&B."

"Who's your favourite artist?" He asked, seemingly interested.

"I absolutely love Alessia Cara. Her music is just amazing." I answered without hesitation.

His jaw dropped. "No way. Same. I didn't know many people knew her."

"Not many people do. I thought I was the only one." I said, surprised.

"Me, too." He chuckled.

"And I certainly didn't think someone like you listened to her." I added, laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, looking at me.

"I just didn't think that someone so shallow would like music with such deep meaning and lyrics." I pointed out.

"Okay... I'm just going to let that one slide." He shook his head. "You should really learn to not judge a book by its cover, you know."

I shrugged, ignoring him. "What's your favourite song of hers?" I asked.

"Well, I love every single song of her's, but I think River Of Tears is my favourite." He replied, scoffing at the subject change. "What's yours?"

"Probably Scars To Your Beautiful or Stars." I answered, as we walked through the school gates.

We kept talking about Alessia and music, and it seemed as if Troye's ego was shrinking as we talked.

It felt as if he was just a normal, down-to-earth boy, who didn't look as if he had slept with every guy at our school.

He seemed... Nice.

"Are you single?" He asked, all of a sudden.

"Woah, where did that come from?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Are you?"

"Yes." I answered, apprehensively. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just wondering. So if I was to invite you over to my room after our last class today, you'd totally be up for it? I mean, how could anyone say no to me, though?" He asked, with a smug smile on his face.

And just like that, asshole Troye was back.

I sighed, dramatically. "You- wow. I'm so done."

Luckily, we were nearly at our English class, which meant that I could get out of this awkward conversation soon.

I ignored his calls, as we turned the corner and walked into our English class. I made my way to my seat, which was at the opposite side of the class from Troye's seat.

Just after Mr Dawson stood up and started teaching, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw my classmate, Mikey, looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked him, making sure Mr Dawson wasn't looking.

"Um, Troye keeps telling me to tell you that you guys have, and I quote, an 'undeniable connection'." He rolled his eyes.

I knew Mikey was one of the more intelligent boys in our year, yet he, too, had not been able to resist the temptation that was Troye Mellet.

"Tell him to go fuck himself." I told him.

Just before I turned to face the front again, I glanced at Troye, who was smirking at me.

"Never going to happen." I mouthed at him.

"It will." He grinned.

"In your dreams."


Hey guys! I know my chapters are really short, but I hope my frequent (ish) updates make up for that :)

I woke up this morning to see that Clandestine by conbontroyeboy was updated yes yes good good

Also I just noticed that I passed 50 followers :) I don't really pay attention to the amount of followers I have on here, but I guess you could say I'm pretty famous now ...
But seriously thank you guys :)

- see you guys next chapter - 

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