Ears I Never Had (BWWM)

By melaninjaye

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Mackenzie Young has always been forced to not "do her". Mackenzie has had life planned out for her every sinc... More

Chapter 1: This is L(IT)
Chapter 2: Sparkle & Snapchat
Chapter 3: Who Am I?
Chapter 4: Fitting In
Chapter 5: Plots, Plans, and Partners in Crime
Chapter 6: Freshie Fun
Chapter 7: Uber Everywhere
Chapter 8: Read Receipts and Job Interviews
Chapter 9: In-n-In
Chapter 10: Sweet Santa Barbara
Chapter 11: Omega Oil
Chapter 12: Points Made and Proven
Chapter 13: Cracking Shells
Chapter 14: Hunger Pains
Chapter 15: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 16: Lost and Saved
Chapter 17: Start of Forever
Chapter 18: Now All This
Chapter 19: Promises Made
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Grateful Gifts
Chapter 22: Man of The Hour
Chapter 23: Meet the Carters Part One
Chapter 24: Meet the Carters Part Two
Chapter 26: Never Leave
Chapter 27: The Boyfriend Tag
Chapter 28: Goal Accomplished
Chapter 29: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 30: Going MIA
Chapter 31: Perfection
Chapter 32: At Fault
Chapter 33: Wishes
Chapter 34: Self Harm
Chapter 35: Seven Days
Chapter 36: All in the Family
Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares
Chapter 38: Xavier's Ways
Chapter 39: Clues and Missed Messages
Chapter 40: Free and Now Locked Up
Chapter 41: Guilty (or Nah)?
Chapter 42: Ears I Never Had
Sequel: Eyes I Never Forgot

Chapter 25: Carter Christmas

698 21 12
By melaninjaye

December 25th, 2016
Christmas Day
Oakland, CA

"Babe wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas! Ugh, you keeping Santa waiting!" I started cracking up laughing as I heard Breslin outside my door. I rolled to look at the time and it was 6:00am. Jesus!

"Get used to it girl. Your boyfriend and Lovie always wake up at the ass crack of dawn, and drags everybody else up, Christmas is a whole day Bres, we could of done this at 9", Brina said also from the doorway. He just rolled his eyes.

"You know I missed y'all, but boy oh boy I be glad when y'all go back home, too early for this shit. Thought y'all were doing with this when y'all were 13". I heard Mr. Law from door the hall and I see more and more where Breslin gets his sense of humor from.

"Get up Kenz! I'm ready to open my gifts". Ok, he needs to calm down. He picked me up out of bed to kiss me. "Merry Christmas baby". He kissed me again. "And happy one month anniversary". Holy fuck, I forgot our first anniversary. I mean thank God I got him multiple gifts, but awww one month official.

I'm cheesing from ear to ear as I tell him, "Merry Christmas and happy anniversary Boo Boo Bear". He rolled him eyes and let me go while I laughed and went to the bathroom to do the morning regular.

I finally made my way downstairs to the living room where I was joined soon after by the rest of the Carters. I was sleepily laying my head on Breslin's shoulder while we waited on his parents. Ms. Syd and Mr. Law were really the definition of true love.

"Alright, who want to go first?" Ms. Syd said.

"Me! Daddy, Momma. Zerin and I -" Lori then jumped up off the couch and ran off in the direction of the bathroom. Everyone looked to Zerin who rubbed the back of his neck and stood up to head in the direction of his wife, he continued her sentence though. "-we're uh pregnant. We're giving you your first grandchild!" He then ran off in the direction of Lori who I assume was throwing up.

The room broke out in surprise and happiness as I was thankful to be apart of such a big moment. Breslin was going be an Uncle. He looked so happy, Mr. Law and him were already talking about hoping it was a boy too, just terrible. "I'm going to be a Granny". Ms. Syd was cheesing from ear to ear.

"Ugh, she's first to do everything!" Lovie said in a joking manner.

"Girl, if you don't shut up!" Brina pushed her and I laughed through it all. Lori and Zerin returned, hugs were given, and more gifts were given. The siblings exchanged gifts as well as the parents gave their kids gifts. I took this time to check my phone and not even a text message from my Mom. Oh well, I guess, I mean it hurts, but it's whatever.

"Babe, you want me to go get the bags from upstairs?" Breslin asked me, I nodded yes as his family looked confused. I had got them each small last minute gifts last week, even Duke. Thank God for online shopping. Everyone was really surprised and then I was bombarded with thank yous and hugs.

"Oh yea, you can stay now". Brina said as she smelled the Bath and Body Works candles I got her.

Lori threw some tissue paper at her, "Just rude". Ms. Syd and Mr. Law even surprised me and got me a VS Pink windbreaker along with the other girls. I was really thankful that they even thought of me.

"Well damn, can I give my girl her gifts now?" Breslin was always so jealous and wanting of my time, I loved it. Ms. Syd slapped the back of his head and gave him yet another warning about cussing in her house. "Alright Ma da- dang". We all laughed.

I was sitting with anticipation as Breslin pulled out four bags from the hallway closet. He sat the bags before me in a line and told me to open them left to right and the bags went from big to small. He was sitting next to me watching the whole time, so was his family. I felt nervous as the spotlight was on me.

The first bag I opened I almost cried because he got me a ring light for my videos. All the real YouTubers like Jackie Aina, Vicky Logan, the Glam Twinz have one and I was too geeked that I started screaming.

"Oh Lord another Lovie", Zerin said. No Lovie shrieked, I screamed. I hugged Breslin as he told me to continue. This was already too much, basically a $150 piece of equipment. The second bag was a shoe box, and inside were a pair of olive green Huaraches. I saw these three weeks ago when we went to the mall; I refused for him to pay for them, but he knew how much I wanted them.

"You didn't. Ugh, I hate you Bres". He just smiled before whispering in my ear, "You know you love me".

"Hey now, I ain't ready for two grandchildren now. Cut all that whispering shit out". Ms. Syd said while Lovie was trying to hustle me for my shoes because we wore the same size. The third bag I was too outdone with, he got me my favorite, well his favorite fragrance on me, Vera Wang Princess.

"Well damn Bres, can you introduce me to some of your friends that give gifts like you do?" Lovie said and I just smiled because I truly had the best boyfriend ever.

"Now, this last one is your anniversary gift babe. Read the card though - not aloud though, especially while this one is in the room". He said pointing at Sabrina.

I laughed and opened the card while I sat the little bag in my lap.

Mackenzie, Kenz, my babe, my everything. Since you've came into my life, I've seen the best me ever and it's because of you. Not just with school, being President, pledging, none of that, just overall as a person. This is the happiest I've been and it's because of my Queen, my life support, my reason to wake up just so I can make you smile. You know I'm with you, flaws and all. I can't wait until we're old like Carl and Ellie from Up (Remember that night we were boohooing over that damn movie lol), but I'm glad, thankful, blessed, I can brag different like Jay-Z because you're my girl and a true key. The most beautiful, kindest, caring girl and I'm so happy you're mine. This gift will show it.

Happy One Month Anniversary,
Your Boo Boo Bear Breslin
(Stop Calling Me That Shit)

I was laughing and crying at the same time as Breslin kissed my forehead and told me to open the gift. I heard all the women in the background making comments. I opened the bag to find a small box that I opened and instantly started tearing up, he got me a gold chain with a B charm. It was beautiful.

I felt like shit, but at the same time so loved by the man in my life. Here I am, holding back from him and he accepts me, flaws and all. I gave him a hug and a small peck because I did not want to go into a full lip service session. I met Ms. Syd's eyes and I knew what she was telling me. I told him thank you as he put it around my neck. "Well, not that I'm expecting anything babe, but uh did you get ya mans anything?"

I slapped his chest, wiped my eyes, and went to go get his gifts which I had in my guest room. I came back downstairs with two bags. "Well, you know I don't have a Presidential scholarship, so I could only get you one gift, but I hope you like it".

"Of course I will babe. Anything you get me". I passed him the bags and saw him unravel it. "Holy shit". Ms. Syd shot him a look as he pulled a Durant away Warriors jersey and a Curry home Warriors jersey. "My bad Ma, but thank you babe, you know I wanted these". Breslin loved jerseys of all kinds. He kissed me, and even though his face showed it, I had a surprise.

"Well, you can choose which one you like for this". I gave him an envelope which he was confused when I gave it to him. It was until he opened it did I get the reaction I worked double overtime for.

He screamed so high. "Holy fucking shit! No the fuck you didn't. I fucking love you". He grabbed his phone and went to Snapchat, "Y'all I got the best fucking girlfriend, I'm going to see the fucking Warriors play the Cavaliers for Christmas! I'm sorry Ma". Breslin picked me up and spun me around before kissing me all over my face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you babe. Is this why I didn't see you almost at all these past couple weeks? C'mon, let's get ready".

I had to laugh and calm him down because the game didn't start until 2. "She's a keeper son". I heard Mr. Law in the background and I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw how excited he, Breslin, and Zerin were. Just then, I wasn't the only one outdone with a surprise; Mr. Law bought him and Ms. Syd a trip to Thailand where they flew out tomorrow. This was honestly just another great holiday with Breslin and people who I knew would be apart of my life.....

mackinhangin: I could go forever with this caption, but I'll keep it simple, an Oakland boy stole my heart 💙😘💛 (It's still Hawks though) #HappyOneMonthAnniversary #WarriorsVsCavs #MerryXMas #BaecationInTheBay

breslininc: Best Christmas weekend ever 🌲🎁, back home with my love (She going be a Warriors fan FT soon 😝) 🏀😘 #HappyOneMonthBabe
#BestGiftEver #BlessedBeyondMeasure

We took pics inside and outside of the Oracle Arena where the game was held. When I saw the date and location of the game, I knew I had to work to get my Breslin the best. We watched the Splash brothers do damage against the Cavs and we were even on the Mistletoe Cam. I loved being around Breslin and even though the "Merry Christmas" text I got from my Mom made me feel some type of way, I let it go. The crew even hit me up and FaceTimed me. Nothing was going to ruin today. I just wanted to see my baby happy and I swear I saw all 32 of his beautiful teeth. Goal accomplished and the Warriors won 111-87.....

"Babe, thank you. This has been the best Christmas ever". He wrapped his arms around me as we waited for his car to pull to valet. Breslin gave a squinted eye look before he pulled me close and up to kiss him. He gave me such sensual kisses that his lips felt like rose petal pillows. We heard a bystander yell some commentary before Breslin and I stopped to laugh.

His car pulled up before he opened the door for me and got in. He held my hand the whole way to his house and we pulled up to noticed a couple of cars missing and Lovie coming out the house looking really nice and a car waiting for her. "Who is that?" Breslin asked in a defensive brother mode. I asked though, "Where everybody go?"

"Twin, remember I'm grown and who's older; Momma and Daddy staying over at Nana's house tonight, Zerin and Lori went home, Dre came by so you know where Brina is, and I'm out!" She skipped down the porch stairs as the gentleman in the car opened her door.

"Be careful and next time tell him pick you up from the door!" He yelled after her. I yanked his hand back so we could head in the house so he could get out Lovie's business and because I was a little cold. It was strange how the house was quiet when it was booming with life earlier. It was only around 10 when we got back from the game.

Breslin and I both changed clothes and took quick showed before I joined him in his old room. I picked one of his huge shirts and a pair of boyshorts. I stepped in his room and it was like seeing what adolescent Bres was like with movie and hip-hop posters plastered around, shoe boxes, and random trophies. "1st place in a spoken word contest? What?" I said as I picked up the golden mic trophy.

"You know ya mans got a way with words beautiful." I I looked at Breslin who was casually laying down in his basketball shorts and beater. Working out with the boys back in LA and pledging really has him super toned. Damn near looked like Chris Evans in all the Captain America movies. "I know I'm fine Kenz, you always did stare". I sucked my teeth and play with new favorite piece of jewelry, my chain. A moment later, Breslin walked behind me speaking into my neck, "Say you didn't". His dick was pressed into my ass and I love that I was the one to have that effect on him.

"I didn't, you were the one with the staring probl-" I yelped as Bres began caressing my neck with his lips and kisses that made me squirm. I turned around to face him and only before he leaned down to kiss me and slipped his tongue into my mouth softly. Breslin picked me up before walking us over to the bed and I'm sitting down in his lap. We pulled back for a few moments staring at each other before laughing. "I'm ready Bres".

My clueless, respectful baby was lost. "To go to bed already babe?" I shook my head no before lifting off of him to stand off and take off my shirt, standing in nothing but my boy shorts. Confidence came with me when it came to him. Breslin's eyes were roaming my body hungrily before he said, "You sure Kenz? I want to, believe me, especially you standing there, but I need you to tell me what you want babe". He looked like he was itching to touch me still sitting on his bed.

I looked him in his eyes and said, "I want you to make love to me". Breslin got off the bed and made his way over to his phone to put on some and over to me once again. He kissed me on my forehead before picking me up again, but this time laying me down on the bed. Breslin soon joined after to adorn my body with kisses before sliding my panties down and tossing them aside. He dived head first into my pussy and as always had me coming back to back within minutes.

He came back up and removed his beater as I rubbed up and down those sexy abs of his. I couldn't see because it was dark, but I heard Zayn's "PillowTalk" and felt his warmth against my leg. Breslin reached to what I assume is a condom out of his wallet before kissing me passionately. "You're so beautiful". He resumed kissing me before ripping the foil packet open and rolling the Magnum down his pink length. He slowly hovered on top of me and kissed me and I slightly whimpered as he started entering me. "You ok babe?"

I nod by head as Breslin continues to enter me inch by inch until he fills me up. We stay like that for a while kissing before his body starts rocking back and forth with mine. Fuck, I miss this feeling and coming from him, this is a 100 times better. He grips my legs to bring them up as he rolls and slams his hips into mine as I come. "Mmm Bres".

"Already saying my name baby?" He continues to deliver deep strokes as I groin and he is still talking shit. "Fuck, my pussy needed me. Look how wet she is for me?" Shit, I loved when he talked like this. Breslin was so blessed in so many departments including sexual. The head, foreplay and dick was amazing, I had the best of all worlds.

Breslin lifted both legs on his shoulders before he started giving death strokes I couldn't take. "Stop running Kenz. You wanted this dick, take it". I had lost count of how many times I'd come when Breslin turned over to hit it doggystyle and reached around to finger my clit.

I was moaning and groaning as I met Breslin's strokes and I could tell he was about to come. "Mmmm shit babe...thick ass...fuck!" I knew that last cuss word did it and he withdrew himself from me and somewhat collapsed. I felt a dip in the bed as Breslin got up to go get a warm cloth to wipe us down with and throw away the condom. He soon returned, breathing semi-hard, but kissed me. "You know you're basically my wife now right? And you got the good juice-box? Done deal, Mackenzie Carter".

I couldn't help but laugh as I leaned down to find the shirt I had on. Breslin was smiling from ear to ear like the cat that swallowed the canary. I felt super shy around him again as we just cuddled in the darkness. I really am in love....

I started to doze off before I heard my phone ringing on his nightstand. I saw it was Ty, randomly calling me at almost midnight, I decided to let it go to voicemail since Breslin wore me out and I was exhausted.

Shortly after my phone started ringing, Breslin's phone started ringing. "Ahhhh what the fuck does he want?". He reluctantly leaned over to answer his phone. "Wassup Ant?" Next thing I know Breslin sat up, looking confused and angry, I rose up as well. "What? What the fuck mean bro?"...."Nah FaceTime me right now yo". He hung up looking pissed as Ant was calling him via FaceTime.

"What's wrong babe?" He held up his phone to answer the video call and I was shocked at what I saw. My studio.....

I heard Ant and Ty's voices as I saw the debris and trash around my studio. "Yeah, we came to get something from Ty's place and I noticed the door looked open. It looks like they just fucked up shit, but didn't take nothing bro. Mack, I'm sorry man". All of my clothes were bleached or cut, my electronics covered in water, and everything thrown around. I couldn't even begin to think right now.

"Yo, what the fuck?" I heard Ty in the background. Ant ran to where she was in my bathroom and in blue lipstick on my mirror the word "Bitch" was written. Of course, he would write it with his favorite color. "Mack, do you know who did this?"

I was frozen and stuck in the bed as I couldn't answer Ty's question because of the look Breslin was giving me. "Aye, call the police and file a report. We'll be on the way back tomorrow, thanks man". I've never heard this tone before, and I'm mad that our perfect day is ending like this. He's looking at me with an angry frowned face and I just fear the worst at the moment. With my studio, with my relationship, and finally with my safety. "What the fuck is going on Kenz?" I didn't realize I wasn't breathing and I was having an anxiety attack until everything went black....

Finally #25!
Comment/Let me know what you think!
Things are going get interesting!
Appreciate the reads!
What do you think is going to happen?

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