Stolen (Seventeen AU Fanfic)

By Anjo-1316

185K 5.3K 1.5K

[UNEDITED] From a normal life to a life that doesn't even exist. What could a mere human girl do once she mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author's note (12/12/20)

Chapter 4

6.1K 172 146
By Anjo-1316

*Eun-Jeong's POV*

I took the paper from Mrs Min's hand and read it.

Your reason for being here is because me and my husband are going to sleep for a longer term but only for a year. In this one year you must follow these rules;

1. You must obey what my sons tell you to do. Oh and call them master and if they give you permission you can call them by their names or nicknames.

2. You will feed them blood when they are thirsty.

3. You will cook them what they like to eat. The maid won't cook but they will do the laundry.


5. Get Jeonghan and Wonwoo's relationship back.

6. You will accompany Chan to sleep. (wait for him to fall asleep before you go)

7. Wake up 1hr before my boys wake up. They sleep at 6am to 4pm.

8. Accompany my sons to school. Chan and Hansol are still at high school and the rest are at university.

9. Make my son's bond more tight so they will not fight ever again.

10. Do NOT try to escape from here because you will be lost in the maze.

You will be living here so your valuables and clothing are all already moved into your room. If you are in need to go shopping be sure to tell the maids or the butlers and bring one of my boys to accompany you. Once one year have passed you will go back to your normal life and if you do well you get to have a choice of keeping your memories or I will brainwash you.

"Mrs Min I will accept this but do I just have to follow these rules for a year and then I can leave?" I asked Mrs Min.

"Yes, as it is said in the paper." stated Mrs Min

"Um... Can I know your son's names?" I asked again.

"You will see them later ate breakfast which is at 5 pm. Now I will send someone to accompany you to your room and wait for someone to call you out for the meeting. In the mean time get dressed in the clothing that is on your bed. Now the time is 4:30 so you have 30 mins to get ready"

"Yes, Mrs Min, I will do that." I said in formal speech.

"Oh and after 1 year and if I see my sons attached to you and that they love you, you will get the choice of staying or leaving. said Mrs Min with a smile.

"Yes, Mrs Min." I replied.

Suddenly Mrs Min whistled and a maid came in.

"Follow me Miss Park." said the maid she lead the way.

I bowed to Mrs Min as I left the room. When I left the room I was amazed to see how luxurious the mansion or house is but it seemed to be big enough to be a castle. We walked up the stairs to the third floor and their were three rooms which seemed to be the masters rooms . We walked to the right and saw another room at the very end of the corridor.

*The boys room door*

*Eun-Jeong's room door*

I went inside my room and the room was bigger than my apartment, though my apartment is already very small. (Since I can't be bothered describing how the room looks like I will just out a photo and sorry if the photos are too big.)

"I will come back when Lady Min says so." said the maid as she went out the door.

I looked around still amazed about how big this room is. As I remembered what Mrs min said I took a shower and got dressed in the clothing Mrs Min told me to wear.I did my hair in a bun but it was messy but I didn't care.

Not to mention I was really scared back then but now that I will be living with Minghao I feel a little relieved that I will be next to someone I know.

I put on the pendant that was left by my biological mother. The pendant was really precious to me so I can't loose it as the pendant has the only family photo of my real parents and me.

I walked to the mirror next to the desk and carefully looked at myself. I saw the scars on myself and I regretted wearing the dress as the scar on my right arm could not be covered.

Since I got no choice still wore the dress and let my scars be seen by Minghao and I really didn't want him to worry.

*dress that Eun-Jeong is wearing*

*Knock Knock*

I went to the door and opened it and saw the same maid. I looked back to my room and looked at the clock that was on the wall and it was 5 pm on the dot. I looked back to the maid ans she was already at the stairs. When I took a step i suddenly tripped over something, luckily I didn't fall. I looked at the thing that made me trip it was a pair of heels. (picture below)

It was the first time I ever wore high heels, I placed them on my foot and they fitted perfectly. I tried walking and it was no problem though I couldn't find my balance and nearly fell. But of course I found my balance before I reached the floor and I walked down the stairs quickly before I loose sight of the maid.

We stopped at a very big double door and the maid knocked. Then I heard Mrs Min's voice and she said come in. Only I went in because the maid already left to somewhere. In front of me there were 13 boys sitting at the dinning table and Mrs Min and Mr Min sitting opposite of each other.

"Eun-Jeong!!!" Shouted Minghao as he stood up and rushed towards me. I tried to back away but I was too late and Minghao hugged me very tight.

"Master Minghao...t-to tight!" I said with shortness of breath...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Author's Note:

Sorry if my chapters are too long and if come pictures are too big.

I hope you enjoyed this book so far. \^.^/

Thank You!!


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