Remember? (Gray Fullbuster X...

By MyHeroLimps

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DISCONTINUED!! You wake up in a strangers house and hear two guys talking a different room. You don't rememb... More

What happened?
Dragon Slayer
I'm in a guild!
My first job Part 1
My first job Part 2
Team Natsu
Bad idea. . .
Moving and. . . swooning?
My friends stalker almost killed me
My childhood
Truth or Dare
Nail Painting
Oh great
Fights and memories
Sympathy and shopping
Battling between ships, in two ways.
Not so strangers
Subconious fear
The library theif
Mister and Miss Fiore
All for you
Perfect planning
Love Potion?
Nothing at all
All my fault
Stuck in a daze
Cant Watch

So much worse

2K 77 57
By MyHeroLimps

It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest, squeezing all the air out of my lungs. I have to do this, there's no getting out of it. This is what I signed up for.

My feet start running as soon as they hit the ground, leaving the guild and a bunch of shouting guild members. They can't know, I can't let them find out. They'd try to come and help me but I refuse to be responsible for any of my friends deaths.

Entering my apartment complex, I run straight for the stairs, not bothering to take the elevator. All I can hope is that no one follows me. My door slams behind me as I continue running till I enter my room, pulling out a notebook and pen.

Sadness starts to build up in my chest, creating a feeling I'm way to familiar with. I flop onto my bed and stare at an empty page I randomly flip to. A tear rolls down my cheek. I don't bother wiping it away since I'm aware there will be many more.

My pen flys across the paper, making scribbles that barely look like letters as I frantically write an explanation to my friends so they know what happened when I die. This one is specifically for Gray though.

Dear Gray,

If your reading this, I'm sorry. It means I'm either dead or about to be. I'm making a separate letter explaining why I just need to admit something.

I love you.

And I have for a while. I didn't realize to the degree it was until today, when I have to leave everyone I've become friends with behind.

I never told you cause that's not something I'd ever be able to do. I don't like rejection which is what would happen if I were to confess. You have Juvia who is beautiful and obviously likes you a lot.

You'd never choose me and I have to come to terms with that so I just push my feelings down whenever I'm around you and carry on.

I just needed to get it off my chest before I do this one final thing so I can be completely focused. Goodbye.

Your friend,


Within two minutes I'm done writing a full page worths of words expressing my feelings. While signing my name at the end I think of just how stupid the idea of confessing to Gray through letter is. If I'm gonna die what's the point of writing this to him?

The sound of crumpling paper is all that can be heard as I roll the letter into a ball and throw it to the other side of my room. Now I have to explain my death to my best friends.

Dear whoever reads this letter first,

By the time you read this I'll either be dead or almost dead. I'm sorry but I couldn't let you know what I had to do. If anyone followed me my brother would've killed them right in front of me and it would not have been a quick, painless death.

I'll explain what happened then. Right now I'm about to leave my house after I received my last memories. I ran here to write this so you have an explanation as to why I've done what I've done. My brother was the one sending me the letters. He killed both of my parents and abused me all through my childhood. My best friend gave me instructions on how to find the dragon I learned my earth powers from in order to escape from my brother.

But my brother, Kuzaki, found me. He sent me a letter saying he'd let me forget everything about my past. I'd have two years to train my powers and after I got my last set of memories left I'd have to fight him, to the death.

That day is today so I have to go and fight him. I probably won't make it and don't bother coming to try and help me, you'll be to late. Thank you for everything you've done for me.



One final tear drops onto the paper, smearing some words. I close my eyes and exhale deeply before folding the letter. My sketch pad sits in the corner which reminds me of the pictures I had drawn of each person on Team Natsu. I finished them yesterday and wanted to deliver them but didn't have time. Guess nows the last chance. I'll leave them at Grays house with the letter since its on the way to the train station.

I can cry as hard as I want to for a few minutes before I have to make my way to the train station and that's exactly what I do. I grab my pillow and burry my face into it, sobs racking my body. By the time the few minutes are over my throat is raw and face is covered in dry tears.

The letter and drawings beacon me to pick them up and face what I need to. I grab them and take off running for Grays house, wasting no time waiting around for someone to come and find me.

Once at his house I slip the papers under his door, not even stopping to catch my breathe before sprinting to the bus stop. The bus that would take me to near the cliff was just arriving, almost as if Kuzaki had planned the exact moment I would show up.

I buy a ticket, getting weird stares directed towards my blood shot eyes and heaving body. The train was practically empty, creating an unsettling atmosphere. I'm am defiantly not prepared for this.

I want to run. Far away like I did two years ago. It's impossible for that to happen. My eyelids droop from crying, like an overwatered plant. A few minutes later my head hits the table with a thump from almost falling asleep. I can't fight like this, I'll never even have a chance at winning in this condition so I lay my head down to rest during the forty-five minute journey.

My alarm buzzes on the table after what feels like two minutes. In reality, the train has already reached the station while I was snoozing. The cliff was within sight. Seeing it made me threaten to spill the little contents I had in my stomach all over the floor.

Exiting the bus, I start my climb up the big hill to where a cliff overlooks the town and ocean. I couldn't cry anymore if I wanted to, all the tears are drained out of my body. This experience has made me realize just help weak I am, I've never been strong.

The tiny nap I took did help my energy level. Before I know it the top of the giant hill is in sight.

"Welcome, (Y/n)." The figure that's been haunting me greets from behind. I turn around to see my fully grown brother. His dark hair swoops over one eye that has a black eye patch on it. (Picture above.) "I've grown up quite a lot since last time you saw me, huh? Isn't it weird how hair grows darker overtime?"

It's probably cause of how evil your soul is. I think to myself. He walks towards me, limping from the permeant injury done to his leg.

"I'm sad to see none of your friends tagged along, I really wanted to have fun with them. . ." His sinister and ominous voice is enough to send chills creeping across my skin, paired with the odd way he words things is even more terrifying. I'm just glad no one I care about came so they won't be hurt by him. "Well if you're not going to say anything I guess we should start."

Before he even finished the sentence he starts his attack, shooting a chain from his left hand, his other forms into the shape of a gun. Several bullets shoot out from the tips of his fingers. I shouldn't be surprised that he's learned more powers since two years ago. He must've started learning Bullet Magic after I left since he can use Chain Magic in one hand while shooting with the other.

Immediately my reflexes kick into action, jumping over the chain and dodging the three bullets he's shot. I focus my power into my hand, feeling rock and land engulf my whole arm up to my shoulder. He directs his chain toward my ever growing arm. I didn't see the grappling hook at the end of the chain, almost dislocating my arm as he yanks the chain back. I swipe the sharp claws of rock like a cat, tearing the chain is half, grappling hook still stuck in my arm.

"Impressive. I guess running off to that dragon wasn't such a fitta move after all." (Fitta is a Swedish word, if you really want to know what it means then you can look it up 😂.) Kuzaki purses his lips as he talks out loud to himself. I pull the three pronged hook out of my arm and toss it off the back of the cliff.

Suddenly someone appears over the side of the hill coming from town.

"Oh goody! We have company!" Kuzaki chimes, looking over to see a shirtless Gray standing there. No, it can't be him. He sprints to me, blocking my view of Kuzaki.

He's fake, (Y/n). I tell myself but it feels so real. It's just Kuzakis illusion magic or he would have captured Gray by now. Within seconds Kuzaki is going to strike while I'm to busy focused on fake Gray.

"(Y/n)" The fake Gray yells. A sliver of doubt grows in me. Before Kuzaki couldn't make them talk but I have to trust my heart, knowing it's not truly Gray.

"Even if you are an illusion, I'm sorry." I whisper before whipping a hand out, cause several rock spikes to protrude from the ground. Gray dissipates into the air making me sigh in relief. Kuzaki clutches his right hand that got pierced by the tip of a spike, creating a hole in it.

"You are so dead." Kuzaki growls while taking off running around me, creating several copies of himself and then slows down so all of them slowly circle around me. "Aw, are you a little confused?" They all speak at the same time.

The ground starts to shake beneath me but I know for sure I'm not causing this. So what is it? The sky starts to turn a golden color and a huge wolf, about a story tall peaks its head up from off the edge cliff. It snarls, showing its big fangs. A chain sweeps under my feet and knocks me on my back.

Kazuki knew I'd be distracted by his life like illusion long enough for him to get a hit in. I palm the ground, trying to get up but Kuzaki brings the chain back down on my leg, not shattering it but enough to have me roll back to the ground in pain. The chain continues to hit me on my arms, stomach, and sides, bruising me more and more with each hit.

I feel liquid coming up from my throat and spit it out on the ground. It's pure blood, meaning I'm internally bleeding, badly at that.

"Goodbye." Kuzaki says, aiming his gun hand at me once again. "Explosive bullets."

He strikes my side, hopefully not damaging any vital organs, but that's not what concerns me. What concerns me is the explosion didn't kill me, in fact it's worse.

It blew me over the edge, leaving me hurling towards the city. There's no way I'll survive this. Pretty soon I'll just be a mark on the ground. I close my eyes and focus on my last living moments. Memories of Gray flash in my mind.

Him finding me in front of the guild and kindly taking me into his home, going on my first job with me, him saving me from Juvia, when he walked in on me changing, painting his nails, waking up in his arms, being on the parade float. They all seem so distant now like looking back at an old picture album of your childhood.

"(Y/n)?!" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. A voice I'd normally be thrilled to hear, but the sound of it now terrifies me. I open my eyes only to the the person I wanted to protect the most staring down at me from on top of the cliff.


The next few chapters are gonna be so good. I hope this one was ok!

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