I Lived {Girl Meets World}(Di...

By Creativity77

11.6K 368 140

"...I, I did it all I, I did it all I owned every second that this world could give I saw so many places, the... More

1: I Have Cancer
2: Calling Maya
3: Telling the Class
4: Complicated
5: The Bucket List
6: Reading the Bucket List
7: Teens Sing
8: Take On the World
9: Drawing
10: Drawing Takes Practice
11: Cheery Clothes
12: Missy the Bully
13: Pretending to Be Sick
14: Text Messages
15: Don't Tell Them
16: Geralyn (Survivor)
17: Making Pizza
18: Telling Cory and Topanga
19: Pizza Aftermath
20: Maya's House
21: Learning a Song
A/N: Updating Schedule and Music GMW Edits
A/N: Sorry for the delay
22: Love Story
23: Morning Argument
24: I Had a Bad Dream
25: Telling the Class Again
A/N: Thank you!!!
26: Riley's Song (Something More)
27: Away from the Sun
A/N: My Spelling Bee Story
28: Good Comebacks Save Lives
A/N: Leap Day
29: Missy Knows
30: Are You Taking Her?
A/N: I'm Back!/Thanks for 3,000+ votes in total!
31: The Scavenger Hunt
A/N: The Flu
32: Life of the Party
A/N: 2-Year Anniversary
A/N: I Am So Sorry...
33: Bunnies
34: Winning a Vacation Through COOL Radio
35: We're Going to Europe!
36: COOL Radio Headquarters
A/N: 200 Followers!+My School Field Trip
37: Coming Out to Cory
38: To the Airport!
A/N: My Graduation Story
A/N: Going on Vacation
A/N: Ask Creativity77
40: You Saved My Life!
41: Let Me Be Myself
42: Ride
A/N: Lyric Videos
43: On Top of the World
44: Rescue Me
A/N: I'm Going On Vacation Again
45: If I Lose Myself
A/N: School...
46: Geronimo
47: Live Like We're Dying

39: Finally in Spain!

101 4 1
By Creativity77

Chapter Thirty-Nine
Riley Matthews

It was now 12:00 at night in Spain and after a long day of traveling, we had just arrived at our Marriott in Barcelona about an hour ago. Mom, Dad, Auggie, Maya, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and I were all stunned by the hotel's beauty. The hotel itself was painted a cheery yellow color and was fourteen stories high. Out in the back, they had two large swimming pools. The pool area was decorated by palm trees and gorgeous flowers. If you walked past the pool area, then you would find a beautiful sandy beach with a beautiful blue ocean. Not only that, but the hotel had a mini mall attached to it where you could get ice cream and buy souvenirs. The hotel also had a couple of restaurants that you could eat at. Furthermore, they had a large gym where you could get a nice workout. In addition, the hotel had a beautiful spa where you could get a lovely massage and have your hair and nails done.

    My personal favorite part of it all were our hotel rooms. Mom, Dad, and Auggie stayed in one room, while Lucas, Farkle, and Zay shared another. Maya and I had the third room all to ourselves. Each room had a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a washing room, and two bathrooms. Each bedroom had two queen-sized beds and a medium-sized flat screen tv. Each living room had two small couches, one large couch that could be pulled out into a bed, and a large flat screen tv. Each kitchen had a full-sized refrigerator, cabinets to store food, an oven, a stove, a microwave, a coffee maker, pots, plates, bowls, and utensils. The washing room, of course, had a washing machine to wash clothes and a drying machine to dry them off. The one bathroom was attached to the living room and had a large shower in it. The other bathroom was attached to the bedroom and had a large bathtub that had jets in it so that it could be used as a jacuzzi. Boy, was I going to love it here! I am so happy that Maya was able to win this wonderful trip for all of us!

    Since all of us were starving and none of the restaurants were open, as soon as we all got settles in our hotel rooms, we decided to call room service. I decided to get a cheeseburger and boy was it delicious! I think it was one of the best cheeseburgers that I'be ever eaten! I cannot wait to see what other kinds of delicious foods Spain has in store for me. Since it would still technically only be 6:00 in the evening back in New York, none of us were tired enough to go to sleep yet. Therefore, Maya, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and I decided that we were going to go explore the hotel some more, then go for a night swim in one of the pools. So as soon as Lucas, Farkle, and Zay put their t-shirts and swim trunks on and Maya and I put our swimsuits and coverups on, we all met each other in the hotel lobby.

    "Ah, smell that nice, wonderful Spanish air!" Zay announced as he, Maya, Farkle, Lucas, and I stepped outside of the hotel.

    We all just giggled.

    "And, hey, look at this view!" Lucas added.

    Our Marriott had quite a lovely entrance. It had a little stream going around it, so you have to walk across a little boardwalk in order to get to the front doors. There were also exotic flowers that you would not usually see back in America all around it. In front of the hotel, there was a loop that you could pull into to unload or load up all of your luggage. The loop was also a spot for taxis to pick you up and drop you off, so if you wanted to go anywhere, there would already be a taxing waiting for you. Our Marriott was placed on quite a busy street. We all just stood there for a second as we watched all different types of cars zoom down it. Somehow, in the middle of the darkness, I was able to spot a small, bright light. I just squinted at it.

    "What the heck is that?" I asked.

    "What the heck is what?" Farkle asked.

    "That," I replied, pointing towards the light.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my girlfriend and best friends' eyes searching for what I was talking about.

    "Riles, what the heck are you talking about?" Maya asked with a confused look on her face.

    Before I could answer Maya, I realized that what I had been looking at was the screen of someone's smartphone.

    "Wait, it's someone's smartphone," I announced, "But why would someone be out here just to be on their phone so late at night?"

    Everybody just gave me confused faces.

    "What are you talking about, Riley?" Maya questioned.

    "Yeah, I don't see no smartphone!" Zay added.

    "Me neither!" Maya, Lucas, and Farkle all agreed.

    All of the sudden, I saw the screen of the smartphone move under the light that was being given off by a streetlight on the sidewalk. I learned that the smartphone belonged to a Spanish girl with dark hair who looked around our age. The girl was on the corner of the sidewalk and looked as if she was about to cross despite all of the cars speeding by. That's when I realized that by the way that the girl looked so engaged in what she was doing on her phone, she was not paying attention to the surroundings around her. All of the sudden, I got a bad gut feeling. I knew exactly what I had to do.

    "MISS, WAIT!!!" I cried as I ran onto the sidewalk and towards the girl, "STOP, MISS!!!"

    Unfortunately, the girl was too lost in the virtual words that her phone consisted of to hear me. Either that, or she did not speak English and did not know I was talking to her.

    "RILEY, STOP!!!" I heard Farkle shout after me.

    "RILEY, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Lucas yelled.

    I quickly whipped my head around to see that Farkle, Lucas, Maya, and Zay were all chasing after me. I just decided to ignore them and turn my head around. I knew that what I was doing was dangerous, but I knew that what would be coming next would not be pretty unless I did something about it. Just as I was about fifteen feet away from the girl, she stepped into the street without looking. A red car that was now speeding towards her honked its horn at her as it applied its breaks. That got the girls attention. Startled, the phone slipped out of the girl's hands and she finally looked up. Being scared to death, the girl immediately froze up, unable to move out of the way. Knowing that there was no way that the car was going to be able to stop in time, I began running at sonic speed. Just as the car was two feet away from the girl, I stepped onto the street and grabbed ahold of her shoulders. Quickly, I pulled the girl back to the corner of the sidewalk with me, saving her from being hit by the car.

    The girl was extremely petrified. I could hear her breathing heavily and her heart thumping loudly. Instead of getting out to see if we were alright, the driver in the red car just angrily honked at us as they continued to drive by.

    "RILEY, ARE YOU OK?!?!" Maya shouted as she, Zay, Lucas, and Farkle had finally caught up with me, "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!?!"

    Instead of answering Maya, I just ignored her and my friends and turned towards the girl that I had just saved. "Are you ok?"

    The girl just looked up at me with something that looked like a mixture of fear, relief, and gratefulness.

    A/N: Hello, everyone! 😀 Sorry for taking so long. I honestly have no excuses this time since I got home from my vacation on Wednesday and I could have updated then. All I have to blame is my procrastination and laziness, but that's really no excuse, so I really am sorry! Anyways, I probably won't be able to update for a bit since I have a busy week coming up. I will be going to a baseball game for my mom's b-day on July 4th. Then, my birthday is on July 7th and I will be going out for lunch with my family and will be seeing a movie with my parents after. On the 5th, I will be out all day with my grandparents, shopping for my birthday gift. Then, on July 9th, I am having a sleepover at the campground that I went to for my school trip for my birthday. We are coming home on the 10th and are all going to be bushed! I will not be able to update on the 8th either because I have to help my mom prepare for the campground. Maybe I will update on the 6th but I think I might also have a few things to do that day as well.

Enjoy the rest of your day/night, everybody! 😃


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