Tratie imagines

By 2gypsy

126K 2.5K 1.3K

Tratie imagines (Travis Stoll & Katie Gardner imagines) They will be random imagines/AU imagines as well, enj... More

*Sleepy Katie
*"Um do you wanna dance?"
*Soccer Tratie [AU]
*Valentine's Day
*High School Bestfriends AU
*Morning Tea
*St. Patricks Day
*First Day of Spring
*April Fool's Day
*Phone lock srcreens
*Floor sliding
*Suprise visit!
100 truths! *gasp*
*Love Story by Taylor Swift
*tricks and a treat
Thanksgiving story
*Tis the season...
St. Patrick's Day [2]
*What team?
*Besties for the Resties
*Fireworks [2]
*"How? I thought you were. . . Huh?"
*College AU
*Gingerbread houses
*Broken Heater
*Blind Date

*Possessed Nymphs?¿

1.8K 49 76
By 2gypsy

Dedicated to: Guppy9263 thanks for the request, hopefully I do it justice!!💜
Travis's POV:
I really don't know how it happened but somehow Katie ended lying on the ground, unconscious on the border of camp. You see, I was on border patrol with another guy from the Demeter cabin when I heard him scream a name.

"Katie!" the boy screamed. I ran as fast as I could to the young boy.

"Is everything okay kid?" I asked. I really shouldn't have, as his face said it all. He already had tears streaming down his face and was ready to run towards her.

"Wait! Stay inside camp borders, I don't want you hurt too." The boy nodded, still looking at his dead-looking half sister.

Please gods, don't let her be dead. I still have some pranks left for her! Well, and she deserves to live her life. I mean, I might hate her but she does deserves to live.

I quickly ran to Katie's side, checking her pulse and everything. I guess I was too nervous because I just couldn't tell if her pulse was there or not.

"Dang it." I muttered, "alright let's carry you back to camp." I started to pick her up when a voice stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going Travis?"

I searched all around, no one was there. I called out but was greeted with, "Oh Travis, we are everywhere. Can't you see us?" I looked all around and saw things I didn't see before: nymphs. But these nymphs didn't look right, they looked possessed.

"Um, I'm just gonna take Katie here back to camp, so you know, you guys can't hurt her more..."

The nymphs cackled. "Oh Travis, son of Hermes, you aren't going anywhere." The nymphs narrowed their eyes, "See, we want to kill you and the daughter of Demeter," their eyes glowed a dark red, "Katie."

Yep, they are definitely possessed. And I'm definitely screwed.

"Alright, but before you kill us can I do one last thing?" I asked.

The nymphs looked at each other for confirmation. "Fine"

"Okay thanks." I quickly set down Katie and drew my sword. "Who wants to be injured first, since you know, I don't really want to kill you but you know, if I have to then I have to."

They rolled their eyes. "You speak too much son of Her-" I slashed my sword at on of the nymphs faces. They all glared at me and then started fighting me.

After ten minutes, but what felt like an eternity, I was down to fifteen nymphs, the rest were laying injured around us.

"Just give up Travis. You're outnumbered still. Go rest, leave Katie to die."

"Yeah no."

Seven of the nymphs started at me, the rest going for Katie. Ugh you've got to me kidding me.

I was literally standing over Katie and fighting the nymphs. I was praying to the gods that she wouldn't regain consciousness right then but nope, that's what happens.

I slashed my sword at the nymphs, leaving gashes on their arms and faces when Katie opened her eyes.

"What the Hades?! Travis get off of me!"

I rolled my eyes and slashed at another possessed nymph. "I'm not on you, just over you. Do you think you can fight?"

Katie rubbed her eyes and her eyelids fluttered. "Uh, not really. I feel...feel very tired. Hey is my head bleeding?"

"Umm, I can't really look right now Katie. But just lay still for like, two minutes."

"Mm'kay" Katie closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Right as I was about to slash the last nymph, the little Demeter boy came back with a few campers.

"I'm so sorry Travis! I just, my small legs can't run that fast!"

I slashed the last nymph and carefully lifted Katie bridle style over to the other campers.

I crouched down to the kid. "It's fine little guy. Just make sure to get Katie to the infirmary quick okay buddy?"

The boy nodded. "Yes Travis! But uh, you should go too. You have some injuries yourself."

"Alright, I'll fast walk back with you guys."
I guess my injuries were worse than I thought because I was out for a week. A WEEK OF NO PRANKING! But it was all okay because the camp figured out the whole possessed nymph situation so that's good.

It was weird though. When I woke up I was the only one left in the infirmary, it was pretty unsettling. Until I found the note:

Hey Travis! It's me Katie (okay this is already awkward). I just wanted to say thanks for protecting me. I don't even remember what I was doing outside of camp borders... Oh well. Sorry if I was a pain to protect. But I hope you like the gift I gave you in return!
-Katie Gardner
P.s. Everyone is at breakfast. Get up lazy bones, everyone misses you (surprisingly) :P

Oh Katie, I thought, what a gal. I lifted the note up and saw a basket of ripe strawberries and another note that said 'maybe we can plan a prank together while eating strawberries later? I hear Connor did some pranking without you while you were gone. Just thought you'd want to make up for lost time... -Katie'

Dang, I should protect her more often.


Hey I guess this is the quickest update ever???? 2 within 24 hours!! I wrote this one and the fireworks one around the same time :)

I really hope this lives up to your request Guppy9263 :)

Oooo quick question: who would teach the other to drive: Travis would teach Katie or Katie would teach Travis??? (For a possible one shot)

Have a lovely day my friends! :)

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